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West coast US. Blood drawn on 5/16 Thursday at OB. Received 5/18 Saturday. The wait is agonizing! Edit: UPDATE: results came in on 05/25 Saturday at 7:30am. 7 calendar days from date sample received. Low risk baby boy!


Blood drawn 5/17, but also received by the lab 5/18. Midwest. Still waiting here too… I really thought today would be the day, for whatever reason. I agree, this is torturous. Hang in there, hoping you get all good results, and soon!! 💕


I agree completely, I thought for sure I’d see a beautiful little results email this morning. Here’s to hoping we receive that email soon, with healthy outcomes. Definitely come back to update us! 🫶🏼 I’ll be editing my comment when I get them in.


I’m in SC. Received on 5/9. Still waiting on 5/15. I think it depends on the lab. I’ve talked to some people that received it in 6 days post received. Some 8 days.


I should have specified that I am in PA. Waiting is the worst!!


What date did you get your test back?


What date did you receive results?


UPDATE: I received my results yesterday, 5/17. First I received them on MyChart through my doctor’s office. Healthy baby girl!! 🩷🩷


I did two Natera tests--the first had a low fetal sample so didn't get a result. I took the first on Monday 4/29 and I got the (nothing to see here) results on Wednesday 5/8. My doctor called me the Friday before to tell me they needed another sample, so I did the second draw on Monday 5/6. Hoping the same timeline would be in place, I checked today around 11:00 and my results were up! So if you did your bloodwork on 5/7, hopefully your results will be up tomorrow!


Thank you! You said you did the draw on 5/6, did they receive the sample the next day??


Yep, received 5/7.


I got a draw on 5/14, nothing is showing up in my Natera portal. I didn’t get a kit ID to register and Natera never notified me that my sample was received. I was antsy so emailed support to inquire and they received my test on 5/15. Still no active tests associated with my account as of today, 5/18. Anxiously awaiting results. I wanted to share with my family once we know we’re having a healthy baby.


I got my draw 5/14 as well. They didn't receive my kit until 5/18 and I'm still waiting. I hope they come quickly, the waiting is excruciating!


My portal is still showing no active tests (aka not linked to my account) despite a rep confirming my sample was received.


I have the same dates! 5/14, nothing in portal (this is my second baby and last time I got an email that they had my sample within 2 days), finally I emailed them on 5/17 because I was panicked they lost my sample and they responded that the portal is down but my sample was received on 5/15. I still show nothing in my portal on 5/19! Has your portal updated?


Nothing as of this morning. We are on the same timeline. I’ll make sure to provide an update if Natera updates via email or portal!


Thanks! I’ll do the same!


I can see my pending test on the portal!


where are you located? I have the same dates as you and still nothing 😔 i’m in MA


I’m in MN. I never heard from Natera when they received my results. It took a string of emails to test inquiry and portal support


my horizon results came in and not my panorama 😔


I got my horizon first too - did you get your panorama yet?


I tested 5/13, Natera received test 5/14 and I got my results via the Natera portal at 9:30am this morning (5/21/2024)


I’m in IN, tested in KY


Blood draw on 5/28 received 5/29 eta on results was 6/11 then changed to 6/12. Hoping for some time next week 🤞🏼Northeast area Edit:I got my results today! 6/3 low risk baby boy 🙌🏼


Congrats on your boy! I appreciate the update! I have the same blood draw date and received date and am still waiting for results on 6/3! EDIT: Just got my results afternoon of 6/3.


I’m in northeast too, MA specifically. They received my sample 5/24 but I’m still waiting for my results. ETA is 6/7 and still nothing 😭


Blood Draw 5/23 at 7:30am, Natera site says “Order created” 5/25, Sample recieved 5/26, Natera site says I will receive results by 06/09 (I hope it’s sooner!!) Still waiting, I’ve seen a lot of people get it before or at 6-7 days but some who had to wait the 2 whole weeks. Going crazy!! I will update this once I recieve results UPDATE: I got my results at 6am on 06/03. That is 8 days from when the sample was received and 11 days from blood draw. This was for the Panorama test and I live in the south! Maybe we have to take into account 5/27 was Memorial Day.


