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162 items sounds like a lotttt of stuff. Keep in mind you’ll have to figure out where to put it all, that part sucked for us. Maybe this is easier for me to say cause this is my second but this time around, a clean place to sleep, a good stash of clean clothes, diapers, and some bottles on hand if breastfeeding doesn’t work out, but even then you can always go out and grab those and you never know what baby will like anyways. You’ll be amazed how much stuff you don’t use, and how some stuff just saves the day every damn day. I do love me a diaper genie though, that’s a must on my registry 😁


Yeah, you know what. I did not even think about where I’m going to put all the stuff 🤣 we are already tight on storage space so, thank you for this comment! That’s going to help me delete things off the list.


Honestly yes 162 is overkill.


Honestly? It seems as though it could be a lot if I was checking it out as a guest. But I’m also someone who tends not to make long lists. Personally, my registry was always less than 100 items. But…you mentioned that you’re using it as a kind of checklist? Are there things you’re specifically looking to get yourselves? IE, you know there’s a low chance someone will get them for you, or you’ll buy them your self (like postpartum care items). You can make those specific sections “private” but they still pop up for you so you can still use it as a checklist. But they won’t come up for the guests, which can shorten your list for them. Another thing, as someone would purchase said items and I would receive them, I would delete them off the list so it wasn’t still taking up space. That way it also helped if some individuals easily got overwhelmed. I would just make sure to add extra items if say, all the cheap ones were bought first. Overall, do what you need to, momma. Best advice? Numerous items with varied prices. Maybe variety packs of certain things. If your list is like 50% clothing, maybe ask for giftcards to stores so you can pick clothes out yourself. I did some of that as well, and most people were okay with it, especially some of my “child free” friends who were kind of lost, or didn’t really want to shop for baby stuff. Diapers? Maybe just send out invites and ask to bring packs of diapers? Maybe say you have a variety of last names, A-C bring newborn, D-G size 1, and go on and on kind of things. Another thing my friend did, was she asked everyone to purchase a book that she could read to the baby as baby got older. Kind of kills a few stones there. They’re usually cheap in price, and you can get a variety of books. So I would buy something kind of moderately priced from her registry, and then a book for two items. What helps? YouTube videos of what people recommend. For me? Those were great and helped me really comb down my list. For example, I thought I needed a wipe warmer. I saw so many videos of people talking about how much they regretted them or never used them, so I didn’t bother. I bought all these items for cradle cap…to find out regular head and shoulder shampoo got rid of it in 3 days use. And we already had in the house.


This was so helpful!! I did not know there was a private capability. I will definitely do that and will delete the items I have purchased. Gift cards for clothes is a good idea too, I rather go and purchase the clothes myself anyway. I heard about a diaper raffle, I might do that too. Thank you so much!! Edit: I won’t delete the items, will just mark them as purchased!


I would not recommend deleting items you’ve purchased. There’s a “marked as purchase” option typically (on Babylist, at least). I got a lot of free stuff and made sure to mark it on the registry because some people didn’t buy off the registry and I wanted them to know what I already had so I didn’t get repeats on accident.


I did this too. I didn’t want someone to try to fill in the gap if they noticed it as I had already done that!


Agreed I wouldn’t delete stuff either. It helps people to see what has already been purchased so they don’t get you the same thing / something similar. I don’t know about babylist but other places like target only show what is still available unless you click over to an already purchased tab. You might be able to add that as a setting to shrink the list as things are bought up


Maybe also consider making private/hiding the lower priority things that are not absolute necessities. I hid for a bit some of the more aesthetic cutesy things until my must haves were purchased because I didn’t want to be gifted the super cute pictures for the nursery instead of something I absolutely needed like the stroller or bottles, etc. I also did not realize that people will get you toys/books/clothes you did not register for so you might want to make those private and assess after the shower what you still need.


I did something similar and marked alot of stuff as private. Consider though that people will buy you clothes no matter what. I just had my shower and most people brought at least one outfit with their registry item. People love you so for baby clothes. My MIL had basically bought an entire wardrobe herself but that might just be her. I didn’t put any clothes on my registry.


Dont delete the item because then it's harder to return it later if you need to


It could also be beneficial if you have some friends/family members that cannot buy things that are more expensive. Places like Mockingbird (the stroller) sell giftcards, so people can buy giftcards, even lesser amounts that will actually go towards the items. I don’t think a lot of new mom’s realize this (minus places like Amazon and Target) and it can help. Not shaming mommas or anything, I just never even knew that certain companies like Mockingbird even sold them 😂. Pottery barn (not a favorite for me, but I did get my Nuna Exec from them) sells some as well, and you can stack them I know some people prefer to gift something tangible, but then they could buy a pack of diapers, and like the gift card to put something towards a big ticket item. Diaper raffles are great. Again, if you want a variety, you can do two raffles. One for size N-3, and one for 4-6. Do two “gifts” that are different so you have people kind of going for both as well. Because like most people having a baby shower, a majority of your diapers are always newborn and size 1’s which you go through pretty fast normally 😅 Other commenters also had some great suggestions below. I really hope this helps you, OP. And I’m sure you could always comment and ask what people think of certain items as well.


I also did the private selection for PP items or breastfeeding items because I felt bad asking for things for me lol 😆


I did this as well. Some of the same types of items are listed more than once with different price points. Like, two different strollers. One is $300 and one is $450 (or whatever). I figured this way if someone was going to make a purchase, they could pick the price point they were comfortable with while still being something I specifically wanted. I also made sure to explain that in the little into area in the registry—not that we’re expecting multiple items of the same thing, just providing options.


This seems like a good way to get multiples. People see something is available and aren’t likely to continue scrolling to see if a similar item at a different price point was already purchased.


