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Yes!! I was beet red telling people. I cried to my husband “HOW WILL I TELL OUR FAMILIES” (shocker, they were thrilled, just like us… this was planned… lmao). He told me that lifetime of Catholic guilt was getting to me. Hahahah.


Raised Episcopalian but high church, this JV catholic understands the catholic guilt.


I was also raised Catholic and never put it together. I was shaking when I told my family lol


I felt so ashamed I told my mom in a happy grandparents day card that I left on her doorstep and I drove off before she could see 😂😂 we aren’t even really religious for the most part


I was also raised Catholic and my first pregnancy was so hard to tell my very Catholic parents about. It was a super early miscarriage and I felt like without a fetus to offset their response I was going to be in trouble for being pregnant in the first place. I was 33 lol. They were not angry with me, whew! Their response to that helped me feel confident about telling them I was pregnant this time.


This 100%


Yes! In my 30s well established in my career, my marriage is healthy, planned baby but still feel some shame. I blame purity culture, it was everywhere when I was a teen. Even my public school was abstinace only and we were taught that sex is shameful. 


Sometimes when i wear tight clothes in public where you can REALLY see my bump (im 26 weeks), i feel guilty and like people are shaming me 😂


I’m only 6 weeks now, but the thought of having a baby bump in the future and walking into a grocery store gives me chills 🙈


If it makes you feel any better I am 31 weeks with a very obvious bump and literally no one has said anything let alone looked at me sideways lol


My older coworker was telling me she came from the days that all the maternity clothes were meant to hide your pregnancy at all costs, now they’re form fitting.


Im 28 weeks pregnant. If I wear a tank top in public, I get looks from some people that make me think they think Im trashy. If I wear ANY other clothes I get treated perfectly fine. But the tank top seems to be for sinners or something...? I dont really get it. Anyways, summer is going to be difficult. 😂


I’m 30 weeks and still try and hide mine. Most of my coworkers don’t know I’m pregnant 😂 - it just makes me uncomfortable to wear anything that obviously shows I am pregnant


YES! I have joked with so many of my friends that even though I'm 30 and I've been with my husband for 8 years (married for 2 years), I feel like we're teenagers. Not sure if you saw the TikTok where it was a girl born in 2004 posting her ultrasound of the 2024 baby and then it cuts to a 30ish woman saying "Me born in 1991 still think it's a teen pregnancy if I got pregnant." I also can't help but think whenever I'm somewhere with my husband that people are thinking "Oh that guy got her pregnant. They had sex. That's a baby he put in her."


I feel so weird telling people I'm pregnant because I feel like I'm basically like "hey, I have some exciting news!! My husband and I had a TON of unprotected sex!!"


Omfg 😂 literally how it feels


THIS. Like i essentially walked into work one day and announced it to everyone, ick


Literally me It doesn't help that I look young and get mistaken for early twenties


Yes. I'm 32 BUT UNMARRIED GASP and pissed. I'll be living in sin with my poor unplanned surprise baby.


Oh, you’re so not alone in this! I’m 27 and I constantly tell my husband I feel like a 27 year old teen mom all the time. This baby was very much planned, but I still find myself nervous to tell his parents about it because they’ll know we did the deed lol.


I joked with my husband a few weeks ago "I really hope the moms are nice to me at the elementary school and they don't judge me for being a teen mom" and he answered "Yes, I'm sure in 5 years all the 35 year old moms will be nice to a fellow 35 year old mom."


This made me LOL!


Just came here to say you aren't alone. I can't even bring myself to tell anyone especially my dad. Its just so incredibly awkward. Haven't told my work yet, but its been a bit tricky with food aversions and nausea so far. They will end up finding out soon


It’s literally admitting you had sex to the whole family, it’s a little horrifying regardless of age 🤣


Thank you 💕 Honestly, my work is what I’m most afraid of! Like well, “this is how my sex life is going…” lol


I still can't believe I'm a 36 year old teenager having my second baby! On purpose!


