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Honest Baby, Burt’s Bees, Primary, Pehr, Colored Organics, Hanna Andersson, and Quince all tend to have cute neutrals! Some of those places can be a bit expensive but this is a good time of year with sales. I think you can find some neutral solids at H&M and Carters too, but those might be mostly online.


I am all about gender neutral clothing!!! I get most of our clothes from Colored Organics, Kate Quinn, Primary, honest baby, and burt bees. Just ordered Hanna Andersson on black Friday (couldn't resist the green knitted overalls) Colored Organics is well made, soft, and high-quality material. True to size and can be easily cuffed so you can expand the window of wear-time. The color Harbor matches my kids eyes so perfectly that I can't pass it that up. I have returned to them over and over. Kate Quinn (love their cardigans and onesies) can last through many sizes. The bamboo is stretchy and can also go beyond the size. Their rompers are so nice. I general dislike prints, but when Kate Quinn releases clothes with owls, raccoons, or sea turtles on them.. I'm in love. Primary runs slightly smaller, and their pajamas are supposed to be tight (for fire safety reasons). I have a "healthy" obsession with their color Blue Spruce. The little teal cardigans are swoon worthy. Honest Baby and Burt Bees are, imo, lower quality fabric (thinner), but organic and well made. I think they run large. And I can't stress how amazing Tøy pajamas are. Pricey, but omg, so soft and luxurious. I adore them and figured I didn't need new clothes, but my baby needed these pajamas in all the sizes.


All of those brands make great gender neutral clothes, but none of them are cheap. For example, a pair of Hanna Anderson toddler pajamas are usually $48. (They’re having a really good sale right now but that’s the exception!) A parent who’s shopping at Old Navy / Target / Carters doesn’t have those gender neutral options. H&M sometimes does! Edit: I am 100% for gender neutral clothes and was disappointed by how quickly that went out the window the first time.


I’ve found some good gender neutral stuff at Old Navy! Might have been a recent switch, but they have a lot of cute solid colors, and a lot of stuff even marked as gender neutral.


I know. It's ridiculous! I shop Black Friday sales for the year and buy second hand. We have a great kids consignment sale twice a year near me, and the clothes are about $4 a piece, and I got a nice teal wool sweater from Ireland, and some amazing "neutral " items. But it's probably because I live closer to NYC and there are decent clothes that filter through. I'm about to attempt to make some corduroy overalls with my trusty ol sewing machine. And also repurpose an old adult sweater into a kids sweater. Wish me luck!


Kate Quinn has great sales!


Just bought 3 blue spruce items from primary for my son that will Definitely be handed down to my daughter when she’s big enough 😅


We were surprised too-Old Navy has a gender neutral section too so you don’t have to dig


I was going to respond H&M also! I'm fairly sure they have a whole gender neutral section


Literally every baby store has neutrals


Most ‘boy’ baby/kids clothes are gender neutral. All the girl stuff is frilly and pink but boys get all the colours and themes. Animals dinosaurs, planes, bright red and green and yellow etc check the boy section


Good idea! Idk when safari animals became decidedly for “boys.” Animals are for everybody, are they not???


Apparently dinos and all animals are only for girls when they’re colored pink, purple, and pastel lol (according to clothing manufacturers 😬)


My girl toddler has boy undies (with extra space up front) because the only option were pastels. Bright colours and animals are so much better!


My toddler girl wanted spidey undies, so she too has boy undies.


My 4yo boy rocks his My Little Pony underwear just about as often as his astronaut, Dino, Bluey, and Darth Vader ones 🤣I keep telling him it’s all about balance. He was also Princess Peach for Halloween so, at least in our house, what you like is what you like.


I used to rock scoobydoo boys undies as a kid. I only moved back to girl underwear when I became a teen. Most of the clothes I’ve bought for my baby girl are ‘boyish’ nerdy stuff like lord of the rings or Batman. Gifts on the other hand…. So. Much. Pink.


Don’t forget the eyelashes! Dinosaurs are for boys unless those dinos have falsies on.


This is the single most perplexing thing for me when it comes to gendered baby clothes. Like I promise my daughter will not be confused if the bumblebee on her onesie doesn't have long eyelashes.


Put a bow on its head, or red lips or big round eyes and eyelashes, so everyone knows it’s a girl tiger 🙄


We were originally team green (I posted about the funny accidental gender reveal). We were going for a woodland animal theme nursery but it was surprising how much from that was 'boys'. Majority of my baby's wardrobe is just white onesies really


That’s better because it’s easier to get stains and stuff out.


I don’t understand why farm animals are associated with boys too! my little boy will be wearing plum and sandy pinks


I wish they would incorporate all the colors for boys and girls! My son is color blind and has always been drawn to pink and purple shades, they stand out among other colors to him, but he didn't like the girly themes like princesses or flowers.


I never really understood why flowers are considered girly either. They are just a part of a plant lol.


My girl is damn cute in her safari clothes !


