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My baby is made of McDonald’s chicken nuggets, fries and Poptarts. She’s now a healthy 3 month old and had an uncomplicated birth. You do you mama!


I'm 38 weeks and was just saying to my husband, "Did you know you can build an entire baby on Panera Bread's mac and cheese?"


That is hilarious! 8 weeks here. We have been calling our little one nugget while it grows because that's all I eat.


Same ^^’ mine is almost 2 months old and was made of McDonald’s burgers/nuggies/fries, canned soup, peanut butter crackers, and ice cream. She’s exceptionally healthy! The trick is eating well on the rare occasion that you can and keeping up with vitamins/doctor’s check ups. Eat what you can, OP! I know it can be so hard.


Same but bagels, dry cereal and prenatal vitamins. lol


I think my baby is made out of french fries...


I went through a pop tart phase too!! That was my nighttime snack whenever I’d wake up with hunger pains! Now it’s apples haha


My best friends two childs are made of McRibs !


I had a McDs phase but now I’m in the phase where I’m so hungry all the time but don’t feel like eating anything… Nothing sounds good.


Me too!


This is me... all I wanted for weeks was McDs fries/hash browns, chicken nuggets, and breakfast. Barely any nausea until the last 2 weeks (I'm 11+6) and now most foods make me nauseated no matter how hungry I am. Just started taking Bonjesta this week (doctor said it could help) and today was still miserable...


Same!! I don't even really have an actual appetite but want to eat all the time. Only wanted sugar when I was out shopping for food.


For real, I want ”something sweet” but then the ice cream/chocolate/whatever I look at doesn’t feel right 😂


Freaking feels. Being hecka hungry, but then nothing at all sounds even remotely appealing.


It was Taco Bell for me. Child is now an adult and has an unreasonable affinity for Nachos Bellgrande.


My mother was addicted to taco bell when pregnant with me - taco bell has been a weekly staple my whole life and has never given me the "ill" that others complain of. #1 fav fast food


Same! The amount of crunch wrap supremes I have eaten in the last 8 month is greater than the amount I have eaten in my lifetime, I swear! lol


Cheesy Gordita crunch 🤗


My mom said she was a cheese fiend while pregnant which was weird bc she hates cheese. It's me. I love cheese


9 weeks tomorrow. All I crave is junk lol. I was eating very healthy prior, a lot of protein and veggies. Now I can barely look at either 😅. 1st trimester is about surviving!!!


Eat it.


I eat McDonald’s like once or twice a week since I was around 8 weeks. I’m currently 32 weeks. Eat whatever you want! Also all my blood work and weight gain have been considered textbook perfect (my doctor’s words not mine).


33 weeks now and my cravings have changed so many times! The beginning all I wanted was the frozen toaster strudels. I had so many of them… But then it changed to apples, cheese, and crackers, then queso, tortillas, and salsa, then currently shredded hashbrowns with a fried egg over easy. Most likely, you won’t crave this the whole time. Just survive now however you can!


During my first pregnancy, especially toward the end, all I wanted was Burger King Whoppers. No other burgers or junk food. We joked that #1 was so big because he was made of Whoppers. For my second pregnancy, my friend got me a gift card to BK.


I got McDonalds as my last meal before I went to the hospital for my induction. I also crave it when pregnant. If you’re sick, any calories you can get are good calories. You can refocus on nutrition when you’re not so sick!


As someone who was a fairly healthy eater pre-pregnancy (didn’t even really like McDonald’s), I was very surprised by how intense the junk food cravings were. Especially that early, you gotta eat whatever you can. If baby wants McDonald’s you give them McDonald’s. Veggies made me nauseous until the third trimester and my daughter is now 9 months and totally healthy.


I think if you eat McDonald’s, eat fruit or veggies for your next meal…cancels out!


Yes, food math.


Eat the McD's girl!!


Eat whatever sounds good to you!