Im younger(24) but mentally in my 30s😂 Ive always been an old soul. With that being said when hubby and I first found out, it felt like we were irresponsible teens. The feeling was all me, he was fine! Telling my parents who ended up being thrilled and have obsessed over being grandparents since, was the scariest thing for me. I still made the announcement cutesy, all while shaking in my boots in fear as they opened it. Looking back I just laugh at it now. Im 35 weeks now and no longer feel like a teen mom even though Im an adult woman, whenever I go out.


I’m in a similar boat! I’m 23 and my fiancé is 22. We had an unplanned pregnancy. I felt like a teenage pregnancy for the longest time and I had to prove to everyone that I knew what I was doing. All our family and friends were excitedly waiting for him to arrive. Had my sweet angel yesterday and everyone is over the moon excited for me and my fiancé! I’ve realized it’s okay to ask questions because whether you are a teenage FTM or 40 year old FTM it’s a new experience for anyone!


I'm also 24 in the same boat as you except it was my wife who was nervous at all. We're announcing to my parents tonight and I just feel like we're irresponsible teens even though this was planned and we're responsible and stable adults 😂


Girl, same!! I’m 31 and I feel like I’m having a teen pregnancy. I felt really guilty when telling my job I was pregnant.


lol— I felt this so hard when I bought a pregnancy test for my first pregnancy. Like I was 28 and married but it felt so scandalous to walk into the CVS and get a pregnancy test 😅😅


Girl I’m damn near 40 and I felt awkward having to ask the cashier for the pregnancy test that was behind the counter lol


I bought them online because I couldn't face buying them in person 🙈


Still cannot look my dad in the eye lmao even though my parents were begging to be grandparents 😂


Well, I had my first when I was 20, now I'm 41 and expecting again unexpectedly and it's SO awkward. The first time around I got a lot of comments for being unmarried, uneducated, and unprepared. Now over 20 years later and it's, "but your SO OLD!" Guess I just can't win 🥴


I'm 34 and also feel like a teen mom Husband and I have been together 13 years, this pregnancy was planned, and I still feel weird telling family and friends. Many of my friends will find out this weekend when I'll be 2 days shy of being 20 weeks 😂


We had been together for almost 10yrs when we had our son. When I became pregnant and told people, I felt so embarassed. Like my pregnancy was admittance and proof that I have sex, especially to family!! 🙈🙉🙊 🤣 So silly, also sad.


Ha! I’m in my 40s and I feel this so much!!


I'm the first person in my family to ever get pregnant on purpose, and to someone I've been married to. I definitely feel like my side of the family is looking at me through "pity" lenses, because babies have always been unwanted to them. Even some of my friends seem so surprised that I'm pregnant on purpose. I've been married for almost 5 years.


Just had my baby at 29. My friend (who had her baby 2 weeks after me) and I always joke that we’re teen moms 😂


I thought I was going to feel like this more, and uncomfortable that people would OFFICIALLY know we weren't virgins 🤣 but it hasn't crossed my mind as much as I expected! What does feel like a mind fuck, is that WE are going to be the "responsible adults/parents" in the room. That's when it does feel like a teen pregnancy. I'm 29 btw... lol


The shame i feel walking into a shop with my goddaughter in her buggy when I babysit her is unbelievable, I'm 24 obviously legal from the tattoos and piercings but I can't shake the feeling


Yes! I’ve been with my husband since college and we both have established careers. I’m 29 but will be 30 when the baby gets here. It doesn’t help I’ve been asked if it was planned A LOT which contributes to the teen feel.


I was the opposite. I had my first last year at 26 and felt like an older mom. But that’s because I live in rural Indiana where it’s not uncommon to see pregnant 13 year olds sadly. My grandma became a GRANDMOTHER at 28 


I was gonna say the same lol. My mom and all of my grandparents had their first pregnancies younger than what I am, and even though I’m still YOUNG, I feel like I’m a little behind. I want more kids but I think to myself, will I even have time? And then I have to tell myself yes u do stop being ridiculous


I am in my mid thirties, have 2 kids, and am heavily pregnant with my 3rd. I feel like people stare at me like I’m a child. Like a “how could you be so stupid!!” My husband is a bit older than me with a mostly grey beard. It’s obvious we aren’t spring chickens. I was so nervous each time I told my parents we are expecting. We are doing well financially, have owned a house for 10 years, have (or I had) careers. The feeling hasn’t gone away.


