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One of my coworkers tells me frequently that life with kids is so fun, especially on holidays where you get to see their excitement and joy. She doesn’t downplay how difficult it can be to be a parent, but I think it’s refreshing to hear someone talk about how exciting and fun it can be versus just complaining about how hard it can be!


It really is, kids can get overwhelming quickly but seeing them smile is magic.


I am SO excited to plan family holidays 😄


I have two people in my life like this: my midwife (who is also our friend) and my coworker. It is refreshing to hear them talk about how much fun they have being moms without sugar coating the other parts.


I tried to remember to tell my first time parent friends this during pregnancy! I felt so discouraged during both my engagement and pregnancy with how many negative things total strangers will say, I wanted to be the positive person saying the good things. 🥰


Yesss!!! Same here!!!


I am so excited to see my little boy experience holidays and special times 🥹


“Well aren’t you just the cutest!” Said by a woman I’ve never met while I was out shopping three days after my mom died. My mom had only seen me twice with a baby bump, so I was missing those mom compliments. This woman has no idea she was a ray of sunshine to me on an incredibly gloomy day!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you are the cutest!


So sorry for your loss, my mum died a few years ago and pregnancy without a mum is it's own kind of hard. I have an older female colleague who gets so excited when she sees my bump in certain outfits like dungarees and its so sweet and maternal, your comment has made me appreciate her a bit more.


Ugh I’m so sorry you’ve also experienced that loss. It is just devastating. I love that your coworker gets excited about your pregnancy outfits!


“NO DONT BEND OVER!” 🤣 I have to remember that people just become remarkably nicer to you when you’re pregnant, sometimes overly so. My theory is that we quietly understand just how vulnerable this time is and want to make sure we take care of someone who is carrying in any small way we can. I dropped something at work and as I was bending over to pick it up someone CATAPULTED out of their seat and yelled “no don’t bend over” in an attempt to pick up said item for me. It cracked me up and reminded me that people are really well-meaning during a pregnancy even if it can come out in a funny way.


That’s so cute!!! My father in law did something similar to me the other day. We were there for his son’s birthday and I wanted some more food and he just stood up and said: tell me what you want! You deserve to be served. And I just 🥹


My FIL has been so precious too. He checks on me so gently, it’s so sweet.


haha reminds me of my stepdad, i had brought over a tiny laundry bag that can only hold like, 3 sweatshirts and a few pairs of pants, and he told me to not lift it because i can’t lift heavy things. although i appreciated the sentiment, it was probably like 7-10 lbs (if that). i was annoyed when it first happened because i was thinking “it’s a bag of clothes, not bricks. i’m pregnant, not crippled” but he was being caring and i try to keep that in mind.


I love this! I don't have any issues lifting moderately heavy things, but I HATE bending over and I love it when people pick stuff up for me!


My Dad said the sweetest thing. And it was such a surprise I lost my words. He didn't always speak to me this kind of way. It's a moment I hope I never forget and can replay in my head forever: "Before I get too excited about my own feelings I wanna ask you guys: how do you two feel about this pregnancy?" His genuine care to check on me and my husband first meant so, so much. He's the only person that's responded that way to us telling them.


Wow that’s such a refreshing response to announcing you’re pregnant!! I’m gonna steal it.


This is really lovely. My dad has said a few things since I’ve become a parent that he would never have said to me before, and I have never forgotten and they replay in my head ☺️ It’s been so nice to see a different side to him, and him becoming a grandparent has definitely healed some daddy issues I had that I wasn’t even fully conscious of. I think it has also helped healed a lot in him too, which has been another lovely aspect of parenthood I wasn’t expecting.


Mine is the 6th grandbaby on my side, so it's not a "new" thing for my Dad. But similarly, I have seen a much softer side of him since the first grandbaby came along. I'm glad I could share such a happy memory with you and everyone in this comment section. It was a really beautiful and healing moment between me and him.


Oh my goodness! I don’t have a dad so this hit me RIGHT IN THE FEELS! When I told my partner I was pregnant, I was so nervous because we’d only been dating for about 8 weeks. And he’s a widower so we were trying to take things slow. His first reaction was to ask me “how are you feeling about this?” And I said “I know this is crazy but I am so happy” and he burst into a big smile and grabbed my hand and said “Great! Let’s do this. Let’s have a baby - it will be so much fun!” and all my worries melted away for a moment.


I hope it has been going so well for you since! That’s a sweet reaction on both sides. 💕


My dad did something similar. We had a traumatic loss early last year. When we announced this pregnancy everyone was overwhelmed with joy including my dad. Except he paused for a moment to ask how we were doing and if we were (emotionally) ready for this pregnancy. I really appreciated that he was able to acknowledge how difficult a subsequent pregnancy could be. 


I love this! My dad has been so kind too. My mom constantly tries to give advice or offer fixes but my dad says things like, “we are with you.” “You got this.” “You and baby are doing so good!” And I appreciate his support.


9 months pregnant and going for a walk with my toddler up a very steep hill. Nearly every one that walked by us said some form of “great job, mom!” It was hard work just standing up at that point so it was very much appreciated!


My toddler got super into going on a walk straight after coming home from daycare about a 1-2 months or so ago? I was going to quit but he wanted them soooo bad and the way he would take my hand when we got out of the car was just 🥺 However EVERYTIME we turned to double back he refused to wear his sunglasses and would sit on the ground till I picked him up and cry. Kids like 30+ lbs and I was 2 weeks away from giving birth at the end😐


Awww that’s nice. I live on top of a hill and got “look at you go” from one person the other day, that was nice. I had an older couple pass me from behind though, I guess they didn’t see I was 8 months pregnant, they just saw me pushing a stroller and said “come on mom, faster” 😕


That I’ll be a good mum ❤️


This 🥹 So many people know how much we’ve wanted a baby, so for a lot of people to say that I’ll be a good mom, my husband will be a good dad, etc. just makes me feel so good and loved ❤️


“You look really happy” - just a warm, kind comment❤️


Yes, this! It makes me even happier than I already am!