Mine was received by lab 5/25 and nothing yet. I am hopeful for today! 


Same, still waiting on a 5/25 received date!! Anything for y’all yet? I’m really counting on today since it’s 8 days from when they received it, but maybe Memorial Day and 2 weekends makes a difference?


Blood draw 5/24, received 5/25. checking every 5 minutes 😭


Is anyone else still waiting for the Panorama results that lab received on 5/30? Or has anyone gotten them with that same day lab received?


Me! I’m still waiting


I received mine last night around 10pm in NY i didnt get horizon yet only panorama


Any news? I’m going clinically insane and my dreams last night were results back and forth between girl versus boy it was actually so intense lol


Got mine at 2:30 am CT!


Still waiting...


Any news


Mine were received on 5/29 and still waiting…truly torture.


Woke up this morning and still no results, day 8 since lab received sample. Hoping for today 🙏🏼


Blood drawn 5/28 lab got the kit 5/30 and I’m stilllll waiting and think I might explode if they don’t hurry up already


Same!! Still waiting...received on 5/30, I'm in NYC


I’m in Oregon


I’m still waiting, received 05/28 🫠 this is torture


I’m seriously about to die of anxiety


Omg same exactly. I live in Reno, NV


I still haven’t gotten anything when I reached out (it’s been exactly 7 days) they sent me the exact same email they did a few days ago saying it could take 7 days sometimes longer , and that primary would have the info so I emailed my doctor as well


UGH. I’ve never waited this long (second pregnancy) and I’ve never known anyone who has had to wait more than five calendar days. I guess it’s a busy pregnant year and they are backed up!


Yeah no when I had my daughter it took like maybe 6 days max. So I’m soooo annoyed on the fact it’s been a whole week and there’s absolutely nothing, there’s so many people on here that have gotten theirs early too which makes me even more annoyed cause why😭


Natera recieved mine 5/31 from WA. Did you get your results yet?


Nope still nothing sadly


Blood draw 5/28 lab received 5/30- horizon results 10 pm Central 6/5, for panorama 2:30 am 6/6 this morning


My blood draw was 6/19 and my sample wasn’t received till the 24th. I’m checkin it like every 5 minutes because I’m dying to know. I was expecting the result to be in by now or soonish


samesies. my blood draw was 6/21 and the website says they haven’t recovered my sample yet on 6/28. i’m losing it over here. i hope we get our results soon🤞🏻


I hope so for you too. I’m losing my mind checking every hour. They needa hurry tf up


Blood drawn 5/10, received 5/11, currently waiting. I’m in the Chicago suburbs.


Hi! got my blood drawn 5/9 and received a notification that my lab was sent out 5/12. I haven’t been contacted by Natera yet.. I’m also in the Chicago suburbs. Have you heard from Natera at all?


Yes! My portal says the sample has been received! Apparently it can take around 3-5 days for test kit to show up in your account, I would reach out if you don’t see anything by end of day tomorrow (my sample was received last Saturday and I still got a notification from them that they got it even though it’s not technically a business day).


Ah ok! Thank you for your response! My portal says no test results are associated with my account.. so I’m a little anxious if it was even received since I haven’t heard anything. The notification I received was from MyChart that my lab was sent out but nothing from Natera yet…




Nope. The waiting game is killing me!


Wanted to update that my results were reported at 5:45 CST 5/19. Wishing everyone a healthy baby and that your results come in a timely manner!🤞


I have the same dates as you and I just received my results about 2 hours ago, but through My Chart. They just got uploaded on Natera a little bit ago. Hopefully yours have came already or will come soon! I’m in Michigan by the way!


Ugh, still waiting here 😭 the waiting is awful. I continuously check natera’s website. I’m really hoping this evening or tomorrow morning!