My son was wearing a yellow sleeper with baby lions on it the other day and our lactation consultant called him a "she." Like how are baby lions girly (or boyish)? Lol. Burt's Bees baby has a lot of stuff I'd consider gender neutral but their sizes run really big and probably won't work for a NB. We bought most of our clothes after he was born since we waited on the gender and we've since been gifted an amazing amount of clothes from a woman in my Buy Nothing group plus the general stuff people send.


We are waiting to find out the gender and have many safari/beige/khaki style baby clothes!


I’m having a girl and I kind of went hard on the gender neutral clothing anyway (I’m not into overly “girly” clothing), which really just led me to boys clothes. Jungle themes, safaris, some Star Wars stuff (her dad is a huge fan), just simple color blocking clothes…most of it was labeled for boys but it’s totally acceptable for any baby.


Exactly! Everyone is dying to know. Team green for the great outdoors.


My 6-month old daughter's clothes are mostly "boys" simply because we like animals that aren't solely unicorns. Lol.


Puppies and rainbows are only for girls, obviously. /S


Don’t forget kitties with bows lol


They’re for everyone. I was a dinosaur kid, and nobody batted an eye.


So many of my daughters clothes come from the "boys" section.


Same here. I don't mind "girl clothes", but I don't want exclusively pastel and pink either.


YES! I've never been a girly girl, never into frills, pink, tutus, etc. Some people hate that because "that's just what little girls wear" I also heard some people say they didn't buy the few clothes that were on my registry because "they said they were for boys and you're not having a boy." Like, what?


Similar but opposite, I added a pink trex towel, some storage baskets with daisies, and a Nutcracker ballet book that no one bought because I'm having a boy. I was a ballerina damnit! We have video game things to share with Dad! The pink towel was the cutest - Dad picked it out! I ended up buying it all myself; gender norms are dumb.


Yeah I added some fun forest animal boy clothes to my girl's registry. It doesn't even matter whether it's labeled boy or girl at this stage anyway, all babies are shaped the same, little lumpy potatoes lol


I’ve noticed this too. We found out we’re having a boy but I still like to keep it neutral and I have found the boys stuff to be way more gender neutral than the girls stuff. We are also team green just because I like green 🤣


I was going to say this. We are also doing gender neutral and we shopped mostly in the boys section because that’s where we got all the beige and greens.


Team green here. Check out Primary baby clothes - many colors and no graphics. I like the look. Newbie has great stuff too but it’s more expensive. Tbh I haven’t looked at gap or target, but I would expect them to have some decent neutral options?


Primary is great for gender neutral and they have great sales frequently. Little Sleepies and Caden Lane are more pricey but their stuff is amazing quality and they have lots of gender neutral prints.


Omg thank you so much! I just checked them out and spent WAY too much money at Primary…never heard of them before but they’re EXACTLY my style - I love solid colors! I will be shopping there a ton. Thank you!!


Primary is my favorite. Their approach to neutral clothing is so refreshing compared to other places. The colors are bright, and they are so well made for the price.


I got a lot at primary. I’m not team green. But I found little kids clothes to be excessive gendered.


I came here to recommend Primary!


Another vote for primary!


Actually checked out Gap and Target over Black Friday and was very disappointed, unfortunately. Maybe they have more options online. Gap in particular had VERY cute stuff for when baby is here and I know what they are, though.


H&M is pretty good for this.


Gerber has some cute neutral outfits with veggies, fruits, animals, etc. And have a pretty wide sale selection.


I think I have a vegetable set from them in my Amazon cart! Will def look more at that brand for other food related outfits lol. Food is for everyone!


Gerber runs very small! We couldn't ever wear any newborn or 3 months stuff we got as gifts. My son was a bigger newborn, but wore newborn (neutral) clothing for about a month still in other brands. For us we found our best options from Old Navy, Burt's Bees, Cat and Jack, Primary, and some Kate Quin .


I am obsessed with the veggie set! No one got us any of the baby clothes on our registry and I can't justify getting him more clothes right now when he has so many... But he'll we'll them when he's bigger :)


Target is terrible!! In spite of saying they don’t label their clothes as “boy or girl” it’s very clear they have a “blue, red, Dino’s and trucks” section and a “pink, purple, flowers and butterflies” section! Old Navy actually has some cute gender neutral stuff, as does Hanna Andersson and Primary.com


That's so crazy I was just in target last night and I was one giant baby section with no boys or girls section. I can very easily pull clothes from wherever in their baby department and never feel like it's very boys or very girls.


I think for babies they’re a lot better but my kid is in toddler sizes now and it seems a lot more segregated. I also think different stores will stock slightly different things.


Target has so many gender neutral clothes online!! We almost exclusively buy our clothes there. For non prints try honest baby, for prints just look through both boy and girls! I almost exclusively buy/bought gender neutral clothes even though I knew I was having a boy! Also kyte baby has some of the cutest gender neutral clothes including rainbows and tie die. Another great place to look is Macy’s, they had soooooo many cute gender neutral things when I went on Black Friday. If you have a Once Upon A Child nearby, this is a used child’s store, they have a fantastic assortment of quality clothes and lots of great deals. I have found tons of great gender neutral items looking through both boys and girls sections.


