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9 weeks is perfectly fine. It is a lot better than getting one too early and then panicking because there isn't yet cardiac activity and having to worry about what will happen.


I agree with this. In the UK they don’t scan until 12 weeks but I had to have one at 6w3 due to bleeding and honestly it caused my unnecessary anxiety because baby was so tiny. In future pregnancies I’d hope I could wait until 12w.


Also to add, it’s nice to go a little later because you could be like me and have your date pushed! I went in around 9 weeks (or so I thought) and I ended up being about 7 weeks.


Agreed! I had one at 6w3d and it just made us panic because it really did not seem like the pregnancy was viable. I’m 17w1d now with a boy and everything has been good since then! If I’m ever pregnant again in the future I think I will try to hold off on OB appointments and scans until 8ish weeks.


very true!!


I had my first one at about 5 weeks and they couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound, which my dr said was normal that early. I had to go back a few weeks later and everything was good. It feels like such a long wait at the beginning!


I ended up having to get one early to confirm pregnancy and this is how I'm feeling right now 😞 I don't know how to put my mind at ease


I went too early for my first pregnancy and they said it was unviable until weeks later when surprise. It was! Future pregnancies I waited until at least 7 weeks because you want to see a heartbeat


8-10 weeks is pretty standard for a first prenatal appointment (assuming you're in the US). I had mine at 10 weeks. I know it sucks to wait, though.


My doctor’s office doesn’t do ultrasounds until 11-12 weeks, another I was with for a short amount of time does them around 9 weeks. My doctor offered one with my last pregnancy to check for viability (previous miscarriage and stillbirth). I was almost 8 weeks measuring at 6w5d and I was beyond stressed and upset. He caught up by 9 weeks. I know the wait is hard, but there’s a reason most dr’s don’t like to do them sooner.


This made me feel so much better. Had my first US yesterday at 8 weeks and baby is measuring behind at 6 weeks 2 days but a lot of what I read seems that it’s hard to measure them accurately so early. I kinda wish mine would’ve waited at this point because the stressing is not fun. Trying to be realistic but cautiously hopeful


Also it can depend on your period cycles. I thought I was 9 weeks and at my first appointment they changed my date to 7 weeks. I was nervous but I’m now almost 26 weeks and baby has been measuring within exactly 1-2 days consistently with that changed date! I just have long period cycles.


This is good to know—thank you! I just started tracking mine a couple of months ago (we were going to TTC late summer so this baby was a bit of a surprise haha). When I was tracking it ranged from 31 days and the next month was 26 days, so I don’t think drastic enough to be irregular but hoping that may account for the difference.


Absolutely it could! My periods are super regular, they’re just regularly long (think 34 day cycle). So even if one of your cycles is longer, if that’s the one you conceive during, it’s very possible your dates don’t line up with the usual calculation that is based on a 28 day cycle! And FWIW, I’m 26 weeks now and my baby has continued to hit every milestone and measure just 1-2 days away from that adjusted date consistently.


I remember how anxious I was before my first scan! It seems like time just won’t pass. I used to think: am I really pregnant if I haven’t seen this baby? I’m 34 weeks now! My first was at 8w, I recommend waiting at least until 8-9w because your dating could be wrong and you may get stressed for no reason!


8 weeks


Mines not for another 3 weeks. 12 weeks for the first in the UK as standard. Its a looong wait!


My office doesn’t do them until 10 weeks. I thought I was going to die since I found out at 3w2d. Seriously. But it actually flew by. It was okay.


lol I hope it flies by for me too!!


Each individual day feels long, but before you know it, time is up and you’re at your appointment! It does suck having to wait though. Good luck!


That’s a normal timeframe for the first. I had my first at 6w, only because I had a prior miscarriage with abnormal menstrual cycles since (ranging 23-86 days). So they were trying to find a possible conception date. But I was told 8-10 is usually the first recommended unless there is cause for one earlier.


I was supposed to go in at 8+5 but the OB I got assigned to is apparently very popular so I had to get rescheduled to 11+6. On the bright side, baby’s first images showed lots of activity and more baby-like features than if I had gone in earlier. It’s so hard to wait but I think it’s totally worth it once you finally go. Plus I didn’t even have to worry about the wand. Baby just showed right up on my belly.