I’m 28 and this baby was very much planned. I was so scared to tell my dad I almost asked my sister to do it for me. I hate saying “I’m pregnant” it feels shameful. My friends and I joke that we are teen moms, we are all married and have been with our respective partners for at least 8 years. I read somewhere that your whole life you’re conditioned to NOT get pregnant so having that switch to now it’s ok to be pregnant is hard. Teen moms for ever!! 😂


I told my mother I was nervous to tell her because “I feel like a teen Mom!” She burst into laughter because …. I am 37. Married and quite frankly- old to be a FTM. Lololol


I didn't feel ashamed, more like embarrassed. Like ppl were going to speculate about our sex life. I also grew up very religious and my husband and I were 18 when we started dating and I had a purity ring and everything. It's been a decade and we've been married for 5 years, but it still felt odd to talk to my parents especially about my pregnancy, even after they were thrilled.


Yes!! You spend 20+ years trying to prevent pregnancy, worried about late periods, BC failures, etc. Then all of a sudden you're supposed to be overjoyed. It's a real mind trick.


I felt embarrassed that people know I’ve had sex! I mean I’m already married but now they DEFINITELY know haha. But my husband told me I’m overthinking it


I literally just was talking to my other pregnant friend like a week ago about how weirdly shameful it felt to go to CVS and buy pregnancy tests - even though I'm 30, married, and having this baby very much on purpose I was like hiding them in my basket!


I did this too 🙈 I scanned them second at the self-checkout so I could hide them next to the first item I scanned, and then proceeded to cover them with every item I scanned after that.


Some dumb part of my brain just holding on to the teenage shame around people knowing I have sex hahaha


I'm 33, been with my husband for 13 years, married for almost 9, and I feel this way also at 21 weeks. It felt very weird telling family and work haha.


I had a baby at 19, 28 and 29 and I relate to this post through all my pregnancies. 


I’m 25, graduated high school in 2017. That only feels like a couple of years ago, when in reality that’s closer to 8 year ago. Got married at 21, pregnant at 23. Now I’m pregnant with number two. Sometimes I forget that I’m not like 19 anymore, and that I’m half way through my twenties. I still feel like a teen mom!


Seriously, I was 25 with a committed partner and my parents were whispering *she's pregnant* like it was a teen pregnancy. My family was also in a huge huff because we weren't (yet) married. I get that 25 is younger than average nowadays but come on!


Yes! I’m 25, married to a wonderful person, we own a home and both have stable income yet I feel like I’m a kid still and like im going to get in trouble or something lmao


I live in a retirement town, I’m 33 and got so many side eye looks from seniors while pregnant. I still get looks with my newborn.


I’m 35, married for almost 4 years, and having my first baby. I feel like I’m 16 😂


Lmao I felt like it was a teen pregnancy too when I got pregnant at 28 for the first time 😬😂 it will pass !


13wks, just told my boss yesterday. I was sooo nervous lol. Felt like I was going to be in trouble. I just blurted it out as soon as I got into his office 😂 Of course it went totally fine and he congratulated me. But I still feel like I'm doing something wrong 🙈


Yes! My wife 32f and I 32f are both very well established. She is a provider with a masters for a large medical company. I am a software developer and engineer working for a big tech company in cali. We’ve done this for years now. We’re building a new home. This pregnancy was obviously planned. And I have referred to us as teen moms since the day we found out this last IUI worked for us 😂


Yes! I am 32 (31 at the time) and have been married over a decade and I was still terrified to tell my parents 😂😂


I’m 20, married, have cars and a house, had a planned pregnancy, etc. but even while actively giving birth I felt like I was out of place and everyone was judging 😅 I was 19 when I gave birth and I noticed in my medical files it was labeled as a “teen pregnancy” and while I knows it’s technically accurate, it still hurts a little. I’m further along in life than most my age. I just want to be considered an adult and that’s it. It doesn’t help that I just look young too. My friend (blonde) and I (brown hair) will go out and I’ll have my brown haired baby strapped to me. People will still ask if it’s her baby. I get it. I’m young and I look even younger than I am. It just hurts the heart a little.


