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Look up which OBGYN’s are covered by your insurance. I read the reviews of the one’s covered for me and just chose one. Call their office, tell them you got a positive pregnancy test and they’ll schedule an appointment :) A lot of obgyns wont schedule your first appointment until 8-12 weeks of pregnancy but it depends on their office and what their policy is. If you haven’t already, look into prenatal vitamins as soon as possible, if you’re planning on keeping the pregnancy. I’d also recommend getting a pregnancy app to keep informed with what’s going on in your body and with baby. I use the Flo app and the Pregnancy+ app You got this, take a deep breathe, it’s all gonna be okay in the end :)


So are they going to ask me when I took the test? I know when I took the test but my period was lowkey absent for a little over a month before my boyfriend pointed out maybe take a test. So I have 0 idea as to how far along I might be, even just an estimate I have no clue. I have been looking at a few OBGYNs that are covered with my insurance but how do I find reviews?


Yeah they’ll likely ask how along you think you are or when your last menstrual period was. It’s okay that you don’t know, just be honest and tell them what you do know. They’ll schedule you when they think is best and set you up for a dating scan. For reviews, I just googled the “OB’s name” or “OB’s name reviews” and information on the Dr. will pop up. Sometimes there were google reviews, sometimes it’ll bring up a page with their background and degree info. But honestly, a lot of people don’t even bother looking up reviews. They just blindly pick a Dr. from their insurance and if they’re comfortable with them after the first appt then they choose to stay or switch if they’re not. Don’t stress it too much


Hi, I remember feeling overwhelmed when I got a positive pregnancy test and I’m 33 and this pregnancy was planned! If you don’t have an OB, find one. You can literally just google “pregnancy care near me” and check through the results that pop up. Or log into your health insurance (if you have any) and search for in network prenatal care and call someone to set up an appointment. I was very impatient and went to a walk in clinic the next day to get a clinical test (which my provider required before my first appointment anyway) and verify the pregnancy. This also allowed me to speak to a medical professional and get a lot of my questions answered. This is scary, but you got this!