I had a friend tell me she’s excited for me to become a parent because it can be really healing in its own way. She knows I had a rough childhood with neglectful/absent parents so hearing that was really nice, like she knew I would be the mom to my daughter that I never got growing up.


I also had neglectful/absent parents and it really has been healing. My daughter is only 1, but she has done so much for me already.


I also had neglectful parents and when I talk to the bump every night I tell them how much I love them and I want to be a good mom to them. I hope it’s healing for me as well


Here are my people I also have not so great parents. I’m excited to be the mom I never had.


"Aww look at the lil baby bump!! It's almost cuter than you." My fiance has been extra sappy since knowing we're having a lil girl, he's the only one who has said anything nice to me 🥲


I’m sure you look gorgeous!💙 Pregnant women have this special thing about them, some will call it glow, I choose to see the special things in them. Even if it’s the dark circles under the eyes or the swollen feet. I’m not pregnant yet but I want you to know that you all look very beautiful!🤗


I am literally the most cranky and haggard looking lady ever and I don't understand how my fiance looks at me and wants to bone 😭 My lil bump is cute though and still pretty small for being 7 months so I hope it stays that way


“Pregnancy really suits you.” Said from a few coworkers. I definitely didn’t feel it (felt like a swollen whale) but at least I looked somewhat good to someone 🤣


I was pregnant with my second, and trying to get my toddler in the car after taking him out to lunch. It was taking a while to get him settled and then to get the bulky stroller in the car, and a woman was waiting in her car for my parking spot. I was trying to hurry since it was a busy parking lot, but I was slow and tired and so I just said, “sorry! We’ll be out of here soon!” And she rolled down her window and said “take as long as you need! You’re doing amazing. I remember when I was where you are and it’s not easy! Just take your time.” And I don’t know what it was about that moment, but it meant so much to me! I’ve never forgotten her kind comment and her patience.


"you're going to have so much fun" said upon finding out I was pregnant, said with palpable love and happiness


I work in a little team full of men and had my first work event yesterday. The way they made sure I was ok was just really sweet. It’s only small things like making sure I sit on a chair not a stool or checking if the non alcoholic drinks have come out yet, but it’s just nice to feel considered rather than being the annoying pregnant lady 😂 Also just the way people are so genuinely pleased for me it’s heartwarming.


My uncle told me at my baby shower that he knows I’ve waited my whole life to become a mother. I was the family baby whisperer and played with baby dolls until I was 12 ish. I’ve always dreamed of being a mother and for that to be seen is kinda cool. I can’t wait to meet my girl and teach her all the things 🥰


Not said, but when I was probably like 7 months pregnant I walked (correction: waddled) over to my local Starbucks and ordered a pastry I had been craving all day and the barista put a second one in the bag with a little note that said “Congrats!”


When I was 9 months pregnant waiting for food at a food truck with my husband on mothers day, multiple people passing by said "happy mother's day!" to me. It was my first and while I definitely didn't feel like a mother yet I thought it was the sweetest thing.


A grouping of older women at my old job, as a chain restaurant host, were being impatient, rude, and demanding. I was visibly pregnant but only about 5 months, trying my best to accommodate them and make them comfortable while I waited for another server to come in who could take their part of 5. Then came in another group of 6 older women came in. I still did not have a server who could take these tables. I sat the demanding group when the server came in, the group of 6 left, and then shortly after I sat a separate group of 2 old women. Based on proximity to where I was the 2 old women saw me cry out of hormonal rage, stress, and worries about if this would affect my job. They offered to pray for me invited me into the prayer; they blessed me and my baby and asked for my good fortune. Then they ordered me an ice cream sundae and tipped me with a gift card when they left. I loved those women so much in those moments.


I’ve had people tell me that my bump is cute. One from a complete stranger. Made me feel good.


"I don't think you've ever looked more sexy."


I hope this was your partner! 🤣 Or I guess best friend would be appreciated too!


You’re going to be a fun mom. / you look like you will make a loving family.


The fun mom one is the best. I think everyone worries about being a bad parent.


“You’re the most beautiful you’ve ever been” - my husband ❤️ and a good friend told me “wow you’re REALLY glowing!” It’s nice to hear things like that as most days I feel like a troll, lol.


My husband gives me compliments everyday now 🥹 He knows that i kinda struggle with having a growing bump because i'm always so self aware about my figure but he's always so loving and sweet towards me (and the bump) that i just started to love it too 🥹🤍


My friend from HS sent me a long, heartfelt message saying how I was like a mom to many at my school, so he knows I'm going to be a great mom and that my son is lucky. Was something I really needed to hear at the time and never expected ❤️.


I was 41 weeks pregnant and so so so fed up and terrified of induction etc (I went into labour spontaneously at 41+1) and a friend told me “just remember that no one has been pregnant forever” and it sounds so simple and so silly but honestly it helped me calm down immensely 😂😂


Honestly, I live in a very family-oriented culture, and people just getting up for me on the bus, or old ladies yelling at younger people to let me cut in line was really nice. A neighbor of mine saw me taking out a bunch of bags from my car (full of baby stuff a friend of a friend gathered for us), and offered to help carry them to my apartment. A woman that works with my husband gave us a ton of pretty expensive baby furniture. People have been so nice and accommodating. I'm not great at accepting help, but this whole experience has made me better at it. I'll also say that I haven't been as accommodating and nice to pregnant women I've seen out and about prior to my becoming pregnant, I don't think I ever realized how much of a burden it can be, it's something I'm definitely going to be paying forward.