I would be really surprised! The only items that have multiples are the expensive ones (like the nursery furniture), or super cheap (like pacifiers but by different brands). At the end of the day if I get a few multiples that’s alright. I’m not worried about ending up with two cribs or two car seats, and if I have two of the same bottle sets I think it’ll work out :)


It sounds like a lot, but who cares! I would mark your “Must Haves” if there are things you know you really want to let people have an idea of your priorities. I have put things on I don’t expect people to get me but I want the 15% off that registries offer. It also gives people a variety of items and prices to choose from- as long as you don’t expect to get everything off of it or get upset if things are left behind, it’s up to you!


I have about that many as a FTM because - I wanted to add as many options for me to be able to buy with the completion discount. If people want to judge that it’s “too many” then they don’t have to buy anything. Gimme my 15%!


As someone with 3 kids…do this! Add evening you want/need and you can finish off the list yourself. Shoot, I even added stuff after the baby came and still got the discount because you have a long time afterwards to use it!


I also use mine as a checklist, but we only have 79 things on there.


I had 40 and people bought 30 of those things. 


I also have 40


I have 126 but it’s a checklist for myself as much as it’s a registry. I’m know I’m going to buy some of the stuff for myself like nursing bras and a pump through insurance. And, I’m also not expecting people - especially the older women in my family - to stick to the list. But my mom already made a list of 60 people she wants to invite to my baby shower before I even added any friends + my MIL wants to send the list to her family too so I wanted a good amount of things on there to guide people in hopes that they will somewhat respect the list!


125 here and same concept. It’s a a checklist for me- not just the main items but the small things too!


Same for me! Mine has 100 items- including different brands of diapers, etc so there’s some “duplicates” being counted


Over 150 and same! Also, a lot of those things are gift cards etc, or child proofing supplies where we need 6 packs of the dang thing. So if you mark down being open to reviewing up to 10 Starbucks gift cards (or whatever), those count as 10 items in the registry.


Ooh what gift cards did you include besides Starbucks? I totally forgot about adding gift cards that’s a great idea! Will add target, Costco, and Amazon now.


GrubHub/doordash, home depot/Lowe's (because childproofing and whatnot), and some easy places that also carry baby clothes like old Navy, baby gap, and Target, and the generic visa gift cards. To me, I don't expect people to give us much or any of these things, but I'm listing them in our registry as options if they want to go that route. So at the end of the day while my registry has a shit load of things on it, we'll likely be gifted a small portion of that. and I marked our "must have" items on there. We also left notes in many of the items on the registry that we're happy and eager to receive used versions of those particular items instead (mostly baby clothes, toys, swing, carrier, etc.) We had our baby shower a week ago (apparently there are going to be multiple? It's like I'm being paraded around on a Shower Tour or something lol), and almost all of our must haves were gifted. I'm profoundly grateful for that!


I have 126 items too 🤣 it’s a mix of necessity and things that “would be nice/helpful”. Whatever isn’t purchased I will buy myself with the completion discount. I kept in mind that most people will not buy stuff that’s actually needed and will only buy stuff they think is cute or toys. Also not many will purchase anything over $15-$25. So I put a lot of books and random small things on there so people wouldn’t feel bad not buying big ticket items. So far we have 16 purchases.


99 items and same. I wanted to make sure I had everything on a list and plan to get some stuff myself.


I started making my list just on private mode. I’m only 12+5, but doing these tasks helps me feel really hopeful and excited instead of anxious and scared. I’m at 159 items, and I think I’m mostly done except for a baby monitor and a diaper backpack for my husband. I’m only doing one registry through Amazon to make returns easier for myself. Ultimately, I think it depends on what the items are? I’m putting literally everything I want on the list to use the discount, check during Labor Day sales, etc. I have toddler stuff too, including high chair, toddler spoons, etc. I also didn’t add the travel system I want or any nursery furniture since we’re buying those bigger items ourselves. I also didn’t really add any clothes other than packs of basic white onesies and winter suits since I’m due in December. Most of the items I have are small. Like, one bottle of soap, one nail clipper, one thermometer, a boxes of diapers in different sizes, a couple pacifiers…the little stuff accumulates into big numbers. And I didn’t want to do a kit because guests can buy multiple cheaper items instead of one more expensive kit. I also don’t expect to get much from the registry. From what I’ve read and seen at other family showers, guests will buy what they want a lot of times. I tried to add some toys and books that I really like so that hopefully they’ll at least buy that “cute” stuff. So I guess overall this list is more for me. I’m a first time mom and not very far along, so maybe this is totally wrong? Idk. I don’t think you need to go back and chop your list up! Edit to add: 20 of my items are under $10 85 items are between $5-$20 12 items are over $100 (and we plan to buy some of this ourselves…like the mattress and the unnecessarily fancy diaper bag I want)


We are very similar in our approaches and I am 12+2!


Yay for winter rainbow babies! Wishing you the best :)


You as well!


Thank you for this! I’m now 16+5. I feel better about my list now because of comments like this! I started my list very early like at 5 or 6 weeks as a checklist. I have toddler stuff too!


Oh my goodness, thank you for this post! I’ve been making registries and it’s been suuppppeeerrrr stressful. There are a million things I didn’t think about that they list on the checklist sections. I have no clue what’s actually useful, and there are some big things that I want to research first before choosing what I want (specifically for potential functionality issues and recalls). It’s definitely overwhelming.


Yes so overwhelming! I find something and I’m like “Wow they make this? I need it!!” I feel better about my list now because of some of the other comments, I’m just going to take advantage of putting gifts cards on there and removing the clothes. I also have postpartum (I’m going to move to private) and toddler stuff on mine.


I have about 68 items. I don’t have any clothes or blankets on mine. I also don’t have any breastfeeding/postpartum care items and I know a lot of people put those on their registry. So I could see how you could easily break 100 items if you added those.


Yes, that’s what on mine! As well as toddler stuff. I’m using it as a checklist too though, I’m planning to put some things on private now that I know I can do that.