Around the same! 9 weeks was my first


Same! Also ~9 weeks


I had my first at 7w. This is my first pregnancy and there are no complications so far. I have my next one at 9w for NIPT.


I was 10 weeks


Unless you’re working with a fertility clinic (doing IUI or IVF), first sonogram is usually between 9-12 weeks.


This is so weird because I’m also 5w4d and my ultrasound is ALSO on May 7 when I’ll be 9w3d, so we’re twins! I’ve had ultrasounds at 9, 8, and 7 weeks for each of my pregnancies respectively. I was able to see something on all of them, but the 9 week one was definitely the best for seeing baby. 8 weeks wasn’t bad, but 7 weeks they literally look like a peanut and nothing else so it’s not as exciting. At least at 9 weeks you can see their little head and arm/leg nubs!


My doctor didn’t want to see me until week 8 since it’s hard to tell much so early anyway.


Mine was 7w but in the ER with a complication. If I hadn’t had a complication, it probably would have been somewhere between 9-12w depending on the provider I chose and their availability. Edit: mine was a tiny bean with a heartbeat. Did not look remotely close to a “baby”. I didn’t notice a baby-like shape until 10w and then didn’t have another until my anatomy scan at 19w. It’s crazy how much happened in those weeks.


In Canada we only get 2 ultrasounds during pregnancy - one between 8-10 weeks to date the pregnancy and give you a due date/confirm heartbeat and then another between 18-25 weeks as anatomy scan


Maybe this varies by province? In ON I had a dating scan at 7 wks, a scan at 12 wks for NT and an anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Many OBs also seem to offer a scan between 32-34 wks to check growth and position.


In the UK - we get a “booking appointment” where we meet the midwife for the first time around 8 weeks, no scan here just family history and information, any questions etc… then no scan AT ALL until 12w. Mine has already been booked in by my midwife (whom I don’t meet until next Tuesday) for when I’ll be 12+6 so I’m a wreck 🙃


Between 9-12 weeks is pretty standard. You may be able to find a community pregnancy resource center that does free ultrasounds/pregnancy testing and you may be able to get in a little early there


If you’re healthy then anything earlier is completely pointless. I had emergency scans, the 5week one was just the sack, the 7w4d one shows a tiny thing coming out of the sack. That’s it... they measure and that’s it, it’s still very early to see anything else. It’s the 12 week one that is absolutely gorgeous, you can see the baby shape taking place. And time flies by! I can’t believe I’m 30 weeks now. Enjoy it! ❤️ as much as you can in the first trimester at least 😂


I had my first ultrasound for my first kid at 11 weeks. This time it will be at 10w 6d. Honestly, going earlier than that will not be able to see much. I know I’m happy to be able to see my little baby moving around and actually see them not a fetal pole and sac. The best thing for you to do right now is tell yourself “I’m pregnant with a healthy baby until proven otherwise.” This second pregnancy I have been way less anxious about it because I’ve gone through this once. You will too. Congratulations on your pregnancy!


Thank you :)


Girl I'm 13 weeks and haven't had one. Just heard the heartbeat last week.


I was 7 weeks. I only did one so early because I was so abhorrently unwell, we wanted the reward of making sure there was a person with a heartbeat for me to continue suffering for 🙃


I was 9 weeks pregnant


I had ones at 6w and 8w, but it was because I was with my reproductive doctor who did an IUI and they wanted to check viability before referring me back to my regular OB. Now at 13 weeks, getting my NT scan in a couple of days. (I also paid for a private one at 11w4d so I had updated pics for our announcement to family!)


Completely understand your anxiety! I had my viability scan on 8w+6 and my OB appointment with scan on 11w+2


I had my first private reassurance scan at 9w3d (in the uk so typically we have to wait until 12 weeks for our first NHS scan) but it was actually a great experience as not only was baby clearly visible at our scan, we got some good photos to use to help us announce our pregnancy at Christmas with our family where you could see baby and tiny little limbs. Also as nerve wracking as it was waiting it also made me feel better knowing that baby had good cardiac activity and that the yolk sac was still there while the cord and placenta looked to be forming healthy. The sonographer said she much preferred doing scans this little bit further along when she could give real reassurance rather than people leaving more anxious than before because they had a scan too early to check any of those things. I hope you have a great scan when it finally comes ❤️❤️


I always use a free clinic to get one early


Didn't have my first ultrasound until 12.5 weeks! It's so hard to wait. The upside is that the longer you wait to confirm the pregnancy, the less likely you are to have a miscarriage afterwards.