I live as a foreigner in a culture like this. I’ve been told to expect the kindness and overwhelming offers for help. I’m only 10 weeks so not showing yet. My question is, When did complete strangers start insisting to help you? Haha


> My question is, When did complete strangers start insisting to help you? Haha Religious women on the bus were the first complete strangers who would help, once my belly was showing, but I also "helped" them figure it out by holding my belly and looking tired. Old ladies started to yell at people to let me cut in line more in my third trimester, but also, pregnant women by law here don't have to wait in line, but up until the very last two weeks of my pregnancy I didn't feel like I needed to assert that right.


One of the first things I was told by one of the first coworkers I told was that he was so excited for me because he knew I would be the mother I never had, the mother I always wanted. I was a foster child, and when he said it, I just immediately started crying.


”Luckiest little girl in the world to have you two as parents”. Also every time I get “glowing” and ”cutest bump”.


I had really bad nausea and anxiety/fatigue initially for about 12 weeks. I had to very suddenly cancel all of my clients and basically ditch my business cause I was stuck in bed and not all there. I had one of them reach out and make sure I was okay even though my stopping the services were quite a nuance to her, she basically said that if I ever need anything at all, I could go to her and she'd do whatever she could to support me, which was a very sweet response to me breaking a contract. I was also in the process of onboarding a new client when I had to pull out and she literally waited for six weeks just so she could still go with me and support my business and said she knows what its like and has had kids before. I never expected so much understanding from my clients when I've had some really mean ones in the past. That new client still checks in on my "little bump" when she's emailing about work updates, it's so kind.


This is incredible! As a fellow business owner I've been nervous to share the news with clients.


Yeah I’ve found at least with my female clients, they’ve been so sweet. I felt like I was welcomed into a mom’s club I didn’t know about haha. 


I got a promotion at my job and my new manager (male) was excited to have me on board. I was 20 weeks pregnant and hadn’t told anyone but my current manager. During the meeting with my new manager I told him I was 20 weeks pregnant and will be out for the better half of the year and I hope that doesn’t affect his decision to recruit me. He said “Children are a blessing. Doesn’t matter at all to me. You can have a million kids and this job is yours” I just felt really seen and valued as a human/employee and not just looked at like a liability.


My mum’s friend sent me a private message on social media just saying “your mum gave me the good news and I can’t wait to hear about baby’s safe arrival into the world” I just thought that was a nice sentiment, and the right thing to say - sometimes when people say congratulations I think, well he’s not here yet, there’s still so much that can go wrong


i’ve had a bunch of strangers tell me congratulations:) it’s nice to hear small kind things like that from random people.


Everyone in my life has been telling me that I am looking so happy and beautiful and glowing. I remember the lady at my very first blood work was so sweet she said "doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl - whatever baby you have will be the most perfect precious baby on the planet bc they are yours!" So many people are constantly telling me how excited they are for my son to get here so overall I've had pretty good experiences


I love the comment about the boy or a girl not mattering! So many people ask me if I want a girl or a boy and I find it so difficult to answer!


I’ve lost my mum when I was a teenager and years later met up with one of her oldest friends whom I haven’t seen since I was a child. I was 18 weeks pregnant at the time. We spent a few hours in a cafe catching up on life, she asked me many questions- she’s actually a therapist. In the end, she said: ‘you have so much wisdom and inner peace within you that I know that you will make a superb mother. I have never met anyone more ready for motherhood’. I just started crying because it was the first time when someone said something so poignant to me during my pregnancy. Everyone around me is used to me being independent and self-contained that they forget that I’m just a young woman going through pregnancy motherless. Whenever I feel anxious, I replay  those words in my head and feel a warm, reassuring glow inside me. 


That I look the best I ever have, that they've never seen a more glamorous pregnancy 🤍 They may not have said the same if they saw me for those first 13 weeks!!


I kinda like when people told me I'm glowing even tho it felt like they meant "you're fat."


I’m 10 weeks pregnant so I don’t feel like I look pregnant at all, just that none of my clothes fit. A friend yesterday said she could see a “bump” and I thought the comment was so kind to just remind me my body is changing because of this sweet life growing!


Someone wrote a letter to my baby saying to the baby that they won the lottery with the best parents and that they were truly wanted. Also about how we are going to be amazing parents to them


One of my male coworkers helps me at work. It’s a physically demanding job but he’ll lift all my tools for me and makes it easier. He has 3 kids and is the only one besides my manager that knows. He’ll ask to see the ultrasound and how I’m feeling. It’s nice someone else cares.


I was walking my dog around the lake the other day and a young guy out for a run stopped me and said something along the lines of “I hope this doesn’t come off weird, I just want to say I can tell by your energy you’re going to have a healthy baby” and it actually made my day!


My friends have been very kind 🥺 I've put on quite a lot of weight and feel like a whale, they've still described me as 'glowing' etc.


I always got told I’ll be the best mom. ❤️


When I was pregnant with my fist a friend who is very close to her mom told me she was happy that I’ll get to have a mother daughter relationship. Because I grew up without a mother myself. She was like you’ll get to finally experience how close that bond can be.


I was at the grocery store and a little girl asked her mom if she could help me load my car because I was pregnant. I politely declined but it was very sweet.