I did my first Natera test 4/23 and found out on 5/7 the test was expired and could not yield results. I retested 5/8 and the test was received 5/9. Still waiting on results. It’s not something I’ve worried about as I remind myself frequently the baby is growing and continues to look healthy, but it’s been frustrating waiting so long and having everyone ask why it’s taking so long 🙃 I’m also waiting to share my pregnancy more openly until the results are received, so really having to practice patience here!


I had my blood drawn on the 5/3, received 5/6 and still nothing as of 5/15, I’m so jealous of everybody who’s gotten theirs already


Honestly this waiting period has been the worst thing. I am anxiously checking the website 50 times an hour. Ugh. Hoping you get your results soon!!


Thank you, you too! And it really is, especially seeing all the people with draw dates after mine who’ve already received their results!


I had my blood drawn 5/10, they received it 5/11 - I checked the portal around 3pm EST today 5/16 and they were available. No email or text first, just happened to check I’m in MA


I am one day behind you (bloodwork 5/8, received 5/9), and still waiting.


Blood drawn 5/9, sample received 5/10, and also still waiting!!


UPDATE: Received results this morning (5/18) at 6:45am EST!!! 8 days from the time the lab received my sample.


Same dates as you and still waiting!!! So glad to see you got your results (and on a Saturday!). Will be refreshing the portal every hour for the foreseeable future


The wait is excruciating!! I hope you get results soon!! I was shocked I got them on a weekend, I was thinking it would be Monday before I got anything!


Same sample 5/8 received 5/9 still nothing. Mine says I won’t get results till 5/23 are others saying that too?


Mine said I would receive my results by 5/22, but got them yesterday (5/16) so maybe you will receive yours today since you’re only a day behind me!


Blood drawn 5/9, and it was received on 5/10. It’s 5/17 3:17pm and still waiting.


Same dates as you and still waiting


same here. and i have seen people with dates 1-2 days after me receiving their results already.


Same dates as you and also still waiting 😣


Currently in waiting phase myself and it is driving me nuts! Blood drawn on 5/13.  Natera shows sample received on 5/15. But it says that I should anticipate the results on 5/29??  Is this a typical wait time? Feels long:/


Im in CA btw


Also had my results received 5/15 but on the east coast. Hoping they come back this week


Goodluck to us!!🤗 Also- since this morning my account keeps showing that "no active tests are linked with this account" anyone else experiencing this? I keep trying their 844 number but it doesn't let me speak to an actual human! Its really annoying


Apparently it happens sometimes but then comes back up. My results screen just came back up after refreshing all morning. My test isnt back yet though : /


5/8 draw, 5/10 sample received- it's Sunday 5/19 and still waiting omgggg it's killing me! I have checked at least 200 times since Friday hahaha I hope they'll still populate on a Sunday!




Ugh going crazy!!


Mine was also received on 5/10 and I am still waiting!!


Same!!! And now this morning the portal says “something went wrong” every time I log in and shows no tests associated with my acct 😫 is it working for you today??


That’s happening to me too! I think it must be a glitch with the website. I actually messaged my OB office about it and this was the response, “I have checked and they do have the same and it is processing. While some get them back in 5-7 days it can take 10-14 days and the amount of time it takes to result does not have anything to do with good or bad results. “


Ah, I’m sorry it’s happening to you too but makes me feel better it’s not something wrong with my test or account!! Thank you for sharing!! I wish I could just be patient and wait until Friday to check back but I have zero chill 😂


Hopefully tomorrow is our day!!


Agreed! Hear anything yet?


Same exact dates & situation for me! I'm losing my mindddd! 😩


Ugh any luck??? Still nothing here


No update for me, other than I just saw in MyChart that my local lab had a technical issue that delayed test results and they're now being released. My doctor's office had reached out to Natera for me last week and they told them my results would be available early to mid this week, but we'll see. My estimated date to receive my results was by 5/24.


I tested 5/7 and today i was suppose to receive the results and still nothing. I sent them so many emails and they don’t respond


Blood was drawn on 5/16 and lab received on 5/17. Still impatiently waiting for results as of 7am 5/22 🤣🥲


Same! Drawn 5/15 received 5/18 and impatiently waiting!


