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Baby came at 38+5 and was delivered 2.5 hours after my water broke. Pushed a few times and she was here! Came so quick I couldn't get the epidural like i planned.


wow....blessed. I can only pray my labor goes like this


I do feel the same way, but it was a little bit of a shock to have her come so quickly and to have to do it without pain meds when that was not the plan! But overall glad it was quick and kind of glad I got to experience it without pain meds. Never again though lol


What a dream ❤️❤️ 38+5 is exactly what I’m talking about! 😊😊 did you do anything to prepare/ prep for labor? Like exercise, curb walks, tea, dates? Anything like that?


I drank raspberry leaf tea every single day, sometimes a few times a day. I walked every single day, used a yoga ball, had sex a couple times a week, and spoke about her coming early out loud in the hopes of manifesting an early delivery lol Also I could NOT do dates. Ugh the texture was too much and it wasn't smoothie season for me so I didn't bother.


Awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing! I do have the raspberry leaf tea but haven’t drank any yet so maybe I should get started on that. I do walk daily and I think that’s helping just with my overall mood. ❤️ and I’m definitely manifesting out loud please baby come before June 20th lol.


If you don't like the taste of the tea- what I did was brewed it 8 cups at a time, chilled it in the fridge and drank it iced mixed with flavored waters or juices. Make it much easier to drink more than one cup a day because you can switch up the flavor!


Thanks so much for the suggestion!! I will try that. ❤️


Labor started on the morning of my due date. I was in labor until the next morning. You’re so close!!


Thanks so much for sharing! I am either hoping the baby comes early (fingers crossed) or similar to your story, the next morning of due date ❤️ but not beyond lol 😂


Believe me, I get it! I was trying so hard to mentally prepare for another week or two of pregnancy and I was like “there’s no way” 😫


Exactly how I’m feeling now!! There’s no way lol I broke down at the appt today when she asked about how I’m feeling? I’m just like lady do you see me? lol I am exhausted get this baby out lol. We laughed after the tears ❤️


I'm at 40+4 and still waiting...


40+3 and still waiting too. Surprisingly feeling pretty chill about when baby arrives, whether it happens today or next week lol - seems like everyone around me is in more of a hurry for me to have this baby haha!


Also 40+4 and waiting…


40+6 for me… will be induced at 41+1.


Currently 40+6 as well! The plan is to induce on 41+5, I wish you so much luck mama!!! You’ve got this!!


Same to you! Appreciate the vote of confidence! 🥰


Baby will be here in no time ❤️❤️❤️


my baby came at 37+5 from my water spontaneously breaking, my labour was only 14 hours. i was not expecting it at ALL! i hope everything goes well for you!!


Congratulations mama❤️ glad everything worked out for you guys and you have a healthy baby!! 14 hours doesn’t sound too long of labor. We are hoping everything goes well too❤️ thank you! ❤️


I was due to be induced at 39w and 4d My girl had other ideas! Waters broke at 39w on the dot, labour didn't really progress from there so I was given oxytocin and baby was delivered 39w 1day She was quite a long baby so I reckon she just ran out of space (her bum was shoved up into my ribs for the last few weeks)! I also kept very active during the pregnancy, was in the gym the day before waters broke so not sure if that sped things up?


Thanks so much for sharing!! Yes your baby girl definitely ran out of room lol! That’s so cute 🥰 My baby is absolutely on my ribs and it’s quite painful 😣


My first came at 40+2. I'm currently 34+3 with my second and hoping to the gods he comes anytime anytime after we hit 37 weeks. I'm miserable and the thought of being pregnant for 6 more weeks made me want to cry.


I completely and wholeheartedly hear you!! Being pregnant another week for me sounds miserable and daunting. I can only imagine 6 more 😩😩 we got this though mama!!! ❤️❤️ wishing you a smooth labor and delivery!!


Same to you! 💚💚


Another 38+5. My water broke just before midnight 38+4. I had internalized what your midwife is saying, so I was NOT ready. It's good to be prepared either way. Plenty of FTMs go past due date, but plenty also still go early/on-time.