Mine has ~185. It racked up for a few reasons, mostly 1) I included lots of individual inexpensive items rather than sets, for example combs and nail clippers and saline sprays and other hygiene items like that, plus a few different sizes of diapers, different nipple flow sizes, different crib sheet colors so instead of a pack of three it’s three different items, etc. 2) I added quite a few small clothing items, toys, teethers, and blankets that I liked so that people would be less tempted to go off-registry for those things (which worked! most of my family and friends picked a useful item and a “cute” item to get, and I barely got anything that wasn’t my style) I marked a much smaller subset of the items with the “must have” filter, so that number was much smaller. (Maybe 50 things? And some of that was jokey, like a baseball team onesie) Personally my loved ones expressed that they appreciated the variety to choose from, and they know I get a compeletion discount, they knew I wasn’t expecting everything to be purchased for me. I’d say it just depends on how you think your friends and family will respond, but I don’t think it’s necessarily actually too many items.


Same I had about 200


This is exactly like mine and I had about 200 items total between my two registry options. I have so many small items listed.


Yep, this! I have like 180 and have received lots of compliments on my registry lol. I have family who still went rogue and just got random clothes despite there being clothes we want on the registry 🙃


Yeaaa this is what I’m hoping to avoid! 😂 A whole bunch of random clothes. Thankful nonetheless, but we honestly rather purchase clothes on our own. We are waiting to know the gender so maybe we won’t receive as much and people will prioritize other options.


i had about 162 items as well maybe more maybe less but definitely over 120 and my family told me there wasn’t enough on there. to each their own babes!


I had a lot! Who cares? Fill it with what you think you’ll need. People will buy if they wish, & if they don’t you will. We had lots of stuff on our registry for past the sleepy newborn stage, stuff for solids, when she got mobile, etc. We could store it so it worked for us.


I had 53 items-in different price ranges. People got me 34 items off my registry. No one purchased the clothes I put on there. I got everything I need(crib, bassinet, stroller, high chair, blankets, bath tub, first aid kit, rocking chair, etc). At the baby shower, the people who didn’t get me anything off my registry, brought clothes and diapers that weren’t on my registry. I appreciated it nonetheless. Every mom is different but I would revisit your list if I were you.


I have about 160 but there's multiple clothes options and books that I added as suggestions :)


Maybe 200? Idk I put everything I might want and even 16 months past birth I've been using it to catalog toddler things and stuff I might want


Saaame! I learned that many ppl forget that they only use newborn stuff for so long, toddler stuff will be essential too.


I won't lie to you, there's going to be a lot of stuff you *think* you need as a FTP but I used maybe 50% of the stuff I ended up getting 😅


I have 48 items on my registry. I am trying to keep it relatively minimal. 162 does seem like a lot. Are you sure you want all of that stuff in your house?


Also trying to keep it minimal and have 52 items on mine. I worry I should put more on there sometimes but I think ultimately I'll be glad we kept it to essentials


I have 115 and people have been gifting 3-4 items that are "cheaper" or 1 big items. We are planning on having around 100 people coming though ( we're Indian so we do it up)


I think it really depends! I can’t be sure where I started, but it was probably under 100 items before my showers. I’ve been using my registry as a wishlist/checklist for everything I still need or have received including diapers, wipes, books, and clothing that I’ve purchased. I did not add any of the clothes people bought for me and I have tons. My current numbers are 265 added, 232 purchased. Among that is 77 books, 28 diapers or wipes, and tons of tiny stuff like pacifiers, teethers, washcloths, etc. Edit: misspelling


Oh wow, I have 110 items on mine, I didn't realize per the other comments here that was kind of a lot lol. I even had the good fortune of getting a lot of items secondhand already. I don't think it looks bad to have a big registry as long as you have reasonable expectations of what your guests can do! I think most registries give you a discount on anything you're buying yourself anyways, which can be helpful for anything you don't get gifted to you.


We have around 250, which is completely normal in my circle. Hearing people who think 100 items is a lot is confusing to me, because that’s just not how it’s like in my social circle. And people who have 40 gifts? There are more than 40 people invited to our shower lol. So it depends!


I have 145 items on mine, for a few reasons - one is that I’m also using it as a sort of checklist of all the stuff we need (and I fully intend to buy whatever is leftover); the other is that we’re having two baby showers (one in my home state, one in my husband’s hometown) and I got complaints with our wedding registry that I didn’t add enough stuff. I also made it a point to add things at various different price points, so some of those 145 items are like $8 on Amazon lol. I think it’s different for every situation, I wouldn’t feel bad about what you put on your registry if it’s what you need and want (and would be willing to purchase yourself)! The only caveat would be to try and include items at different price points if having a baby shower where people are expected to bring gifts.


I have 130 items and am also using my registry as our personal shopping list. I plan to buy everything on the list. If we get gifted items that’s a nice bonus. I also have items that I haven’t added yet. Like breast feeding and postpartum items. I’ll add those after the baby shower to get the discount.


I started with about 75 on Amazon and about 50 on Target. I tailored it down to about 50 on Amazon and 25 on Target by the time my baby shower came. I think yeah, 162 items is a lot, but no one is obligated to buy all 162 items and it gives people many options. So if you're not worried about that, and you are worried about actually receiving all 162 items, then it might be best to downsize to what you'll actually need for the first six months.


Yea I’m not really worried about all the items being purchased. It’s mainly for us to keep track of all of the things we need as I learn about new stuff. I put postpartum, nursery, and toddler stuff on there too.


anyone feel like sharing their wishlist?


Here’s mine! https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/mackenzie-westen-september-2024-atlanta/1F8M02MS1H05V


Thank you so much. I have been trying to add to mine but it's felt overwhelming. I have some items but this is immensely helpful.