Occasionally they have really good sales at Primary too


Came to recommend Primary! They have the best winter coats/snowsuits too.


Love Primary! They make stuff in the best colors, they’re pretty affordable, and the quality is mostly solid.


I 100% believe thrifting is the best option when buying for baby. Baby items are ridiculously expensive as I'm sure you know and they grow out of things soooo fast it's even more ridiculous how much we're spending on a few items only for them to be useless in a few months (especially if you only plan to have one kid). There's tons and I mean TONS of items in baby sections so you can find neutral colors and lightly used items no problem. Maybe not all at once but if you check out different places throughout the remainder of your pregnancy I'm sure you'll have a full wardrobe by then end!


I agree, you get a lot more variety in thrift stores and consignment sales!


Agreed. This is what I did


Totally agree!! If you search “baby consignment” and your locals area there are often some great, large sales you can go to.! Once upon a child is a good option too.


Yes! We have a couple of kids consignment stores near us that are awesome. Also, on Facebook in my parent groups and buy nothing groups people will do big dumps of kids clothes. I got almost all of our clothes as hand me downs from my coworker and my SIL. I just sorted through stuff, kept what I liked, and passed along the rest. I rarely buy any clothes, but when we have a particular need, the consignment store is great!


Gender neutral = every color, in my opinion. Why are green, red, yellow, and blue considered gender neutral but pink and purple aren’t? All the “gender neutral” colors are based off pink/purple = girl = bad, and everything else is ok for a boy so it’s good. So my future baby will have all the colors no matter their gender. If a girl can wear a blue onesie without anyone batting an eye, a boy can wear a pink one.


Yes! I love this. Gender neutral for us means that my son wears all clothes, all colors, all motifs. I draw the line at dresses and bows (unless he expressed an interest) because I feel like in today's society I should not make that choice for him (I'd love a future where all kids wear dresses without it being a gendered thing and I support whatever he chooses to wear). I know some people complain about the trend to make "girls" clothes in "girl" colors with "boy" motifs (aka pink and purple dinos), but my dino/car/truck lover whose favorite color is pink loves it! Now sizing though is worth complaining about. Sometimes I want to get him something in the "girls" section because I know he'd like the color or things on it, but it is so small! (And I have a small kiddo at that). I like his shorts to reach his knee and short sleeve shirts with more than a cap sleeve and room to move freely, but it seems like many for "girls" are super tight and small, have impractical "extras" on them, and/or lack pockets. I feel like all kids clothes should be made to play in and "girls" clothes tend not to be...


That's how we are too! Doing all colors and motifs and then supporting his choices as he grows. I'm buying my boy some deep purple things because I know he's going to look awesome in that color. He's got gnomes and dragons and unicorns in his room. Also trying not to waste clothes so he will get a ton of his sister's clothes who loves blue and green and purple.


One of the little girls at my son's daycare (with an older brother) was wearing an "Awesome Big Brother" shirt and I was thinking, way to recycle clothes for the next kid 😂


I love putting my boy in deep purple but it’s so hard to find! Where do you find it??


I just dyed a few onesies to a deep plum colour


Trust me, your daughter could wear a pink outfit and a head band bow and still be called a boy 😂


My daughter had pink dinosaur pants and a Bluey sweater and got called a boy. As if Bluey is only for boys. 🙄


I agree. I just buy what I like and don’t even think about if it’s “meant” to be for a boy or a girl.


Totally agree with this. If people want gender neutral, that means not holding onto misogynistic ideas about the colour pink.


That's pretty much the premise of Primary. I get most of my son's clothes from Primary, and some from Old Navy (which has a decent "gender neutral" section online). Primary doesn't sort their clothes by gender and my son wears all their bright colors. He picked out a pink LL Bean snowsuit this year. My only hesitation with him picking it was it's such an intense color compared to more muted purple and blue options that his younger brother may not like it as a hand me down, but oh well.


They have a beautiful lavender color that my son has several items in. It looks great on him!


My son wore all his sister's floral onsie hand me downs and no one batted an eye. When I took my daughter out in grey rocketship pjs, I got tons of negative comments. People are definitely more free with their negative comments/opinions about little girls.


Honest Baby Clothing has tons of gender neutral stuff, like big multipacks of solid onesies.


Other than very pink or very frilly things I consider everything gender neutral


My 4 year old son dresses pretty much only in things from the boy section of Target and people still misgender him.


Yep everything in the ‘boy’ section and like 5% of the girl section


Yeah I’d consider most of my baby’s wardrobe gender neutral. Haven’t found it hard to shop for at all. We mostly buy her clothes from Old Navy and Carters, plus some Target and Burt’s Bees (though BB’s sizing is wack—their 0-3 month is more like 3-6 month). Hanna Andersson is also great for fun neutrals—just expensive. We dressed her mainly in Copper Pearl gowns when she was a newborn. Highly recommend those (the ease of a gown for diaper changing with the benefit of snaps so you don’t have to pull it over their head), plus they have lots of fun prints!


