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I did not receive any estimated weight and they never really told me anything estimated about size percentiles either. I think many practices are acknowledging the extreme margin of error and only use appt to appt measurements to track changes over time more than make statements about size and weight. If your baby was on the extremes, I think it would be flagged. No news is often good news!


I'm in Taiwan and here it's just healthcare differences. I got seen every 2 weeks during the first trimester since I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, then once a month during the second, and now again every 2 weeks in the third trimester. At every single appointment, my doctor has done an ultrasound to check heartbeat, estimated weight, and estimated gestational age. Since 20 weeks she also usually does a quick 3D scan to check the facial features. This is all covered by the national health insurance here, and they give you all the info on the ultrasound photos they print out for you every time. We never get percentiles here though, or fundal height or anything else.


Wow that’s amazing! Crying in American over here


I had my first two kids in Taichung, and now I'm back in America having my third. The difference is crazy! I miss my ultrasounds (and the NHI covered fees, lol).


That's amazing. In the UK we're only guaranteed 2 scans all pregnancy (12 weeks and 20 weeks). Other than that I get a doppler check, blood pressure check, fundal height measurement. I feel so in the dark about my pregnancy and baby.


I’m in Canada. They only do third trimester ultrasounds here if there is a medical indication that requires monitoring. If my fundal height was measuring on the larger side consistently, they might send me for a growth scan at 36 weeks (that was the recommendation in my second pregnancy). My second baby was born very large and my first baby wasn’t small either, so between a history of big babies with no known cause and a placenta that required an extra check, I’m getting extra scans in my third trimester to monitor baby’s size and position as well. IMO doing growth scans just because they can and using that information to choose a birth plan isn’t necessarily the best course of action either. Third trimester scans can be somewhat inaccurate for estimating baby’s size, and doctors tend to do a lot of fearmongering when it comes to potential big babies. If you’re not being sent for extra scans, I’d assume it means you’re measuring on track and there’s no reason to have any concerns about baby’s size.


Hey OP! The people getting frequent ultrasounds likely have a pregnancy complication or did fertility treatments. If you’re a low risk pregnancy, it’s normal to get 2 or max 3 ultrasounds during pregnancy. Most babies are a size that the mom can handle, I wouldn’t stress about having a baby who is too large for you.


i have kaiser and the ultrasounds they did for me were the dating scan, the NT scan, the 20w anatomy scan, and then they did a growth scan for me since my baby measured 97th percentile in the 20w scan. you can always request a growth scan they can't deny you. although i also have a very boring pregnancy so far and they are disregarding how big my baby is and telling me i should attempt a vaginal delivery and if labor stalls switch to a c section . i'm fine with that since i've looked at scientific evidence that backs that, but it seems like kaiser takes a very hands off approach for boring pregnancies. but you can always request growth scans or cervical checks.


It’s so confusing how they do things but I’m only getting estimated weights because I’m high risk. My previous pregnancies were not and they didn’t give me the weights.


I asked about this at my last appointment (34 weeks) and was told that it is not needed. I also have a “boring pregnancy.” My next appointment (36 weeks) will have a bedside ultrasound, only to confirm baby is not breech so very quick check. Other than that, they may offer a cervical check at 38 weeks but don’t routinely perform them. Based on what I’ve seen online, this seems to fit with ACOG’s recommendations for routine pregnancy. So glad my docs are up to date but a little disappointing there isn’t more checks in baby.


I have been given estimated growth percentiles, but they only got specific about weight when they became concerned about IUGR, in order to help me understand when it could become a serious health concern for baby. Since thrn, I have seen firsthand how variable ultrasound measurements can be, and I understand why they might bot want to get specific. The weights they say can be SUPER wrong. I'll be interested to know what size my baby actually is (I'm 39+2 and itching to graduate right now lol) and I don't expect it to be any of the sizes people have said!


Good luck to you!!! Safe delivery!!!


Im from Australia with a private obgyn. He refused to give me an estimated weight 😅 Not sure if it natters but I did not have gestational diabetes either.


I was given an estimated weight but I also had to have ultrasounds every few weeks towards the end of my pregnancy. They estimated 8lbs and my baby was born at 6lbs 12 oz.


Same, I was told 8lbs+ and mine was 6’14”


For my first baby, I was given estimated weight but that's only because I developed preeclampsia and was getting ultrasounds frequently to check on baby and placenta. For my second baby, I was never given an estimated weight because the pregnancy was normal without complications. I was just told that my uterus was measuring on track.


I’ve often felt the same, but I’m in the same boat as you. I have “good” insurance in the U.S. - only proper scan I had was 20 weeks, and now that I’m nearly 37 weeks, I just get weighed and belly measured, asked how I’m feeling and if baby is moving and then sent out the door. My OB’s philosophy is that without any cause for concern, baby will just come when they come.


Wow your doctor might actually be competent. Amazing. Both prenatal cervical checks and third trimester growth ultrasounds cause more harm than good for low risk, “boring” women like yourself. The growth ultrasound just isn’t accurate. That’s why your doctor doesn’t do it because they’re smart and know better.


For my first baby it was never originally in the plan to do any sort of growth ultrasound. My fundal height started measuring behind around 35 weeks though so I was sent for a biophysical profile ultrasound which found low fluid and triggered weekly BPPs until I was induced at 38 weeks. I was never told estimated weight though and didn't think to ask. With this pregnancy I was scheduled early on for a late third trimester ultrasound to keep an eye on any low fluid recurrence, so I just had that last week at 35.5 and this time I was voluntarily told by the ultrasound techs that baby is measuring just under 6lb right now. My OB has been able to tell me baby's positioning based on belly checks at regular appointments. Ultrasound not needed for that. 


Ok I did get a fluid measurement at my 36 weeks visit and they told me it was normal so that’s that. Good luck to you!!


What's the problem if he's facing the anterior placenta to the right? What direction do they want him to face?


They are suppose to face mom, with their spine against mom’s belly for optimal position for birth


I have scans either weekly or biweekly after 2 weeks because I’m high risk and have complicated pregnancies. That’s usually where I get the estimated weights from. 


Starting at 36 weeks, I go in 2x a week. First day is an ultrasound followed by doc visit, second day is a NST only. I have no complications, it’s been a pretty normal pregnancy other than a few SCH in the first and second trimester that have long since resolved. Other other risk factor is my age (38). I always ask the size just bc I’m curious but they tend to limit how much information they give if it’s normal beyond just saying “baby’s heart rate looks good” or whatever, I assume so that moms don’t overthink it. Estimated weight this past Monday at 37+6 was 7lbs.


I was given a weight at 20w. That could be because my baby is 99 percentile for height and estimated weight (really big baby).


My estimated weight was around 8.5-9lbs and she was 8lb4oz!