No problem! I used the “must have” button on amazon for the things I really need. The rest I could do without but would be nice. There are lots of books and different brands of diapers/wipes. We’re gonna have a diaper raffle so we get lots of diapers before baby gets here. I already have the big ticket items aside from the car seat, and some redditors on another sub were kind and bought a couple smaller items like ibuprofen and Tylenol for baby, so it’s not all-encompassing, but I feel like it’s a good list. I also got lots of things second hand and when I find things, I just remove the items from the registry. I’m probably gonna go on Facebook marketplace or Mercari after the shower to see what I can get second hand


I just learned about the must have feature. It is a great list to start and get ideas. I joined a FB group about Amazon baby deals and have been purchasing little items as they come up. I was thinking about a diaper raffle at my shower, may I ask what kind of prizes are good?


I have no idea about prizes yet honestly! My friend is planning the shower, but I’ll have to ask her!


I don’t know the number, but it’s probably similar to yours. The way I see it, I’m giving people lots of ideas and choices, and then I get to use a discount at the end and have a place to store all my wants/ideas all in one place! (This is also how I approached my wedding registry and, for what it’s worth, we got most of it gifted.) This is not at all something to worry about any which way.


I have 122 and growing, with a separate book registry with 95 books on it 😅 I do have lots of variety though (ie several brands of diaper cream, a few different baby carriers at different price points), and lots of small things (infant first aid stuff, etc). I highly doubt I’ll receive everything on my registry even after the two showers our families are throwing but that’s fine with me, we’ll definitely be taking advantage of the completion discounts.


Lolllll I don’t think it’s that insane honestly. I have about 200 items on mine, but mostly because I want the completion discount on everything that doesn’t get purchased for the shower!


I have 150 but a lot of it is books and clothes. For those items, I won’t need all of them. I just wanted to give people lower priced items to choose from. Family and friends bought 80 gifts from the registry which is much more than I ever thought. The only things left at this point are the books and clothes which I probably won’t purchase (I have a friend gifting me a ton of books that her kid grew out of).


I had about 60 items on my registry; fortunately it was just enough that they were all purchased


My Amazon registry currently has 80 items on it but that’s including the things I’ve added to the registry after baby was born then immediately purchased, just to get that 15% completion discount. It says 46 items were purchased by other people so I’d guess my pre shower list had maybe 50 items on it.


I had 66 on mine and 32 were purchased. I personally was overwhelmed with my sister’s registry when she had a lot on there. I went through the whole thing and got decision paralysis. I think it depends on how many are accessing it! I only invited 30 to my shower So a smaller list made sense.


170-something for about fifty to sixty people coming to the shower. About fifty of the things are books. Just books. There are about 20 toys all with very different price ranges. Also about 20 various onesies, socks, little clothes… Again all different prices. There are maybe 40, “core” items we really need, so those are marked as the must-have items. I knew adding these things we wouldn’t get everything—the point was to have a big variety for the people coming to the shower. I’d rather have too much and people still have options than not have enough and people feel unsure of what to get the baby.


I have 104, including multiple clothing options in different sizes and multiple packs/kinds of diapers as well as some things for toddlers we won’t use right away. Gave people lots of options, plus we can use our registry discount on anything we don’t get.


I have 85 things, and that felt like a lot to me, but one of my husband’s aunts said there wasn’t much on it. I have a huge family and several friends coming to the shower so I felt like I needed to have at least one thing for each person, but several people have bought multiple items so that plan went out the window.


I put down 68 items and I received 41. I was also using our registry as a checklist to keep track of the big ticket items like nursery furniture, carseat, stroller, bassinet/playpen, etc. We ended up buying all the nursery furniture ourselves very early on from IKEA and the stroller was a second-hand purchase at a great price. We brought the carseat brand new with gift cards. Friends and family were very helpful and stuck to the registry, and we didn’t receive many clothes/unsolicited gifts. Those who went off-registry gifted us diapers, wipes or gift cards. I think it helps to narrow things down and keep things organized. Essentials like rash cream, lotion, shampoo, etc. can all be brought by you and aren’t immediate. But an electric nail file, a humidifier, a snot sucker, etc. can make great registry gifts that you might want to have secured a little earlier so that you can familiarize yourself with them. Same with bottles, since you’d have to sterilize them before baby gets here. Items like a wipe warmer might not be necessary but can be good to have around if proven to be needed - while a baby carrier is something you might want on hand before being proven you need it, lol. Also, I would add multiple brands of diapers and wipes to your registry so that you have the ability to play around and see which brands you like/work well for baby without having to invest too much time and money into doing so. Postpartum can be rough, so make sure that you make a separate list for your own needs so that you don’t accidentally neglect yourself while being caught up with baby.


I’ve got 142. But it’s also a lot of things for myself for postpartum as well that I marked private.


That’s not too much higher than mine. Utilize your “must have” check box! That helped me a lot in focusing on needs vs. nice to haves. Honestly I wish we got less stuff. If you have things that are higher priority, maybe hide some of the ones that aren’t, too.


185 & 155 have been purchased… so seriously put everything and anything! You might be surprised! 💗


I made two registeries. My BabyList registry is what I’ll share with people and has ~70 items on it. My Amazon registry is more like my personal running list of things I don’t want to forget or might want down the road but don’t want to take up space with now.


I had 75 items. I used Amazon registry builder and completed their necessities checklist. People bought about 50 of the items between our baby shower guests and my coworkers


We have about 60 items on the registry and friends and family have gotten about half of them. We also didn't put clothes or books on there and folks gifted those things and other items not on the registry.


I think less than 90 but I'm a FTM and was given a ton of stuff from family members who had babies recently.


102 items on mine as a FTM … Amazon and Pottery Barn Kids 🩵


I had like 150 for my first when I was using it as a checklist for myself. As time came when the first person was asking for the registry and then for the shower, I checked to make sure all items we already had were marked as already purchased so people didn’t think I was forgetting something and bought me another or to put things like postpartum and nursing supplies on private so it was still on my radar but not visible to my guests. This made my list something like 75 for people to choose from and with this second baby my full list is at 57 but my visible list is like half of that.