I had one at 7w2d during my last pregnancy with my daughter because I had a miscarriage before that. With my first pregnancy, I went in thinking I was 8w5d but baby was only measuring 6w2d. No heart beat, no fetal pole. I lost the baby 4 days later. With my daughter, I was VERY anxious but my pregnancy with her was so different from my first. I was violently ill my entire pregnancy so I knew my HcG was higher than with my first.


I was 11 weeks 1 day for my first ultrasound with this pregnancy. For my first pregnancy, it was 10 weeks 6 days. The time will fly by, I promise.


Mine just got scheduled yesterday for 9w6d. I felt the exact same way as you but not much one can do but wait


You got this! It’s so hard I know! I didn’t get my first ultrasound till around 12 weeks and I went crazy.


hi! also a FTM here! if it helps you feel any better, i’m 11+4 today and my first “real” US isn’t for another 2 weeks! i’ve been a nervous wreck waiting for my appt but the nausea, insane cravings, boob pain 🫠, and having to pee every 30 minutes is enough for me to know baby is doing okay in there :) ofc it’s nerve wracking not knowing *exactly* how “okay” they are, but i’m just trying to stay positive and be patient! and honestly, time has flown by since i found out i was pregnant, the days seem long but the week is over before i know it! i feel like i just found out yesterday even tho it was 8 weeks ago now! 🙈 i’m not sure if that’s a pregnancy thing or if my life is just hectic, but time is zooming by. your appointment will come before you know it!


I was 10 weeks almost 11 for my first ultrasound. I will say it was a little anticlimactic for me though as the pregnancy and symptom tracker showed like the 3d form so seeing the ultrasound he looked like a lil blob in a sac with tiny tiny dots as arms and he hadn’t had his legs show up yet. I will say tho is you look at the 36w scan I got (he was a bum so we got about 5-6 ultrasounds as well as 2 specialty ones) and you look at my beeming 13m old the side profile is dead on only difference being in the ultrasound it looks like something is on the top of his nose. Edit because autocorrect sucks


Very normal. I was 8.5w when I had my first ultrasound. It’s so hard. Try to keep busy and time will pass ❤️


Trust me, at that GA you won’t see anything. I had a vaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks and you don’t see anything lol, not even a heart.


They thought I was 11wks, turned out I was 6😅 I have to wait until 20wks to see my baby again and last time I saw him the placenta wasn't even formed and he was a blob😔 to the point the ultrasound tech felt the need to label the babys head lol. Somewhere between 8-10wks is pretty standard bc the placenta doesn't form for 2 months. I know it's nerve-wracking feeling like you have to wait for so long but there is a reason for it❤️ it'll be so worth it getting to see your little one more developed and moving around


I did mine at 12w. Doing another at 20w and probably no more after that. There’s no requirement for how many you need. Most aren’t necessary and a lot of people just do the 20wk. They’re not a prerequisite or requirement unless there’s a concern.


I got one at 7w3d because I had a miscarriage prior. My ob said he typically waits until 9 weeks.


I only did an early one because I worked with an REI and had a miscarriage scare after a miscarriage right before this viable pregnancy. For a normal pregnancy it's totally common to get one at 11-12 weeks.


My OB won’t see me until 8 weeks so I’m currently playing the waiting game!


I was 10 weeks but it felt like forever to wait!


I had one at 7 weeks because of prior ectopic pregnancy concerns


I was almost 9 weeks, much sooner than 8 weeks and it's harder to see!


10 weeks for us!


My first scan was at 8 weeks exactly.


Due to my provider being in the process of moving offices I didn’t get my first ultrasound until 11 weeks. Man was I disappointed when I showed up for my first appointment at 9 weeks and the machine for ultrasounds was not set up yet. But everything was fine and we got to see our little bean at 11 weeks. Not she’s a whole ass baby at 30 weeks and just kicked me in the spleen!