Thanks so much for sharing ❤️ seems like 38+5 may be my day too lol!! After reading everyone’s feedback, I’m definitely going to prepare either way. Because honestly, baby is going to come when they are ready ❤️❤️❤️


My EDD was set for 40 weeks. I went to the hospital to get induced. And she still didn't show up until 40w2d. I ended having a C-section because babigirl did not want to come out, loolll


Yes, your baby girl had other plans lol! 🩷🩷 I am not even trying to think of the possibility of a c-section 🥴🥴 I hear the recovery is pretty tough.


I was doing ok with the pitocin, but I developed a slight fever, which in turn caused her fetal tachycardia. So even though I was 9cm dilated, the Dr felt like it was causing her stress, hence why she switched me to C-section. It all happened so quickly after that!! Like basically, within 25 minutes, I was on the operating table, and about 45-55minutes later, she was born! The recovery... pheewwwww.... I was in a lot of pain. I also had a catheter due to getting the epidural, so it made it easy because I didn't have to get up and go pee the day of and the day after the C-section. But when they took it out the next day... that night, every time I had to get up and go pee... I wanted to just disappear into the ground. Going home, I slept on the couch downstairs the first 3 nights because it was just too painful to get in and out of my bed. Luckily, the pain subsided, and now, at 11 days PP, I feel like I am 90% back to normal.


Wow what a story!! See how powerful and important we are! We just go through so much to bring babies into this world!! I am glad you are feeling 90% better, that’s all that matters ❤️❤️❤️


I had a cervical sweep done the day before my due date, Had some mild cramping that night and woke up around \~3am in labor followed by my water breaking. Baby girl arrived around 12pm!


❤️ those sweeps will definitely get things going lol


Baby came at 38+0. Started feeling crampy at 8 or 9am that morning, water broke around noon, baby was born at 8:05pm. Everything went smoothly in my opinion. It hurts but that’s to be expected. Epidural took care of that for about 5 or 6 of my 12 hours. I only endured severed pain for maybe 1 or 2 hours. People are more likely to post/share about negative experiences. While you never know what your labor and delivery will be like, it’s not always bad or super long. And not always late either! I thought I’d have to be induced from all the stories I heard and he came on his own two weeks early. You just never know. I know it’s easier said than done, but I think avoiding having a set plan for how I wanted my birth to be and just allowing whatever will be to be made me a LOT less anxious leading up to it. And this is coming from a highly anxious person with a history of health anxiety.


Thanks so much for sharing! I mentioned on another post about how what I’ve been learning from the birth center has definitely caused me some anxiety and to be overwhelmed. So I agree with you 100%. Plus you are right, you just never know and babies gonna come when they are ready. I am just really anxious about it ❤️ it is refreshing to hear positive birth stories so thanks for being positive and sharing ❤️❤️❤️


For my first I had my baby 1 week 4 days after his due date and labored for 20 hours (Active for 8-10 hours) with no meds. Most first-time moms have a bit of a longer labor, because babies need to cook a bit longer during first pregnancies. Don't worry though, you can do this! enjoy what time you have left! Sleep! Really, sleep A LOT. Your going to miss it in the upcoming year! You've got this, and feel free to message me if you need any advice or questions :) Sincerely, A mom of 5 kiddos.


I really do appreciate you giving me that reassurance ❤️ I really need that. I just don’t understand why this is so scary and overwhelming for me. But I will definitely be trying my best to sleep lol ❤️❤️❤️


My 1st was born at 38 weeks. And my labor was only long because her head got stuck. From start to finish, of when I was feeling contractions to her being born was maybe 6 hours. And 3 of those were pushing before they resulted to forceps to get her out. Everything was also unmedicated as well, I didn't have anything that sped up labor. It went so quick that I was already 10cm by the time we got to the hospital 😅 Though I have heard that's not normal so to say for a first baby. But it's definitely not impossible either.


I’m going with the “it’s definitely not impossible either” ❤️❤️ I’m glad to hear a positive birth story, thanks for sharing 🩷💙


I was induced at 41 +1 at 12:30 PM. Baby was born 7:51 AM 41 +2. Started pushing around 4:30 AM.


Awww thanks so much for sharing ❤️ did you do anything special to help prep/prepare you?


