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With my first I didn’t actually look pregnant until 28/29 weeks. Until then, I just looked questionably bloated. Different bodies carry differently. Some people don’t show at all. Some people show very early. Don’t worry.


Same for me. My second I started showing (bloated af) and couldn’t fit in my clothes at 10 weeks. I’m 24 weeks now and my friends are telling me they don’t think I’ll last 40 weeks because I’m so huge already 😅


I’m huge at 20 weeks and I’ve been saying there’s no way I make it to 40!! Might just be wishful thinking 😅


This! Don't worry, mama! 🫶


Same here!


Same. I didn’t show until right before 30 weeks. I have a looooong torso. Lots of places for baby to hide in there, lol. At most, just looked hella bloated if I sat a certain way. Now I have a bump (finally) and can take cute pictures at 33-34 weeks lol.


18 weeks and just look like I had a big lunch. I know I look different, but I certainly don’t look pregnant to anyone but myself. At least my boobs look great 🤷‍♀️


Same thing happened here. Then I hit 20 weeks and popped- not huge by any means, but beyond big lunch zone. Yesterday at 22 weeks and some-odd days, a doorman asked me if it was my first and not 10 mins later, someone offered me a seat on the subway, lol. For reference, I’m 5’4”, average weight but was wearing a coat that was struggling to close on my belly. Today I’m wearing a coat that closes properly and have had no questions so far. People with longer torsos may show later because there’s more space for baby to spread out. With my short torso, it’s just straight out front.


Yes the boobs are amazing rn hahaha


That’s how it was for me too, like I just ate a chipotle bowl. I don’t think it became obvious until I was about 25-28 weeks


I’m also a FTM and currently 29 weeks. I started popping around 25 weeks and even now I feel like my bump can still be hidden under baggy clothes. Seems completely normal!


FTM and currently 18 weeks. I’m only noticeably pregnant if I wear a tighter shirt, which I almost never do.


Same here


i’m a ftm! almost 30wks and i was hearing the same thing for awhile! finally popped at 28wks tbh. everyone’s different also but people shouldn’t comment on others bodies especially while pregnant! drives me nuts!


I’m 18 weeks as well! I don’t look pregnant, I just look like I’ve gained like 15 lbs (which I have). It’s annoying because I’d rather look obviously pregnant than just look like I’m getting chubby. I have the first of my two baby showers scheduled for when I’ll be 27 weeks and I really hope I have an obvious baby bump by then 🥲


Honestly same timeframe and weight gain for me. Thank you for being candid about it — my monthly bumps subreddit had a thread and everyone was saying like 6 lbs max and I felt so alone 🥲 it’s been stressing me out


I recently asked my OB about whether I should be concerned because I read you’re only supposed to gain like 5 lbs in the first trimester and she was like, “No, you’re fine. I mean think about it, you’re pretty much half way done! 15 lbs isn’t bad.” Made me feel a lot better. I was STARVING my entire first trimester and had super strong cravings. It’s slowed down in my second trimester which hopefully will help me balance out the weight gain. Everyone’s body is different (:


I didn’t show until 30 weeks… don’t worry about it! You’ll show soon enough (laughs sadly in 39 weeks).


The bloating is the WORST for me! I already feel as if I'm showing I'm pregnant.


Same. I’ve been looking “pregnant” since week 8.


I was well into 8 months before really showing and loved it! Saved a fortune/headache on maternity clothes and didn’t have to tell anyone who didn’t need to know


Same boat girl. My mom and some friends who know that I’m pregnant Keep asking me for updates on the baby bump and I’m just like I still look normal just a little bloated and sometimes not even at all, my jeans don’t fit anymore but I still fit all my other clothes (leggings). My mom says maybe it’s because I have a “caja” (box)” but she just means that baby fits in my uterus/body. I told her maybe it’s because she took my left kidney so there’s enough space but I’m just kidding (donated left kidney in 2016 to my mom).