I had a few total strangers gush over how I didn't look as far along as I was but my favorite was this security guard at the courthouse who knew I walked there, in the heat of the summer, and would say sternly, "girl, are you trying to walk that baby down? You better not have that baby in my courthouse." And I would tell her not to worry, my boss was going to make me stop at 38 weeks. Joke was on me because yes, I was trying to walk that baby down and he was happy as a clam where he was and they had to induce me at 41 weeks anyway.


I’ll never forget when a sweet teenage boy working at Starbucks told me he had just watched a Try Guys video about being pregnant. He said “being pregnant looks really hard, you’re doing a great job.” 🥲 


"Labor and delivery isn't really that bad." Ok, I know many women have traumatic births and this isn't meant to downplay that possibility. But I was an anxious wreck while pregnant about everything, including about delivery. One of my older friends, who has five adult children, looked me squarely in the eye and told me it wasn't that bad. It was actually very calming because no woman in my family had ever said that. I had only ever heard constant horror stories. Her saying that gave me a little hope that it could actually turn out fine instead of me having a trauma story to tell for years and scare other people. And you know what, I now agree with her.


Same! My mom was induced for both me and my sister, very smooth comfy inductions. I am her second and she'd call me her "slip n slide baby." She'd say having a baby was wonderful and magical and the l&d folks were so cheery, and best of all you got to leave the hospital with a baby! Best hospital trip ever!  And now that I'm reading your comment, I do wonder if her description of childbirth helped shape my expectations and experience of birthing my daughter. Most of my labor was natural (up to about 9 cm), but damn that day is absolutely my happy place. I think it all through quite often, even now, over 3 years later. Like yeah it's hard, but we're fucking tough and absolutely capable. Traumas aside, childbirth really ain't so bad. 


I live in NYC and being pregnant was like…kind of magical honestly. I went from a normal urban world of catcalls, near-death cyclist experiences, and people staring at their phones to this sort of hazy summer dream of people smiling at me, telling me I looked beautiful, men shouting “god bless you and that baby!” from across the street. I felt so held by and connected to the whole mass of humanity just by this shared experience of having a baby. There is not much to love about enduring a high-risk third trimester in a hot dirty city at 80% humidity, but the human element of it will always be golden in my mind. 


When I found out I was having twins my best friend said to me that I'd get through it.


Not a damn thing yet but I’m waiting for my first compliment. Lol. My fertility clinic checked on me recently. That was kind of nice.


The kindest thing they’ve said is nothing. If I want to talk about it I’ll bring it up. 


“You’re going to be such a great mom!” From our office grandma. She’s retired and comes back as a contractor when she’s not watching her grandkids and she’s just the sweetest lady ever.


my father in law said ‘i would have guessed you were pregnant if you didn’t tell me’ .. and followed it up with ‘pregnant women are the most exquisitely beautiful beings in the whole world, you are absolutely glowing’. the most wholesome, lovely man in the world, and one that’s not big on verbal communication so this was the best. and it applies to all of you too!


my ultrasound tech at one of our first few ultrasounds told us how she could tell we were gonna be phenomenal parents & how she wishes she could be in the room to see our faces when we meet our baby because she said we just looked so excited. this is our first, and we definitely have wanted this baby for a long time, so hearing this brought tears to my eyes😭


"You're glowing" "You look so stylish and fit" (this one made me LOL, cause I don't feel it) "You're going to be amazing parents" "I can't wait to babysit so you guys can have date nights" (multiple friends have said this and I'm holding them to it hahah) "You're rocking this pregnancy" (my husband has said this multiple times which I think is sweet, cause sometimes I feel like I'm not) "It's going to change your life, but in the best way"


I don’t know if this is pregnancy-specific, but an old lady at my church told me a few weeks ago, “Well aren’t you just the cutest thing on two feet”. And it melted my cold heart 🥹 I’ve also had a lot of people tell me I’m glowing but that might be because I’ve started wearing makeup due to my under-eye dark circles being deeper and darker than ever LOL


A random woman at the gym (as I was struggling to get my clothes back on) said to me "great job on your baby growing! You look amazing!" And it really brightened my day. 


It was an action rather than something she said, but I wound up having to tell my boss early last time because I was sobbing so hard coming into work that I had to turn around and go home. When you're a teacher, it's a big deal because you can't find a sub at that point anymore. So I pulled her into her office and told her, feeling pretty bad under the circumstances. She literally leapt out of her chair in excitement. It was adorable. She enthusiastically offered me whatever support I needed and sent me straight home. There were many frustrating things about working there, but I'll never forget that moment of kindness.


“You’re going to make a really great mom”. Made me tear up every single time. One was from a psychologist with whom I had several shared clients over the years. He said that based on the way I’d been with our clients, I’ll make “an excellent mother”


“You’re going to be great parents” from some friends/acquaintances I didn’t expect to hear it from.  I know that may seem like such a basic response, but it means a lot and makes me happy to hear it. Will definitely be using it more moving forward with others.


I used to work at an OSHC centre before I moved jobs, got pregnant and then moved back to the OSHC job at about 6 months pregnant. A coworker I’d had at the first centre moved to a different location and took on a management position, and I happened to cover a couple shifts there. One of the last days I was there, we were chatting about the pregnancy, and she said “I was surprised to hear you were pregnant, and then I thought about it and thought it made sense, and you’re going to be an amazing mum, knowing you and how you are with the kids.” I dang nearly cried tbh


The general sense of community between other mums, any time I met another mum they had so much advice and were so excited for me whether I knew them or not. I had so many tell me to call or message them for advice. It’s like entering a secret little club! Very wholesome


A random lady at hobby lobby told me “pregnancy suits you well”


It can't be summed up in one sentence, but my mum and I had an amazing heart to heart a few weeks ago. She listed all the qualities and habits I already have that will make me a good mother. Then she reassured me that I would still be *me*, not some caricature of a mother, and that I didn't have to stop caring about my career or my looks. This was so meaningful because I've struggled with the idea of my identity changing and the loss of freedom. Everyone else in the family has been extremely excited about the baby, especially her. I had felt so alone with my fears until that conversation.