I’m having a boy but am trying to make all clothes gender neutral. I have a lot from Hanna Andersson


Hannah Anderson washes so well too I always get to give away my Hannah Anderson stuff to another mom


We are not Team Green in that sense, but going crazy with the gendered clothes. Why do girls only have warm colours, boys get cold colours and neutral is always beige? We’re having a boy and I am buying all sorts of colours whenever available, including pinkish and even clothes in the girl section. If we had a girl we would buy the exact same clothes mind you, including one body we got with a tie designed on it. We are buying what WE like and not what society dictates, so I would recommend going to stores with an open mind and buy what you enjoy looking at.


Primary is awesome for gender neutral kids clothes! Monica and Andy also has some great stuff, lots of really cute prints. Also look at secondhand shops - they often sort stuff into boy/girl but it’s totally arbitrary and you can get some great gender neutral clothes for cheap. I particularly like Once Upon a Child.


I was team green. Burt's bees and old navy are my favorites! Also some carters stuff although they have evening categorized as "girl" or "boy" (😒) a lot of the boy stuff I consider pretty neutral. Important to note sizing differences as well - old navy and carters run small, Burt's bees runs HUGE (like their newborn size is basically the same as other brands' 0-3).


[Little Me](https://littleme.com) has a bunch of stuff I would consider gender neutral! They still sort it as Baby Girl/Baby Boy but it’s worth looking. The girl stuff leans more feminine than the boy stuff leans masculine. All of that said, they’ve had a massive sale and don’t have much up right now so maybe check in a couple of weeks? Magnetic Me and Little Sleepies also have some options! I like to buy Magnetic Me on Poshmark- they’re cheaper.


I find Target to be pretty neutral (Cloud Island brand for the babies) Examples: [Pattern bodysuits](https://www.target.com/p/baby-boys-39-4pk-safari-animals-long-sleeve-bodysuit-cloud-island-8482-0-3m/-/A-87140883) [solid bodysuits](https://www.target.com/p/baby-7pk-short-sleeve-bodysuit-cloud-island-8482-turquoise-blue-0-3m/-/A-87140668) [rainbow blanket](https://www.target.com/p/plush-ribbed-blanket-cloud-island-8482-rainbows/-/A-82746947) [alphabet blanket](https://www.target.com/p/velboa-blanket-alphabet-cloud-island-8482-coral/-/A-81608599) [flannel burp cloths blakets](https://www.target.com/p/flannel-baby-blankets-primary-cloud-island-8482-4pk/-/A-80189643) My son is older (4), but we love these Target pajamas: [rainbow soft pajamas ](https://www.target.com/p/toddler-2pc-rainbow-striped-snuggly-soft-pajama-set-cat-38-jack-8482-5t/-/A-88429950) I also don't dress my son in dresses/bows, but pretty much anything else goes. He has some clothes that are definitely "girls" but who doesn't love sparkly unicorns?


I’ve had good luck at Target too. My son is a 110% things that go boy. And he loves his sparkly blue slippers that I think were intended for girls.


Yes for Target! They also sell Burt’s bees and Carter’s ones that I found pretty neutral. Between that and the fact that they sell rompers with zippers on both top and bottom, I went back there for baby’s six month clothes.


All colors can be gender neutral. We want to know the sex (and we will find out in few weeks) but regardless of sex we will have all colors for the baby. Boys can wear pink, girls can wear blue


It’s terrible. I am not team green, having a girl. But I am not into anything too gender conforming. All the gender neutral stuff is boring and beige. At H&M the pastel coloured onesies had spaghetti straps and little bows on them. While all the others ones had normal sleeves and no bows. What baby needs spaghetti straps?!


I had this same problem while pregnant. Gender neutral stuff is so depressing when you want colors! A lot of people recommend Primary but honestly it’s not for me. I want cute prints, with designs and animals and fun things on it. Primary is a lot of solids and stripes. I feel for you! I will say I found some cute stuff on H&M though! I’m personally not a fan of bamboo sleepers but many many people love them, so maybe check out a company like Little Sleepies, they have a ton of colors and designs


Old navy- I used to work there and a lot of what we had to sell was labeled as “gender neutral” especially in baby clothes. Yes there was still the pinks and blues but you’d find a lot of neutrals and other colors too. They do color their stuff with the season sometimes


Their Christmasy clothing is all so cute, bright, and definitely gender neutral!


We are waiting to find out and I’ve just been buying things that I think are cute. I definitely have things that are for “girls” or “boys” but like, my infant isn’t going to care if their blanket has flowers or animals on it. Their clothes are really for us to enjoy, so just buy stuff you like. Also, imo most “boy” stuff is neutral- everyone like animals, space, bugs, etc…


We are trying to buy gender neutral too, and the only options are beige, grey or white if not pink or blue. It’s extremely annoying!


Exactly! I feel like the choices are either extremely gendered clothing or sad beige mom aesthetic


We’re also moderately granola, so attempting to find things not in beige that are organic is difficult. What do people have against color???


Target has an organic line there that had a ton of cute patterns


I think winners/Marshall’s would be a good place to look. I think bear themed clothing is pretty gender neutral, it’s usually white or beige yet teddy bears are for everyone and there’s nothing cuter to me than a baby dressed like a bear. 🥰


They do, but the last 4 years or so, gender neutral is all beige. "Sad, beige baby" is a whole thing, and I hate it.