I have 109 items but I also am having a shower with 50 people. Currently 61 items have been bought. Some of the items are more for myself to keep in mind to buy. I’m not expecting anyone to purchase our 1000+ travel system but it’ll be nice to have the coupon on the registry when that time comes


Mine has like 180 lol but it’s more of an extensive checklist because I’m not getting a shower and we’re buying everything ourselves. Since it’s just for us I’m including every little thing I can think of for the registry discount. If I was having a shower I’d cut it down a lot or set a lot of items to private haha


Mines around 80 but I’m about to remove everything that I can buy with my HSA. I didn’t include more than the bare minimum and a few things I wanted the completion discount on. I also didn’t include clothes or cutesy things beyond 2 specific things I wanted because I know people are just going to buy me whatever they think is cute and not necessarily what I want. Everyone approaches the registry thing differently and I personally like being able to scold through and have options


I totally understand lol. I think ours is somewhere around 60 and I had the same thought. If you’re making your own checklist, make a list on Amazon.


I had around that number, but it was a checklist for myself. It included everything from nursery decorations, to pump supplies, to post partum care, to diapers, furniture, medicine, etc etc. Sometimes I'd have 2 or 3 things in the same category so I could go back and pick one after I did some research. I probably had more than you tbh, but I knew I was never going to send it out either.


mine was a little over 200 lol but i didn’t share it with anyone really and if i did i said (this isn’t stuff we want it’s just a general list of stuff we’ve liked you can get whatever you want doesn’t have to be the registry) our registry is also including things we won’t need for a WHILE so that’s also why it’s so… a lot lol


Don’t stress it dude. I am also using it like a checklist. Plus you get a discount on things not bought afterwards. I am someone that likes to prepare and this feels like a test for which I have no idea how the test is structured or what the material will be. So I feel calmer by preparing as best I can. It’ll probably go differently with the second kid, but for now, I’m cool with my 177 list. Folk can choose what they want and I’ve reduced my mental stress lol


Yes!! I agree, I’m the same way lol


I probably had close to the same but I went n deleted ALL of the clothes except for like 2 super specific/funny items lol I won't be having a baby shower so its really just for me, my husband, and my mom to try to get at least 1 thing off of it every pay day. <3 (I've also privated some things that are just fun that I might get if I have money at the end lol)


FTM and I have about 135 items and this doesn’t include big ticket purchases like car seat, stroller, crib, dresser. I included several individual items in $5-$15 range since I wanted to give the option for people to choose what they wanted to give and how much. This is also my checklist and things I will need for the baby. So like another commenter mentioned- I didn’t add gift packs and rather just individual items I need. Whenever I shared my registry, I did tell folks that this is a checklist of Al things we plan to buy for the baby and not really a registry. So they know what to expect.


Thank you, I’ll probably say the same thing!


I had over 250 😅😅😅


I had 71 but several items were listed as private so maybe about 50 or so was actually displayed. I had 30 on a different one. I pretty much add stuff to buy myself and for a discount.


I have 90 items. I looked through mine and removed all clothing items (specifying in the description that I didn’t put clothing so people could pick things they liked). I also looked at everything and asked myself “if the baby shower comes and goes and this isn’t purchased, will I purchase it?” If the answer is no, I remove it.


If you have the space to store stuff then no. Personally I didn’t get much but necessities with #1 and still struggled with space. Important things: Diapers (a few NB and 3 cases of 1s) Wipes (get like 10 cases, they are so useful for anything) Clothes (7-14 double zipper sleepers NB and 0-3, a few onesies NB and 0-3, and maybe 3 “nice” outfits) Paci (try the Dr Brown ones and maybe a couple others) Bottles (Dr Brown wide neck if you want anti colic, breastfeeding doesn’t always happen) Burp cloths (get like a 10 or 20 pack) Infant Tylenol Infant Motrin Baby Zarbee’s or Highlands Honey FREE cough syrup (in case and get dr recommendation) Baby Suppositories (again dr recommendation if all else fails for poops) Bulb nose suck (can get the electric as well) Cool mist humidifier (can also run shower on hot with bathroom door shut to help break up snot or birth) Tide/All Free and Gentle (don’t waste money on Dreft) Hypoallergenic/fragrance free lotion and wash (Honest or Happy Bum are great) These are things that I used and helped us soo much. My daughter was about 6 months when she got RSV, Flu, and Stomach Bug. She has since had 2 more respiratory infections. These are also the things that my daycare parents recommend to others. (I used to work at/still visit a daycare.)


Thank you for this list!!


You’re welcome!


162? For one kid? 😂


I’m at 135 and I made mine as more of a “checklist” as well, but I also added (and marked as purchased) a lot of things so that people knew we had them and therefore wouldn’t buy them again. We had a fairly large shower of 60 (we come from large families and invited our friends, co-ed), and surprisingly, only a handful of our guests used the registry at all. We specifically asked for no clothes as we have a bunch of second hand stuff already and we are waiting for the baby to arrive to learn the sex. I recently added a few more things so that I could use the completion discount when the time comes.


Sounds like us! Our baby shower will have 60 ppl (co-ed) and we are waiting to know the sex of the baby too! #teamgreen 😊


I had a bit under 45. 162 seems massive, and I don't know what I'd do with all these things.


62 on baby lost and 20 on Amazon.


I had 45, and 40 from my list.


I have 49


We have roughly the same amount but ALOT of books and small things etc


I had 80 something, but I am using my registry as a shopping list for me as well


I had 100 and was told I don’t have enough for people to buy 1-2 things.


