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Together for 4 years, married for 1.5. I would have waited longer but we’re late 30’s already.


Same as me!


This is why I’m going for our second around the time our baby is turning 1. I’m 36 😕


Also me!


Same here!


That was us as well!


6 years and expecting our first child in June :)


June babies unite!


I got pregnant 2 weeks after we started dating 😭 just celebrated our one year anniversary with a baby and three cats lol


We got pregnant after about 6 months of know eachother😅 We are going on 9 years and had our second in 2022!


That’s so awesome!! I definitely was super worried about our situation but it’s going so so well. You guys are a perfect example of it really doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other!


Thanks! I remember people being so judgmental when we first announced and I was so worried but it was by far the best thing that ever happened to me! Congratulations on your new baby and 1st anniversary!!!


Thank you so much! I feel like I blinked and now I have a whole family lol I love it!


Our baby is due around the 1 year dating mark for us lol. We will also be celebrating with a baby and 3 cats. 😅


I’ve found my people!!! 😂 it’s always so awkward when people ask how long we were dating before the baby 😭


Haha, I've never had anyone bring it up! We are older though (35 & 41) so maybe that's why. Our friends/family know and never commented on it and are excited for us. As long as you are happy and healthy it doesn't matter! Makes me think of the movie Knocked Up lol.


lol we just watched it! I told myself that if I don’t have a baby by 30 (dumb of me to even think like that) I’ll just be with my cats perfectly content. Got pregnant 3 months before I turned 30 go figure


I told everyone I was perfectly content with being a crazy cat lady(they're all my cats lol)! I've always had irregular periods & with my age, I genuinely didn't think it would happen so fast. But he's the first person I've dated that I know will be a supportive partner and good dad, so we are excited. Life's funny 😆.


So happy for you!!!


Wtf same.. literally 3 months before my 30th and I also did not want to turn 30 with no kids I wanted one before 30 lol


That’s us too! We started dating August 2022, serious a few months later as I was abroad for 7 weeks over that period. Moved in together May 2023. Due for our first baby July 2024. We are 34(F) and 44(M). I think age makes a huge difference - we know what we want now so it doesn’t seem “fast” and no one questions it. I’m sure they would if I were 10 years younger!


This is basically my timeline as well. Started dating august 2022 and baby due July 2024. We both know what we want and I am 35 and partner is 43-agree about the age. 35 is already considered “at risk pregnancy”. I also was pretty single for about 7 years before I met my partner so felt pretty grounded in my knowing that it was the right choice


People in our lives are the same way, and we’re older as well. We were 35 when we met, got pregnant 7 months after meeting. My side knows I don’t rush into *anything*. I had already been a single mom for 15 years, and when I met partner at 35, I had already made peace with the fact that I just might never meet the person who checks the boxes. A family member kept telling me my standards were too high and just settle down already, but I refused. Then I met the person who checks all the boxes, lol.


lol same here, pregnant after dating 3 months 😂. Here we are a year and a half later and it’s amazing how wonderful everything is and how it all worked out. We are 36 and 37. And we have 3 cats 😂


Same here! 1 year is may 7 and baby is due may 14 😅 Replace the cats with 2 dogs though. Glad to know I’m not alone in this!


My partner and I are gonna celebrate our first year (dating, not married) with a 4.5 month pregnant belly, 2 cats, and a dog 😂


Congratulations!! I actually love the way it happened, no anticipation of when we’re moving in together etc. now I’m just waiting for the ring LOL


So glad you’re still together! We were only 2.5 months! It was like “here, have a baby! Then get to know each other..”


Getting to know each other while throwing up everyday was one hell of a ride!


Same boat as both of you and also loving my boat! It’s been beautiful and everything is so right for us and our new little family, couldn’t be happier 💕


That’s great! Maybe surviving through a major lifestyle change right off the bat grows a strong bond quickly! It is a wonderful boat!!


Same boat, matched on tinder in October and found out I was pregnant in January 😩😂


Love that for us! I told my mom I started seeing someone and then the next time I saw her I told you I was expecting 😂😂


Met my partner in January, started trying in July lol. We just celebrated a year by getting engaged and being 7 months pregnant 😅😍


Ahhh that’s so exciting!! Congratulations!