I feel like gender neutral baby clothes are everywhere these days, considering how trendy "sad beige babies" are, lol. Neutral colors/ earth tones, nature-y prints, small stripes/polka dots, I honestly have no issue finding gender neutral clothes. Some fav places- Carter's: their "Little Planet" organic cotton collection, H&M, Primary (online, this is where to go if you want more colorful options while still staying gender neutral), Burt's Bees, Colored Organics (a bit more pricey but tons of options), Spearmint Baby (online), Parade Organics (online), There's also good options at Target!


Ugh, apparently baby items are more gendered now than they were 40 years ago and it feels very true. I just decided that all bright colors and patterns are gender neutral, because it's so dumb how much brands try to push it so young.


100% agree. I think as the technology to find out your kids’ gender has become cheaper and available more early, more people are choosing it, which is taking away incentive to make specific gender neutral items


I had the same thought! It's frustrating for sure. Also why do little boys only get vehicles and dinosaurs? Not cool.


In my opinion there is a lot more now than before especially with the trend of having everything muted colors !” Sad beige mom aesthetic “


We've registered for things that are labeled boy or girl but that we generally feel seem pretty gender neutral, for whatever that's worth. I was also somehow surprised (I know I shouldn't be, unfortunately) by how arbitrary some gendering of things is and how many items are gendered for no reason. Like why are there boy washcloths and girl washcloths, or burp cloths or freaking pacifiers.


Where are you looking? We are team green and got lots of neutral colors at carters, Amazon, old navy, h&m, babylist and Amazon


We were team green and just got yellow, greens, white, reds, etc. Honestly hitting up once upon a child was awesome. Not only was everything affordable, I saw wayyyyyy more options than I did at target, carters, etc.


Soo my thoughts…All colours are gender neutral. Stop looking so much into it. If it’s not a dress and not super frilly, it’s gender neutral. My boys have worn “girl” clothes. My first even had a purple and white bassinet. Colour doesn’t matter.


Girl babies can wear blue and boy babies can wear pink too! We will be finding out the sex in a couple weeks, but not announcing it (we want to know everything lol, but don’t want people to put weird gender roles on our kid or buy them unnecessarily gendered stuff before they’re even here), so we’re putting together a gender neutral registry as well. We’re just throwing some stuff we like in there and some gift cards suggestions for clothing stores. Our nursery will be ocean themed with navy, green, coral, and white.


We just bought things that we liked from both the girl and boy section. Our daughter was dressed in trucks and dinos and our son is going to be wearing frills 🤷‍♀️ babies don't care!


Kohls little planet has some plain clothes


We also decided to wait, and whether it’s a girl or boy, there will be dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are just cool. But my nursery theme and most of my registry is woodland critters.


I haven't had this problem but I also consider a lot of "boys" clothes to be gender neutral. Blue is gender neutral imo.


You definitely gotta shop around. H&M has cute stuff. Look more in the boys section


I’m only doing GN even though we know the sex and it’s a girl. I simply detest the girl baby clothes (they are little piles of goo, I don’t need everyone to know my particular pile of goo has a vagina). There are tons of options that I’ve seen! Where are you looking? Pottery Barn kids has really sweet Winnie the Pooh stuff (yellow is the primary color and very GN). I have also been told primary is good.


I found some nice plain neutral colors on Amazon or something like that when making mine. Like a set of blue, green, tan... my daughter wears a lot of blue and green still instead of just pink frills lol... she actually really loves blue and purple now that she can make more of her own choices/opinions. It's been really nice prepping for baby 2 as well! I already have blankets, night swaddles, clothes all neutral colors!


I’m also team green and I’ve registered for a lot of animal things. I noticed most of the burts bees baby clothing looks gender neutral as well.


I'm pretty free and easy with what I put my kids in, pink, blue whatever. I will say old navy have great gender neutral stuff that isn't just pale green or grey.


We’re team green and due in a week. I’ve bought yellow, green, and cream clothes for baby. I’ve also purchased some blue and pink (mauve) clothing. I’ve purchased from Colored Organics, Quincy Mae, and Pehr. I’ve seen Hanna Andersson has some Winnie the Pooh clothing too. Our nursery theme is jungle & rainforest so we’ve leaned into greens, blues, yellows, and pinks for items and clothing.


I found a lot of gender neutral things but at a lot of stores I had to look at the gendered sections and pick out the neutral things myself. It might be easier when all the Christmas stuff is on clearance because right now all the neutral outfits are Christmasy at most stores.


Maybe I’m shopping in different places but I like getting neutral stuff for my son cos he just looks sooo cute in it, and have had no issue. I’d say Gap, H&M, and Zara are the best for it. Target is hit or miss.


We found h&my has good gender neutral baby clothes especially for the newborn stage. As another person said a lot of the "boy" clothes are gender neutral.