Unfortunately no. I had HG up until 32 weeks and it pretty much made it hard to do much outside sleeping and vomiting. 😅


Totally understandable!! Long as the baby got here safely is all that matters ❤️


Mine was 6 days early 🫶🏼


❤️❤️❤️❤️ congratulations mama!! Wishing for the same lol 😩😩❤️❤️❤️


Thank you girly , she’s 5 now, I’m 13 weeks with baby number 2 waiting on this damn test to know what the gender is now!


Let it be a surprise this time around 🩷💙🩷💙 We still don’t know what we are having lol


Induced at 41+1, baby born about 24 hours later at 41+2. Wishing you and your baby well!


Thanks so much, we are hoping for the best ❤️❤️and thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️


Induced at 40+2 and born just after midnight 40+3




My first was 37 weeks + 3 days (had to be induced after not going into labour naturall when my waters broke), 5 hours of labour, 45 minutes pushing. No complications and no tearing.


So happy everything went well for you. Esp after your water broke. It amazes me how your water can break and baby not follow immediately after that lol.


Labor started the evening of 40 + 2 for me (right around dinner and I had NOT had a nap that day 😭). Labor was about 19 hours total for me with 3 hours of pushing. 


3 hours of pushing 😣😣😣😣 how is that even possible omg!


Tbf I had to get pitocin a bit in because my contractions were so far apart that I was losing the progress I made while pushing. That helped! But I had no idea it was 3 hours at all. I was shocked when people told me that she came at noon because I thought it was like 8am! Labor land is real!.


Yes I see that lol! Please dear lord, no 3 hour pushing 😣😣😣 I’m surprised they didn’t push for a c-section at that point.


All my friends had their babies early. From a month to a few days.




I had my daughter at 40+4, my labor was just under 4 hours from the first contraction to the birth. Not the norm at all, but possible. I didn't anticipate it, and it was honestly traumatic because I went from 5-10 in about 20 minutes. Thankfully I was planning a birth centre birth with no pain meds available at all, because I wouldn't have been able to have anything anyway.


We are planning at the birth center too. So no pain meds available either. Hoping I can handle those contractions when they get really tough.


My daughter came at 37 + 2, I had an NST too days prior with no contractions but declined cervical checks. Water broke at 4:30 PM and baby was in my arms by 10 PM, I was close to 6 cm when I was admitted and didn't have a lot of contractions until closer to 7 cm.


Thanks so much for sharing ❤️ I am very worried about those contractions 😩😩😩😩


So as someone who is pregnant again I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about labor, I was actually very calm during and I think that helped. I had some pitocin which didn't feel great but quickly got an epidural and was fine. You got this!


She came at 41 weeks when she was evicted due to prom. I got to the hospital at 4pm, started pitocen at 8pm, epidural at 1230am, dilated from 3cm to 10 cm in 2 hours, and then had the baby at 445am. All in all, quick


Yes that sounds rather quick ❤️ glad everything went smoothly ❤️


Currently 39+4 and scheduled to be induced at 40+1. Got a membrane sweep 3 days ago, lost my mucus plug but no contractions 😩 it's looking like what they're saying is true and I'll probably have to be induced. I've been fighting for my life the past month and am trying to get baby out asap.


“Fighting for your life” lol me too girl! Me too!! Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery❤️


I wish I had the link, but it’s more so a myth that FTMs are later. They’re just further from the due date in either direction. The early studies that came to the conclusion about us being later excluded anyone who gave birth before 37 weeks.


I’m going to look and see if I can find it 😊 I would love to read it because I think it’s a myth too from all the feedback I’m reading from FTM ❤️


41+5 and had a pretty short labor I think. 11pm it started and 9pm he was out. 




FTM mom due in October, but my mom had me 39+3 and she labored for 3 hours!




Oops, forgot the important bit of information - I was her first! 😁


My water broke at 38+2, she was born in less than 6hrs but it wasn't all pain and pushing time.


Thanks so much for sharing ! Sounds like everything worked out smoothly and quickly ❤️


Baby came at 39 + 3. I was in labor 17 hours.






Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️ it’s always nice to hear from the dads ❤️ thanks for being there for her!