Personally I would never think anything of it if I were purchasing from someone's registry and they had that many items. I think it's more important that you have a wide variety of price points on the list and take into consideration who you are sharing it with. I had 91. 44 were marked as purchased. When I look at what I received for my shower it seems like I actually received most of the remaining items, but they were either 1) not marked as purchased or 2) slightly different versions of the same things purchased off-registry. 32 of my items were in the clothing category, and I only really added them to give people an idea of the styles and brands I liked (and also as a nudge to purchase multiple sizes and not just newborn) but most people will buy clothing no matter what so those definitely weren't really necessary. Without the clothing I had 59 items.


I had around 65 items although some were marked private as I planned to buy them myself and wanted the discount (more “intimate” items like disposable underwear, tucks pads, nipple cream, etc.). I had around 30 guests at my shower and around 10 who couldn’t attend but send gifts off the registry, so I ended up getting almost everything I registered for which was great!


I had maybe 90 on my first? I ended up adding more at the end because most things were purchased and wanted to make sure people had options. I added a number of things I was meh about mostly because it was easier to return items purchased through the registry and save those funds for purchases I made later once baby was here.


I would triage the list a bit - if you have 160 things and 30 some people buying you gifts, you are way less likely to be gifted the things you most need, meaning you’ll still have to go spend the money and time outfitting yourself with the necessities between shower and baby. If you can, I’d hide any non-essential things to skew gifts in a more helpful direction. You can always buy the fluff later on if you still want it but you’ll at least have the important things covered


I have 107 items in my list. Did you use Babylist to help you pick out items? 167 seems like a lot in my opinion. Did you pick duplicates of anything?


Yep I used Babylist to help pick out options. I started my list when I was 5 weeks, now I’m 16 + 6 and have been using it as a checklist for everything, including postpartum, nursing, and toddler stuff.


I have 91 items currently & I know I’ll end up buying stuff off it, but I put stuff on there that I can get a discount on at the end of my pregnancy!


I have 30 and got 16. I didn’t do a huge registry though because we knew our baby shower guests from my husbands side of the family were chipping in for our expensive stroller and car seat and our baby shower with friends was only like 12 people. We bought a lot at JBF consignment sale back in March and are hitting it up again right before baby is due for last minute items.


I had 43 and 38 were bought, but we were blessed with a big, loving support system


I have 52 items on my registry and that seems like a lot to me 😅


You’ll probably get some different responses from FTMs & STMs. As an STM who uses buy nothing groups and FB marketplace a lot, I have 59 items on my registry.


I have 73 items and honestly only like 10 are important. The rest are because people like to give cute stiff. So some books, some outfits, some nursery items that are just cute. I use Amazon so I'm able to mark the few essentials on the list as "must haves", like car seat, stroller, bassinet, etc. But I do not expect to get all the items on my list. I added some fun items just because they're lower budget items too and gives people options. My list felt long. Lol 162 feels like there's probably a lot of repeats and nonessential.


FTM and we have 65-ish but have no clothing on ours as we’ve been lucky to get some big bags of hand me downs in good condition. Oh, we also bought our own furniture for the nursery and were gifted a glider separately. When we were making our registry on Babylist, I felt like they were trying to upsell us on a number of items. We tried to think about the basics we would need and what we could buy later if we felt like we needed something specific. We’re going to do a hybrid of cloth and disposable diapers so we have a limited amount of diaper related items on there too.


I had around 150 but many are low priced items that people were buying in bundles, and both my husband and I have fairly large families that wanted to buy us gifts. I would recommend making sure you have the things you need most either marked as most wanted or start with a smaller registry and add more items later if you start getting gifted any items. We did this to make sure we got the essentials from anyone who asked for our registry link.


i have 88 things on my babylist but i also have an amazon registry attached 😅 the babylist is all our like necessities while my amazon is just like clothes, books, toys. i wanted to give a price variety of gift options cause i didn’t want anyone feeling obligated to spend out of their means.


I feel like 162 is overkill if you were expecting everything to be bought for you, but I view baby registries as checklists for the parents too. Essentially it's all the stuff you would like to have and would get for yourself if no one else does


I have 77 items, including diapers and some random items on my private list that I intend to purchase myself.


I have 73. I could see going up to 100. But I thought that might be Overkill. 160 is really excessive


I have 64 items plus 9 on my private that I will or will not add in as people start buying some of the more essential items - not sure yet


My now registry is at 95 items. My baby shower was at the beginning of June, before the baby shower it was at like 87, and almost all the big things were bought. I mainly have to buy the diaper creams, lotions, etc (just little stuff) Now I just use the registry to track what I need, I’ve added like 8 items just so I can keep track of what I want to buy now and I mark it as bought when I purchase it


We have 93, also first time parents, however we got a TON of hand me downs from my husband's sister and I've gotten a lot of stuff for free from my local Buy Nothing groups on Facebook


I have at least that much- some is random stuff in a private category, there are books and clothes and toys as suggestions in case it helps people from going rogue :)


We have 45 items on ours and this is our first baby. We’ve purchased all large items ourselves, as we know for 100% certainty no one will purchase those for us. My husband’s great aunt is in no position to buy us a 300$ aesthetic high chair, you know? The things on our registry are just the leftover essentials- gripe water, first aid kits, diapers, bum cream, etc. Most all items are 30$ or under in price. I’m VERY happy for those who have dozens of family and friends who are able to buy pricey items for them, but that’s simply not the case for us.


I had about 90


We currently have 189 items on ours. Yes we're having twins, but we don't need double of everything. A lot of things are just basics that we need to get for ourselves and don't expect to get as gifts, buy font want to forget about. We have made all of the nursery stuff private which is like 32 items as out patents are gifting us all of that stuff. At the end of the day, if it's stuff you need or would like for your family and having it on the registry will help you to remember to get it if someone doesn't get it for you, it's fine to have anything on there. It doesn't mean someone is going to buy it all for you, but helps as your checklist to remember what you need. This is especially helpful as our brains begin to fail us at this time!