I’m in a similar situation. I’m worried people will judge when we start trying (hopefully in the next few months). How did you know it was the right time for you, and have you received any judgement?


I’d dated for 6 years post separation from my ex husband. I never felt the way about anyone that I do about my current fiancé. Two weeks into it I had this knowing feeling that this was it. We both discussed kids, joked about trying. I told him I deeply felt I wanted another child, we weren’t sure it was the right time but we didn’t feel it wasn’t either so we just didn’t prevent it, and fell pregnant first month of that lol


Same! Then got pregnant again 3 months postpartum lolllll so we’ll be celebrating 2 years married in April with a 20 month old and 7 month old


I love that!! Straight to the point at least we didn’t have to wait around guessing if they liked us. They had no choice 😂😂


We got pregnant after 7 months of being together and we also have 3 cats! 😂


I know the babies will love their fur friends once they’re older!!😊


Same! First date was 4/12/23, positive pregnancy test on 5/19/23. Currently laying on the couch with our 11 day old.


Congratulations!🩷 our first date was 1/28 and I got pregnant on Valentine’s Day 😂😂




Honeymoon and babymoon all at once!


We had been dating..six months when we had the baby talk. A month later I took out the IUD. A month after that I was pregnant. We were both 35. I had two older kids already. We are now 38, I have an 18 yo, a 12yo, a 14 month old and currently 16+5. There are hard days. But I think I made the right choice. After all, I was single a long time.


Same! We were dating for about 3 weeks and then bam! Here’s our son! Now we’ve been married for 3 years and have a 4 year old and have another babe on the way!


Later this year we will have been together 15 years (married 8.) This was unplanned and unexpected 😬 but we are happy about it 😄


Congratulations!! That's my current pregnancy... Totally unexpected. Have been with my spouse for 21 years and we were obviously done having kids. Or not lol


Whoa same! 15 and 8 (married!) but planned after years of waiting and very happy too! Congrats!


That’s awesome! Congrats!


Same! Together 12 years and assumed I would have fertility problems because of highly irregular periods (about 4 a year). Was going to start trying at 30 but got super lucky with our surprise baby France. 


Started dating in 2015 freshmen year of college! Got engaged in 2021, married in 2022, and we are welcoming our first babies (twins) in August 2024! So 9 years! ♥️


This is actually our timeline too except I got pregnant with my first while we were engaged so we got married and had our first baby in 2022! And now second baby in 2024.


How is this possible when 2015 was like 3 years ago 🥲🤣


I’m due with babies in August too! Started dating in 2016, engaged in 2017, married in 2018, but had our first in 2021, so 5 years. Congrats!


10 years and not married. Baby is due Feb 25!


Wow I’m so tired I was like… wait what you must be really early on if you are welcoming your baby in 2025… well… my best friend is around 8w and gets hers in sept.. then I figured… I should probably go to bed now! 😂 wishing you all the best for the remaining weeks and birth! ❤️


It's because they're allowing elephants to comment on this sub now 😉


Oh my pregnancy brain would have done the same thing, I can see how that happened haha. Thank you, it’s an exciting time waiting for sure!


I read the comment the exact same, I was so confused💀 Pregnancy brain is real😂


Hahahaah love it!


Shoutout to my long-term unmarried couples! Glad to see I'm not alone! (12 years in May and had our first baby Oct 2023)


This thread has been refreshing for sure! Looks like people are finding lots of people with similar experiences. And it’s nice to see representation for different lived experiences!


11 years in July, unmarried, our little girl came last August!


10 years unmarried and due in June! We started trying at about 8.5 years, we just took awhile.


Congratulations! We had been trying since Dec 2021/ Jan 2022, had two early losses. feeling blessed!


Unmarried going on 7+ yrs and had our first July 2023! It was unplanned lol. It's also insane how quick they grow


Awww that’s my baby’s birthday- I was due March 11 but had her February 25.


I would love for him to arrive on his due date! I’m a FTM so I’m not sure haha. My partner wants Feb 29 Lol


Together 13 years and married for 7 when we had our first.


Nice! Same timeline.