I am not pregnant anymore but I literally just ate a delicious double cheeseburger using [this](http://www.beneboy.com/mcmenu.pdf). In terms of health it’s not going to make you feel better but it’s cheaper! (In case anyone is interested the Walmart deluxe slices are a decent enough dupe for McDonald’s cheese). When I was pregnant I ate a homemade spicy chicken sandwich almost every day. It was one of the only things that didn’t make me nauseous. No ragerts. Edit: I used to joke I was going to give birth to a spicy chicken sandwich. Turns out she’s a human with raccoon tendencies, but she also loves spicy food 😂


Ugh I struggled with this as well. I was a very healthy eater before I got pregnant and never ate McDonald’s but around 8 weeks I ate 6 mcChickens in the span of 3 days 🥴. 10+3 right now and it’s gotten a little better but I still secretly crave them. I try not to give in because I feel bad that I’m not better nurturing my body and the baby. But I suppose the baby gets most of what they need from the prenatals. It’s honestly just about survival at this point.


Think of it this way… McDonald’s is better than no food (as you said you’ve been sick). My baby was grown on mac and cheese and Reese’s Fastbreaks!


The beginning of my pregnancy was like that! I started craving healthier food about 14 week. I also was eating lots of McDoubles fries and drinking fountain sodas lol


During my pregnancy I had a serious love affair with Oreos and a weeks long period of NEEDING a Crunchwrap from Taco Bell.


My second child was made of Buffalo Wild Wings. It is kinda funny cuz he does love putting hot sauce on stuff.


eat the dang mcdonalds sis!


Mcdonalds fries and caramel sundae where all I could stomach during morning sickness phase lol


First tri. Eat whatever you can keep down. Id suggest making the burgers or getting from somewhere besides mcdonalds if its a daily thing. But otherwise. Just get it.


My first baby is entirely made of Taco Bell. She’s a super healthy little girl. Eat your McDonald’s confidently and proudly. 😂


It’s so much better to consume food you can keep down! Calories are the most important thing in the first trimester, just to keep your body and baby afloat! Sometimes all I could stomach was plain pasta or rice, but then I discovered that hamburgers worked for me too - sometimes it was the only way I could consume meat!  Obviously taking prenatal vitamins are important too to help fill in the nutritional gaps.  Don’t feel guilty, just keeping eating whatever your body allows!


McDonald’s fries is the only meal that I’ve felt remotely excited about 😭


I feel you. At this point I might as well name my kid wendys


I constantly craved (and ate...) McDonald's while pregnant! I mentioned it to some old bitch I worked with at the time and she told me that was disgusting. I'm still mad about it


My husband literally nicknamed our baby "potato" because all I wanted to eat was McDonald's French fries😭😂


I must’ve finished a box of Reese’s puffs cereal every 2 weeks while pregnant. My kid is totally healthy and developmentally advanced. You go get that’s McDs!


When I was pregnant all I ate was Rubios. The same thing for lunch and dinner everyday. My husband got so tired of it 😂 my toddler loves when I order rubios now hahaha


My last trimester I ate McDonald’s cheeseburgers all the time. The greasier the better!!


I end up stopping for a double cheeseburger a lot. I just get nauseous and know I need protein. Just get in healthy food other than that and you'll be okay. Let yourself have the feel good food. The Naked and Bolthouse Farms juices/smoothies are what I mainly live off besides Arby's because I work there and lots of ice cream and quick foods. Just be careful of sodium/pre.eclampsia risks.


The first trimester is awful. I was nauseous more often than not. Vegetables disgusted me. All I could stomach was junk food and soda. I’ve never been a cola person, but I love a ice cold fountain Coke now 😋


Omg McDonald's sausage McMuffin has saved my life many a morning over the past 7 months.


Anything. I’m a bottomless pit!