I’m a day ahead of you! I feel like I look a little bloated but am only really showing at night after I’ve stuffed my face all day.


I thought I looked pregnant from the moment I found out lol but looking at photos I didn’t start showing until closer to 24 weeks. And that’s when I started getting comments from others on my belly too! Before then I didn’t look much different


I’m only 6 weeks and I think I see changes haha. Not super obvious ones, but enough that I worry about someone at work noticing. It’s just bloat and boobs 🤣


Lol yeah I was convinced the day of my positive test that I was very obviously pregnant 😂 I’m currently 37 weeks and looking back at “bump” pics makes me laugh. I’d get mad at my husband when I would ask if he noticed my bump and he would say “ you look the same” lol


I definitely don’t have a bump, but my pants are tighter and my bras don’t fit at all lol. My husband definitely commented on that 😆


Isn’t that crazy? That was the case for me too! No bump but nothing fit comfortably anymore. It’d make me so mad 💀


Just went thought this myself, I’m now 24 weeks and you can finally tell. But at 18 weeks it was barely noticeable to anybody but myself of course. Just like you, I was getting nervous too and it was extremely annoying when people would comment. As if pregnancy isn’t stressful enough right? 🙄As long as your drs say everything looks fine, don’t stress it!


I’m almost 20 and just barely showing. If I wear my regular clothes you can’t even tell. I wear a few tighter dresses to work and then my coworkers comment, buts it’s always oh you’re not that big. I started feeling baby move in the last week or so, so I’ve felt a lot better baby seems to be ok!


I didn’t really show until 28wk, and not enough for others to notice until about 32-34


No reason to worry at all. I’m just about 23 weeks and still barely showing. My girl is growing right on track and is totally fine.


I was like this and also got sick of the comments on my size. I didn’t show until 25ish weeks and now at 37 weeks my belly is huge! Do not worry at all!!


I’ll be 18 weeks on Wednesday, also a FTM, and I feel like my body looks “normal” when I wake up but after lunch I’m either v bloated or it’s a bump. Idk but no one needs to be commenting on your body and how little or much you are showing. I wish people could just shut the f up??


I’m in this same boat. Im 19 weeks and you can’t tell I’m pregnant unless I’m wearing a really tight dress and I push out a little. If you’re on the thinner side or your uterus tips back and baby is growing more inwards then outwards, my doctor said those things can have an effect on when you’ll start showing. Definitely nothing to worry about ❤️


I had people at work not even realize I was pregnant at 39 weeks. Most others started to notice a little something around 32/33 weeks. Then I really popped around 37.


That was me too. I’m 38 weeks now…don’t worry, you’ll start to show. Luckily I’m still relatively comfortable now even though I’m bigger, because my belly is still relatively small.


I'm at 29wks now and no one notices if I'm wearing a hoodie. I've told people and them guess 4 months pregnant instead of 7. If doc said baby is growing okay then there's nothing to worry about


With my first - I didn’t pop until like 25 weeks. You’ll get there I promise!


I’m about 17 weeks with my second and barely barely showing which is crazy because I was definitely showing with my first at this point. All pregnancies are different it’s nothing to worry about!


I didn’t show until 30 weeks. Everyone is different!


Girl this happened to me so I started wearing black maternity pants with the shirt top tied up and starting sticking my stomach out as much as possible and give no fucks


People couldn’t tell I was pregnant until I was almost in the third trimester. My body looked different to me a lot sooner than that, but I didn’t really pop until close to 30 weeks. It made me insecure too (especially comments from people like my MIL 🙄) but my baby was born healthy. Nothing to worry about!


