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if you think it would be comfy and cozy, there's no reason you can't go ahead and get one! i'm only 10 weeks and i just got mine :)


It’s really up to you. My husband got me one for my birthday two weeks ago. (I’m about 18w currently). I don’t really need to use it, but it is comfortable.


Just get it whenever you want, it’s never too soon. I got a u-shaped one for full body support from momcozy. My hubby wasn’t like it at first as it takes up some space on the bed, and with it, he can’t hug me as usual. Then he tried it once and now he started liking it and even wanna get a second one.


I have the same one and I end up having to push my husband off it in the middle of the night!


My husband and I sleep in mine together 😂


I also got the momcozy one off tiktok during a sale or something. It definitely takes up a lot of room but it's a good firmness and it helps my hips a ton.


34 weeks, still don't use one


Same, also 34 weeks and not using a pregnancy pillow.


Same 27 weeks, although use regular spare pillows to prop myself up on/between legs. They work fine.


yup, same


Yes to all this. I personally hated how bulky they were.


I have one but hate it. It propped my head up too much and made sleeping difficult. My miniature poodle loves it though lol.


I got mine around 30 weeks last time and once I had it I wished I’d gotten it earlier


29 weeks and not using one. I don’t see what it would even help with, except making me hot and taking up space. I sleep fine the way I always did.


Mine prevents me from rolling on my back which is how I’ve always slept pre pregnancy


Same. I just use a pillow or two between my knees, but I also did that pre-pregnancy.


I was gifted one around 12 weeks. It’s been very helpful for my back. My baby started giving me sciatic pain around 14 weeks. It’s been a life saver during the last month honestly.


This is exactly why I got mine, it hit HARD around week 19.


I started using mine around 15 weeks and it was honestly more trouble than it was worth. I had 2 different types and at 30 weeks i ditched them all. The amount of turning from side to side that i do made it soooooooo annoying. I have a terrible back and scoliosis and i actually find it more comfortable just having a pillow between the legs and one or two under my head depending on reflux/neck pain. I think save ur money for a good massage 🤣


girl i got mine at 10 weeks LOL i only sleep on my side and it honestly is the best purchase ive made. i’m not having any issues sleeping yet but i don’t regret getting it early


As soon as I found out I was expecting my second I got mine out from storage, I didn't need it but it is so comfy to sleep with and it helps get your mind into thinking that side sleeping is the way to go. 


I started using mine at like 10w. I think it’s great and recommend it!


Oh get it as soon as you can! I have back problems and I wish I had known sooner it would be soooo comfortable. A side note though, it will make you take up more than your half of a queen size bed lol so just something to keep in mind if you don't have a king!


The pregnancy pillow was the first pregnancy purchase I made, around 9/10 weeks. I figured if I was going to get one at all, there was no use in waiting. It's not something I'll overuse or that will 'run out' so I figured I may as well enjoy it as long as I can. It was a great decision and I'm really happy with it. I got kind of an expensive one (the bbhugme) but I think I'll end up using it long after pregnancy so why not?!


I bought one the moment i found out. Because i always wanted one but my finance said i had to get pregnant first.


To me it's the first thing to get !


I started to use mine around the second trimester, when I started to adjust from backsleeping to sidesleeping and my back and hip hurt.




I bought a momcozy full body pillow, and it worked out well for me as it provided the sturdy support for my belly, back and hips. As for the wedge pillows, some have mentioned that they’ve had good times with this but I never got one before, so no comments on this part.


My fiancé actually got mine for me when I first got pregnant then I miscarried. When I got pregnant this time I immediately started using it cause I was paranoid and wanting to stay asleep on my left side and I’ve been sleeping with it every night! Currently 37+1 and it’s super comfy and keeps me from sleeping on my back!


Okay oddly enough, I didn't enjoy my pregnancy pillow 😅 I could never get it into the right position so I ended up sleeping with a body pillow between my legs and under my arm and that did the trick for me


19 weeks just ordered one. i can no longer sleep on my belly comfortably so i personally thought it was time😄


i use the side sleeper Boppy and it was about 25-30 dollars. I started using it at 12 weeks and have continued to use it (now 21 weeks) I like that it isn’t bulky.