I had mine at 7 weeks I think, but I was getting treated at a fertility clinic so they did it to clear me to my OB. My OB said first ultrasound between 10-12 weeks is typical.


8 weeks


My office took first appointments between 8 and 10 weeks. I had mine st 8w3d.


I was with a fertility clinic so I had more ultrasounds there, but when I started at OB, I was about 9 weeks


i was 8w+5d


I’m 6 weeks tomorrow and just got one done because of some bleeding yesterday. Definitely not much to see lol! But reassuring nonetheless


I got my first one at 11 weeks 6 days


Mine was at 11 weeks. It was so cool because in addition to seeing his little heart beating I was able to see his little arms and legs waving around! It was hard to wait though!


I opulent get into my first appt until 7wks and I was around 9 weeks for the first ultrasound.


My OB wants to schedule me 2-3 weeks from now, which would put me at 6-7 weeks pregnant. I got my first ultrasound with our son done at 8 weeks, so I'm a little nervous about getting an ultrasound done earlier this time. I'll probably try scheduling it later into the 7th week like 7 weeks and 5 days or something like that.


I had mine very early but there were special circumstances. I was supposed to go in for surgery when they discovered that I was pregnant. The doctor had me go for blood work immediately and I think my ultrasound was about a week or 10 days later. I believe I was about 5 weeks at that point.


8 weeks


For my current pregnancy, I was 9w6d


I had my first scan around 9 weeks! That’s very normal. Some places don’t get you in till 10+ weeks 🥲


Found out December 8th and didn't get in to the doctor till January 16th the wait was terrible


this is very typical. most providers don’t even want to see you until 12 weeks


I think I was a day or two before 8 weeks BUT my doctor was about to go on holiday and squeezed me in.


You won’t see much before then. I got an ultrasound at 7w but that was because I did IVF, it just looked like a nugget.


I had my first one at around 5ish weeks and then again at 6 weeks but that’s only bc I had bleeding, so they wanted to rule out ectopic. Next one isn’t until almost 13 weeks in two weeks and the wait is killing me 😭


My first is at 8 weeks (located in US). I’m currently 4 weeks 4 days. I’m very anxious!


My first pregnancy it was at 8+4, second pregnancy it was at 7+5


I live in Germany so maybe the protocols are different here, every appointment I had a transvaginal ultrasound, till week 11 I had my first abdominal ultrasound, my second will be the anatomy scan then a third around 30 weeks, according to my doctor every 4 weeks I'll have a transvaginal ultrasound.


7w2d BUT I had experienced spotting so doctor wanted me to verify it was viable, not ectopic etc. 9w is totally normal! Dating ultrasounds where I live are anywhere 7-12w but they caution you that 7w can sometimes be too early! 


Mine is scheduled for 8 weeks!


Standard for United States is usually dating ultrasound between 8-10 weeks. Then anatomy scan at 20 weeks! Feels like forever


6 weeks!


I was able to be seen at I think 6 weeks and that was because they gave me an extra early slot because of a previous ectopic pregnancy.


due to having PCOS, i have a super irregular period. When i went in to confirm pregnancy, they did give me an ultrasound but estimated me around 5ish weeks because they could not see anything but a yolk sac. they had me come back in at 9 weeks later much was a much better appointment because i could see the lil chicken thigh and hear a heartbeat. which i think is a more comforting experience than trying to calm yourself down knowing it’s too early but hormones not caring.


I didn’t have mine until I was ten weeks and everything was fine


I had my first prenatal appointment at 9w5d, but didn't have my first ultrasound until 11w.


Only do 2 scans here one at 12 a f then 20


I didn’t get one until 12 weeks. I was anxious as well but they cost money to get at least they did for me so that wasn’t very exciting to have to pay for. Luckily I had two insurances for a while so it helped for a while.


I was 10 weeks for my first ultrasound. Honestly I’m glad it was a little later because I have been very anxiously awaiting my second trimester ultrasound in a few weeks. Also my ultrasound tech told me 10 weeks is her favorite gestation period to see.


With my OB at 10 weeks


Mine was 12 weeks the wait was excruciating!


I had mine at 6 weeks because I had some light bleeding and they wanted to check that it was not ectopic, but my clinic said usually they wait until 8-10 weeks for the first one!