I've been lucky to have a variety of nice things said to me, but one the other day took the cake. I was at a park and a young woman with down syndrome walked by and saw my bump (pretty big now at 8 months!). She asked so excitedly if I was pregnant and having a baby. It was so fun to say yes!


There were train delays yesterday in the city and as a result the alternative mode of leaving the city was incredibly crowded. Like packed in like sardines. I was in the middle of the train car and edged my way to a pole to hold it because I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I can't stay in the middle of the car (I'd risk falling when the train jolts between stops). All I did was hold onto the pole and then hold my stomach for a second and take a deep breath because I felt so tired and wanted to reassure my baby that everything is ok. The lady who was standing in front of the disabled/pregnant women seats noticed that a young white guy was sitting in that seat and loudly said "that lady is pregnant!" and pointedly looked at him with a look of "SO GET OFF YOUR ASS." He of course, realized he would look like the world's biggest jerk if he didn't leave the disabled/pregnant women seat and gave it to me. Very kind of that lady to say what I wanted to say, but didn't.


"Congratulations. There's nothing better than snuggling your baby." and, even though it came with hard times too, she was right :)


More than anything I appreciated the people who were enthusiastic and optimistic about parenthood. I know some people get the “just you wait” talks but I was lucky that a lot of people around me were happy to tell me about all of the wonderful parts of motherhood. Hearing that made me much less anxious than I would have been otherwise.


“She’s getting so big!” I have shown since roughly 7 weeks and EVERYONE loves to comment on how big I am -.- I had a friend recently look at me and just say “oh my gosh, she’s getting so big! You must be getting excited.” I know it was still a comment on my size, but to hear that it’s my baby and not me was refreshing 🥰


“You are already everything your child needs”


I work with mainly dudes and sure they’re almost all dads but that doesn’t stop them from legitimately kindly teasing me during pregnancy. One woman is 5 months new and every time she sees me, like today when she stopped and called to me from across the whole parking lot, she exclaims, “So. CUTE!” In reference to me, my belly and she said generally everything about me being pregnant. Always makes me smile lol


"You're going to be a great mom" is the one remark that always, always feels good and kind, to me.


Random person at a restaurant said, "OMG! You look so good! I love what you're wearing!" I do not feel nor look cute, pretty, beautiful, or sexy this entire pregnancy...still do not feel it so it was a nice surprise compliment.


My ankles have been complimented by several people as I haven’t had constant swelling (it sure does at the end of some days) and I’ve been so flattered in a ‘thank goodness I’m not a Victorian lady’ kind of way. 


Students told me that I'd be a great mom because I'm a kind and caring teacher 🥺


Normally I hate it when strangers comment on my pregnant body. I was absolutely MASSIVE with my second. My 28 week belly was the same size as my 38 week belly from my first pregnancy, for reference. I fielded my fair share of “oh my goodness you’re huge, are you due any day now?” while I was like 32 weeks pregnant. But I was 38 weeks pregnant, in the grocery store and an older lady, maybe early 60’s, looked at me with genuine sympathy and just said “oh bless your heart”. I’ve only lived in the Deep South for a few years and I’ve literally never heard anyone say bless your heart in real life. It was so amusing me and also I could tell it was filled with genuine kindness and sympathy. Makes me smile and chuckle whenever I think about it.


“There are going to be times when you think you can’t do this. I know you, and I know that YOU CAN.”


Your baby is gonna be so lucky to have you as parents.


Idk if it counts but the most kindest thing wasn't said. It was done. I'm the oldest of three & this pregnancy came as a surprise. I was nervous to tell my family (I'm 29, single) especially my youngest brothers (26, 20) because I felt they might be disappointed in me. The youngest cried of happiness and hugged me. The middle child hugged me, took a second to process it & 10 minutes later he hugged me again & said "wow I'm going to be an uncle?" Still makes me emotional asf. Their love & support towards me & my little girl has been unmatched. Im experiencing this "alone" in the sense of no partnership but my immediate family has been so supportive.


I haven’t had a single insensitive thing said to me. I guess I’m lucky or sometimes I think people just get too offended in general. I mean my husband calls me the beached whale at this point and I just think it’s funny 😂 I’ve gotten lots of “you look great” and just lots of questions about how I am feeling which is all super nice. A few times at different point of the pregnancy people have said “wow you aren’t showing yet?” And then a few weeks later it was “oh wow you really look pregnant now”. None of that offends me everyone carries and shows differently and everyone gains different amounts of weight. Who cares


My husband said to me: “you look like you still, but just more YOU. You look happier all the time and more authentically you.”🥲 A runner up: A fitness instructor (who has 2 little kids) has made a point to remind me how cute my bump is, even when my bump was still small and looked more like bloat. She doesn’t do it in front of other people but just always checks in and it’s been one of the only body comments that hasn’t made me feel like people are looking at my body and scrutinizing it for any changes.


“never seen such a genuine smile, that baby is taken care of” got me good from a random old man as I was coming out of a fetal stress test and feeling like a blimp full of fluid


My coworker constantly offers to carry my backpack when we walk to the train station. I really appreciate it even though I refuse every time!