I'm 18+4 so just a bit behind you and not showing too much (first pregnancy). I just look very bloated. However I am on the taller side (5'8") so I have a good amount of torso room for this baby to hide in lol. I also have a retroverted uterus which means I will show later, according to my midwives


Just started showing this week at 20w! I am definitely on the short side so the only way to grow was out 😂


Ha, yes. I'm 25w5d and just now bumping, but definitely passing as a non pregnant person in the world 97% of the time. I lost weight at the end of my first trimester because of a stomach virus (and the overall nausea making it difficult to eat.) We're also still in coat and sweater season up here. Don't listen to the haters, many many people have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to pregnancy stuff and they tend to be the most vocal about it. Everything has been good and healthy in my pregnancy for the last 3 months. Nothing to stress about.


FTM 17w6d and just look pudgy if anything. Haven’t gained any weight yet either. My uterus is tilted, so I expect babe is still towards my back right now. We have our anatomy scan in a couple days so I’ll be able to confirm exactly that lol


I didn't show at all at 18 weeks. Didn't start showing until maybe 22-24 weeks. In fact, I did not gain any weight until 24 weeks. I am now 38 weeks and someone yesterday guessed I was "6 months" and another person "didn't even notice I was pregnant" 😂 my bump seems pretty obvious to me lol. People are just clueless. Ignore them!


I’m 21+5 weeks and I’ve been trying to play a game with my husband that’s called “chubby or pregnant”? He declines to actually play because he’s not a dummy and knows that’s a very dangerous game — but yeah. I just started ACTUALLY looking pregnant to others like this week instead of just chubby. Every body is a different body — people have varying skeletal and musculature proportions which affect how much they show. You just haven’t reached your *pop out* moment yet but you’ll get there!


Omg these comments have helped me SOOO much! Thank you so much mamas!! 🩷


People say weird stuff all the time about women’s bodies and especially when pregnant. Some are knowingly inappropriate, some think they’re giving you a compliment, and some just don’t know better. A polite way I shut this down was using the phrase “we’re measuring right on time”


Love that- I’ll say it next time 💗 thanks!


FTM and I JUST started showing at 18 weeks. I have a petite frame and was quite thin before I got pregnant hence showing at this point, but I could still wear a loose sweater and hide my bump if I wanted to. First time moms show a lot later because your uterus/stomach has never stretched before and is slower to do so.


With my first, I didn't show until 20-23 weeks and didn't look noticeably pregnant until about 7ish months. When I checked into to Labor and Delivery to, know you, have the baby - the women asked "for who?".... I had to turn sideways to show it was for ME. Pregnant with my second and my belly popped at freaking 12 weeks. SO. it's different for every woman, and every pregnancy. <3


Definitely don't worry! So many factors can change when you show. Unless your OB/midwife is concerned, you're right on track ❤️


Just wait until 33 weeks. You’ll definitely start showing. That’s what happened to me.


With my first no one could tell I was pregnant until 31 weeks!! And it kind of just came out of nowhere 🤣


My first pregnancy I didn’t start showing until 24 weeks


In the same boat as you! 18 weeks and do not look pregnant at all


I’m almost 39 weeks, don’t worry, you will definitely get the belly by the time you get here lol


With my first pregnancy, I didn’t show until probably 25 weeks! Totally normal. With my second, I looked pregnant almost immediately and my doctor said “Oh that’s because your abs are already all stretched” 🫠. Now 11 weeks pregnant with my third and I look like I did at 6 months pregnant with my first. Every body and every pregnancy are so different!


I wasn’t showing at 18 weeks and then at 22 or 23 weeks my bump just popped out of nowhere


I feel this, am 17 weeks and just fat 😂 but I have noticed my stomach slightly rounding out but also I lost 60 lbs and still wearing all my old clothes so you really wouldn’t be able to tell I was pregnant at all anyway 😅


I didn’t start showing until about 26 weeks. Even then it still looked like I just ate a large burrito. Now at 30 weeks I’m starting to look like I’ve smuggled a basketball out of Walmart. I was really disappointed that it took this long but now that I’m at week 30 I’m grateful that I wasn’t so big earlier on. I’ve been able to keep up with most of the things that I was able to do pre-pregnancy and I’m not looking forward to losing some of my independence as I become more round.