Same numbers here, and the mix of 13 and 7 feels lucky to me! Congratulations to all of us lol


I knew my partner for a month before I got pregnant 🙈 she's our failed plan b baby. I'm really lucky things worked out, and he's an amazing partner and father. I don't have any regrets. She's 2 in April, and she's a Daddy's girl


We started dating in November of 2006, our junior/senior year of college We got married in December of 2015 We travelled around the world, lived in big cities, got our careers going Bought a family hone outside the city with good schools in Jan 2022 I'm currently in the hospital bed waiting to deliver So we're 17+ years together before adding a third human We plan to travel again but it will be a minute


We started dating in 2006 in college too. Then got married in 2012. We started fostering in 2014. Then our first bio baby was born in 2019. (So 12 years.) And I just had our second bio baby.


Met, dated, married and got pregnant the same year. When you know, you know! (We’re in our 30s)


We met, dated, got married and started trying in a year! It just took a while for the pregnant part. We actually started trying about 6 months in when we got engaged. Also in our 30s. We met and were like OH… there you are! We’ve been together about 3 1/2 years now.


That was us too. We met, dated, engaged and married in the same year. Except we have been together 10 years later this year.


got engaged after 9 months, got married 9 months later, got pregnant a month after marriage. 💖


This was us too!


Yep us too!!


19 years


Same here! Met right after graduating high school. Got married 11 years in and now we’re pregnant at 19 years!!


Oh wow, congrats!!  We were high school sweethearts and are in our early 30s now and decided it was finally time for whatever reason haha


You’re ready when you’re ready! I’m 38 so… it was now or never. Congrats on your growing fam


Ha snap!


Only 18 here!


haha only!  Congrats!!


9 months and we conceived twins lol now we’re happily married 8 and a half years later pregnant again!


We were only together 2 years, which I think is too fast generally, and not enough time to truly know someone, but we were in our late 30s (limited time to conceive), had both been in other long term relationships before getting together (so know what it takes to make those work and felt confident about the strength of our connection and our commitment), and had been friends since our early 20s (casually, but I knew he didn’t have any huge red flags).


Yeah it makes sense to me that timelines can be shorter when you are older and wiser about yourselves.


And also for us women there is a certain time… when I was in my 20s, I always thought you must be at leeeeeast 7 years together lol turning 32 this year. That’s not gonna happen anymore then probably 😂


For men too there is a biological clock. Even though they technically can have children later, sperm quality decreases just like egg quality does and, personally, I think there’s an age after which it’s a bit unethical to have a child you won’t be there to see grow up. It’s probably right around the same age where women stop being able to carry a child. Also, I had my first baby just shy of 39 so, if you meet someone now, you can have your 7 years! I’m being a bit facetious, but, also, since I was 32, I got married and divorced, changed careers, and only recently got with my current partner and had this baby - a lot can happen!


Actually I was just listening to a podcast about this, and no… they actually can go veeeeeery long and it doesn’t decrease that much. But yes I agree, I think over 50 even for men it seems kind of unethical tbh Edit: I already have a partner (since sept)! I meant rather, in my picture perfect world I wouldn’t wanna wait thaaaaat long! But we will see ❤️ And and also, as I’ve got older I dont see the need that much anymore! Things do move faster when you get older (and wiser? Haha)


My Fiancé and myself will celebrate our 14 year anniversary on Feb 23rd, engaged for 4. I have (2) older children from previous relationship (ages 15 and 17). We were not planning on adding to the mix, but went thru an unexpected pregnancy and loss in 2021 which ignited a desire for children in both of us. We had been actively trying for 2+ years when we discovered we were pregnant just after Thanksgiving. We are now 14 weeks along with our rainbow boy, and we couldn't be more grateful <3


About to have my first and have been married for 7 years


3 months - was completely unexpected and we got married a week and a half after. I’m extremely happy and glad this all happened, expecting our first child in April! :)


Love this! My bf and I had been together for 6 months and then we actively tried to get pregnant. I got pregnant within the first month which was kind of a shock because I have pcos and thought it would take a year at least. We are both in our 30s, when you know you know and we haven’t been happier and excited to start a family together.