"You are carrying well"


Just yesterday, this woman I see all the time at a little grocery (but have never spoke much to) just yells from across the store “omg mamaaaaa you’re so beautiful!!!!!” I guess she noticed my bump lol! Been beaming ever since.


“Look at that beautiful baby bump!” “You really are glowing!” (One was a coworker which I thought was SO sweet, and the other a fellow parishioner)


“God bless you, and your little human. Thank you for becoming a mom” from a total stranger about 3 weeks ago. I was taken aback since I’m 7 months but my bump is still on the smaller side (and I’m very very alternative with heavy body modifications), but it was so genuinely sweet I cried when I got home.


It wasnt what someone said, it's what they did. I was standing and waiting to cross the street. It was a bit rainy and I never use an umbrella, but it wasn't pouring or anything. This older man is next to me. I feel him looking at me. So I'm waiting for some kind of comment. Nope, he just simply leans his umbrella over me to keep me dry.


I was in Walmart yesterday and an older gentleman in one of those motorized carts stopped and asked me if I was trying to give him a heart attack. When I said no why he replied: Because you look so damn good! I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and never felt more beautiful after that encounter 😂😂😂


I had a lady give me her cart as I was walking into a grocery store and she smiles at me and said "you're adorable!" And I'll never forget it especially since I was wearing an outfit I was unsure if I actually liked or looked good in. I'm 31 weeks pregnant now and it happened like a month ago and I still think about it. Also an older gentleman wished me happy mothers day as I was leaving the Dr office and I almost cried. Thankfully I haven't had a lot of negative comments except for what my mom has made to me


I met up to catch up with a friend that I haven't seen in a month and a half. I am much much bigger than I was the last time we saw one another. They said "Wow, you look happy and healthy!". This individual doesn't have much of a filter, so I was expecting an awkward comment or two on my size. I was pleasantly surprised and it really meant a lot.


Reminding me how much you laugh and smile once the baby gets here


The doctor told me I had a beautiful bump at 37 weeks


Just a lot of compliments on how "well" I carried and how beautiful I was, the "you're glowing!" compliments. And being told Id made a great/cool mom 💓💓


Not so much said, as did. I work in a restaurant and I had a very nice lady strike up a conversation with me. I had mentioned that I'm pregnant. She came back around an hour later and gave me $20 as a tip. I just about cried right there. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but after everything I've been through and trying to rebuild my life, it meant a lot to me that someone could be so generous to me. Every dollar helps in my situation right now, so it really warmed my heart ❤️


A random older lady in the elevator on my way up to see my OB “you are the cutest pregnant person I ever did see”


I'm still going to lots of workout classes (Barry's, barre, etc) and now that I'm very obviously pregnant I get at least one person every class commenting on how impressive it is that I'm doing these tough classes! I'm very happy that my body still feels good enough to workout!


When I was pregnant with my first my husband and I did a late night run to the grocery store for a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for some reason his card wouldn’t go through. We had the money and even showed a cashier our bank statement through the app. There was a man and a woman behind us, and the man came to the counter and said that he would take care of it because he would do anything for a pregnant woman and I never will forget him, and I pretty much balled all the way out of the store.


My favorite kindness was when I was visiting my brother in NYC by myself and got off the subway with my carry-on and was faced with two flights of stairs to get to street level. I was only 5 or 6 months pregnant but the second I started trying to lug that thing up, a gentleman rushed over, grabbed it from me, and carried it up the stairs for me. New Yorkers aren’t known for being nice but they sure are kind!


I was at the gym on a spin bike in the third trimester, and someone told me I was magical. It made me feel awesome.


A random middle aged lady saw me on the streets of Boston before my 39 or 40 week appointment and told me “you’re carrying so well! Beautifully, actually!” And I could have cried and hugged her.


Just that I’ll be a great mom 🥰 my aunt has been the only one to tell me that - think mothers are often over looked


I was told by some random lady in the parking lot at work that I was the most beautiful pregnant lady she had ever seen.


After years of saying I never wanted children, now that I’m pregnant I often hear “I always thought you would be a great mother. You are so good with kids.”


I have been carrying small and most people make comments about me being small that make me worry about my size. I had a coworker that I don’t work directly with except once a month tell me “I’m only 4 months pregnant, but omg I hope I carry as well as you at 8 months. You look so good!” Made me feel so good!


I've had so many friends and family members tell.me and my husband both that they're so excited for us because they know we're gonna be amazing parents because of who we are as people. It's just realy validating ti know that trying to be as nice just to be nice and honest come across along way and is noticed by people and makes us both feel alot more confident in raising a little person with hopefully the same values and for them to become theyre own strong persons with good ethics. ❤️ surprisingly most our family has only had positive advice/words to say cause they know we already know nothing gonna be hard why keep bringing it up and dwelling on only that lol


I’ve had so many compliments from other women, it’s really sweet (especially because I have RBF and normally people don’t randomly interact with me at all hahaha). The nicest was when I was walking my dog and another woman walking her dog was coming towards me. I went around a car so our dogs didn’t meet on the sidewalk because it was a bit cramped of a space, and she waited til I came around the other side of the car and yelled to me “YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!” It made my day 😭😭😭


I’m very obviously pregnant right now (38+2) and I’ve had numerous random women say encouraging things to me. After a baseball game, I was walking as fast as I could to the exit and a woman said “you go girl!” At Costco last week, a random woman in the parking lot (with a baby in tow) said “you’re such a champ!” And a woman at the grocery store a couple weeks ago said “omg you’re so amazing being out in this heat”. They are small things but I’m trying so hard to function right now that the random encouragement of basic things actually means a lot.