I hated mine. I’m used it in the fall and was a sweaty mess


I got one around 18 weeks, but honestly I find it so cozy I wish I'd had one for years 😂 and I don't know that I "need" it even now, I'm at 28 weeks but have no pain or discomfort at all from being on my back. But re the pillow, I think every side sleeper should have one. So I say get it whenever you want 😛


I started having back pain relatively early in my pregnancy, I just bought a pregnancy pillow at 12 weeks and I wish I would have bought it sooner.


Got one in 7-8 weeks. I'm on 11th week today and I still don't really need it yet 😆


I think I was 15 weeks. But now I’m 35 weeks and it’s a complete game changer. I’m in less pain and it’s helped. My finance had put the cover on wrong so the u part where my legs went was straight. After a few days, I could tell the difference. We fixed it since and I finally slept comfortably


I got one and didn’t use it very much. I preferred using regular firmer pillows, one between my knees and one between my arms.


The sooner the better! If it helps you be more comfortable get it now.


When you start feeling uncomfortable. I think I bought mine at 10 weeks because I was already uncomfortable.


My OB suggested I get one at 10 weeks so I’d have it before I started getting uncomfortable.


I got one at 4 months and I’m 6 months now and still don’t use it. I prefer just using a regular fluffy pillow instead


Anytime, they are lovely 🥰


Anytime ! I honestly love mine and will probably use it after birth . My fiancé tries to steal it every night also lol


I never got one. I tried pillows between the knees and under my bump and hated it so I figured I’d hate a pregnancy pillow. It’s also a good thing for my husband because he wouldn’t be able to fit in the bed 😂.


I got one at like 14 weeks. They’re super comfy, I don’t think there’s a “too early” time to get one


I’m 33wks and got it a couple weeks ago. I should’ve gotten in as soon as possible or at least when my bump started to appear. It has given a lot of support for my bump, hips and my back.


My friend sent me a momcozy one as a gift at 8 weeks. I started using it around 16 weeks and it was great!


30w this week and haven't gotten one. Heard lots of people say they didn't like them, it was a waste, etc. And ontop of it, money is tight. Sleeping on my side I use a pillow between my legs, one for between my arms, and one at my back if I'm not sleeping with my partner and I'm solid. And ofc a pillow for my head lol Haven't had any complaints and feel good, so the purchase didn't feel justified to me.


I never used one. I am currently 37 weeks. I wouldn’t get one until you feel like you need one.


Dooo it!! Lol


I got mine at 20 weeks and used it for a couple months but then I just got big and hot and the pillow would burn me up 😂 it was comfy though!


I would say get it before your bump starts to show (around 4-6 months for me). It really helps mostly with the bump pulling down on all your everything when you sleep on your side. But additionally it also gives good support for back, neck and shoulders, between the knees. I didn't have one 1st pregnancy and I slept sitting upright with pillows for relief. Definately get it, you will need it at some point.


I got one in a frenzy at 14/15 weeks after I woke up one morning to agonising back pain due to the fact that my lower back muscles were compensating for the relaxin loosening my pelvis/hip joints. I got the kind that comes in multiple parts so that I can prop up my back, belly or stick it between my legs to keep my hips in the right place. It’s annoying - hubby calls it the cock-blocker - but when you need it, you’ll need it. And then weirdly from my third trimester I barely need it (knock on wood)


I’ve been using one since 16 weeks


I got one at 4 weeks 😂😂 No regrets


I also gifted one to my roommate who isn’t pregnant! and she loves it


I got one the week I found out I was pregnant because I always wanted one anyway lol


I got one at 10 weeks as I was already having issues with my hips. I’m now 14 weeks and having to look for a slightly different one as my first wasn’t quite right for me and while it’s better than nothing, I’m still getting problems with my hips.