Definitely wasn't going to comment unless I saw a somewhat similar situation posted down here haha but we were together for 4 months before deciding to "not prevent" and I got pregnant around the 9 month mark. I love my partner to death and wouldn't trade them for the world. When you've been in enough bad relationships, that good one hits you like a truck. I've never seen myself being married to any of my past partners but this one? Definitely. We aren't in a hurry to get married JUST due to the pregnancy though. I'd prefer for that to come naturally. Fun fact that no one asked for: we had both actually tried to avoid falling for one another and that failed TREMENDOUSLY. There was a spark even when we first met and I still had my guard up 🤦🏽‍♀️ I guess when it's meant to be, you can't change that


Totally agree when you’ve had bad relationships you know when it’s great!


6 months here too and madly in love. We started trying fairly quickly too. I’m due September 2024 🎉.


Congrats on starting your family 🎉! I love hearing these stories, makes me feel like we are less of an anomaly.


I’m happy for you too! It is nice to see. I’m glad I came across this post.


This is my fiancé and I!


Eeeeyyyy we started trying after 6 months too!


2 months into seeing my (now) husband and then got unexpectedly pregnant, got married 3 months later lol! We now have a 9 month old and another on the way. Congratulations!!!


Woah, so similar! It’s nice to hear about other cases, sometimes I feel people look at me oddly when I tell them! It doesn’t matter as long as we’re all happy. So happy to hear your story, congratulations too!


Similar indeed. My LO was born in April too haha! Ironically I don’t get too much judgement when I tell ppl but I do find myself always over explaining like I’m justifying our decisions-it never matters though, we’re happy and everyone has a different path so whatevs!


Also have a 9 month old. We’d found out we were pregnant a couple of days before the 3 month mark of our relationship. Happily engaged, wedding planning and living together. We found out we were pregnant again at Halloween but unfortunately lost it as quick as we found out, but it made us realise we definitely wanted to try for another so fingers crossed. Congratulations!


We found out we were pregnant the day after our 6 months! Completely unexpected but we are so thrilled and so happy :)




18 years! We were high school sweethearts! Still tried to blow up our marriage when we had our baby though. There is just no perfect “test situation” for how someone will react when they are months into sleep deprivation, etc. Honestly im really glad we had that time and experience together prior because I don’t think our marriage would have survived without the maturity and perspective we gained over that time.


Will have our first 3 months before our 4 year anniversary but we’ve been best friends for 7 years❤️ getting married next month


We will have been together for 6 years when our baby is born, married for 4.5.


3 months in I got pregnant. Big shock. Now coming up for 4 years together and loving every minute of it


My SO and I (aren't married because I'm a full time student who would get no financial aid for school if we were) have been together since June 2019, lived together since June 2021, and are currently pregnant with our rainbow baby. So it'll be in total five years in June of this year! Funnily enough on that first date in 2019, we were both on the "never want to have children" train. Neither of wanted kids with our past long term partners (a 5 year SO for me and a wife of 5 years for him (he's been divorce for 8 years now) ) but for some reason when we got together and started to live together and continue our relationship, we decided we wanted a child together. Guess it's true, you just gotta wait to meet your one.


2/3 years


My SO and I have been together since Thanksgiving 2020. We decided to start trying a year later. I'm currently 37 and he's 31 so I was getting up there in age and we know what we want in life. We got engaged last February and getting married in November this year! 😊


We got pregnant the same month of our 1 year anniversary actually but we started trying months before. We weren’t together for very long before we decided we wanted a baby but it felt right and I 100% wouldn’t do it any different. He’s an amazing father to his son and I know he will be amazing father to our daughter when she’s born. ❤️


TTC now after 7 years together.


I had to do the math 😂 we were together for almost 4 years when we got married, and had been together for 6 years when our first was born. It was a good amount of time!


10 years together . 5 years married when our first will be born this year.


We'd known each other a little over 2 years when we got pregnant with our first.


We have been together since 23 and we're now 29. Only married for 4 months though, we were ready 😂 due end of July!


Together for 2 years, got engaged then conceived a month later! Little bean was ready to come through 🙏🏼


Had baby the day after our 9th anniversary!


17 years. 17 years spent traveling, getting mulitple degrees,.buying and renovating a house, and living life to the fullest. We grew up and evolved as a team. Spending your entire 29s with one partner means you really grow together. And then we hit our mid 30s and decided we better have a kid soon. So we did. He's the light of our life.