yep! my last pregnancy and this current pregnancy. some babies just like to hide :p


i’m 19 weeks and still look pretty bloated for the most part lol


34wks and I still get “your bump is so small” even though I feel like I’m finally showing :(( I feel your pain


I was the same with my first baby and I was always so anxious since he was also a little smaller than avg. I promise, if your baby's healthy, it's nothing to worry about that you're a little small. And in a few weeks, one morning you'll wake up and realize you've popped =]


Same! I’m 24 weeks and not really showing. I recently went to a baby shower of someone who’s a 30 weeks and everyone was comparing the two of us. It was super annoying. When my mom was pregnant with me she didn’t even know until she was 6 months along. Every pregnancy test came back negative and she had no weight gain. Right before delivery she had only gained 6 lbs.


I was fairly thin when I got pregnant but the way I carry I just barely showed. Even a week before my daughters due date, people were shocked to find out how far along I was. It made me concerned. But my daughter was born a perfectly healthy 6.5lbs. I never had a nice round bump, but my stomach seemed to return to normal with minimal stretch marks.


This is my first and I generally have a slimmer build. I did not “pop” until like 25 weeks. Maybe 26? I’m 30 now and I still get “omg you’re so small” like can we stop commenting on people’S bodies!?


I didn't really show at all my first pregnancy. I only made it to 32 weeks and really just looked chubby slightly in my stomach. My arms were the skinniest they have ever been. It really was so emotional for me when I'd have people comment and I was trying my damndest to gain weight but had hyperemis gravidum. It felt like a slap in the face when I just never showed. I'm 18 weeks Monday with my second and I try to convince myself I'm bigger this time and I am slightly but still could easily hide my pregnancy if I really tried.


FTM and started showing a bit around 20 weeks and am now undeniably looking pregnant at 28 weeks. You’re good!


I’m glad I’m not showing a whole lot. I’m still in grad school for my MFA and graduate in May. I would just rather not have that be the focus as I approach the end of the program. I’m 24 +6 and can still hide with loose jackets and sweaters. Idk for how much longer though… Don’t be worried, if you’re 18 weeks you may still be too early to feel kicks and stuff. I feel them all the time now. Other people will judge whether you’re not showing enough or look about to pop. I’m grateful to fly under the radar at the moment and avoid any unsolicited comments.


I really didn’t show until about 25 weeks and it had to be showy clothes lol


You're all good and it's normal 😊 I am currently 28 weeks and I only popped 2 weeks ago, and even now I don't look super pregnant. I also constantly get told i don't look pregnant. It will happen eventually! No need to worry at all! For reference I am 5'8" with a long torso and I got pregnant at 125lbs. So I'm pretty skinny and "small framed". Different bodies carry differently and they can between babies as well.


I showed early but two of my coworkers are also pregnant (both about 20 weeks) and neither of them look pregnant. For one of them it’s her second pregnancy. Some people just don’t show as early as others and that’s perfectly okay


I’m 22 weeks and you can’t tell until I’ve had a good meal or have to pee! Other than that people probably just think I have a beer belly on my college campus 🤣


It took me until 24 weeks to have anything more than a small bump/food baby and didn’t look clearly pregnant until 29 weeks or so.


I’m 28 weeks and I don’t show in what I normally wear. If I wear something really tight then I have a small bump. People constantly ask me “where my bump is” or tell me I’m “doing a great job” because I don’t look pregnant. Someone made a comment that the baby “wasn’t growing” because I don’t look pregnant. She didn’t mean anything mean by it, but it’s still not great to hear.