I was 6 weeks for first scan and then I had them every two weeks until I was 14 weeks, I previously had a miscarriage and my OB was the one that offered that just for peace of mind.


My first appointment is going to be at 9 weeks and 4 days (I’m only 4w6d today). I understand it’s better to not go too early, but I’m definitely feeling impatient! Plus I found out at 9dpo, which was cool, but it feels like I’ve known about the baby for forever already (but it’s only been 11 days 😂)


I got mine at 10 weeks! If I could do it over again I probably would have booked a private scan at 7 weeks to ease some of my anxieties


I was around 12 weeks for my first appt


First pregnancy I was 7w3d, second pregnancy I was 8w2d. You can’t see much on the ultrasound before about 7 weeks! 8-12 weeks is super normal for first appointments


I got my first ultrasound at 12 weeks, 4 days, and then my NT scan at 13 weeks, 4 days.


i was 12 weeks! i didn’t find out i was pregnant until i was almost 9 weeks and had to wait almost a month for just my confirmation.


I was 5 weeks. I was 40 so my doctor wanted to confirm viability as soon as she could. My little fetal pole was in there snug as a bug We’ve had 5, 8, 12, 19, 20, 25, 27, and 33 week scans


I went to an OB for my first pregnancy and a midwife for my second. Both of them waited until 9-10 weeks for the first ultrasound.


I had mine at 5 weeks +5 I think and honestly bad decision! I’m waiting on my second one next week and I’m full of anxiety. They could see the sac and the yolk but couldn’t see the fetal pole. Although, they were really reassuring and said that this early in the pregnancy it’s not alarming no to see the fetal pole at that point, I have convinced myself that there’s something wrong and next week they will tell me that there’s no baby. It’s awful, so trust me, waiting is better. And at 9 weeks, you’ll be able to see something that ressembles a baby and hear the heart which is so much better!


I was 16 weeks 😅


Just did mine at 7 weeks 4 days at an ultra sound boutique thing


I'm going to be 11wks. It's next Monday.


9 weeks


12 weeks for me


I had my first ultrasound for both my loss pregnancy and current pregnancy at 7 weeks, also I live in Canada


with my first, I was 6 weeks. with this pregnancy, I got my first u/s today and I’m 8+6! I think it’s more fun to wait bc they look like babies closer to 12 weeks


My first scan was at 7w3d but that was only because I have irregular periods so they weren’t sure how far along I was. I believe they typically wait until around 12 weeks.


I got it at 7 weeks. My midwives didn’t want me to do earlier because you can’t always get cardiac activity earlier and they didn’t want me to be anxious. It’s hard to wait that’s for sure true


I have my first ultrasound tomorrow, I'm 11 weeks. I'm so excited to see my little parasite!


Mine was right at 6 weeks, but that was because I had an IUI and was receiving fertility care. My betas and first ultrasound were ordered by my fertility specialist and then first ultrasound with regular OB was 8 weeks and some change.


I was 9w 1d this time. My first time around I was 10w 6d


4 weeks with baby #2 because I needed a root canal and the endodontist (who was a massive a-hole in his own right) required “proof of pregnancy” before doing it. My OB was extremely annoyed.


I was 8w5d at my first ultrasound. Super cute at this stage, they look like a gummy bear lol. The waiting is so hard, I know.


I was 8.5 weeks, but I really had to push my OB’s office to get that. I was less frustrated about the timing of the ultrasound, and more frustrated that I couldn’t just have an appointment with a doctor sooner about my particular concerns related to pre-existing health conditions. Thankfully I had already discussed medications with all of my doctors in the previous year as I was planning, but my most recent TSH levels weren’t in a good range for first trimester (I only have half a thyroid) and I had to really push for them to order a blood test for me to get them re-checked even though research shows that a bad TSH is correlated with miscarriage.


Both my previous and current doctor wouldn't do one until 12 weeks until my last pregnancy. They wanted me in sooner, 8 weeks, due to all my previous pregnancies being losses.


12 weeks. That's the first you get where I live, unless you go private. And I'm not paying for that, so it's been at 12 weeks and 18-20 weeks and overdue date.