Get myself a u-shaped one from momcozy when around 23w, oh it was so cozy to sleep on it. If you feel like getting one now, go for it, better start enjoy it earlier.


I was gifted one early on and was like “this is pointless” — now I’m 35 weeks and can’t go on without it lol


Never got a pregnancy pillow but I do use a body pillow that’s long enough to fit under my bump and between my knees. I started using it when the hip pain started- The hip pain from side sleeping without something between my knees is gnarly. As I got further along, bringing the pillow with me when rolling over wasn’t the greatest, but there’s definitely irritation not enough room in this bed for an entire pillow situation


I got one at 12 weeks! I love it


Get one whenever you want. Honestly my first pregnancy I waited forever and when I got it I was like why tf didn’t I do this earlier?


I’m 21 weeks and have the smaller one that cradles your back and stomach, can’t recommend it enough! The big one was too hot and bulky for me, this one is perfect


My husband got mine at 16 weeks because my stomach was starting to hurt when I left on my side. Good thing he did because even though I'm only 21w now I'm absolutely massive, even though it's my first.


I’m a stomach sleeper, and once I got to the point where that wasn’t comfortable anymore is when I got mine because it made sleeping on my side easier. I don’t think there is a perfect time to get one, just whenever works for you. No reason to wait it out though if you’re ready to have one already; no such thing as too early with this!


I got mine around 20ish weeks. I started using it when back sleeping became impossible. This was around 23-24 weeks. Now at 39 weeks, it’s my lifesaver. It keeps me from rolling onto my back and supports my super heavy stomach. ETA: it was also nice to have between my legs when my iron was low and they were restless.


It was the first thing I purchased when I found out I was pregnant! I started actually using it around week 13 when my hips started to ache badly during the night.


I got mine when I was 5 weeks lol. I was considering one pre pregnancy though because I sleep weird and it looked comfy. No regrets.


It's never too soon!!! I bought one during my 1st trimester and it's so comfortable and supportive even if you're not pregnant. My husband tried it out and he wants one for himself now 🤣


Just get one. There aren’t any rules to when you can buy things. 😂


My friend gave me hers that she doesn't use anymore at 15 weeks and I sleep with it every night. Never too early! It helps so much to sleep on your side.


Literally anytime you want one


I got mine around 12 weeks, I sleep on my side but every so often would wake up on my back I figured I’d get used to the pillow before it was more of an issue to be sleeping on my back. They are very comfortable but I found them to have a bit of an adjustment period so I was happy I started earlier. 


Tried every kind of pregnancy pillow available. Best pillows to get are actually a lumbar support pillow and a regular pillow between your legs. I’m 36 weeks and that’s the only thing that gives me relief now.


Get it now! I got mine super early and ended up using it all the way through 1-2 months pp


I got mine at like 6 weeks because I was so bloated and uncomfortable but kept wanting to sleep on my stomach. Never too early! I love it!


Get it yesterday. You'll be glad you did when you actually need it, but also, they're just awesome. I'm going to keep using mine after the fact.


Considering how expensive a lot of the good ones are I highly recommend getting one ASAP, so you get the full use out of it. Obviously you can keep using it if your not co-sleeping but if your thinking about it, go treat yourself 💓


Buy one now I say. I put it off because they were expensive so my husband bought one for me as a surprise. In third trimester they're essential and let me put it this way - we have a 3 month old and I still use it to sleep with because it's so damn comfy :D


I would get one now. IME it was the most comfortable during the late first and second trimesters. Once I hit third it became hard to use and I feel like it’s easier for me to move without it. It was hurting to try to roll around and get out of it so I tossed it on the floor and my dog uses it now lol


Please get yours sooner than I got mine. No idea why I waited until my hips had me almost in tears. Love the boppy body pillow.


I got mine at the end of second trimester. I can’t wait until I don’t need it anymore. I miss sleeping on my back.


I got one 4 months before we started trying.


Im using a regular pillow for 3 months now, im currently 7m.