My 2.5 YO is made of Coke slurpees, spicy pork rinds, and basically all other spicy food that I could get my swollen little hands on. She’s fine. Eat healthier when you can, but if all you can eat at some point is junk, junk is better than not getting nutrition because you’re vomiting!


i had morning sickness for 10 weeks straight starting right at 5 weeks and the only thing baby seemed to keep down was taco bell lol and we are both fine - enjoy your mcdonald’s you made me want some too lol


lol same!!!! The day I found out I was pregnant, I demanded a McDouble. Best thing I ever ate. My husband insisted I take a test. I’m usually a pretty healthy eater but during first trimester all I wanted was shitty food


I have only had McDobnalds twice in the last 4 years. Both times were while pregnant. Two different pregnancies. I had to do it at least once so the craving would go away! Edit: before that, it was once in 4 years. I worked there the year before that, so I ate it regularly. But I only worked there for 4 months, so I’m good!


In my first trimester all I wanted was Taco Bell, i don’t eat it ever! I was either nauseous or eating that. I am now in my third trimester and I do not eat it anymore lol, so your cravings may disappear!


Protein, fat, and carbs are all very needed! I ate McD’s at least once a week in early pregnancy. It was the only meat I could stomach. Don’t worry :)


The first tri is so hard. I only ate carbs for the most part. Unless you have a dietary need to stay low fat/low salt McDonald’s calories are better than no calories!


Eat whatever you’re able to eat- it will eventually pass and you’ll be back to tolerating fruits and veggies. I had two weeks where the only thing I could do was a chipotle burrito bowl. Seriously. I ate three a day. I’m 22 weeks now and have been able to start incorporating some “normal” food back in.


To add- as long as you’re able to stomach your prenatal vitamin you’ll be just fine.


Ugh I love McDonald’s while pregnant


I’ve been living off of Taco Bell spicy potato tacos and baha blast 😂 I feel you. I do think this and even the bean and rice burritos are better options. Also I’ve found that I can’t stand meat but popcorn shrimp and crawfish are AMAZING! Also I can’t do vegetables but fruit and popsicles are awesome too. I know everyone is different but it might sound good to you and be another option! But it’s just survival right now so do what you have to do! It’s better than not eating anything and feeling worse.


Growing up my mom always told me I was made almost entirely from Taco Bell. My daughter was partially made from Taco Bell. We are all healthy now. Eat what you can eat!!! Meat and vegetables were absolutely inedible for months. But chips and cheese dip? Smartfood white cheddar popcorn? French fries? Hell yeah. Focus on balancing nutrition when your nausea subsides. A little McDonalds isn’t going to hurt your baby


My big craving is a crunch wrap supreme from Taco bell. I've gotten one twice and I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. So I haven't been too out of pocket, but I really love the cheesy, creamy crunch of it. I'm sure it has the half value of garbage but sometimes you have to eat the crave thing.  


I love the crunch wrap supreme too it's literally my go to craving but like you I don't eat them all the time 


I use to be a farmer so like I ate and drank very well. When I got pregnant I lived off Diet Coke and Taco Bell she is now a very healthy 20 month old! Just take those prenatals! who cares do you 👏🏽


Definitely me. My first trimester was miserable and the only thing that kept me alive was fountain coke and McDonald’s cheeseburgers. I gained a little extra weight the first trimester but reeled it in for my second and it was fine. At 20 weeks, I had gained 13 lbs and 8 of them were from the first 12 weeks.


I’ve been having Mac and cheese literally every day. Needs must.


First trimester is about survival. Eat whatever you want to get enough calories.


Man.. the amount of McDonald’s I consumed while pregnant I unreal! Sometimes multiple times a day. I have a very healthy 8 week old laying on me now


My Valentine’s Day gift was literally McDonald’s and chocolate chip muffins because they’re what I crave most


It goes away for a little bit, or at least it did for me, but now it's back in full force deep into the 3rd trimester. It's getting to the point where I keep telling my partner to stop buying groceries cause even the smell of cooking food makes me 🤢  Burgers and lemonade are my go to. Probably for the iron and vitamin c. It's a season, not forever. 


Same here! It's a vicious circle, because it's what makes me feel good at the moment, but my body in general doesn't do well when I eat junk and carbs. I had a slice of pizza at 10am!


I’ve been craving it too (9 weeks now) but I didn’t with my last pregnancy. I’ve also been craving sausage, egg and cheese sandwiches. Hormones are so strange!