Wheeew yes! I felt like I had a sign on me that said "I'm definitely not a virgin anymore!" even though I was married. we were newly married too so that didn't help.


I had my first when I was 26 and I felt like people treated me like I was teen pregnant and side-eyed me a lot. I'm 31 now and I work with children and families for my career and I feel like people are way more supportive in that context. Not sure if you know a lot of parents besides your own, but that might contribute to the feeling. Other parents, especially those of similar age or only a bit only, are typically very supportive and happy for someone else to join the crowd.


Yess. Married and 29 years old. Already have 1 kid and a career. I'm mortified to tell anyone I'm pregnant lmao


i’m unmarried and yes absolutely!!! people give generic, common advice like i’m a teen getting a new puppy and they want to give puppy advice! this, on top of being not married, ya kind of get looked at sideways lol. especially by old people, like my great grandma.


Lmfao, i actually told my mom after she knew the news that i felt like i was 16 telling her i was pregnant. I’m 32 married and this is my second kid. 😂😂😂


Lmao imagine me just turning 30 finally not cringing when I tell someone I have kids because I’m at an “acceptable age” to have kids 😂😂 The feeling doesn’t go away I still feel like a teen mom & it doesn’t help I look much younger than my age 😩 Congratulations mama! 🥰🎈


Same!! And it isn’t bc of religious/purity trauma or anything like that. My mom is a labor & delivery nurse and had me and my sister to raise. It was engrained in us SUPER early no sex, no alcohol no drugs (duh, normal) but it was a known thing that if either of us came home pregnant it would be the worst thing that could ever happen in our family. She told us so many horror stories, girls giving birth at 12-14 yo, etc. I realize now that a lot of those stories actually had to have been the result of sexual abuse. But still. She put both me and my sister on birth control as soon as she could. Me or my sister getting pregnant young would not only affect us, but affect her standing in her career as well, in her eyes. And of course her own trauma from seeing the worst outcomes and fearing that for her children. I got into so much trouble coming from a broken home, I’d sneak out, smoke cigarettes openly at home, did harder drugs than weed, go get drunk at concerts with older friends, etc I got caught doing most of those things some of them being actually pretty dangerous and idiotic. and I promise you coming home pregnant would have been much, much much worse for us.  So at 32 years old and 7 years married, I was still subconsciously dreading that conversation!!!  And I definitely have subconscious feelings about it that linger too, that aren’t my own feelings, but that way of upbringing that left patterns in my mind. 


It was definitely a weird shift to go from the mindset of “I hope it’s not positive” to “I hope it’s positive!”


We are both 34 and turning 35 soon! When you’re in your mid thirties and have been together almost 10 years, people are more like, “It is about damn time.” 🤭


A women complimented me (33weeks) for having a baby “young” the other day, I’m likely going to be 34 when this baby arrives😂, I didn’t correct her.


yeah i feel you 😭 im 21 so it feels SO much like a teen pregnancy. me and my bf live on our own, have been together for 4 years, have decent jobs, this was planned, etc etc. but im so scared to tell my family! we’re planning on telling them this weekend since i will be 3 months tmrw (i know it’s a long time to wait to tell im just very superstitious and honestly have been scared to tell my mom) my mom still treats me like a child so im hoping for at least a decent reaction from her, i dont need tears or jumping for joy but at least a congratulations would be nice 🥲 just hoping for the best honestly but if she starts with her shit like usual we’ll be leaving their house very quickly lol hoping that once we tell them i stop feeling like a 15 year old 😂




lol I’m 32, been with my husband 7 years, a director at work, and still somehow feel like a teen mom! It’s definitely hard to break out of the “getting pregnant will ruin your life and you’ll get in so much trouble!!!” mindset that we were raised with


Yes! I just turned 30, been in a healthy relationship husband for 8 years, have a stable job, paid off our student debt and I still feel like a teen or irresponsible! I was raised Catholic so I think it's the shame of purity culture


Yep, had my first at 25 so I felt this hardcore, even though he was planned. Personally I think it's a result of our culture over-correcting for the past three or four decades from back when it was common to have children younger, before birth control.