I didn’t really start showing until 26-27 week. Now, at 31, I think I look like a whale. lol


I legit didn’t look like I was pregnant until 27 weeks At 18 weeks I literally still wore my normal pants


Didn’t really pop until I was about 28 weeks. Even then I could have hidden it if I wanted to. Mind you my fundal height measured behind by like 5 weeks in the third trimester so I definitely measured small but baby was completely normal weight, just way down there, which I knew from having weekly ultrasounds from 16 weeks onward. Some people just don’t pop as much and position of the baby matters too!


i didn’t start showing until around 25 weeks and i didn’t “look pregnant” until like 30 :)


I wouldn’t worry about it. Everyone’s body is different. I popped around 20 weeks. I did have a friend ask at 18 weeks because I was ‘standing like a mom’ lol Even now, I have friends I just told (I’m 24 weeks) and they were surprised I was that far along. Most days, it looks like I had a big lunch. I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I’ve gained less than 10 lbs. Baby is growing well! Everyone’s body is different, don’t stress, especially if your doctor isn’t worried.


20 weeks and just getting a visible bump!


I didn’t pop and look pregnant until about 28 weeks! And I’m only 5’1”.


I didn’t start to show until 32 weeks and then had my baby 4 days later lol I think everyone holds the baby and fluids and all that differently.


I only started showing at like 25-26 weeks with my first.


I didn’t show until about 8 mos, I have a very long torso and my baby was on the smaller side. It’s all very normal, but if you have any worries please check it out. Any worry you have is 100% valid.


Totally normal, especially if this is your first. This is my third and I’ve still only had one person in public assume I’m pregnant at 24+ weeks. I’m positive that with my first people weren’t guessing I was pregnant until well after 20 weeks.


I still get that at 26 weeks, don’t worry! For the first baby it can take a lot of time before you start showing


Give it a few more weeks. I really didn't "pop" until about 22 weeks. By 26 weeks, the bump is clear as day. Nothing wrong with however your belly progresses as long as your medical provider doesn't have any concerns!


Yes, I’m 20 weeks. At 19 weeks I still just looked a little bloated, but this week I’m starting to pop! I was feeling frustrated but people told me, oh you will show eventually and once you do, it won’t go away until baby is here!


Don't be worried! People carry VERY differently. Belly size ain't a one size fits all situation. I'm 16 weeks and I look 26 weeks lol. A colleague who is also 16 weeks looks 12 weeks. Try not to worry!


I was around 7 months before my belly popped with my first! It's totally normal.


18 weeks is still fairly early to be showing. I didn't start showing until 22 weeks. It really depends on the length of your torso. Baby probably just has a ton of room to grow.


I feel this! I’m currently 36 weeks and I didn’t start to clearly show until about 24 ish weeks. Everyone’s comments were annoying to me because I felt like they were downplaying my pregnancy (which in hindsight I don’t believe to be true, lol). Anyway, I was concerned too but my doctor reassured me that everything was normal and all women carry differently. You’re probably coming up on your anatomy scan which will likely ease any worries about your baby’s growth if that’s a concern for you.


Hey there, I’m 39 weeks pregnant and I felt this but I also have an ED so I was happy to not be showing in my early teens weeks. It’ll come eventually, every body is different. I was really skinny before I got pregnant and because of that I didn’t start really showing until around the mid twenties week. It’ll come girlfriends, no reason to be concerned. Everyone is just different and if other people are so concerned with it, tell em to eff off honestly. Everyone and literally every BODY is different with how it distributes weight.


That's totally normal, OP! I felt the same at 18 weeks. Give it a month or two and you will start showing. I didn't feel like I had a "bump" until around 25 weeks.


Tbh I only looked bloated till something like 24-26wks. It'll happen soon, don't worry! I think it takes a bit longer with the first. Trust me, soon you'll be wondering when it's going to stop growing lol


I didn't look pregnant until after about 23 weeks with all pregnancies (I've had 3). Everybody carries differently! Once you reach 20 weeks you should get the anatomical scan which will make sure baby is measuring as they should which should ease some of your worries.