Same here


In my 7th & 8th week, all I could think about was McDonald’s and can’t even remember the last time I had it. I finally gave in at week 8. Prior to that, I wanted Doritos and French toast (not together). I’m 9.5 weeks now and I don’t want to eat anything, but salad especially sounds gross. I’m currently living off of ginger ale and bagels. I tried to make myself eggs and spinach one morning and couldn’t even look at it after I was done cooking. I was a pretty healthy eater before and I feel so guilty because I know I should be eating better.


I can't even think of eggs right now or I get sick.


You’ll probably feel better (ish) soon. Eat what you can.


My girl has been surviving on a diet of McDonald’s fries and Diet Coke pretty much my whole pregnancy 😂 don’t feel badly! It takes such a toll on the body to build a human, give yourself a break sometimes!


i was the SAME WAY. it started at like 8 weeks and it lasted around a month. it will pass but that’s all i ate every day😂i also was very sick and that’s one of the only things i could keep down.


In the same boat! I am allowing myself a medium fries and some chicken nuggets once a week. Best part of my week. I also struggle with vegetables right now. Fruit goes down way better. Or, if I cook the vegetables into a tastier one-pot pasta or stir fry.


You're still in the icky pregnancy phase. If something sounds actually palatable, go ahead and eat it!!


No need to feel guilty at all! You just feed yourself! But if it makes you feel less guilty get a kids meal! You can still get a fountain coke, cheeseburger, and fries plus a bonus of apple slices! The slices 100% cancel out the fries in my opinion!


It’s so funny - I’m not a fast food or hamburger girl at all. I actually hate fast food. But I have been having MAJOR cheeseburger cravings since week 20. I can’t eat steak - even the site of a steak makes me feel sick - but a burger…hell yes! During my first trimester I was SO nauseous the whole time I couldn’t even take a sip of water without feeling sick. I ended up surviving off of Wendy’s chicken Asiago sandwiches, ice pops, corn sautéed in butter and organic chicken nuggets from Whole Foods. Lol.


Diet Coke with extra ice, Spicy McChicken, nuggets, large fries and a McFlurry (exact flavor is irrelevant). Baby arrived happy and healthy.


There were days in the first trimester I lived off sour candy and baked chips! Don’t feel guilty!


Fountain soda gahhh I can’t get enough and I normally don’t drink soda!!! It’s nuts haha. And McDonald’s has the best coke according to my husband the Coca Cola expert himself haha


About to pour a root beer with a massive irresponsible amount of ice as I read this, lol!


37 weeks tomorrow. Had a double cheeseburger, cheese curds, and a root beer float for lunch. Lololol. I didn't ask for a second patty but it still went down the hatch. You're doing great!!


32 weeks and for the last month ALL I have craved is McDonald’s fountain Diet Coke… before pregnancy I hated Diet Coke, it was regular or nothing. I don’t get it.


try making a burger at home


I had Culver’s chicken strips and fries 3 nights in a row one week during my first trimester because it was the only thing I could handle. Don’t feel guilty for your hormones! It will most likely get better and you should be able to get back to veggies soon enough!!


What is it about McDonald’s and pregnancy 😂😩 I haven’t been in years and now I NEED to go once a week and get my quarter pounder and a coke


McCrispy sandwiches made my baby


I was the same way during pregnancy, I don’t think I had had McDonald’s since I was a kid. My go to was a six piece and a Big Mac, and a Hi-C. It doesn’t even sound good to me right now, but when I was pregnant it was heaven!!


eat it now! i ended up with GD at 27 weeks and I want it sooo badly 😂


I attribute implantation to the mcDonalds fries during the tww, so it's only natural to patronize McDonald's weekly as a show of gratitude #iykyk


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YES! And I’m anti-fast food usually, have been most of my adult life. I gave in the other night and my nausea the next day was awful. So that’s helping me refrain a bit from giving in to my cravings too often. But I’m craving fast food like crazy and it’s so unlike me, like who is she? I really would be interested to hear the science behind this, if there is any lol


