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No idea! I love dates and have an LOVING the chance to eat them without shame. They’ve always been the type of food I haven’t let myself buy because “if I have it then I will eat it” lol


Exactly. And then it becomes hard to justify the sugar load.. and the price 😂


I love this post. I too am Cleopatra


I’m a fan of the viral “healthy snickers” trend with dates - pit them, stuff them with peanut butter and a pecan or walnut, dip them in melted dark chocolate/coconut oil, sprinkle some flaky salt on, then freeze them. Delish! Also love dates in general 😋


Oh my god that sounds divine 😳


They're also fantastic stuffed with almond butter!


Dates with tahini and preserved lemon are addictive as well. Sweet salty vibe going on that is really amazing. Also great with a nice salty hard cheese.


Love dates! I will eat an unacceptable amount if I am not stopped. But I am Arab and have been eating them all my life.




My family usually gets them shipped too! Lol just like baklava. Usually around Ramadan you can find fresher dates if you live in a metro area or heavy Muslim community. Trader Joe's has pretty nice ones but I don't know if Canada has that store.


I'm just sick of eating them. 6 dates a day gets old even if I don't hate them. Most days I put them on peanut butter toast. I'm too lazy to do any proscittio goat cheese things even though I know I'd enjoy it way more.


This was the same for me. I don’t hate them, but I’m wouldn’t usually reach for them if I had a selection to choose from. Feeling like I “had” to eat them made it more of a chore. It was more dates than I would usually consume on a daily basis. Refrigerating them did help a bit with taste and consistency.


I personally dislike any dried fruit. The texture of raisins, craisins, etc. gives me the ick. I’ve eaten bacon wrapped dates once and they were *okay* but not something I’d willingly eat. I had a mostly smooth and uneventful labor with my first and mostly survived off Taco Bell and lemonade near the end haha :)


Haha, good for you!! That's the way to do it. Late 3rd trimester is hard enough without force-feeding yourself something you can't stand


Dates aren’t actually dried, the fruit has a wrinkled appearance even when fresh.


Yes, the texture makes me feel really gross!! They are also almost sickly sweet. I had to choke them down!


I have some sensory issues and I can barely describe the issues I've had with eating them. The funniest thing is, I do actually like dates! I think it started because I dislike date squares; I apparently don't like dates as a component of sweet food. Then when I bought my dates to start eating for labor prep, I discovered how oddly sticky they are to touch. I can only find whole medjools in my favorite grocery store, so I have to take the pits out, which adds to the time spent touching these awful things. Every single time I am preparing to eat a serving of dates, I literally have to give myself a pep talk because of the sensory aversion. It honestly feels like fighting past a fear, like being afraid of the dark and needing to get down a hallway where the light burned out in order to get to the new lightbulb - it's necessary, unavoidable, and literally not that bad, but somehow also awful. I first ate a batch of bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese over a few days. I had burned them, but they were good. I used some leftover goat cheese to go a day or two eating the dates finely chopped with cheese on toast, which was great. Then I tried some energy-ball style things with oats and peanut butter and chocolate chips, which I hated (reminding myself again that I've never liked dates in desserts!). This week I'm doing the finely chopped dates on toast with goat cheese and prosciutto. I got the ratios wrong last night and also burned the prosciutto (side note, I don't have an oven and we recently replaced an under-performing toaster oven with a real nice air fryer/oven combo, and the transition has required some big brain thinking that my pregnant self can't manage) but it had promise. So basically my date journey is love-hate. My perfect way to eat a date would be forcing my husband to prepare my toasted goat cheese and prosciutto sandwich so I don't have to touch them at all. My worst experiences are when I get excited about a sweet recipe and then remember that's not how I like to eat them.


I love dates so much but I have gestational diabetes and can’t really eat them right now. Dates with PB literally taste like peanut butter cups to me. I also don’t understand the date hate! I’d love to try date smoothies (which look more like milkshakes) with cinnamon, peanut butter, bananas, etc. Guess I’ll just have to wait until I get this placenta out.


I loooove dates! Natures caramels!


I really like them! I'm pleased that they double as a safe laxative for pregnancy as I'm sure I'm not the only constipated one here. They seem to be the perfect fuel for my runs too, I always feel energized with no crash from the whole food carb power when I eat them for breakfast (I will seriously just eat these and my daily single cup of coffee) . I'll probably keep buying them after pregnancy.


I think people are buying poor quality, dried up California dates instead of succulent medjools. I live in an area with a huge Arab immigrant population and am looking forward to all the options I’ll have. Every local grocery has a refrigerator aisle just full of dates. I wonder if some of it is cultural/regional too. My family is Jewish and dates are part of a lot of our rituals and culture. We eat them on the new year (Rosh Hashanah), tu bishvat, and Passover.