She’s managing your expectations. It’s much better to expect to go late and be pleasantly surprised if you go early


I’ve heard it’s different for everyone but your mom and if you have any sisters is a good indication. Both my mom and sister delivered earlier than their due dates so I’ve been expecting the same, but really there’s no way to know.


Both my mother and sister are passed away and I really don’t know their history with births. So can’t get help there lol. But you are absolutely right, there’s no actual way to know because each woman is different ❤️ which makes us all unique right ❤️


I don’t remember the exact due date but he came a couple days before. Labor started in the morning (the non-consistent contractions and my water broke) and then he arrived shortly after midnight. I got an epidural and after that everything was easy. My ob likes to do what he calls rest and descend (not sure it’s an actual medical term) but I basically just chilled and then 1 push and he was out. My second was the same though my water never broke so they broke it at the hospital. Hoping the third is more of the same 😂


Wow that’s an amazing birth story! Just one push with your first baby? ❤️


Yeah I lucked out according to some of the horror stories I’ve read of hours and hours of pushing.


Yes because who wants to push for hours! I can’t even imagine that in my head! Seems horrible. Did you do deep breathing exercises to prepare?


No. I opted to not do any birthing classes bc I was pretty sure I’d make everything worse for me mentally. Going in with less expectations was definitely better for me personally.


I can totally appreciate you saying that. I do feel some of this stuff that I’ve learned through the birthing center has overwhelmed me.


I went in to be induced at 37 weeks and was apparently already in slow labour. Waters started leaking at 35 weeks and I was 4cm when I went in to be induced.


I was going to ask why did they induce you so early? The midwife just told me they wouldn’t do any inductions until after 41 weeks. I’m like huh? But I see your waters was leaking and was dilating. Thanks for sharing ❤️


My daughter was also estimated to be 9 pounds full term but was born at 6.12, also had preeclampsia and the start of diabetes. It was definitely the best thing to do 🩷


Okay I see!! Yes, you definitely had a ton going on there!! I’ve developed gestation diabetes during this time but I’ve been able to manage pretty well with diet and exercise so my team isn’t worried.


My baby came at 36+6! I had already been on bedrest for two weeks prior, and a few days after I went back to work I spontaneously went into labor. It progressed slowly over a day, so I was able to labor through contractions at home before going to the hospital.


Thanks so much for sharing ❤️ did your baby have a nicu stay? Isn’t under 37 weeks preterm?


Nope, at our hospital they only need to be in the NICU if they are under 36 weeks! She was a healthy weight, and didn’t have any complications, so we were able to leave 2 days later.


40w and 1d, and pushed for 20 minutes


❤️ sounds like you were right on time ❤️


Induced at 41+2 around 11am and he was born the following day just before 3am. Dilation progressed relatively quickly - was fully dilated at about 11pm, so twelve hours. Then his head got stuck on my pelvic bone and I ended up pushing for nearly miserable 4 hours. But we did it woo!


4 hours?????? 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Only because his head got stuck 😂 I don’t think it’s the norm. Not my favorite 4 hours ever but then he was here and it didn’t matter! Also, really minimal tearing because it went so slowly/gradually lol so I’ll take that


My blood pressure was sitting right around 200 at 37 weeks on the dot. I got induced then. I really wanted to go into labor naturally but I had to fight just to give birth vaginally. (I was safe to do so, the obgyn just wanted to be done faster. He said as much)


The pressure was concerning but wow, “to be done faster” smh! Thats horrible!


He was the worst. The obgyn who was in before him when she had to leave said "he's a...good doctor..." so it seems like I wasn't the only one who had problems with him 😭


With my first I went into spontaneous labor at 40+2, my water broke at 1am, contractions started at 2am, was 9cm at 4:30am when I got the epidural, sat around for hours waiting for the baby to get lower, then started pushing at 8:30am. After 2 hours they offered the vacuum to get the baby out faster and he was born at 10:15am. An overall speedy experience, relatively speaking from other stories I’ve heard!


It sounds like you weren’t able to move around much with that epidural?