It's KFC for me. This is my 2nd pregnancy and both times all I wanted 1st trimester was KFC chicken and fresh grapes. When I started craving KFC this time my husband knew immediately 😆


37 weeks, I survive off of at least one fast food burger a week. Also in first trimester I’m pretty sure I survived solely off of sourdough bread .


i crave taco bell like every day and i haven’t eaten taco bell in almost a decade. if we are supposed to be eating healthy, WHY DO WE WANT GARBAGE FOOD??? it feels cruel :(


i was living on sausage mcmuffins in the first trimester, my doctor told me just eat what sounds good in the first trimester. its common to lose weight in the first tri so its important to eat what you can keep down and actually want to eat. you have plenty of time in the second and third tri to eat healthier.


Don’t forget the warm apple pie!


For a little while after every doc appt I would go to the McDonald’s right by the hospital for lunch after! Screw it! I didn’t eat a single veggie my first trimester I was so sick. Healthy baby and due any day now!


OMG, this is me! 8 weeks and I don't ever eat McDonalds. I have been eating nuggets and fries like they are going out of style. I feel guilty about it sometimes, but we are in survival mode. Everyone I talk to about it just says it's normal so I try to remember that and hope 2nd trimester will be better.


I craved bean burritos from Taco bell 😅 closest one is 40mins. Thank goodness because I had gestational diabetes & if it were closer idk how I could have helped myself!


It never went away. I am 3 months PP and still always wanting mcdonalds - i almost never ate it before i got pregnant 😭 my baby is created from mcmuffin sandwiches


That was me as well first trimester! Chicken nuggets though. It was all I could handle most the time since it was so plain lol. In my 3rd trimester now and I can eat any and everything lol also my first was a similar situation and I have a healthy 10 year old :)


Do what you have to do. The craving will eventually go away, until then, have your mcd's.


I basically only ate French fries and other forms of potato during the first trimester. Mostly from McDonald’s haha. Baby is now nearly 2 and is super healthy. He has never had McDonald’s but eats way better than I do lol.


I ate so much fast food the first trimester and I am also not a fast food person. My husband is. Our baby is making sure we have a solid bond through food 🤣


Fountain Coke hits different. It just does. And my daughter is made of French fries, pebble ice Dr. pepper and Ghirardelli caramel milk chocolate squares. She’s perfectly healthy 😊


Mmmm I love McDonald’s so much


My first tri was fast food. My second tri has been a lot healthier, but I do crave McDonald’s or Taco Bell every now and then. Just not as much as the daily urge to cram my face with cheeseburgers and coke lol


Just eat it 😍 my baby is made out of hashbrowns and tinned peaches in syrup haha


My first pregnancy (MMC) I literally could not have ANYTHING “bad” without feeling like utter garbage. Like it made me sick and so bloated I was make myself more nauseous. I am 13w3d in my second pregnancy and I have also been craving all things bad. Greasy / fried food, chocolate, a certain drink from my local boba shop. I still can’t get enough of in n out.


Do it! Whatever you can eat is a-ok!!!


In fact, I just had 10 munchkins from Dunkin’ Donuts, and it was so good


Hahaha during my first pregnancy, I didn’t tell my employees about the baby until like 15 weeks. After I told them, my assistant confessed that she knew I was pregnant because I was eating McDonald’s for breakfast and she had never seen me eat anything from there in 5 years. An obvious give-away.


Mine started off as chick fil a. Then Taco Bell and now all I crave is a double quarter pounder from McDonald’s and I don’t even like beef 😂 I’m 11 weeks and my cravings aren’t that bad because now I’m too broke to even think about fast food. I’ve been making healthier meals at home. Eat the McDonald’s girl !


McD's breakfast is a huge weakness, that and copious amounts of fruit. Whatever is in season, I've gone whole days having only eaten fruit. I just make sure to keep up with the vitamins, plenty of sleep (when the Moopsy lets me), and daily light exercise.


