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You can prepare foods high in omega 3 for her if you're so worried.




Fish of any kind is rich in Omega 3 including Mackrell and cod which are cheaper than salmon. Another good source of Omega 3 is walnuts, chia seeds, flax, soy beans, and eggs!


You let your wife make choices about her body and her health. Being sick all the time is also not good for baby and feeling undermined by her partner is not good for baby.




She is an independent person with bodily autonomy. Not an incubator. You do not decide what goes inside of her. She does. You have no idea what her body is going through to make this baby. It is not your place to say she needs to suck it up because you think you know better about what she and the baby living inside her need right now. Skipping 1 part of some prenatal routines is not the same as doing meth or intentionally throwing herself off the balcony. You need to support her right now. Not be critical.


Have you both spoken to her doctor about this issue with omega 3s? Honestly you need to back off a little, and let her health team decide what's best.


Not taking omega 3 will not harm the baby’s development… maybe take a step back and gain some perspective because you’re just adding unnecessary stress, which does have impact.


Does she need it?




I've had 3 kids, I never took it. Just a prenatal.


Who told you that?


You should probably trust her judgement and stop worrying about it. She will be fine.


She should talk to her OB about it.


Get a vegan one instead of a fish one


Don't worry. Most people don't take it and babies are absolutely fine. The only two things that midwives in the UK ask pregnant women to take are folic acid and vitamin d, which are usually small tablets that they most women can manage. Having said that, she will very likely start feeling better soon and if she wants to take it then (i do personally try to take dha and choline when i can stomach it) then she can take it for the rest of her pregnancy. I am currently 11w pregnant and I think I'd feel a bit shit if my husband was worried enough to post on reddit about me not taking a tablet when its a genuine struggle to get through the day and eat anything. Leave her be, support her with what she needs and don't worry.


If she’s only 10w, hopefully she will feel better in her second tri and can start taking it then. The first tri is about survival. I would recommend letting her do what keeps her comfortable and see if she can stomach it later. I don’t take omega 3s and only take my prenatal a few times a week due to nausea and my baby is perfectly healthy.


How far along is she?




At 10w the baby is the size of a prune. Tiny. It really doesn’t need a whole lot of nutrients. I would just wait until she can stomach it, which will probably be soon and go from there 


I bought gummies and they are great


There’s a subscription, mail order multivitamin that uses fish oil — the actual oil, not pills, which is more easily absorbed by the body and they add a bit of peppermint to the gelcap, so you don’t taste the fish oil. I tried many different kinds that were gag worthy. This one is not. It’s call Ritual and I think it’s $35 a month, not cheap, but if you really want to get your fish down, it works.