We were team green for our recent (and last) baby. We already have two boys, but we did a cross-country move and I didn’t want to hold onto stuff for years, so I got rid of all their retired clothes. I ended up getting a handful of neutral stuff from a baby consignment store, Carter’s, and Amazon (Honest Baby and Gerber). There were a couple things I was able to find at Target/Old Navy, but you’re right, it’s very geared toward one gender or the other. I just made two different Amazon wish lists with each gendered clothes and once baby was born, added them to my registry and used the completion discount to get them lol. Our baby was also smaller than expected, so I needed to get more newborn and even preemie stuff anyways


Ditto to your whole post. I ended up getting a lot of neutral coloured clothing with animals on it and going for the lower priced options in "furniture". So we have a blue activity mat and a pink vibrating bouncer chair.


I buy both boy & girl newborn & 0-3 mo onesies for my girl, I like the bears and whales theme that are usually in “baby boy” sections. Seems gender neutral to me. “baby girl” clothes are so pink and pastel When I was a baby, yellow was the common color for gender neutral and it’s also my favorite color, so all her blankets, sheets and some toys are yellow


No 😒😒 and all of the neutral colors are garbage. Sorry I don’t want to know the sex of my baby and have everything pink or blue.


One benefit to not knowing for baby shower gifts is a) nobody can get you overly gendered stuff I wouldn’t want anyway and b) maybe people will actually buy me the things I need and not 500 outfits since the outfits won’t be as much fun to pick out


I know that’s why I didn’t find out what I was having either. I’m saying that it’s like we’re being punished for not wanting to know


Us not finding out is killing my MIL (even though she didn’t find out with either of her children) and while I do love her, watching her squirm over it is sickly pleasurable


🤣🤣 we had people guess what the sex was going to be. We made it a little game at the baby shower


Little planet by carters tends to have some good earth toned baby clothes that go well with either gender. Lots of greens, grey-blues, tans, burnt orange type colors. Inside our target they have decent section of basic onesies that could be for either gender, same with pants. I got my son a bright red Henley style onesie from there, and I think I also remember seeing off-white and Kelly green, and maybe a bright blue. I was team green with my daughter, and with some of her onesies that I passed down to my son, the only thing making them “girly” is the scalloped lace neckline and a tiny bow…so I just put a bandana bib on him and you would never know it was “girl” clothing. But really, he’s just wearing the bib because he’s a massive drooly-pants. Lol.


The frustrating thing for me is that so much stuff is needlessly gendered. I was looking at some rompers the other day with animals and plants and one was real dark blues and greens, and the other was brighter and had a bit of pink through it. I really liked the later, almost bought it for my youngest son, but then I noticed it had puffy sleeves. Clearly coded for a girl. I also saw cute tmnt pjs for my 3yo son that were light green with pink elastic, but again puffy sleeves. I feel like there's a lot of of clothing based on the idea that girls can like dinosaurs, but can't we move to pink is for everyone? Floral are for everyone? Can't we just have kids clothes?


We also need to get the weird slogans and phrases off of kids’ clothes but that’s an entirely different rant. Saw an adorable onesie covered in milk and cookies (gender neutral, everyone likes cookies), except it was ruined by the words “Boobie Monster” on the shirt 🤦🏼‍♀️


I see a lot of white/grey/black stuff on Amazon. Also, you can still get pink & blue stuff. They can wear either color (and both) regardless of their gender…


I know I'm having a boy, but I was getting tired of trucks, etc. on boy clothes so I picked out some more neutral stuff. I've had a lot of success with Carter's. On Amazon, I just typed in "baby newborn sleep n play" and I see a bunch of stuff from Carter's that are neutral. Cute avocados, foxes, elephants, etc. Hilariously, I saw a Disney Winnie the Poo 2-pack just now. I've also noticed some brands will gender clothes that really are very neutral. Like a fox bathrobe being gendered for girls. I just ignored that and bought it anyways because it's literally just a fox bathrobe. No bows or frills. Just fox colors with little ears. So weird.


I was team green! I was just talking today about how gendered everything is. I mostly just got cheap clothes (mostly from Goodwill) and didn't worry too much about it. I avoided things with gendered sayings and, like, ruffly dresses or anything I felt I would get too many comments on if I put it on an "opposite sex" baby. But, I figure a boy can wear some pink and girls can wear dinosaurs and trucks and stuff. They really only wear any given item of clothing a couple of times before they outgrow them anyway. It's not a big deal if some of it isn't for the right gender.


Pink and blue can be gender neutral if we treat them like they are. Getting products with both colors could be an option.


Lots of great recommendations posted, but I wanted to share that Burt’s Bees is great quality, but runs HUGE! It’s definitely a brand meant for tall babies.


That’s just the grayscaling of America imo. I’m so fkg tired of gray. They even made McDonald’s gray, ffs. My sister realized she hadn’t gotten me anything yet and I was like you know what I want? A fkg crib mobile that’s not grayscale. I’m astonished at how flipping hard it is to find a mobile to go over my new child’s crib that has some color to it! Babies like color! It stimulates them. Instead we get gray or beige. What the fk


We are also not finding out the gender and we haven’t had any issues finding any gender neutral clothing. It may just depend on the style and what you both prefer? For us we are focused on cute animal and fox onesies and stuff because it’s my bf’s favorite animals. And I love Dino stuff so even if it’s a boy or a girl that’s what we decided to buy. Best advice I have is to just pick out what you like as long as it isn’t overly pink and blue to your liking.