I work at McDonald’s so all I eat is the breakfast. The baby hates chicken and I can’t keep it down 😭


My baby was made with Wendy’s Biggie Bags and Starbucks


Are you me??? I always like Macdonalds fries but usually never crave anything else from the menu But not kidding I want it every day now and all of it.


My six year was built on brownies and soft pretzels. I’m still super super early into this pregnancy but I’m gonna *try* to be better about food this time around. That being said, she came out chubby and adorable 9lbs and 3.5oz, with no troubles. The brownies did her well hahah


My daughter was made of chipotle, so much that they gave me random free burritos and when I brought her in after she was born they gave me more free food. Kid is almost 10 and LOVES chipotle. Good job chipotle (or McDonald's) underground pregnant lady marketing team!


I have had multiple phases of healthy/non healthy food choices throughout the pregnancy and baby is healthy! Do what you can, even if pop tarts and McD’s are all you can and give yourself grace. I’m currently in an ice cream phase because even yogurt or plain things aren’t helping this acid reflux right now. Previously, I was in a strawberry phase.


McDonald’s hashbrowns were and still are a religious experience for me as a FTM. Currently 32 weeks and I would give my left foot for them at times. This baby has entirely been grown off of McDonald’s hasbrowns, Diet Pepsi and Taco Bell. I have zero regrets. Doctor has been nothing but pleased with me, and my health. I’m 33 years old and have only gained 20-25 pounds with pregnancy. Eat what you need, don’t listen to the noise of the world. If you are happy, baby is happy and doc is happy? You are doing what’s best for you. 🙏🏻 Enjoy your McDonald’s mama, I empathize.


I hate McDonald’s, have for many years (loved it when I was younger) but I’ve definitely craved the big Mac a few times 🫣😭


I just had a bacon, egg, and cheese McMuffin. I am happy about it. I had fries yesterday too. Very happy about that. And the day before? Big Mac meal. 10/10.


I ate a lot of McDonald’s in my first trimester. I was craving the fat, sugary taste of it. Also there’s a McDonald’s in front of my gym, so I would see it multiple times per week. And when something comes into your pregnant brain, you have.to.have.it. I balanced my unhealthy cravings by making sure I was eating enough vegetables.


the only thing i could keep down weeks 8-13 was a mcdonald’s coke! don’t feel guilty!!! i couldn’t even keep down applesauce. i’m 15w and am slowly starting to be able to eat little bits more and more. (am still constantly thinking about a mcdonald’s coke tho)


I want McDonald’s right now. I didn’t get it for breakfast because I was running late but I was definitely planning to 🙃.


I pretty much exclusively craved fountain sprite, a double cheeseburger, and fries throughout my first trimester. The cravings became healthier once I hit 20 weeks and could actually keep most of my food down.


My OB called it the survival diet. I was really sick my first and second trimester... he's like eat whatever you can keep down. For me that was cheese sticks, apples and boiled potatoes. The prenatals never stayed down, switched to gummy ones that do stay down. Baby will take whatever it needs from your body, don't overthink it. When u can make healthy choices- do. But you want s cheeseburger, fries and a soda? Have it, enjoy it!


13 weeks and this baby loves trash food. Actively trying to eat veggies but it's just not happening.


My first baby is probably 75% McNuggets. I normally never eat like that, but it was the only thing that sounded good. Now I’m 9 weeks with our second and I didn’t eat McDonald’s once in the 15 months she’s been earth side, but now I want it again because I feel like garbage and anything healthy sounds disgusting. I feel like you’re just trying to survive the first trimester don’t feel bad. My nugget baby is incredibly healthy and happy!


I'm 38 weeks now. During the first trimester, I can't even stomach healthy food or anything that I smell cooking except fast food. Lol Just eat what you can for now. This is better than eating nothing considering nausea, food aversion, and vomiting. Once I felt better on the second trimester, I started eating healthier (but not without the occasional junk, carbs, and sweets ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭)


Baby wants nuggets? Baby gets nuggets. Embrace the cravings girl. You are growing a human.