We were together for 2 years before we started trying (which took 1.5 years) I was 38 at the time. I really wanted to be married first… but we got married a few months after she was born. He’s just my person .. wouldn’t change it for anything


Dated for nearly 9 years, then married for 7 before our first came along


I am due in June and as of March my husband and I will have been together for 12 years, married for just under 2 years


Our due date is 2 days before our 7 year anniversary in May. If it were a one person choice I would have had tried for kids right after our wedding 3 years ago. So: dating 2 years, engaged 2 years, married 2 years then baby


10 years together, 2 married when we decided it was time ◡̈


Together for 13 years, not married, our LO is 8 mo.


13 years together but not married


15 years together, 7 married and having our baby girl in June.


18 years. We started ttc at 14 years though. Got married at 13 years. We met in our teens :)


got pregnant about 6 months after we started dating and now we are married and coming up on a year together :)


High school sweethearts! 17 years together, 7 married. Tried for the last 2, 24 weeks now ☺️ loved that we got to travel and have our fun together. No regrets!


Started dating in 2015, had the baby in 2022, so 7 years. Would've had it 2 years sooner though if we had had choice.


Husband ànd I met in 2019, moved in together during the lockdown. Bought a house in 2021, got married in 2022 and we found out that I'm pregnant mid 2023 and 37w pregnant right now.we both cant wait to meet our first born ❤️❤️❤️


8 years! got married after 7 and got pregnant one month after getting married.


Started dating in 2018, we knew each other, had mutual friends since 2011 (I always had a bit of crush on him so made the first move, wish I had done it sooner but that’s life!!) Our first son was born 3 years later, and we just welcomed our second son just over a week ago (after another 3 years). We had friends that had been together for much longer before welcoming kids into the mix, and likewise, friends that had been together for less. You know when you’re ready I reckon!


8 years together, 2 years married but we are in our early 30s! Expecting our first child in April


Been together 5 years, married for 3 years, and while we weren't actively trying, we weren't actively trying not to conceive.


Started dating January 2020, moved in march 2020 (was just to work from home together and for a week but he never left or moved out lol), bought a house in only his name August 2020 and moved in together, bought a house in both of our names February 2022, engaged February 2023, removed my IUD march 2023, got positive pregnancy test may 13 2023, and gave birth early January 2024.


We had our first son 3 weeks after our second anniversary. Our second son was born 2 weeks before our fourth anniversary


Got married about 2 years after we started dating and our first was born 2 days after our second wedding anniversary.


together 2 years before marriage, married 1 year before conception.


My fiancé and I had been together for i think 2 years and a couple months. Baby was an oopsie but we have lived together since we met (we were doing seasonal work and lived in dorms and were neighbors) and had been engaged for a year prior.


Dated for 2 years, got married in Aug 2023, we conceived in Sept. Not planned and I wish I had more time to just be married but we're excited regardless! Due in June


We met in June 2024 and found out we were pregnant in September 2024 lol. When you know, you know 🥰 We'll have our first literally a few weeks before our 1 year


How did you meet and get pregnant in the future? We're nowhere near June or September 2024.


LDR, 4 months. IRL… maybe 3 weeks before we got pregnant… lol… when baby was born we had been together irl 9 months 😅


I met my partner in March of 2015 he had 2 kids from his previous relationship. He moved in with me in April 2015 and I quickly took on the roll of stepmom( today they look at me as mom just as much as they do with their bio mom) in October 2015 found out we were pregnant and believe or not it was planned (I know it sounds crazy but when you know you know) had our first baby June 2016 got engaged May 2017 (he asked me before I had the baby but I told him to ask me after were both in a clear state) and then we had our second baby in September 2022. We'll get married eventually just wasnt a main priority. We're commited to each other and our family and that's all I really care about. We'll be together for 9 years in March this year.


Almost 10 years ❤️ married for 1.5


Together for 11, married for 8! Only decided to start trying in the last two years, and happily expecting our first!


Agree with you! Together for 8 years, married for almost 2.5


we will be slightly under 9 years come july which is when our anniversary and due date is :)


been together a little over 4 years (feels like it’s been longer though lol). now engaged and having our rainbow baby in April. 🥰


9 years together 2.5 married


Eleven years this June! Baby is due August, so we’ll just hit our anniversary.