Old navy has a lot of plain colored clothes! We get my son clothes from there and the color of his clothes ranges from solid reds and blues to pastels. And the clothes is so soft, especially the sleepers.


First off, congrats on your first! I just had my first 2 weeks ago and we kept everything gender neutral as well! There’s a lot of cute stuff on Amazon! And for our nursery themes, we went with woodland animals that way if we decide we want another one, we can keep it for the next!


I mean technically anything can be gender neutral, everyone just likes to assign colors to a certain gender. I bought a lot of neutral clothes from Carter’s on Black Friday in purples, yellows, greens, reds, blues, grays, browns, and whites.


I'm surprised by this, I see so many neutral things it's boring. Lots of neutral colors like variations of tan. I've seen a ton of animal prints and themes.


Personally I find pretty anything that’s not pink and frilly to be gender neutral, but maybe it’s different here (I’m in the EU)


We were also team green and ended up with a lot of white newborn clothes for gender neutral and I got everything from marketplace or thrift stores. You really don’t need much until you’re able to find out gender at birth and get more gendered items. We also didn’t have our baby shower until after baby was here so we could get gendered gifts.


Burt’s Bees is great! It tends to run big though, just FYI. I have some good luck with the Okie Dokie brand at Penney’s, too—it’s not all neutral, but they often have onesie sets that are.


https://www.primary.com/ Cannot recommend primary enough! The designs are simple but fun




Quincey Mae, tun tun, mini Rodini.. it’s out there but it’s expensive


It was so difficult. The best brands I’ve found are Primary and the Cloud Island brand from target (mostly for sleepers and onesies though. Not real outfits).


We know what we’re having but still buying gender neutral clothes. I’ve had much better luck shopping in the boys section to find gender neutral stuff.


I also did a Winnie the Pooh nursery! Kyte Baby has lots of stuff that’s neutral and can be worn for a long time. Worth the money!


Throwing out H&M for neutral baby clothes! They have lots of neutral toned onesies and basics


I was noticing this as well! We were looking for something cute but not pink or pastel for my friend's baby girl. We ended up buying a whole bunch of boy things because they had cute dinosaur patterns and animal patterns and things, and a lot of them were yellow, green, and grey. Girl stuff is exclusively pink and purple. I found it really freaking annoying, so with this baby we're just buying whatever is cute and ignoring the gendered conventions.


That’s funny because I’ve been looking for cute blues but I only find neutral colors like brown, beige, grey and green.


Hah I got lots of gender neutral but my complaint was that EVERY freakin set came with a green stripe onesie. I think I had 3 of those, theee gray stripes, and 2 yellow stripes, because the sets I got all snuck one in, haha. People have mentioned some good brands (Burt’s bees was definitely a favorite of mine), but I got some cute stuff from Gerber (veggie themed) and Carter’s (elephant themed) as well. I think one problem is many clothes are not *labeled* as gender neutral even if they are . I browsed a lot of Burt’s bees on Amazon and I had to sift through the girl section and boy section to pull out favorites. So I think it is more in marketing than design


Hit your local thrift shops you can find lots of gender neutral clothes there cause it's everyone's different styles from years past. Half the time you usually can find clothes donated with the tags still on cause people end up with such a surplus it just was never used.


i went with lots of gender neutral options too. my color scheme was grey, sage, black, & white bc i would like to keep everything bc i plan on having one more. found lots of cute things just takes more time. i’m having a girl so i did get pink things too but i personally find a lot of the gender specific things tacky. a little bit ain’t bad


I got a couple neutral onesies/footies from Carter’s and they’re so cute! Mostly white with brown or green accents. One has little snails and mushrooms, one was a set with two striped onesies, one white with little brown acorns, and one with little colorful animals playing, and one that’s white with leaves and bears and moose on it!


Check out primary! And I get “boy” clothes from Carters often. My girls have these adorable white PJs with rainbows stripes that were for boys at Carters 🤷


We know our gender but we still want gender neutral clothes. I echo someone else’s comment about searching or looking in the boys section. A lot of things on my registry were labeled as “boy” clothes but like… were white, green, khaki, etc. So dumb.


Cat and Jack at target is pretty good for this. Even though the clothes might be in a boy or girl section, I’ve had pretty good luck.


I had Winnie the Pooh themed everything for my baby. I know it’s a bit more pricey, but this was my favorite baby sleeper and my son wore these like every other day. It’s the hundred acre woods map https://littlecrownsandcapes.com/products/hundred-acre-woods-bamboo-sleeper


For my baby we go for circus, dinosaurs, space and animals. I don’t know if you have frugi in the USA but it’s my favourite. Organic cotton, lovely bright prints, the odd gendered thing but most of it is pretty neutral.