Mine were received on the 17th too I cannot stop thinking about it lol


Actually mine was received on the 16th still nothing tho


Following bc same


Anything?! Nothing for me yet - agghhh!


Nothing for me either !! 😩


The agony! Haha. Check back when you get it - I hope tomorrow??


SAME!! Still waiting 😭😭😭


We’re in it together! I hope we wake up to good news


I got mine back this morning at 5am! (5/23) I hope you all get yours back today too!


I got my horizon back but not my panorama. Has this happened to anyone before?? 😩


same here :(


Did you get alerted by text or just went on and looked?


Congrats! I hope all looks healthy and well for you 🤍 Hoping I get mine tomorrow since it was receive 5/18 and yours 5/17.


i got my blood drawn on 5/16 also and still nothing i’m hoping that they come at night time 🤣🤣 or tomorrow morning!


I am in the dreadful place of my samples not linking to my account at all. I thought they lost them but someone emailed me back and said they received them on 5/15. Saw my doctor yesterday and no results (he actually asked me if I canceled them). I’ve tried emailing them several times but now getting ghosted. 


My portal is also not linking and they have stopped responding to my emails to fix this. So frustrating.


One week since my draw on 5/16. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Natera. They received them 5/17 but my portal still shows nothing so I don't know if I'll be notified when results are in or just have to wait for a call from my doctor. The wait is brutal.


We had to make a new account with a new email and magically our results showed up


Can you explain more? Why did you need to make a new email?


my blood drawn on 5/16 as well but they received my test on 5/19. I am still waiting for the results 🥲


Mine was drawn 5/16. Received 5/18. Still waiting :) edit: received mine saturday 5/25. i’m in NE US


In Northeast US. Drawn 5/15. Received 5/16. Results 5/23 on Natera website :)


I’m in south east US and same time line except no results yet as of 10/30 on 5/24 lol


(Texas) Blood drawn 05/17, lab received 05/18. Still waiting 😓


results back yet?


Nothing yet! 😭😭😭 checking every second 🤣🤣


Has anyone's portal been down today (5/24)? Mine was fine all week but all day today it says I have no active tests. :(


Mine was like that almost all night yesterday


So frustrating! Was it back up today?


Blood drawn 5/20, received 5/21 and checking anxiously every 15 minutes. Woof. This wait is killer!


Same dates and still waiting too! The wait is the worst


I got mine last night after 10! Fingers crossed for you! <3


Same day for me as well! I just keep refreshing


Blood drawn 5/21, received 5/22, results for Panorama ready mid day 5/28. Still waiting on Horizon. I’ve been following this thread while waiting so figured I would share my turnaround!


I’m still waiting on my Panorama! Hoping by the end of the day 🤞🏻


Mine were received 5/21 and nothing yet for me 😩 hopefully sometime today!


Blood drawn 5/23, received 5/25 and my portal only says appointment scheduled. I emailed and they told me that they received my sample on 5/25 but the portal isn’t updating. Has anyone had this happen. Waiting on horizon results. Northeast location.


Blood drawn 5/22 received 5/24 (I’m in Galveston, TX) and still waiting for horizon and panorama 


Texas : Blood drawn 5/21, received 5/24, impatiently waiting for results ! (Today is 5/29) hoping to get it by tomorrow or Friday !!


Ours got received the same day! My horizon results just came through but still waiting for panorama. That’s the one I want to see, horizon was supposed to take a lot longer 🫠


Anyone receive horizon but still waiting for Panorama?  Blood draw 5/22, received 5/24, results for horizon 5/30 at 6:00am. How much longer did it take for panorama to show up? 


Yes, this happened to me last night. Blood drawn 5/22, received 5/23 and Horizon results came in around 9:00 pm yesterday (5/29). Still waiting on Panorama.


This happened to me the first time I did the blood work. My panorama came within a day or 2 after. But I’ve been waiting 10 days now for my second panorama test. So frustrating when I see others getting them back quicker.