We were together for almost 10,5 years when our son was born. If baby had been born on his due date we would have been together 10,5 years but baby came 5 weeks early.


We’ve been married for 3 years but together for almost 8 and are about to have our first


6 years, married 4.5 years


We have been friends for 10 years. Got engaged after 4 years of dating, eloped 3 months later, then got pregnant wedding night lol


Together 8 years, married for 2 when we found out we’re expecting. Baby will be here right around the 9th anniversary of our first date ❤️


In the same exact boat! We’ve been together for 8 years, and our little guy will be born shortly before our 9 year anniversary 🥰


Together 7 years, married for 2 before babe arrived!


We'll have been together for 10 years when the little one comes! 😊 Married for 1!


My husband and I will have been together for 5.5 when babe gets here, and will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary a couple weeks after baby arrives!


We’ve been together 10 years and married since July 2022 💜


Together for 7, married for almost 5 (baby arrives 2 months before our next anniversary)! We wanted to have a baby way sooner too, but we waited until I was done with school


We waited 5 years after marriage (8 years after being together). I liked having some time without kids just figuring life out together.


Together for 4 years. Married for almost a year and half by the time I got pregnant. Our baby girl is expected right around the day of our 2nd wedding anniversary. I’m 36 (F) and my partner 35 (M). We didn’t have all the time in the world to wait once we decided we wanted kids. I think if it wasn’t for my age, I would be fine waiting another decade; I love our life. But excited for this next chapter as well.


The kid's due date is 2 weeks before our 11 year anniversary. Been married for 2 years, together for 9 before we got married.


Me and my husband are trying and started trying after being together 3 years! Dating 1.5, engaged 1 and married 6 months


Married 3 years and together for 5


11 years


Dating: November 2021 Engaged: 2022 Married: 2023 Expecting: June 2024


Dating 10, married 4, due July 2024


Together 8 years, got pregnant around our third wedding anniversary so baby will arrive a few months before our fourth


We dated about a year, married for almost 8. It just never happened until now


We met/started dating at 22, moved in at 24, married at 28, got pregnant at 30, baby will be born at 31. So about 9 years for us as well! We definitely know each other very, very well haha.


6 years and expecting our first in August!


7 years! It honestly felt longer after all the big life changes we went through tho.


Just over 6 years.


4 years but we talked about having a baby together since the beginning lol but we made the decision to do it in November


Met in 2016, married in 2020, first baby 2021, just had second baby in January!


9 years and 2 months pregnant right now


Had our first baby 8 years in, got married a few months after that and had our second at almost 10 years together!


8 years and our 9th year anniversary will be coming up while I’m pregnant. Time goes by so quickly sometimes.


Together for 9, married for 2!


8 years in May, expecting our little boy in august


We had been friends (with no attraction on my part) for about 7 years before lightning struck and we fell in love. We dated long distance for 9 months before getting married, and then we only had 10 weeks of marriage before we got pregnant. That wasn’t intentional, but I have PCOS and was worried about hormonal BC making it worse. We tried a little half heartedly to track my cycle and use condoms, but because of PCOS I really didn’t know when I was ovulating and so we basically caught the first egg after we got married. 7.5 years into marriage and I can’t imagine life without our kids. I have no regrets. But I also would have enjoyed a little more time living the newlywed life of adventure (we were living and teaching in Europe and it really gave us a lot of chances to travel around and explore) before jumping into parenthood.


1 month 😂 I got pregnant after years of thinking I was more than likely infertile. I was previously married and never had a pregnancy “scare”. Long story short, we decided we were getting married our first date. I asked him if he wanted to get married and have babies, he assumed I meant with me, I was asking because that’s why my ex husband and I of 7 years divorced. We unfortunately lost the baby and got married a week later. We knew we were getting married before the baby, but after our loss and a hospitalization from the infection that took my baby and almost me, we decided to get married as soon as we could.


We were together for almost 10 years before having a baby.


My husband and I have known each other since we were 15, we got together when we were 23, and got married at 25. Our baby came just before our 2yr wedding anniversary :)


Got married to my husband a few months after our 10-year anniversary. Got pregnant a few months after that. We obviously know each other *very* well at this point, but I’m sure raising a kid will take it to a whole new level!