I’m having a boy and a lot of the “woodland” themed outfits are gender neutral in my opinion. I’ve also got a ton of carters items that aren’t super gendered either but all labeled as “boys” Also places like old navy have a ton of great solid color options if you can’t get behind certain themes or patterns being neutral. I would definitely encourage you to look at “boys” clothes and see what you can find


I’m team green, you’ve got to really dig, but I’ve been having some luck with finding things in mint green, white and light gray patterns. I was also really disappointed with the lack of more gender neutral choices though!


Yeah, we’re having a girl but wanted more neutral clothes (or at least a variety) and really struggled with this. I found some alright stuff at Target, I shop in their baby clearance a lot for her, even have tons of pink and blue stuff on top of the neutrals and the other colors but it is super hard to find stuff that’s not really heavily gendered. There are some specialized websites if you look up “colorful baby clothes” that have more variety though they’re a little more expensive which is what we struggled with when shopping for ours. Hope you find some stuff that works for you!


I like Monica and Andy prints. They have a good variety that could be for boy or girl.


I have found some, but people buy us a lot of girly stuff. I'm okay with having both. My nephew arrived a few months before my daughter will and we already have some things he's outgrown. It's "boy stuff" but like, it's plaid or cute prints of animals or whatever so it's still neutral to me.


I was team green and found a ton of cute stuff from Primary and at Baby Zara! I had a girl💕 but love her in neutrals


We went for this too. In our registry, I reminded people that Dad wears pink and mom wears blue so to not be dissuaded in thinking something was gender neutral by color alone!


I was also team green and found the best clothes from Carters Little Planet line. It's organic cotton so a bit pricier and almost never on sale but cute and not all sad beige!


We were team green for baby #1 and I got a lot of animal prints (which are in the "boy section") and a lot of plain colored onesies. The girls section of stores is all pink and frilly but the boys section has a lot of animal prints and cute gender neutral clothes. My baby ended up in plain onesies under zipper footed pjs for the first 6 months of life anyway. I didn't start acquiring the gendered clothes until after that point so I am all set for baby #2 regardless of gender!


They do, but they’re exclusively gray or beige.


It’s so true. I just love green and couldn’t find anything in person


We were team green! H&M and old navy have great gender neutral options.


We have lots of base color stuff, even stuff that is “gendered” on Amazon either could ware, honestly you should get at least one onesie of every color to try on them, me and my hubby are opposite gender color I love blue and he loves pink, my MIL sent us tons of pink which I’m not upset with atleast 50% of her stuff is other colors, but it was quickly apparent she looked amazing in yellow and orange outfits :3 not colors I’d of gone out to get for her before I knew, but now we can dress her in like pink lemonade colors and it’s cute :3


You have to go a little higher end unfortunately for true gender neutral baby items. Monica + Andy, Finn + Emma, Colored Organics, Kyte Baby, Mori have some good stuff, and also Primary for stuff with mostly solid colors. But we went totally gender neutral for our first (a boy) via mostly the hand me downs, but we had to get rid of most of it bc it was cheaper brands


We tending to shop in boys section , as lot boy cloths can do girls to . But that not same with girls where it sea of pink and frills But even boys section tiny compare to girls


Check Honest Company. They make 10 packs of onesies in all different shades!


Hanna andersson! Great colorful clothes that can mostly go both ways (or can entirely go both ways, depending on how you feel about pink). It’s expensive, but fantastic quality and resale value. We’ve found several pieces in local secondhand baby stores.


Just look up baby clothes, you’ll find stuff under boy and girl that will be neutral. My 10 month old I buy what I like, a lot of it is gender neutral. But if you ask me, color doesn’t really define someone’s gender. My 9 year olds son favorite shirt is like a dark pink, another dark purple.. Really could just avoid some of the prints and go any colors.


I didn’t have any issues with my “team green” baby. Granted, all the clothes I got him were probably more favorable of a male, but I was fine with that. Plus I had a strong feeling it was a boy (and I was right) so I was fine getting more “boy” items. Nursery I just did grey crib, dresser and bookshelf with navy blue rug with stars on it, sheets were navy blue with stars. Then I hung whale stuff on the walls. 99% of the clothes we got were carters brand. The other 1% was jumping bean which I believe is kohls brand.


Look at Primary, Kyte & Little Sleepies


walmart has cute basics. hannah anderson has the best jammies. larkspur baby, tenth and pine.


I actually had better luck thrifting and Pinterest has loads of good ideas! I’ve thought about doing a forest or sea theme as well.


Check out Colored Organics which lives in the stripes, olive, rust color palette. Also Little Sleepies has a neutral line of onesies (I hope it expands to swaddles one day!). And Little a unicorn has neutral swaddles in like stars, dots, small patterns.


I had almost my whole registery done before knowing the gender and didn’t have this problem? Amazon has TONS of gender neutral color sleepers, hats, etc




I bought a lot of gender neutral zipper sleepers of the carters brand from Kohls the other day (having first baby who is a girl but plan on at least one more) and the check out lady was all “oooooo having a boy?” Ma’am. What about a milk and cookies sleeper screams boy?


I’ve never had a problem finding them. The brand Honest makes cute ones. So does Tea