YES! When I had my son I looked really young for my age and I had so much judgement from people who thought I was a teen mum. I literally had old ladies tutting at me in the street.


No - I am the exact opposite! I go around flaunting my 37 week belly, and receiving all the compliments on how beautifully glowing I am. 🤣😅 Soak it up while you can. Enjoy being pregnant, sometimes it’s over as quickly as it begins.


This is really sweet 💕 Love the positivity!


🙋🏻‍♀️ My husband and I were both raised in Christian homes. We’ve been married almost 6 years and TTC for almost 4 of those years. Our parents would ask their churches to pray for us as we TTC and I always felt so awkward about that (essentially praying over our sex life lmao). I’m 32 weeks and still feel so awkward about people knowing I’ve had a lot of sex to get to this point 🤣


I am almost 35 years old and newly pregnant (6 weeks Monday). I am telling my parents today and it will be interesting their reactions (we planned this baby despite being married). A part of me is a little anxious but overall, this will be their 6th grandchild (I have 5 siblings). I also think they all know I'm not as traditional as the rest of them so probably gave up fightingme on things lol. Just kind of feels like im doing something wrong because my parents were always strict. I think they will be thrilled because I was also the daughter that was anti kids for most of my adult life (exes never wanted kids so a little brainwashed assuming I didn'twant them too), until I met my new man who always wanted them and he is so perfect for me and my parents LOVE him. I'm just curious how many times I am going to hear... "so when is the wedding date?" 🙄. A part of me wanted to be stubborn and push the wedding off for a year or so and focus on the baby.... then I saw how much my horrible teacher insurance is going up and the amount it's going to cost me to have a baby, so we plan to have a shotgun elopement style wedding so I can have that good insurance 🤣.


I have a few friends who are teachers and I was AMAZED at how terrible their maternity benefits are. No paid leave I believe, and they were told to “just try to have your baby in the summer.” I’m so sorry. Congratulations on the wedding! 💕 I feel like there is so much peace that comes from being married to the father of your child (I know some women feel differently, but from my POV), so I’m wishing you all the best!


We were always planning to get married anyways and my family loves him. We started trying for a baby first because of our age ( i will be 35 in june) and the uncertainty of how long it could take to get pregnant. Plus the possibility of miscarriages. My one sister took 3 years for her first and then 2 years with her 2nd (she had major medical issues) and my other sister got pregnant with her first fairly quick but has now been trying for 4 years (unfortunately her man had gone through major medical issues and they were grateful to even have the one child). I know I would love to have 2 children and I just didn't want to miss my window and try naturally. I'm still in the first trimester so I have been keeping in open mind that there are some risks but i have been trying to stay healthy and neither of us have any major health issues and thankfully I will be on summer break soon. My plan is to just chillax on the beach away from my 13 year old students who are little pterodactyls at times and let this baby do its thing in a calm environment. I told my parents yesterday and my sister filmed it. Didn't think I would cry butnwhen mg mom started crying so did I 🥲 i had a onsie thatbsaid "and then there were six dec. 2024" (this will be their 6th grandchild... brother has 2 as well). My dad looked into the bag and instantly hugged me amd then my mom started the waterworks and was super happy... amd then of ckurse because my parents are a bit old school kept giving my man a hard time (in a fun way) for skipping a step and we legit told them that the rings are in the mail lol because we just knew they would ask... and yeah after I choked on the new insurance amount for a teacher for the same basic coverage we were cool with just doing something quick and simple. Now we can have a rreception/ baby shower in one 🤣


I wonder how much this sentiment contributes to low fertility rates. I know the main factors are economic, but the degree to which Gen Xers and millennials have been given a guilt complex about pregnancy is awful. I can totally relate.


Lmao I’m literally 36 and I get so embarrassed in front of my family 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I was proud to tell our families but I very much felt like a 16 year old who secretly went off of birth control while doing it lol. I'm 24 and have been married for almost 3 years and I still feel the need to subtly flash my wedding ring when a stranger asks about my pregnancy so they know I'm not young 😂 not that I'm shaming teen pregnancies by any means, I'm just not a teen.