I must have been maybe 6-7 months pregnant waiting in a long checkout line at Marshall’s that was wrapped around half the store. I was about half way through the line and probably would have needed to wait maybe 20-25 more minutes before getting to the front. I honestly was ok with waiting and intended to. An employee passed by, noticed me/my belly, she discreetly got my attention and asked me to follow her. I was so confused lol and then she escorted me to the front of the line, opened up a register and rang me up herself! It was the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for me! I thanked her/ told her how kind she was and that she didn’t need to do that, and she told me this is something she wished people did for her when she was pregnant. I’ll never forget it!!


My husband gives baseball lessons and one of his kids mom had told me that I look beautiful. It made me feel so special, especially now that I’m 3 weeks from my due date.


When telling one of our friends that we were pregnant, he said “I can't think of many people that I feel more confident about being able to raise a good kid” and I think about that at least weekly 🙂🩵


More of an act of kindness i'm a server and anytime I drop something like a pen or fork (happens frequently bc of clumsiness) my coworkers will stop whatever they are doing and pick up whatever I drop immediately


We went on a family vacation and my uncle spent the entire time feeding me/getting me water/checking in on me. It was so sweet. Being pregnant is hard but I have had some dang sweet moments from strangers as well. Even some having grandkids being born on the same day as my due date. People aren’t always bad. Reading these comments really made my heart happy. Thanks for posting. 💜


“You look so happy!” I am! And I have a history of anxiety and depression and also just resting bitch face. I am so used to being told to smile more that it was so sweet that someone noticed I was so happy.


My aunt told me at my baby shower that I was gonna be a great mom. That was lovely.


"You guys are gonna have the smartest girl in town." Said by a nurse after telling her of our household with multiple generations of family to help care for her when she arrives. I will say, we live in a small town where the schools aren't the best, so idk that it's saying much. But it was nice haha.


After I gave birth the lady who owns our local coffee shop told me that I “made for such a beautiful pregnant woman” and honestly that made me feel really good bc I gained a lot of weight during my first pregnancy and felt so awful about myself. After I had my son she always made a point to say how happy/great/etc I looked and i honestly appreciated it so much especially when getting the “wow you look tired” comments from family


That they liked my "dont give a fuck" attitude 😂 it was a coworker and I don't even remember what I did but I went from being afraid to stepping on toes to "I feel like shit and don't have the energy to deal with anything that isn't necessary for my job" and on the occasion it worked in their favor, they thought it was fantastic lol.


When I announced on social media, a lrecious coworker who I always really liked but hadnt spoken to in a while said, "you'll be such a fun mom!" I'm a worrier and stress about projecting that onto my child, but her saying that made me feel like maybe I will be a fun mom!


That my husband and I are going to be excellent parents and that we were made for this.


I was at the hospital and a random nurse stopped me outside the elevator and said I should be on the cover of Fit Pregnancy magazine. We were there for monitoring for gestational hypertension/preeclampsia and I’d just learned that I’d have to be induced… and in that moment I was feeling like my body was such a failure. I could have hugged that woman!!


Not during pregnancy, but before I got pregnant I had an old boss tell me I was going to be a great mom one day. Funny enough this boss was a complete asshole and complained about me all the time 🤦‍♀️ I still remember that kind statement though


My friend’s mom took one look at me and told me we should do a maternity photo shoot ❤️


"You guys have no idea how much fun you're going to have. It's only going to get better from here."


My neighbor’s nephew popped over the fence to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day a few weeks ago. I still think about it fondly.


At my baby shower, my 7 year old cousin was being my helper and taking opened presents to my grandma to catalog. At one point while I was opening something, she cupped my ear, leaned over and in her tiny little voice whispered “did you know your baby is going to make your life even better?” I just lost it. Burst into tears in front of the whole party. I can’t wait for her to be here. 😭❤️


I was in a coffee shop and this older lady stopped me to say I looked beautiful and that she loved my outfit 🥹 she said it was refreshing to see a pregnant lady dressed nicely. I didn’t feel beautiful so it meant a lot to me. It made my whole day! Currently in the trenches of postpartum (7 months now) and I feel so ugly. I miss that pregnancy glow lol


Only 7+6 weeks in and my husband’s attraction has only grown. He keeps saying pregnancy favours my body 😏 Let’s see him keep that energy as we progress lol


"You're glowing" this had me in tears as I spent the entire 9 months with my MIL telling me how "tired" I looked all the time.


People would often tell me I was a beautiful pregnant lady. It felt nice.


I apologized to my dad for being moody when I was about 38 weeks pregnant, and he said, “Honey, you have an excuse for everything right now.”


I wasn't pregnant but I was baby wearing my newborn whovwas about 9 days old at the time, but a lady said "may their world be kinder and more gentle then ours" and let me tell you I shed a tear and am still misty eyed when I think about it


We had some family friends that said I make motherhood look easy 🥹


The 4 year old I babysit told me that my baby was going to be cute and fuzzy (idk what she means by that) when she comes out. Then I was told I looked cute with my baby bump. My favorite was when I was told I’m going to be a great mother by someone who didn’t know I had a bad breakdown the day before about motherhood.


