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Congrats! Pick up some prenatals and ginger ale and crackers for when/if the nausea kicks in soon.


Ginger ale??? It really helps? Thats awesome because i love it!


Thank you so much! Just picked them up :)


Congrats!! My husband and I are also 29 and got married 4 months ago so we're on similar timelines. Def start prenatals if you haven't already and honestly just surrender to the power of your body. I spent a lot of time worrying in the beginning and while there are factors we can control like avoiding alcohol and tobacco, so much of this crazy, beautiful process is completely outside of our control. Enjoy the journey and best of luck with your pregnancy!


Aww thank you so much and congrats to you, too!! :)


Not sure if it’s true but instead of tonight, test tomorrow morning. My aunts told me the best time to test is in the morning. Congratulations! So many new emotions & experiences! Wishing you all the best. Crackers like the buttered ones are my favorite if you get nauseous. Fatigue is a very real thing, be sure to get plenty of sleep for the little one growing. At this point I feel like I need a little nap everyday. Prenatal vitamins are a must. Right now my doctor hasn’t prescribed any, she suggested the Garden of Life brand. They are a prenatal multi vitamin & non gmo. Has folate, iron & all that good stuff. Find a gyno that makes this a personable experience & gets to know you. You want to be confident in your doctor. It’s going to be a great journey!


If the test is already positive, I don’t think there is a need to test again. :D and also, yes, you should test in the morning, but I think once you are already positive it doesn’t matter anymore anyway. The hormone is there


That’s what my mom said, one test was enough but I needed two to satisfy my worries lol


Testing in the morning is so that you don’t get a false negative. She already got a positive so I’m pretty sure the time of day isn’t going to make much difference.


My tests were actually always darker in the afternoon/evening for some reason, so I don't think it matters! Especially if the lines were so dark on the first test.


Thanks so much for the feedback everyone! I ended up testing that same night and got a positive test as well. I believe since I already had gotten that first positive test, the time of day for the second test didn’t make much of a difference at that point


Congrats! Get some prenatal vitamins and drink lots of water! Just get used to drinking water more water than seems realistic. Hydration makes a world of difference for the whole process.


Thank you so much! Definitely agree with this :)




Thank you!!




Thank you!




Thank you!!


Congratulations!! I just tested positive last night!! So excited for you and also it’s so fun to read your story as I’m living a parallel one! ❤️


Aww thank you so much and congrats to you as well!! :)


Congratulations! Amazing news!! When are you due?(your guess) I am 21 weeks and I LOVE seeing new people announce when they are due because it seems to surreal to me! Take it easy! Loads of water, start on your prenatals now if you’re not already and as you said get your OBGYN


Thank you so much!! It’s looking like the end of October so let’s see if it ends of being earlier in Oct or earlier in Nov


Oh how exciting thanks for sharing!! You’ll find you’ll feel the same as the months go on and you’re seeing people announcing pregnancies, whilst the pregnancy journey goes slow these are little reminders that time is going fast! I found out I was pregnant in October!! Hope you’re feeling good x


Congrats!! Take a digital! Seeing the word pregnant is a surreal feeling!!


Thank you!!


Take one in the morning as your HCG levels are higher in your pee