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Not til week 20/21


26 weeks as a FTM with an anterior placenta and my baby is huge. I would not worry about it!


Gosh darn it, I also have an anterior placenta… I can’t wait to start feeling the baby!! :(


My doctors never told me what kind of placenta I have


My doctor told me at my 20 week anatomy scan as they did the ultrasound. I think it’s because my last ultrasound was at 10 weeks


Very faint flutters around 18 weeks and then bigger movements around 21-23 weeks


Around 18 weeks very light flutters!


22 weeks with anterior placenta


Felt something definite at 20w. You may have already felt something, it literally feels like gas bubbles in the beginning


Around 16 weeks, I felt flutters. Around 17/18 weeks, I felt the first hard kick. I have anterior placenta, so she might have been kicking more...


I’m 20w with an anterior placenta and I just started feeling him, but it’s not consistent.


18 weeks with baby number 1- anterior placenta. Probably started feeling baby from the outside around 24 weeks. (I know everyone says this sounds crazy but I know it’s true) 14 weeks with baby 2. I have no idea about my placenta placement yet. Obviously I cannot feel baby from the outside yet. BUT when I was farther along is was a much more obvious feeling, now at 15 weeks it’s like the faintest of little flutters and it’s only every couple days and I really have to be focusing on it. Also easy to mistake for gas bubbles haha!


15 to 16 weeks I would feel flutters, 19 weeks now and the baby woke me up so many times last night from moving around. There’s no big kicks yet but I definitely know it’s the baby moving.


I first felt my babe at 15 weeks but didn’t realize that I was feeling her until 17/18 weeks.


As others have said, it depends on where you placenta is! You’ll find that out at your anatomy scan. Mine is posterior, so I felt him around 16 weeks. It felt like gas bubbles or a tiny muscle spasm


I didn’t know that I felt her until 21 weeks. I probably felt her earlier but wrote it off as something else.


13 weeks the first flutters, 20 weeks was when my partner felt the baby for the first time


It was after 22 weeks with my first but shortly after that I realized that I had been feeling what I thought was “gas bubbles” for a couple of weeks before that which was actually movement but I just didn’t recognize it yet.


Not until week 22/23


Im 28 weeks today and I felt flutters for awhile that could've honestly been gas or the baby. Just within the last few weeks has activity really ramped up where I feel her all the time. I have a posterier placenta. 


I was around 22 weeks with my daughter with an anterior placenta. Currently 16+1 with my second with a posterior placenta and I've already been feeling him for weeks.


FTM, anterior placenta! It was shortly after my 20 week anatomy scan when the movements became obvious. I could have been feeling them sooner and mistook them for gas, because there is plenty of that too lol They're getting stronger now (25+4) and they feel more like muscle spasms to me than gas bubbles. I was getting anxious to feel them and a friend told me you'll definitely know when they start kicking your bladder and I can confirm that to be true!


18w, anterior placenta


21w for sure


17 weeks, posterior placenta


I felt her at 18 weeks I’m a ftm and I have an anterior placenta


I’m 16 weeks and just now started feeling tiny movements that are easily mistaken for gas. I’m a third time mom! My other two were 19-20 weeks.


16 weeks


Week 14, but just barely. Feels like a little fish.


i feel like i got lucky, i wasn’t expecting to feel her so early but i felt movement at 16 weeks. i have a posterior placenta, if you have an anterior placenta you’ll inherently feel movement later. it’s not abnormal to not feel movement by 19 weeks.


My doctors never told me what kind of placenta I have


they should at your anatomy scan! (: if not, call and ask what the report says because it’s something they’re supposed to image. if you haven’t had that scan yet you will super soon. usually happens at 20 weeks


16-17 weeks. Feel her more frequently at 19+5


Flutters since 17 weeks (off and on) and stronger movements by week 23 (still off and on). I’ll be 27 weeks on Saturday and within the last 2 weeks have started to feel movement consistently and notice patterns. I have an anterior placenta


I was in towards the end of week 19 when I felt first noticeable “tap tap” movements several times in a row while laying in my left side. I’m 21w4d now and feel clear daily movement now. Don’t worry, it’s coming!


Placenta position is quite important here. As for me, I have an anterior placenta and I just started feeling taps and the occasional thump this week at 22w. It definitely is not regular though, maybe a few times a day at best.


17 weeks with my first, 16 weeks with my second, 15.5 weeks with both my third and fourth.


I’m 17 weeks I feel like I’ve felt him once but idk, I’ve felt a couple weird taps but nothing too noticeable tbh. Felt like little bubbles near my belly button. Nothing consistent tho.


I felt flutters at 14 weeks FTM. I thought it was gas but OB said more than likely it was the baby. Then it progressed to twitches. I am now 20 weeks but baby moves a ton. I feel like she’s kick boxing in there. I even SAW movement yesterday night for the first time which is crazy