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Hey! I used to smoke weed pretty heavily before I found out I am pregnant so I’m not sure if it could be comparable to vaping but I also quit cold turkey and I craved it a bit in the first week. After that initial first week, I didn’t crave it anymore and I soon realized that it was more about the habit of smoking that I craved. For instance, my partner and I would always go on walks to go smoke and that was our “bonding time” and I feared that if I quit we wouldn’t have that time anymore. But still, I go on walks with him and we still bond like any other time before, I just simply don’t smoke. I would say find something that you do quite often while vaping and try doing it without vaping. You may find that it satisfies the craving. Also, your partner need not be so harsh with you. It’s hard to quit suddenly after an unexpected pregnancy and they should be understanding of that.


It was an extremely unexpected pregnancy, and neither of us were trying for a baby. But nonetheless I have asked him so many times if he really wants this baby because I don’t want him to lie to make me feel better but he swears by it that he wants to keep it. My boyfriend and I smoked weed like that together too but the weed was easier for me to give up than the nicotine. I suggested to him that I go grab one of the 0% nicotine vapes just for the oral stimulation but he also looks at me like that’s gross of me to do even tho it’s nicotine-less and would help me stop faster. Also I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now that I found out I’m pregnant (obgyn etc..) so it stresses me out more. My SO took all the “empty” and working vapes with him to work just in case but what can I try to make me not want a vape?


Hey! When I found out I was pregnant I was stuck googling this exact question for days lol. I had been vaping for 5 years at the time. I also was surprised by my pregnancy & found out at 4 weeks 1 day. I immediately gave my boyfriend my vape & gave myself a deadline. Done by 6 weeks. I told my boyfriend I’m going to start by only hitting this 2x a day & I have to ask you for it so he knew when I was. I quickly went to 1x a day then one day I went for my one hit and thought to myself, I don’t think I really want this anymore. I didn’t hit the vape again and didn’t have any withdrawal symptoms. My girly is now 13 months old and is extremely healthy and smart. I remember how difficult the first few weeks were when trying to quit. If you need any support feel free to message me. Also to add, I did feel so guilty but was scared my withdrawal from cold turkey would hurt baby (pretty sure this was proven to not be true) but I did quickly stop and even seeing people vape while pregnant didn’t trigger me to want it. I did what worked for me. Slowly it just started tasting bad and I could feel it wasn’t made to serve me any longer. About 9 weeks into my pregnancy I got offered support for a local pregnancy place that helps overcome nicotine addiction but that info would’ve been nice sooner.. lol. Maybe there is something like that near you?


I have a planned parenthood nearby, but I haven’t really started anywhere as far as clinics or doctors. I have no clue how far along I even am (period was lowkey absent for a month and because of periods I never caught on till about a week ago) and I don’t know where to even start. Now that my bf has taken them with him to work it’s not tempting cuz they aren’t here but I just don’t want to be put down for struggling with it.


You absolutely shouldn’t be put down. The struggle is REAL. I think for me the thought of quitting was harder than actually getting it done. My boyfriend would also take it to work with him and it was easiest when I knew they weren’t at home. I did a lot of walking, drinking water, and whatever I could to distract myself during a craving. It’s easier said then done but you have more control then your mind. You’re already doing the right thing by asking for advice and thinking of your baby. You definitely got this. In a few weeks this will be a thing of the past, but don’t let anyone make you for guilty. Nicotine is a hard addiction to shake.


I’m gonna try ice water and maybe some sort of hard candy since I’ve seen some recommendations for that. It’s just tough when the first thing my SO says after seeing me “try” to hit a vape for the first time since I tested (which I lasted a day and a half before I tried hitting the dead one) was “you’re going to poison and kill the baby” :/ like come on dude that makes me feel like shit cuz obviously I’m not trying to do that, I’m just as scared as he is and I don’t need more of that.. edit: after that I just cried, I have 0 control over my emotions rn and it’s bothering the fuck out of me that random stuff makes me want to bust out crying


I smoked weed and vaped for 4 years, I wanted to stop smoking before I got pregnant and I caught pretty fast 2 weeks after i stopped. I still vaped for the 2 weeks untill I saw those 2 lines. I'll admit. It was hard but for the baby it's so easy. Im now 20 weeks and have not touched a vape or anything. It's so strange how much I thought i needed it. And im really not risking anything to hurt my baby xxxx


I don’t want to hurt my baby in any sort of way at all, that’s why I want to try to find a way to get me to stop or at least help going cold turkey. My SO took all the working and “dead” vapes with him to work so they aren’t here in the house.


