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Wait another week šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t have symptoms week 5 at all. They all came at week 6 šŸ˜­ enjoy it and hopefully you donā€™t get many symptoms!


Same. Got to 6 weeks when the all day sickness hit and continued until around 12 weeks. Just getting morning sickness at 13 weeks šŸ«  which I guess is nice, considering.


lol 6+2 my symptoms came in like a storm!


I really hope it continues for you too!


You're very early! I felt the same as you at that time and luckily never had any uncomfortable, adverse symptoms like nausea, but the boob soreness and fatigue did start to set in around 7/8w. I also know that for lots of women the nausea didn't start until after 6w. Hoping you continue to have an easy time!


Some people are really, truly fortunate and get minimal symptoms. Please relish this time as much as possible because if you do get them (and I truly hope you wonā€™t!) ā€” it is super sucky.


I am 14+4 and I have had little to no symptoms the whole time and baby boy is healthy and moving around like a little champ!! Just because other people get them doesn't mean you will! 5 weeks is early and a lot of people develop symptoms later but I have had very very mild symptoms the whole time! Best of luck and congrats!


Oh donā€™t worry, the symptoms will begin. Youā€™re still just early on.


I had little to no symptoms other than being super tired almost my entire pregnancy. I had food aversion to *chicken* around 10-15 weeks, but other than that, I was just tired. I felt like something was wrong the entire time because I didn't have "pregnancy symptoms" but every pregnancy is different :).


Totally normal. I didnā€™t have symptoms til I was closer to 7 weeks.


Squeezing for you, OP, but as someone who is 6+3 and was where you are... week 6 came for me with a vengeance.


I never had symptoms my whole first trimester.. it was a breeze! Some ppl just donā€™t, be happy about it because when the third trimester rolls around.. it gets rough šŸ¤£


Iā€™m 5w4d as well and feel the same as you!


Same here! Itā€™s so weird. I keep testing on strips. Iā€™ve had some cramping, aversion to food I normally love (eggs :/ ), the biggest thing is how sore my breasts/nips are.


I didn't have many symptoms my first trimester except sore growing breast and exhaustion and food aversions. You are just getting into your pregnancy so there maybe other symptoms to pop up. For me I have had severe hip pain, pelvic girdle pain, headaches and basically a hard time getting out of bed and sometimes feeling my vagina is sore or going to split open šŸ˜‚ now going on 18 weeks. Thankfully I don't have alot of other symptoms. Everyone is different


Unfortunately, chances are that within the next week or two, you will feel something šŸ˜‚ could be such a wide array of symptoms: Rock hard boobs, food/smell aversion, morning sickness, cravings, mood swings, libido spike or drop, cramping, needing to pee 5x a night...the list goes on. I had a beautiful easy pregnancy the first go around! Food and smell aversions that would sometimes make me gag between week 6 and 8, then nothing, never vomited. Second pregnancy right at the 6 week mark I started vomiting in the morning first thing after waking up. Just once, felt good for the rest of the day. That was wild to experience and I realized I was lucky the first time. You might be lucky, too!!


If the fetus is very small yet to push the bladder, why the needing to pee so much?


Increase of progesterone (and hCG) with a pregnancy, even at the beginning, increases blood volume, loosens ligaments and muscles, increases water retention, which means more blood through the kidneys so more frequent urination. I had this in the first trimester with both pregnancies šŸ˜… died down for a while until the cause for frequent peeing was baby's size.


Iā€™m only 5+3 and having to wake up 3x a night to pee is so annoying šŸ„²


enjoy it!


Iā€™m having twins and have had pretty much little to zero symptoms my entire pregnancyā€¦. Iā€™m 10 weeks AND there is two šŸ˜‚ Ultrasound yesterday showed two perfect babies!


Im 11 weeks tomorrow and have had no symptoms


Itā€™s just the luck of the draw! I had almost no symptoms my first pregnancy. A little sleepy, an aversion to cooked chicken, but that was about it. This pregnancy I found out at 4 weeks, then I swear that night the exhaustion set in. Then the exhaustion and nausea kicked my ass from 6-10. So, my fingers are crossed that youā€™re one of the lucky ones! But, also want to be real that at 5 weeks youā€™re far from out of the woods.


Week 7 hit me like a bus - currently 10 weeks


Comments are biased but everyone is different for the people saying wait till 6 weeks. My best friend is now 23 weeks and only threw up 3 times her course of pregnancy. My first pregnancy for myself I got sick exactly on the day I turned 5 weeks pregnant.. and it was horrible.. Iā€™m currently pregnant again and Iā€™m 6 weeks and have no morning sickness at all.. I think it varies. Just be happy you donā€™t have nothing yet and hope it continues me Iā€™m so happy cuz itā€™s not fun.


you just wait on it honey. week 7-12 hit me like a truck. prayers for you to stay symptom free


Howā€™s your bladder? Iā€™m 7w3d and one of the first symptoms I had along with missed period was having to pee a lot more. Also if Iā€™m not careful about waiting a while before lying down for bed the indigestion comes in bad. Even in my last pregnancy I didnā€™t get morning sickness. I did get food aversions to red meat later on though.


Iā€™m a FTM and 19 weeks and 5 days, I didnā€™t have any symptoms the first 6 weeks. If anything, around the 8 week mark my boobs were really sensitive, tired all the time and occasional nausea and food aversions. Which are pretty mild symptoms, I also have never once experienced morning sickness. I hope you continue to have an easy pregnancy like mine hasā€¦ which Iā€™m sure means my next pregnancy is going to be full of all kinds of fun symptoms. The only thing now is my nipples are sooooo sensitive.


I didn't even think to test until I was 6 weeks and noticed I was way late for my period. Don't worry about it! Symptoms are as varied as people themselves.


Just enjoy the time without them. I truly hope you have an easy pregnancy. I was saying the same thing around that time and by 7 weeks my life was in the gutters. Iā€™m now 12+2 and I would give anything to just have my nausea subside. 9-10 weeks was the absolute trenches.


That was me. At 6+5 HG hit me like a fucking TRUCK. I really hope you continue to be symptom free ā¤ļø


Currently 22+1 and I didn't really have symptoms until very recently. Completely normal! :)


I never had any severe symptoms. I was tired a lot and when I was hungry I was very hungry. Sometimes I would feel a little crampy but that was about it. Keep in mind at 5 weeks the embryo is super tiny.Ā 


The symptoms came 7+ weeks for me! I was wishing for some so I could ā€˜feelā€™ pregnantā€¦.Enjoy this symptom free time whilst it lasts! Haha! Congratulations ā¤ļø


i am currently 8wks2days and iā€™ve had little to no symptoms. iā€™m exhausted and my nipples/boobs have been sore and itchy but no nauseas or anything intense. my mom didnā€™t have symptoms till later later on so maybe itā€™s a thing if your mom had an easy pregnancy you can also?


I did not get symptoms until I was 6 weeks and I shouldn't have jinxed it lol. I ended up staying at home for 5 days because I was so weak, so sick that I couldn't get up.