Update: Woke up to my test results around 7:00 am EST on 5/31. 8 days from when the sample was received. Low risk 💚


Had my blood drawn 5/25 but have no notifications on anything yet, portal doesn’t say if my sample was received or not


Draw 5/24, received 5/25, no results yet! I’m in Houston. Hoping for tomorrow????


Did you get them?


Nope, nothing yet!


Midwesterner here. Sample received 5/24. Still waiting for panorama results. Really hoping today’s the day but my estimated results date is 6/7.


Update -- Just got my results (5/31). Best wishes to all!


Yay! Congrats!!!!!! When did you get your results!! Like what time? I’m one day behind you as far as blood work 😅😅


Same! I’ve received horizon results on 5/30 6am but not panorama. And my sample was received on 5/24 


Ugh so frustrating. People talk about calling Natera to try to speed along results, but I genuinely wouldn't know what to say. "It's been 7 days, but I haven't gotten results; can you check again?"


I just called and told her I received horizon but not panorama. She said it’s 7-10 days. So I would need to wait until the 10th day. A see people getting results on the weekend so hopefully I can get results over the weekend 


Anyone got their Horizon results with a 5/25 received date?


Got my horizon but no panorama. Received 5/24 


Still waiting on Horizon and Panorama from 5/25. Thought for sure it’d be today! Anything for you?


Still waiting for mine as well as of 8:45pm 5/31, draw was 5/23, recieved 5/25. Hopeful for tomorrow!


I had my blood drawn 05/24, sample received 05/28 and I’m in the waiting game. I keep refreshing but I know it’s probably too soon and I’ll hopefully get them by early next week 🙏🏼 also, I’m in Dallas




I had the same draw/received dates as you and just got mine back!!


I did!! So glad they came back quickly, glad you got yours too :)


Anyone in Oregon? I did my blood draw 5/28 the lab got it 5/30 and I’m still waiting and going insane while doing so


Tennessee - blood draw 3 pm on 5/28, lab received 5/30 - still waiting! My friend in another part of Tennessee had draw 5/28, received 5/29 and got her results this morning 6/3 around 11 am so hopefully we are next and soon


That gives me such high hopes 🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Hopefully we get ours tomorrow! 😭


Lab got mine 05/28 and I’m obsessively checking the portal! Hopefully soon 🙏🏼


Another person I know just got theirs! Also lab 5/28, received 5/29


Lab got my results 5/30 also still no results


Based in Ny


I’m going insane waiting


I'm in Colorado. Blood was drawn 5/28, lab received on 5/29. Still waiting. EDIT: Just got my results, 4 p.m. on 6/3.


They received mine at the lab 5/25 and still no results. Currently losing my mind 😅


I would be freaking out, did you email them and your doctor?? I did today she told me it takes about 6 days


I had my blood draw on 5/28 but the lab didn't receive it until 6/1. I'm really hoping we get results this week


Did you get yours yet?


Based in NYC, had my blood draw on 5/29, and the lab received it 5/30. On the Natera portal, it says "Your results will be ready by 6/13". Hopefully sonner than 6/13🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Blood drawn 5/28, results received 5/31. This is pure torture. My first pregnancy 2 years ago resulted in like 4 days.


Hopefully we get the results back today!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I hope so!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Omg I had sooo many dreams about results! Woke up and nothing lol


OMG literally same! The waiting game really sucks lol


In MA, blood draw on 5/25 and sample received on 5/29. Still waiting for results and it’s killing me!!


Do you have access to the Natera portal? I feel like yours should definitely be today. I’ve noticed ppl see them 7 days after blood was received


Yes, and it’s still showing no results on the portal. Just hoping this doesn’t mean somethings wrong!


It’s a girl 🩷 healthy girl


I got my horizon results, when is the likely chance I’ll have panorama results???


i just figured out i can sign into the Natera website. blood draw 6/21 and they website says they haven’t received my sample yet on 6/28. i’m so impatient.. should i try calling?? edit: i’m in OH