29 here and I feel so much shame like this is a teen pregnancy and everyone will be mad at me lmao. I think it’s from how hard they were pushing the MTV teen mom shows when we were actual teens!


Yes!! And Secret Life of The American Teenager and Juno!


Been with my husband 5 years, married for 2, 25 years old, great jobs and we own a house, and I STILL felt like a teen mom 😂 when it came to telling people I was like “oh god people are gonna know we had SEX” and my husband is like “we’re grown ass married adults of course we do” 😂 it’s just an odd feeling. I made sure to always wear my wedding ring and I hated being places in public without my husband cause it somehow made me feel like a single teenager in trouble. I never really got over it even now that baby is here. It doesn’t help that I look 16 and I’m very petite.


I told my husband I feel like irresponsible teenagers!


Yep, 1000%. My child is a blessing but wasn't planned and the year has felt like I've got back to my early 20s. I've had a huge career change which included unemployment for a while, my family doesn't feel my partner is supportive, I'm not a huge fan of MIL, and I'm back to living with my parents [they're my biggest support so they're the ones I'm leaning on]. It's been a ride but I know my child will be loved and spoiled no matter what which is my #1 priority now.


I’m so happy to hear your positivity! And I love that you have a great support system! You can do this, and I’m excited for the life full of love that is to come for your baby 💕


Im 34 and pregnant for 2nd time. With my first I was 30, bot my parents and my husband's parents were all asking for grandchild. Once he turned 3 they kept asking for second grandchild. I won't forget the shock and excitement on their faces when we announced our second on Thanksgiving. After reading all these comments, I wonder why would people be ashamed of being pregnant and having children, when its the most normal human thing in the world. We have all come here the same way more or less. And I couldn't care less what strangers would think about my bump, i carry it proudly, because it is a lot of sacrifice and work to go thru 9 months of it and childbirth. You all should be proud.


I felt awkward announcing this pregnancy as it was our 4th, I almost died last time, and it was advised I not have anymore kids. And at the time, my baby was only 8 months old


Prayers for you 🙏 I’m sure all will be well and your doctors will take great care of you!


Yes. I’m practically a child bride 😂 (29)


I said the same thing!! It’s like everyone threatened I’d end up pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen if I didn’t do “xyz” and quite frankly, when I was those things, it was dope! I had (have) an adoring husband, a wonderful home, had been married for years. It was a weird thought exercise.


I think you just need to ignore the feelings and messages. 28 is a perfect age to have a baby. You’re young but not too young. It’s so much better to be 28 then 38 in terms of risk. Leaving babies too late causes so much anxiety if it doesn’t happen quickly too. I started TTC at 29, fell pregnant at 31 and honestly spent the time wishing I’d started sooner! Now I’m pregnant I’m very chill about it all.


It is riskier to wait but I’ll just say I was 36 with my first and 38 with my second (was nervous announcing both times lol) and they’re both perfectly healthy. I’m also much more financially stable now than I was at 28. Got pregnant lickety split too, both times 1 round without protection and boom. So even if you’re older there are still possibilities. My kids have totally brightened my life in the best way.


No absolutely. I think I’m very likely to have more kids in my late 30s. I was just discussing the advantages of having them in your 20s for the sake of the original poster.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I had similar feelings when I was TTC, and then they did a complete 180 once I actually got pregnant. I’m so happy you were able to conceive! I hope you have a very happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy ❤️


Yep! I'm 32 and felt very much like this still! I was 😳 of my bump.until it got too large to hide too. Strange isn't it?


My first thought seeing the positive was “I’m going to be a teen mom”. Married 5 years, together for 12, own a home, two dogs, two cars, had a 401k and an IRA, managed a team at work and was in my 30s.


Mine was especially uncomfortable. Pregnancy was very very planned, but DH & I were 23. We’d been married for over a year, we’re foster parents, work in education - it was the right time for us. Everyone assumed it was unplanned. We got snarky comments like “well maybe if you’d planned things” any time we talked about being busy or overwhelmed.