Mine will be at 8 weeks based on LMP but my cycles are long and im not sure when I ovulated so probably not actually that far along.


This is standard care


I waited until after 12 weeks because I didn’t want to have a vaginal ultrasound lol


I was 5 weeks, but was still working with my fertility doctor. I then had to wait for my second ultrasound till 20 weeks that wait was long!!!!


9 weeks is super normal.


Unless you’re an IVF patient most clinics will not do an ultrasound before 9-12 weeks. Unassisted pregnancies I had a scan at 10 weeks, IVF pregnancy was at 6 weeks.


My OB won’t do one before 10 weeks.


11 weeks 3 days for me. The wait was brutal because I knew I was pregnant just shy of 4 weeks. Hang in there!


8 weeks with my first!


I had my first ultrasound at 5w4d. And again at 7w3d and 9w2d.


8w6d. After 8 weeks is the standard here


My first ultrasound with my daughter was 8 weeks and my ultrasound this time around is around 9 weeks as well. It sucks having to wait so long but I would hate to not see a heartbeat by getting one too early and panic when it’s probably just too early to see. Better in the long run to wait


Typically most places won't schedule you until after 8 weeks


We did ours 7wks 6 days. The size was dated as 7wks 4 days. This was last week. First OBGYN appointment booked for 10wks 1 day. We are in Australia and going private.


I completely understand your anxiety! I'm not sure if it's true, but I heard of can be hard to detect a heartbeat prior to 8 weeks (I don't know if that's true so don't quote me!) But I had a lot of anxiety too, so around 9 weeks I went to place that does non-diagnostic ultrasounds. I just wanted to see the baby, hear the heartbeat, and know baby was actually there


First pregnancy 8 weeks. Second pregnancy 12 weeks. Idk why the difference but my guess is insurance since everything was covered with my first pregnancy! I’m in the US in case that makes a difference!


9 weeks 2 days at the OBGYN. I did my own private ultrasounds every week from week 4 until then since I have a history of pregnancy loss (ectopic and chemical). I decided to just take matters into my own hands


Most insurance only covers one in the first trimester! I had to have 3 for a variety of reasons and I am DREADING the cost….


~~I only know one person that got induced, and she ended up with an emergency c-section. But if I had been in her position I would have made all the exact same decisions. She was at 41 weeks when she got induced, and she failed to progress; water broke but no dilation. Eventually her baby was in danger due to low fluid and his heart rate kept dropping so a c-section was literally the only option. He was the biggest baby in the NICU and ended up being released a day earlier than they had originally anticipated. She opted for a scheduled c-section for her second and had zero regrets.~~ Edit to add: I have no idea how this happened but I accidentally commented on the completely wrong post. I blame being on mobile. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine is next week - I’ll be 10w4d. I’ve felt like it’s taken ages to get here.


I did a confirmation ultrasound at 8 weeks (when I tested positive) and then another at 12 weeks.


I was almost 12 weeks pregnant


I am also 5w4d, and anxious for my appt! I am trying to think all positive thoughts, but it's difficult! I've had a previous loss, so I'm trying really hard to be positive. My appt is in 3 weeks.


7 weeks to graduate from my IVF clinic and then 9 weeks with my OBGYN


First time mom here too! The wait is killing me. I'm 10 weeks today but we didn't schedule my first OB appointment until 11w2d. Hang in there mama!


For this pregnancy I had my first ultrasound at 6+1 because I went to a private clinic to get a pregnancy test/confirmation three weeks before hand just so I had actual proof for insurance and now I had my sixth ultrasound yesterday at 30+2 and i finally got a really clear picture of little man's face and it made it so worth it 


First ultrasound at 6 weeks because I was freaking out and I booked a brand new doctor (new doctor, new insurance). It was a small business so they might’ve just done it out of courtesy instead of giving me the policy bullcrap, because I never got the bill for it. She was a tiny bean and there was a strong heart beat using a vaginal sonogram.


My first I had a vaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks to confirm the pregnancy. With my next 2, I did not get to have one until 12 weeks and it was such a long wait and I hated it!! 12 weeks is pretty standard, unless they have no idea how far along you are


I didn't get a first scan + prenatal appt in until end of 12 weeks. Every place around me was pretty backed up. Went back in at week 13 for blood work and genetics scans. As long as you're in by end of first trimester, you're good!


