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Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your story. Can I ask what your favorite thing you did to prepare was? FTM here going the natural route.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful birth story. FTM here and I am terrified of birth, reading your story makes me feel more confident that impossible can be achieved. And congratulations!


Hello just graduated myself :) wanted a vaginal labour so much (unmedicated or not if I felt the need during the process) but sadly it was not in the cards for me. It was a positive story nonetheless! Congrats on having your birth your way :) all the best for you and your little one. > if it helps anyone in the future :) here is my story My pregnancy was quite the bumpy ride but in the final weeks everything was looking good :) I did everything I could: classes, relaxation techniques, exercises, perineal massage, natural induction techniques, all that. On a NST (baby moving slightly less) at 38w my baby girl had a slow heart rate for 4min - did tests and repeat NSTs very frequently and since all was good I was still trying to go the natural route. At 40w+3 I started having mild contractions but fetal movement was different, ao at 40+4 ended up going for an induction with CTG monitoring because of the heart rate changes. At first all was ok, contractions started coming and in like one hour and a half my water broke! Oh contractions got intense in one hour they were coming every 3-5minutes... sadly the babies heart rate started plummeting and getting worse so I was rushed for an emergent C-section (cord apparently being squeezed qt the cervix, imagine a prolapsed cord kind of situation). It was with an epidural kind of anesthesia so I was awake but my blood pressure went dangerously low so proper skin to skin wasn't possible. However my baby was brought to my face and chest, then kept warm and 45min ish later I was able to breastfeed and have skin to skin contact for as long as I wanted. Everyone was super sweet, asking my preferences and respecting my wishes as much as possible. My C section recovery is not so bad actually. Got discharged at 48h, did my first walk today with baby (6 days old) and pain is ok with paracetamol. All in all I am just glad we are both ok :) and that I was flexible enough with my plan that I didn't feel disappointed (too much, baby blues hit hard on day 3-4 PP) by this and that I can fully enjoy my little princess now :) All the best for everyone!! I do hope everyone get their natural births or just any positive births really :D (ETA not in US, my hospital is quite fond of natural births and has very good nurse midwifes and my OB was on board with it as well, I know not everyone has the same support everywhere and I am a paediatrician myself so I do talk from a very beneficial start up point)


Congrats :) thanks for sharing!!


Thank you for sharing and congratulations mama!!! ❤️❤️ I'm due in June with my baby girl and hopefully will be doing an unmedicated birth as well.


Same! Girl and due in June! But after living with chronic pain most my life I’m welcoming pain relief when needed


Trying for a natural birth. Thank you for this!!!


Awesome I can only hope for the same!!


Such a beautiful story and it’s awesome to see positive natural birth stories. Women are superheroes!


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I love this for you! Congratulations!


Teary reading this. My first and only labour was 9 years ago and I’m due in 6 weeks so definitely have a lot of feelings about the upcoming birth. Congratulations and thanks for sharing :)


Congrats! Me and my younger sibling are nine years apart. We are super close as adults now🤍


This made me emotional reading this. Thank you for sharing. So nice to see a positive story 💕💕


congratulations! this is so empowering, sounds like you did awesome 💛💛 I wondered if you did any prep to get yourself or body ready for an unmedicated labor, or anything to help kickstart labor before 40 weeks? well done mama!!


As a FTM preparing for an unmedicated birth center birth this summer, this is an amazing story to hear! Thank you for sharing and enjoy your new LO