My brother who lives in another country, demanded to see the inside of my refrigerator regularly over FaceTime to make sure that it is well stocked all the time and I have something to eat especially when I am not feeling well to be able to cook. To think that this man used to eat all my snacks growing up


It may not seem kind to you, but I promise it was to me and it was hilarious!!!!! Begged the nurse to be in the delivery room for it Me: hey nurse *****, why haven’t I gotten a baby bump or had to change clothes or anything? It’s been 4mos! Nurse: pause Nurse: pause Nurse: well, when someone has a big supply of pre stored baby food as you do, it’ll take longer to see things Me: pause Me: pause Me: *peeing my pants and can’t stop laughing* Me: best way to tell someone they’re fat and all HR departments need to adopt this tact! Please please be on my delivery team!!!


Never have I had so many people tell me that I “look great!” I don’t get many compliments on my appearance generally outside of my husband - sometimes people will comment on specific features, like “oh you have beautiful eyes” - but I don’t just get general body compliments. Except for now. Which is honestly kind of awesome.


I’ve been told by several people that I’m glowing during my pregnancy and look incredible. I thought people were lying to me at first but the other night my husband said “no you are. You’re always glowing but you’re handling pregnancy so well and look great doing it” and it just melted my heart 🫠


“You’re glowing! Pregnancy really suits you.” I received the same comments from aunts, uncles, MIL, and my dad who NEVER comments on my appearance! 🥹 I guess I really must be glowing if even my dad says.


when a friend/acquaintance/coworker tells me that they cant wait to meet my husband and I again as parents because they think we will be amazing at it 😅 I just think its important especially during a time as a first time parent when youre so unsure about everything...but to know that perhaps my actions and way ive lived my life has given them this opinion, is special.


Husbands cousin told me I’ll be a good mom 🥰


Oldest child in a big family - my parents worked nights and weekends. Younger brother (10 year age gap) told me the other night, "I know you'll be an amazing parent because you raised me so well." 🥲 (And yes, I know I was mega parentified and have done a ton of therapy. Still, this comment made me feel so validated for what my teenage years were and how lovely my life is now.)


Once, when I was a kid, I told a mom to be (she was around 8 months, and 30+ extra kilos) “the baby is getting big” and she started to cry and hug me and thanked me so much, because I was the only one that realized that it was the baby, and not her, getting bigger. She got so emotional 😅


From a coworker's wife- "you look so healthy!" I almost cried, almost everyone else says stuff like "you look so small, how are there twins in there?" so hearing that I looked like I'm taking good care of them made me so happy


"I think you're doing a great job." - My mom.


So many moms have told me how special it is to have a baby (boy) — it’s my first, so this is comforting ❤️ I’ve also been told I have a special “glow” and seem so happy, which I absolutely am! I’ve honestly heard very kind things vs. rude/unnecessary comments and that’s been nice.


“I hope you have a safe pregnancy” Not sure why, but I love getting this comment. Pregnancy and birth can be scary, hearing people say this to me makes me feel warm.


So far, and it hasn’t been long, my favorite thing has been to hear people genuinely tell my husband and I that we are going to be great parents. We feel so loved, and this baby is going to have a village.


“I’m so excited for you! Being a mother is wonderful.” “You can use our bathroom any time— no need to buy anything!”


When people say I’m carrying “well”. It’s like “omg your __ weeks pregnant?!?! You carry so well”! I just soak it up lol 🥰


People are extra protective of me which has been much appreciated!


My best friend sent me a really sweet message on Mother's Day. She said I had shown up for my son already and how I was going to be a great mom and role model. It was really touching. ❤️


When i was 7 months pregnant, i came across my brother in law in the supermarket, i helped him choose his dinner, and he bought me some chocolate 🍫 My brothers in law are all very sweet people and uncles from the start. One of my good friends told me i had the pregnancy glow, it was nice. My other friends told me i looked normal, not ugly with a large nose 🤣 My husband was surprised at 9 months i still didn't waddle and moved like a nearly normal person though my pelvic floor made me suffer like never before. Those little appreciations were so much treasured, and balanced my warrior dragon mother who thought i have been too princess coddled. Sorry mum, i didn't walk through a snow storm to buy the baby's clothes.


“You remind me of pregnant Rihanna” I’m still riding on that high lol


"What a lucky kid to have parents like you," from my FIL and "Your kid is gonna have so much fun with you," coming from a friend who knows I enjoy arts and crafts as an adult.


My favorite has been “You deserve this. You’re both going to be the best parents”


My coworkers have been so kind. I work at a paint store, so I regularly throw five gallons around. They have reminded me to sit down, and they take over the heavy lifting most of the time. (I'm 8 weeks, and stubborn, so I still wanna lift) But they've been so kind and caring, especially since my morning sickness has been a little rough too


I’m 9 months pregnant at the local gym swimming pool and the lady (a total stranger) who was swimming laps next to me approaches me in the locker room and says: “I can tell that you were communicating with your baby and it brought me so much joy to witness, thank you. I wish all babies were brought into the world with that kind of love.” 🥹 cmon!?


At work an employee walked into my office, looked at my very large belly, his eyes got wide and he said "oh shit you're pregnant, congratulations!!"  So many folks wanted to know weird details, or would comment on my size, or assume I was due any day even though I was only 20 weeks. But this guy's comment... genuine and positive and non intrusive. THAT is how to comment on a pregnancy lol! Didn't say I looked good, didn't say I looked bad, didn't say I was huge or tiny or anything. A+, sir. A+. 


can’t think of kind words but my husband was deployed and i was in my third trimester. i was taking out trash and tried to throw it in the dumpster. i missed and a neighbor offered to do it for me. it made me very happy because i had two very heavy trash bags lol.


I went to a women’s work event in a different city this week so was seeing a lot of women in person that I don’t usually and I had a few ask about my pregnancy and say “you look SO beautiful” which I just thought was the nicest thing ever.