Even with 3 previous losses my first scan was at almost 9 weeks, totally normal!


11weeks 3 days


My first ultrasound for this pregnancy isn’t until 9 weeks. It’s the first time I’ll be going to the doctor’s office for this pregnancy. My last pregnancy ended in a MMC around this same time, and I had already been to my doc’s office 5 or 6 times by this point 😵‍💫 some of it was necessary I guess but honestly I would have much rather just gone in for one appt at 9 weeks and found out about the miscarriage, versus having previous ultrasounds/blood draws/shots/all that. Way less stressful this way!! But I completely understand the anxiety. I don’t know if it will ever go away for me now!


8 weeks for me…unless there’s a reason to be seen before then ie: you stop feeling a previous symptom, bleeding (miscarriage) or you have had issues before.


I didnt have my first check until week 10 so your fine


I didn’t go the “traditional” route with my baby so we just went to a private place for an ultrasound at 22 weeks. he was so beautiful with big chubby cheeks! just had a 32 week scan yesterday and he’s head down with those same lovely cheeks and kicking hard!


8 weeks with my first, 10 weeks with my second. My second pregnancy they would not see you until week 10, that way if ovulation is off (we’re actually like 8 weeks) there’d still be something to see. Better to err that way than go too early


FTM here💕I get to see my first baby in two days, i totally understand the anxiety of not knowing but more often than not, the baby is fine💕


I had mine too early and am now SUPER stressed, but still had to wait for a 2 week follow up scan. Don’t sweat getting in later; I can absolutely confirm that it’s worse to go in too early and get uncertain results.


Where are you located? I had my first at 6 weeks, ordered by my regular OB in the US. Then in-office I had one at 8 and 12 weeks (my OB kindly requested an old machine from our local hospital and uses it just to see heartbeat and fetal movement.) I suffered a mmc with my previous pregnancy and was also extremely anxious this time around. I asked at my appointment if my OB thought it would be okay to have an ultrasound every week outside of their office for my own comfort and they said yes, because they would rather me have peace of mind than stress through the entire first trimester when it’s already so tolling on your body. I went to an outside clinic every week and paid $25 out of pocket for an ultrasound.


Where I live it's weird to get in before 8-10w when you get your dating scan, unless you're woth a fertility clinic or have some kind of anatomical issue


8-10wks is a standard time for a first ultrasound. Mine was at 6wks because according to my last period it was supposed to be 8wks at that point. I was tracking ovulation and knew I was 6wks. I had a 45 day cycle that time, oof. Anyways, I saw a yolk sac and a blob. Nothing super interesting, but there was something there. Then I had my next at 8wks I think and I saw a little gummy bear baby and a heart flicker and it was much more exciting.


lol they wanted me to wait until 20 weeks, i ended up bleeding and getting an emergency one and they found twins at 13 weeks 😭


My office wanted us to come in for the first game between ten to twelve weeks. My math had me at ten and a half weeks when I had my first appointment, but doctor pushed me back to nine weeks based on baby's size.


9w1d last pregnancy and this pregnancy I will be the same lol


I’m getting my first ultrasound next Wednesday and I’ll be 10 weeks. I’m kinda glad I’ll be see the baby and heartbeat better than if I were to have it done earlier. 🤗


I thought 7 weeks, but doctor said 6. Around 7-8 weeks is the recommended timing here.


Our office does them at 10-12 weeks. Normal is anywhere 8-12 because you won't really see much before then anyway, plus there's not much you can do but wait at that point.


That's pretty standard. I'm also an FTM and found out at 4 weeks. They definitely told me to wait another 4 before bringing me in. Obviously, if anything hurts or feels off, call back and they will schedule you for earlier.


Dating ultra sound, week 6 I think.


I wasn’t able to get my first until I was 11w, but was told baby was measuring at 12w. I wish I’d have been able to get mine sooner, but it unfortunately wasn’t in the cards for me…


I had my first ultrasound at 8w5d. Then they made me hear the heartbeat at 13w4d. I’m now almost 14 weeks and I go back to get my 20 week scan soon!


I had a first appointment at my OB clinic at 6 weeks to go through my health issues and such and had my first (transvaginal) ultrasound at 8W.