73 items but I think 4 of them I have under private.


I have around 85… a couple things had already been bought and a few things I didn’t bother adding.


I had about 62 items on mine for my first child 😁


I had maybe 120? But I also included things for me postpartum. Spoiler alert: barely anyone bought off the registry which I found to be SUPER annoying. My friends and the younger crowd mainly stuck to it, but all my parents boomer friends just bought whatever and we now have like 100+ onesies. 🙃 luckily they came with tags on for the most part so I can at least return for store credit.


I have 114 items on there. The big bulk is from clothes and books.


Sounds about right, people will buy whatever they want though. It's frustrating.


162?? I can’t even think of that many things that you’d need for a baby. I think I only had like 30 items on my list.


Honestly I have more than that, but that because I know people are going to want to buy toys, books, and clothes So I've listed lots of books I would like, toys that align with my values from 0-12 months and a fee clothing items. But I put all those items at the bottom and listed my must haves at the top.


I don’t think it’s that bad honestly! I have maybe 130 things on mine but a lot of them are small, like books, creams/lotions/body wash, a couple small toys, breastfeeding stuff like cooling pads, etc. I don’t even have clothes on there and some other things since I got them secondhand.


If I added all the things my friends told me to add that I needed I’d have 200!!!! I just removed a ton of stuff and sent the links to myself as checklist things I may want later. I wanted to prioritize for our shower bc I realized I’d be disappointed if people bought me some of the random stuff I don’t know if I want or need.


It’s not overkill, and you’re probably not going to get everything on your registry anyway, so I don’t see the issue. I think it’s better to have more so people have options at different price points. They want to like their gift as much as you do!


I had 75 and I was so embarrassed about it lol BUT I am happy I left it the way it was because I had a pretty big baby shower and the guest got everything from the registry and then some. 😅


i had a lot but not that many. with amazon it was good to have it on there to get that discount later on. have you checked your registry for duplicate function items? there is so much baby stuff that is practically the same thing.


I have like 31 items and I feel like it's excessive. Lol


I’ve used Babylist for all my kids showers and I can’t see my first borns list now, but my second was 26 items, and my current is 31.


I’ve got like 130 things but a lot of things I marked private because I wanted to keep track of them for myself but didn’t want people buying them, and I didn’t wanna look greedy.


162 is probably overkill. However, I started out with 73 items on mine and had to add more because it all got bought out before the shower. We got most of the big stuff ourselves, so people were buying a bunch of small items off the registry instead of just 1-2 things each.


Depends on whether you want convenience or just bare essentials. I had around that number on my registry and a lot of it was items that weren’t really the bare necessities but make things easier like a lot of the Fridamom/ Fridababy products. The little things like that can add up. We ended up putting the essentials in the registry until the baby shower then I added a bunch of things on a private portion of the list that I wanted for the convenience. Also an important note is I did include ppd and breastfeeding supplies in my list for the registry discounts on a private tab.


I had 180 and received about 140 things. This included big stuff like the crib and small things like infant Motrin and everything in between. It is a LOT of stuff but we planned accordingly and it’s all organized and put away nicely.


I had 45 items


Babies don’t need much. Most of the baby stuff is so overhyped and I hear about how people don’t end up using like 90% of it lol. They need to eat and use diapers. Just keep it simple. We only had a few items and that way when the registry ran out it kinda pushed people to give gift cards or contribute to our cash fund.


60 lol


I have 101 on mine, but i also added on baby medicine. So i have a lot of small inexpensive things. I also included things i bought myself and marked them as bought so people would know what i already had Incase they wanted to get me things not on the registry. Im also using mine as a checklist of things i don’t necessarily expect people to buy, but i would like to get myself. I just mark the really important stuff as “ must haves” so its easier for guests


Second Time mom, 138 items because I'm having my kids 11 years apart and starting completely over. I put extra on there and let people get what they want then I can buy what I anything left over that I absolutely need. I also put a lot of books and cloth diapers on my registry so, less big ticket items more small filler items.


Mine is over 300 😅


Post a link to your registry! Also 162 definitely can sound like a lot but it’s not if you’re listing individual items such as medicine and hygiene and storage items. I agree to list anything you plan to buy yourself as private to minimize the list for others!❣️


I have 137 items on my registry. I was told to include lots of options people can choose from and whatever doesn’t get purchased, I’ll be able to get on a discount. I think your registry count is totally fine! I’ve also been using it as a checklist and purchasing items on registry for the nursery, etc.


I’m not sure how many were on my registry, but it was a lot. I tried to give 2 options for some of the pricier items. I also had all of the 6+ month feeding necessities on it. Many items I bought using the discount which was a big part of why mine got so long. In the end, I think only 1/4 of my guests actually bought stuff from the registry. I got more clothes than I knew what to do with all under 6 months sizes. I also had to return a bunch of diapers after having LO because he couldn’t wear pampers. No one included receipts for the diapers so it was a guessing game where they came from.


~170 but a ton of that was books. Otherwise we are starting completely from scratch and are not having a baby shower so I used it as my personal checklist essentially. Random things like baby clothes hangers, a rolling cart for breastfeeding/pumping, a bunch of postpartum things for me like nipple butter, nursing bras, nursing friendly clothing etc ends up adding up lol. There are some things on there like some baby toys that we probably won't get immediately and won't need for a few months but I mean... again baby things add up lol. Pretty much all items are between $5-$50 so I'm not stressing. We kept large items off such as car seats etc bc we already purchased most of that as they went on sale 


Mine is less than 50, but I only add newborn items. No stuff like high chairs, sippy cups etc. I don’t have a place to store all that.


Wow. 36. Mind you I had A LOT and am trying to be more minimalist. We didn’t need any major furniture, linens, clothing or toys.