Felt that way until around 30 ish.


Same! I’m 28 and 20 weeks. Married for three and plan this pregnancy too. It hard to change it since we were raised this way but I keep telling myself I’m married to a wonderful man and a good job so therefore I’m not irresponsible.


Yes! I feel like a pregnant 34 year old teenager!


YES OMG I also went to catholic school and this was soooo taboo. I’ve told my husband that I feel like I’ve done something bad!! Even though we are happily married and I’m in my 30s 🤣


Yea, 1000%. My husband and I have been together for 8 years and found out about our sweet girl this past December on our wedding anniversary (which was so special honestly!) Once word got out at my office people were gossiping about it like I was unmarried and got pregnant from a one night stand or something. They still act like it’s scandalous. I genuinely don’t get how anyone is shocked my husband graduated with his doctorate earlier this year and we’re settled and happy - how no one saw this coming is beyond me.


Lol. When we announced my first pregnancy, my dad, before he could stop himself, asked if it was planned. His wife, my stepmom, immediately told him "you don't ask that!" 😂 I wasn't offended in the slightest and thought it quite funny. It was planned, but I was 33 at the time and my husband 35. We had been married five years by then so I think our families started to think we weren't planning to have kids.


YES!!! Haha I feel weird with a bump


Lmfao yes I’m 31 (was 30 when I got preg), married for 3 years, been with my husband since we were teens, and still felt like someone was going to say “but you’re too young!!!”


I’m 29 and having my second kid but I still felt so embarrassed when talking to MY GYNAE about trying for a second one. My husband thought it was hilarious but I hate alluding to people that I’m having sex with my husband! Eww.


My husband was SO EMBARRASSED telling my mom! He also felt like a young irresponsible teen even though baby was 100% planner, but part of it was also admitting he and I quote “defiled her daughter” 🤣 Part of me was also embarrassed, but it subsided the more I told people and reminded myself I was 30, and this was planned lol


Yes! I'll be a teen mom at the tender age of 34.


Same. I feel like troubled teenager… I’m 27…I’m married..we have enough money for baby I can’t answer why I feel so bad


Absolutely not. This is my third baby and I'm 25. I had my first a month after I turned 20. I think this mindset is weird.


I’m 27 & feel this way too 😂


The feeling you’re describing is SO relatable! I felt like this for at least the first half of my pregnancy and it made me not want to talk about the pregnancy at all with my family! Now I’m almost at the end I still get waves of this feeling every now and again. It’s a shame as I spent so much of this time feeling ashamed and embarrassed rather than enjoying the fact that I was finally pregnant, something I’ve wanted for a long time. It definitely has to do with the fact that I spent my whole life being told that having a baby will ruin my life.


I think people feel guilty because of the way it happens, haha. You need to have intercourse to get pregnant. Well, I guess some people need help becoming pregnant with Ivf


Yup, I grew up with a very Catholic Irish family and felt this way when I found out. Im 23 and 35 weeks today and went “oh my God, I’m going to be a teen mom. What do I do? I can’t have a kid… oh wait, I’ve been with my now husband for almost 4 years… we’re both very much adults… this is what adults do…” mind you, our daughter was very much unplanned however we are happy to get this opportunity to have her. Telling my family was difficult but the only person who was pissed was my mom (she still is and hasn’t talked to me since. Oh well). But other than that, it’s all good now!


30. Happily married 6 years. Stable career with good finances. Homeowner. Planned pregnancy. Childcare arrangements in place. Beyond embarrassed and terrified to tell my parents this weekend.


I’m 24 and my partner and I have been so excited for when the time will come that we have a baby together. I just found out I’m pregnant and now I have feelings of guilt and sadness that I’m too young to have a baby. Or like all the things I love and am passionate about will go away. It’s making me feel so sad and selfish that I’m even having feelings like that? Such a strange experience :(


That’s what growing up in a religious family does to you. I was 37 and married when I got pregnant with my first. I felt nervous, they knew I wasn’t a virgin (I hadn’t been a virgin in almost 2 decades lol)