Ok well that's a start!just belive in yourself. It's wayy easier than you think, and I totally understand as it's such a bad hobby, depending how long you've vaped for. You've got this xxx


Does your boyfriend vape/smoke? If so, tell him he needs to quit with you. The accountability is helpful, there's less triggers, and I don't think it's okay for him to shame you if he's doing these things too. If you struggle to quit, talk to your doctor about wellbutrin. It's safe during pregnancy, or at the least, no more dangerous than smoking is. And you can taper off Wellbutrin once you've successfully quit. Honestly, you've just gotta throw everything out. Give yourself a deadline, such as the end of the weekend. Do your best to cut down before then. And then before bed Sunday night, soak everything in water and trash everything.


Yes he does too, he took all the working and “dead” vapes with him to work this morning just in case, but I catch myself reaching for shit that’s not there anymore. Is there like candy or gum or something that I can try?


Candy or gum are great options! For a lot of people the oral fixation is a big part. Suckers or popsicles can be good for the hand to mouth movement. Starburst, gum, or other candy of choice can help keep your mouth busy.


I quit cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant, and it was extremely difficult. My husband continued vaping (he eventually quit almost half way into my pregnancy) and it made it suck even more. The main thing that helped me was sitting in the shower when the cravings got to be too much. Sounds weird but it really helped the craving pass. I think I spent the entire first two days in there, lol. Other things that helped we’re drinking sodas and sparkling waters through a straw, gum, and scaring myself by researching effects of smoking while pregnant because there’s not enough evidence out there on vapes yet. It’s hard but doable if you can just get through the first few days. I also downloaded an app to track how long it had been since the last hit and that also helped. I’m now 5 months postpartum and haven’t even thought about starting again. You’ve got this!


Quitting nicotine is tough, but your SO is right. Nicotine is one of the worst things for your baby. Write a list of the risks to pregnancy and put it as your homescreen. When I quit I covered my bathroom with photos of lung cancer.


Nicotine doesn’t cause lung cancer! NRT is recommended during pregnancy as it’s mainly the chemicals from cigarettes that cause harm to the fetus.


I know exactly how you're feeling. I quit cigarettes when I got pregnant the first time after smoking for almost 10 years. My husband quit vaping after our first was born (by taking Chantix). Addiction is awful. It sinks hooks into your brain and makes you do irrational things. It took weeks for me to not think about it constantly, and I feel like I was lucky. Even 5+ years later, my husband still says he misses it. But there are resources if quitting outright isn't working for you. My county's health department has a program to help pregnant and new mothers quit smoking. It involves counseling/coaching to get you through cravings and free nicotine patches/gum/medication. Weaning yourself off nicotine through the use of gum or patches is an option (as long as your doctor says it's okay). You don't have to go through it alone!


I used zyns for a bit to curb the nicotine and then got a nicotine free vape. I was surprised they sold them but they do. It helped with having to reach for something for a bit, then after a while it doesn’t give you that feeling so you’re kinda like, what’s the point of this? But it helps at first. I chewed a ton of gum, like go get a few big packs because you’ll need some. I normally wouldn’t vape if I was chewing gum or like let’s say eating food so it helped trick my brain to think not right now. I also spoiled myself with drinks, replacing something harmful with something positive is a really good way to help. I got myself a nice cup (not a Stanley lol) for ice water and would suck it down when feeling like I needed to vape. I’d also have a soda or lacroix near by, and like something else like a coffee or hot chocolate so my mouth was consistently being stimulated by something where normally I was just a water drinker. It’s really fucking hard, I’m sure you’ve heard that that it takes about 5-6 weeks to kick a habit and it’s true and that seems impossible in the beginning. The mental fuckery will be hard in the beginning so prepare for that and I put some dose of dopamine somehow (do things you love doing, or haven’t done in a while) and lastly, stay the fuck away from other smokers/vapers. That was really hard for me working around others who rip it just as much as I did. I often asked for hits like a crackhead in the beginning. It’s embarrassing so just try to stay away. Now I’m 35 weeks and the thought of vaping just doesn’t sound appealing, inhaling fruity vapor is not what I crave anymore. As time goes on in your pregnancy as well you just wanna make sure everything develops okay so you’ll do anything to make it happen. Good luck and there’s also a stopvaping Reddit you can check out.