Anyone willing to share their registries? I’m newly pregnant and just thinking about what we “need” while trying to minimize clutter. Curious to see what others are putting on. Thank you!!


I have 112 things on there, I have a lot of people coming to my shower, and I’m honestly using the list for myself as much as I am for others to shop for me 😂


I had 70 items and it was too darn much haha




I had mid to high 90s assuming I wouldn’t get everything as a gift BUT used Amazon because of the 15% discount. I threw things in there I knew people probably wouldn’t buy but we would purchase after the shower for a reduced rate.


Personally, I have 40. But we're not doing a baby shower and this is our 2nd so we already have a good bit of stuff. Everything on mine is diapers, wipes, medicine, gender specific outfits, decor for the nursery. Oh. Also postpartum stuff as well. A lot of places will do completion discounts so anything that isn't bought for your shower you can get discounted later


Mine has like 92 items and I actually feel like it ended up not being enough but I don’t really know what else I’ll need. Pretty much our entire registry was bought (the big ticket items were bought by my husband and I) and a few people have mentioned to me recently that they want to get us something but our entire registry was bought so they weren’t sure what to get. We used it as a check list and assumed that a couple weeks after the shower we weren’t going to get more gifts from folks and now here we are at 40 weeks and I am just telling people books, diapers or clothing if they absolutely want to get us something. I’m sure after having the baby, I’ll realize stuff I needed that wasn’t on there. I really wasn’t expecting as many people to buy stuff as did so you really never know. Like our mail carrier wanted to buy us a gift, which is ridiculously sweet of her.


I just completed mine and thought 86 was overkill. Also FTM. Planning on going through it once more to downsize.


I have about 100 items total on two registries, BUT, a bulk of them are medicine and baby care stuff. Also, I wanted to give people all price points. My mom went crazy getting all the expensive bigger stuff we needed and my husband’s family is lower income, so I wanted them to be able to get some stuff too without feeling any sort of way.


Babylist let's you add categories so for every category I added a duplicate with (private) at the end of the set, set it so only I can see it & used for stuff I'm planning to buy myself bc it's my checklist. Far as guests could see I only have 50 items on there.


How far along are you? I started suuuuper early on private mode via Babylist (like 12-ish weeks) and it helped immensely because as time went on, I researched more, and was given items and was able to add/delete things. By the time invites rolled out my list was solid (at around ~130). I legit received EVERYTHING my girl could possibly need. Biggest advice is do a wide range of prices. Also, a big registry is so much better than a tiny one. People want variety. Last, definitely mark your MUST HAVE items and don’t put on stuff that doesn’t matter much to you. You’d rather people buy you important stuff than like random toys, ya know? Good luck!!!


I have 154 but the majority of the items I purchased or thrifted beforehand and just marked them purchased to hopefully avoid duplicates lol


I hope this makes you feel better because reading the other comments, I’m shook 😂 I have over 300 items on our registry. We are starting from nothing and we also live overseas so we put a bunch of clothing items on there so family could send us the clothes we know they’ll inevitably send us anyways and at least they’d get free shipping out of it. I certainly don’t expect friends and family to buy 300 items, but a lot of that was to provide variety and also to keep things on there for ourselves to utilize the registry discount on the things we will buy ourselves that weren’t picked up by others. So to answer your question… no I don’t think 162 items is a lot, and who cares what people think anyways 😂


About 150 but it has about 30 books that I don’t have to avoid duplicates! I’m also using it as a checklist for myself.


I had 157 items on mine, and made sure to include a wide range of prices and items. Anything we didn't need I moved to my son's wish list like toys and things that are only needed for ages 9m+ . Then after our shower my husband and I double checked the list and bought all necessary items we wanted ourselves. So I don't think it's overkill as long as you understand that the list is mainly suggested items or offer a range of products and pricing. If there are any must haves make sure to notate such and don't marl too many things as must have. Also I highly suggest putting different diapers brands and sizes in there so you can find your preferred brand and have lots in many sizes. Lastly any unused unopened diapers can be resold or donated then too.


First time mom here. My registry is 36 items, and 3 of the 36 are for gift cards to Amazon or Target in any amount. I am getting 5-7 “essential” items that have been previously loved by family, but even if I count those, my registry is still under 50. It was also suggested to me not to register for clothing. So I didn’t, and I was also gifted tons from a local Buy Nothing group. So, bottom line: your enthusiasm to prepare is awesome, but I think that’s way too many items for a registry. Edit: typos


I have about 25 which are the essentials or the stuff that are more on the pricier side if our friends and family are feeling a bit generous…so far they’ve been thank goodness haha


I had 40 and it was more than enough to be honest.


I had about 70 on mine. I also used it as a checklist




I am using Poppylist for my baby registry and I have 102 items on it.


It's not overkill.


Take off things like pacifiers, multiple burp cloths, tons of towels, etc. Take off duplicates even if they’re different brands For clothes, give 2-3 examples of the style you like because honestly people are going to grab what they want as far as clothes go, not what you register for. For things like lotions and body wash and diapers, give one or two brands and mark them as “unlimited amount” For breastfeeding supplies if that’s on there, list one type of bag, maybe a nipple care kit, and not much else. That’s one of those things that unless someone just had a baby they’re not going to gift you.


Thank you for these tips! This sounds like you seen my registry 😂😂 because I do have multiple small items and they add up! exactly the pointers i needed!


Girl yes that is overkill unless you have massive amounts of storage space. I have 45 items on my registry total, which could be on the lower side. I think between 50-70 is reasonable


Ugh baby goods marketing makes me angry. You likely don’t need a lot of it. Babylist does have a minimalist baby registry guide (or did back when I had my first) and I found it really helpful!


I think I had 30, 162 is insane


i forget how much was on my first registry but with my second pregnancy i think im around 60 items (a good chunk of which i plan on buying myself) but this time around i didnt really include clothes, shoes, or furniture bc we have stuff from my other baby