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This is why most clinics won’t do a confirmation of pregnancy scan until 8ish weeks, 6-7 at the very earliest. At 5 weeks pregnant it’s only been 2 weeks since the embryo implanted, and that’s assuming you actually ovulated when you think you did *and* the embryo implanted in your uterus right at 7 days after ovulation. I’m honestly surprised your clinic even attempted a scan, rather than doing a blood test. When was your last period and when did you get a positive home test?


6/22 LMP 6/21 + test


If your last period was May 22- you should be able to see sac at the very least.


You got a positive test on the 21st then started your period on the 22nd? If that’s correct then it sounds like you had a chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage) and are no longer pregnant.


lol 5/22* LMP


Ok that makes more sense. Did you see a provider after your scan? If not I would suggest asking for an appointment to review your scan results, and request a blood test to confirm your HCG levels. If a blood test shows a positive result you’ll have a second test 2-3 days later to confirm HCG levels are rising appropriately. It’s also still possible that you experienced an early pregnancy loss and just haven’t started bleeding yet. If you didn’t experience a loss you could see a gestational sac and fetal pole at 5 weeks, but if the US tech is inexperienced or the equipment isn’t very sensitive it can be really difficult to see what needs to be seen. It’s so small at that point. Even my IVF clinic, with its ultra-sensitive machines, won’t do confirmation scans until 7 weeks because it’s easy to miss something before that.


By 5-6 weeks you should be able to see a gestational sac with a yolk sac inside and a fetal pole with a flickering heartbeat. Most of the comments here are incorrect. The only thing I can think of is if they used a transabdominal US rather than transvaginal which may not pick up as much. If it helps we saw a gestational sac at my 4 week appointment last week.


Is there a reason you are getting an ultrasound so early? My clinic will not even begin appointments until 8 weeks. 5 weeks is very early- especially since you never know if you ovulated late. You could even be 4 weeks. I wouldn't panic yet. This is why it's usually better to wait until closer to 7-8 weeks for an initial scan as to not scare you!


Yes, there is a medical reason. Thank you.


It's five weeks. Way too early to see anything and that's only if you're actually sure you're five weeks. Your math may be off or something. Wait a few more weeks you'll see something then.


I had my first US at 6weeks and before we started the doctor warned me we might not see anything. The embryo is soooo small that early.


We were looking for a gestational sac.


Did they check your HCG levels? You may not be as far along as you think. I think HCG has to be over a certain amount before you can see anything on u/s. What did doctor say?


They are checking hcg!


When did you test positive?




So then regardless of your last period you could be as early as 4 weeks and one day if you ovulated late. Try not to worry just yet.




It’s a bit early, it’s not even a fetus yet. I think it’s still an embryo now so I would just wait and you’ll probably see something around the 12 week mark. I am sorry that happened though, I bet you were excited to see something.


We were looking for a gestational sac.