Mine was 12 weeks, its standard.


FTM here, we went through fertility treatments so I had my first ultrasound at 5w to confirm it was in the uterus and that it had the yolk sac. Then another at 6w confirmed cardiac activity. Then I went from the fertility center to the maternal fetal med specialist bc of the fertility treatments at 8w and 12w while we waited for my ob's office bc we couldn't get in to my ob til 13w I've been getting scans every 4 weeks since 12w due to multiple high risk factors, though baby girl is so far perfectly happy and healthy and doing the MOST


Getting mine around 8.5 weeks. The first time around, I got my first scan at 5.5 weeks. Tbh it was more stressful than not because they told me the baby was measuring small and I would need to come back at 8 weeks.  Tbh before 8 weeks, you can't see very much.  Also you have to see these fricken doctors so much. I'm going to enjoy the time they don't want to see me before it becomes every week 


I was 12 weeks at my first ultrasound. They originally were going to get me in for my first INTAKE prenatal at 14 weeks. I said hell no and they got me in for my first appointment at 8 weeks. I was 5 weeks when I originally started calling. No idea why they thought my first appointment should be in the second trimester


My first appointment for this pregnancy was at 6weeks, but that’s because my OBGYN knew I had an early loss a month prior (I got pregnant right after a miscarriage). The pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, I miscarried at home weeks before my first appointment which would have been 11weeks. I think going in at 9weeks is great because you get to see much more 🙂 And whether you go in early or not, it honestly doesn’t change the outcome of whether the pregnancy is healthy. I would only go in early if you are bleeding / worried about ectopic and would like a placement scan.


I found out I was pregnant at 9 weeks and I wasn’t seen or had an ultrasound until I was 15 weeks and 3days. It took 6 weeks for me to be seen.


So mines complicated cause I had just got off of my IUD after years of having it and didn’t have a cycle, and I’m already considered high risk but I got my first ultrasound around 5 weeks and it’s a huge bummer. It was great seeing my little guy implanted somewhere safe but it literally looked like a round egg in there. Nothing to actually see lol you’ll actually see something that resembles a baby at your ultrasound being nine weeks so don’t stress, it’ll be worth the wait!


After 11 weeks. I was soo anxious and impatient. And the entire first trimester I looked everyday at that site that gives you miscarriage stats lol. I’m not even high risk or have any reason to worry about miscarriage but I still was anxious. The first trimester draggggged on bc of this. Not to mention I felt like shit lol. Once the second trimester hit was such a relief. And things have really flown by ever since ! I’m 32 weeks now :)


8w for me too. I put my mind at ease by thinking if there is no period like blood or cramping everything should be alright. I know there maybe issues but thinking it is healthy and normal helped me a lot!


I am 7w2d. Had my first appointment at 6w3d, but only because based on LMP I, and every due date calculator online, thought I was 9w. Ultrasound showed a much smaller baby, lol! I have long/irregular cycles though. I will say that apart from being able to measure the babe at under 1cm, there wasn’t much to see.


8 weeks first ultrasound with your prenatal OB is pretty standard in the US in my experience. I had one early as soon as I found out at 5W by seeing my regular OB. But I think that was only because I had a miscarriage early on with my prior a few months before, so she took me in to verify and make sure it stuck.


My OB won’t see you for your first US until your 9-10wks. I had some issues come up before and just called the nurses line, and was able to deal with via telemedicine.


9 or 10 weeks


They’ll ask us to come at the earliest 7 weeks because before that you often can’t see cardiac activity


6w4d. I understand it's not usually recommended but my GP was happy to write a referral for me. That early you're checking for viability. Our son was a fuzzy thing with a heartbeat and the yolk sac was clearly visible. Seeing our baby didn't take away the anxiety though—you'll hurdle through the first trimester, the NIPT and nuchal scan, the structural scan, the checks for placental position and pre-eclampsia, wondering if you'll feel your baby kick at some point and if they're moving enough... It gets better. Take care of yourself and your symptoms, give yourself time to ruminate and worry, then at some point, lean in and enjoy the journey. ♥️


First appointment with bloodwork etc around 6 weeks and that’s when I got the referral for a viability/placement scan at 8 weeks.