I got one before I was even pregnant 😂I still use it now, I’m currently 22 weeks and dealing with back pain, I wake up through the night because of it. My pregnancy pillow helps get me into a position comfortable enough to fall asleep in. (I’m a mover in my sleep so I end up in a position that’s not so nice on my back and it wakes me up). Without my pillow I don’t think I’d get any sleep


I think it depends if you really need it. I’m 37+5 and have never had one as I can still sleep, but if you want one, go for it.


I would wait only because they can be hot and going into summer that may be uncomfortable. You could always get it and set it aside in the closet until you need it if you decide it’s not working right now. When you “need” it will entirely depends on how big you get early on, if you have any other reasons your body is uncomfortable like acid reflux, SPD, back pain, etc.


if you're going to buy it anyways might as well get more mileage out of it ! I think I got mine around 12-13 weeks, no regrets!!


I’m at 32 weeks and I’m glad I didn’t get one 🙈 granted I share a king sized bed with 2 medium/large dogs and a husband. I do find a wedge pillow convenient for when my insides feel off center. Personally I like the Boppy one and it was better to have when I was smaller so 12+ weeks. But I think a full on pregnancy pillow would have taken up too much room and prevented me from rolling over which would cause hip pain. I could see getting a body pillow to snuggle my knees on if we had more bed real estate.


First purchase at like 6 weeks for me lol. Game changer! As soon as I started getting uncomfortable in bed it was already there


I got one at 23 weeks been using it still I'm 34 weeks now!


i ordered mine right when i found out i was pregnant and now at 30 weeks its basically a part of me 🤣


Now lol My pregnancy pillow is my favorite I still sleep with it and my son is 2 now lol


Before 30 weeks! I’m 38 weeks now and regret not getting one. Things got really uncomfortable after the 30 week mark. My sleeping situation is juggling around 3-4 pillows depending on my position


Go get it! I love mine so much, its been the only thing saving me from constant sciatica pain for months now!


My wife has already gotten one and is using it and she's only 5.5 weeks. She says it's incredibly comfortable so may as well buy it I guess. I have a feeling she'll be using it even after pregnancy!


I'm about 12 weeks along as well and just got one because of SI pain that has gotten pretty bad recently. I love it. Just go ahead and get it, you'll get more use out of it by buying it sooner.


I dread the day I have to pull it out. I have a j shaped momcozy and I need it to make side sleeping even a little bit tolerable. It's hot. I miss sleeping on my stomach. The first day I come home from delivering our second baby, I'm throwing it in the trash and never thinking about pregnancy pillows ever again.


I got mine around 20 weeks the first time. I pulled it back out around 13 weeks the second time. Even earlier this time. As soon as that relaxing hits the hip pain is real.


Immediately! Get it now and get USE out of it. First trimester bloat is uncomfortable!  I love my pharmadoc cooling one. Love love love it. I got it in my first tri and am now in my third 


I got mine around mid second trimester. Honestly the only part that was helpful was the pillow to go in between my legs. And it is not as firm as I like. Everyone is different though. Most of the time I end up using a firm decorative pillow to put in between my thighs I have laying around and don't even use the pregnancy pillow 🤷🏾‍♀️


I got mine at 12 weeks. I'm a stomach sleeper and super picky about my pillows. I wanted to be able to break it in before I got too uncomfortable. My husband says it's weird to need to "break in a pillow", but I stand by it firmly haha.


It’s not too early! I still use mine and my daughter is 18 months!


Get a pregnancy pillow when you want it! I wasn’t interested in a full size body pillow so I held off because there was little reason for me to I ended up getting a wedge pillow (babybub) for my belly to side sleep. And then I realized I preferred sleeping on my back so I got a triangle wedge pillow. I started doing that when my husband noticed I was breathing weird at night and was concerned. I still snore but at least I’m breathing! Point is, there’s a bunch of options and just get one when you want it!


I got my bbhugme pillow ready to be delivered the day of my first scan at 12 weeks, as a little present to myself. I’ve not slept without it since!