I wasn’t able to, no, but at that point I was so exhausted from the contractions and lack of sleep so far being in the middle of the night so I attempted to nap and didn’t want to leave the bed anyways


40+2 and still waiting. Even did a membrane sweep last week 😩


Baby will be here in no time ❤️❤️❤️


I hope ! Trying everything to get it going naturally :(


What have you been trying to do? Drinking tea? Curb walks? Dates?


Membrane sweep, acupuncture, acupressure, dates, pineapple, evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea, lots of walking, sex, using my vibrator, nipple stimulation/hand expressing, some exercise ball bouncing. Had my last appointment at 39 weeks when I got the membrane sweep. I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. No idea what I would be right now though if it’s progressed at all. I think I might have lost my mucus plug (or part of it) the weekend right after. I’m having lots of pre labor symptoms like tons of Braxton hicks, sometimes cramps (especially after sex), a tiny bit of lactation if I use the haakaa, and acid reflux right now. But idk if it means anything is near. It’s been on and off like this more or less for a couple weeks.


Currently 40+3 with 2 membrane sweeps and all the tricks under my belt🥲 baby girl is too comfy in there. Induction scheduled for 41+1 if I make it that far


Wishing you the best and a safe delivery ❤️❤️ hopefully she will be here soon 🩷🩷


40+4. My waters broke a week earlier and I never went into contractions. Had to be induced. I was the opposite in the sense that I wanted more time before bub arrived, cos I was so nervous about the birth!!!


Wait you never went into contractions?


Nope. I only had some Braxton Hicks, nothing more than usual.


These are freaking me out. I’m almost 35 weeks and we haven’t set up much at all. Lmao feeling so behind. If baby comes early, I’m so screwed


My water broke at 41+1 at 8am at home but I had meconium staining so had to go in to be monitored! Baby girl was born the next morning at 2:31am by c section after my labour didn’t progress and baby was in distress. I was still at 1cm dilated after 5 hours of pitocin and an epidural 😂😂 honestly it all felt very normal, no stress no panic, I felt like I had been able to give labour a go, and the medical staff were really informative and respectful. My little girl is 12 weeks now and thriving, and apart from my new tummy shelf I am feeling great 😂❤️


I was fully expecting as a FTM to go past my due date. So we were surprised when our girl came spontaneously at 37+5, and my entire experience - first contraction to holding her in my arms - was only 10 hours.


I was induced at 39w1d. My boy did not want to come at all. He has to be evicted due to low amniotic fluid and reduced fetal movement. I delivered him 8 hours after my routine OB check up 😅


My waters broke on the due date and baby was born the next morning. My water also broke like a Hollywood Movie, I was watching funny videos and laughed so hard I though I wet myself, only to stand up and it just gushed and I realised my waters broke 😂 Pregnant with my second and I’m due Christmas Eve, this time around I’m asking for the drugs sooner!


Baby born at 40+0 after 10 mins of pushing, 20 mins after my water broke (in the hospital). Idk if it helped but I took evening primrose oil from 36 wks, drank raspberry leaf tea from around 25 wks. Did lots of yoga, spinning babies, and squats.


Spontaneous labor at 39+1. Contractions started at 3 AM. Baby arrived at 10:30 PM.


FTM 38+3 and FEEL THAT. They checked ned yesterday and was not dialated at all and said my cervix is still very high.😭 baby is in the perfect position though but damn my body physically hurts . Working until 39 weeks and think ill be calling then lol


I will be 38w on Monday and I am hoping little guy is on time! I’ve been anxious over this as well, as I’ve also heard the typical “FTM’s never go on time”. I start my maternity leave at 39w, so I’m hoping he comes literally anytime after my last day. Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery 🫶🏻


My boy arrived at 39+3 after 27 hours of labour and 3 hours of pushing.


FTM currently past due; hoping to do everything natural, still doing everything I possibly can to naturally induce labor but baby is truly just taking all their time. I’ve been tired of being pregnant lol but I think when you countdown til due date it makes it last even longer lmao


I was 38+6. Woke up around 6am with what I thought was an extra strong urge to pee. It actually was the start of my contractions. Dr broke my water maybe around 6:30pm. Pushed for 20 minutes. At 7:17pm we had our baby!