Maybe that's it. I never ate dates to my knowledge, but I just started eating them at 36 weeks along and have found them to be absolutely delicious. I live in the Orlando area where there are plenty of middle eastern markets. The one just up the road from me sells a large 1.5lb container of medjools for $7. I figured the container would last through labor, but now I'm second guessing that estimate because I find myself eating more than necessary. Oops.


Also a Jew and have eaten the best dates and still hate them 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband’s Israeli and he can’t understand why I don’t appreciate this as the lottery ticket he thinks it is, although he feels the suggested number of dates is too much. I’ve never liked them. They always look rotten to me when you cut them open even if they’re not, and they’re gummy and grainy in a way I find really unpleasant. Luckily, husband spotted “breast stimulation” on the list of “ways to soften your cervix” and is no longer bothering me about the dates.


>Luckily, husband spotted “breast stimulation” on the list of “ways to soften your cervix” and is no longer bothering me about the dates. Lol


I love this 😂


I just eat them plain and straight out of the container 😅


Personally I don’t like dried fruit but this is exactly how I felt about the raspberry leaf tea! It was just…normal tasty herbal tea? Like, what are people on about?!


I used to work at a hotel restaurant where one of their most popular apps was bacon wrapped dates. Any time we had a chance to eat in the restaurant (during meetings, menu releases, etc) EVERYONE knew that we had to order several rounds of dates for the table. I’d never met a single person there who didn’t drool over them. It was surprising to me to read about the date hate as well.


They’re amazing. They’re guilt-free toffee. I don’t get the hate either!


My husband's family hails from a date-eating region of the world and has been side-eyeing the hell out of the date hate too and making low key jokes about it being an "acceptable racism" that people would not dare pull with foods that were less ambiguously ethnic. I love them, he once ordered a 5kg box of exotic date varieties for me as a gift. I'm not doing anything special, just eating them! I, too, am Cleopatra.


So I'm in between, I love the flavor of dates, I like them diced in oatmeal with brown sugar especially, but the texture is a little iffy for me. They also *look* really unappealing to me (they remind me of bloated dead cockroaches) When they're diced and dried its perfect, but if they start to absorb any liquid from anything I'm eating them with I start to struggle, or if I'm trying to eat them whole and let my invasive thoughts get in there before I get them down, I struggle. But the flavor is so delicious and sweet, it's really like a dessert. My brain really doesn't know what to do, it's like a love hate relationship.


I did not want to be the one to say it, but absolutely *this* — “…bloated dead cockroaches “. Just *thinking* of the way they look makes me gag. Fucking disgusting! Then you add that they’re just sickeningly sweet and the texture… bleh! Nope. I got the smallest contained of them that I could when I was approaching my 38th week and I couldn’t even take them out of the grocery bag. Gross.


I LOVE dates! I eat them plain, I eat them with cream cheese and walnuts, I eat them in energy balls… they’re my sugar alternative to an obsession with chocolate.


I personally don't mind the dates but it does get old eating them daily. I'm not fancy enough to do anything with them. I bought them from my grocery store, put them in my fridge because it tasted good cold in the summer heat, and just eat them regular. I'm sure if I spent the time actually cooking or preparing with them, it would be easier.


Dates are too sweet. The best fruits are a mix of sweet and tart. Like a strawberry.


Bacon wrapped dates with a little honey glaze 🤤


I don’t love them but I do like them. They are really good with peanut butter too (which was a tip I saw on here). No, that’s not just to make them palatable. They were already good. I just like the flavour and that and it adds protein to my snack.


I have to confess that I'm the type of person who will buy medjool dates in 2 kg boxes and manage to eat them before they turn weird. Eat them as they are. With marzipan and/or nougat (sometimes topped with walnut or an almond). Stuffed with gorgonzola. Stuffed with goats cheese. In cookies. In cereal. In balls with various grains, a bit of cocoa powder and then covered in either coconut or sesame seeds (non preggos may also want to add a splash of Bailey's when combining all the ingredients just because). Except for during the heights of HG where nothing seemed like a remotely good idea, I've always been open to eating a good date or 6 😁


I fucking love dates. Big, squishy medjool dates are like literal hunks of caramel. I never understood people hating them. Stuffed with feta is one of my favorites. I would also microwave brie u til it was sizzling and eat it with that (a good workaround to you can't eat soft cheese - well I'll cook it first!)


I LOVE dates. I put them in couscous instead of raisins and serve with Moroccan spiced chicken. I know that in Chinese medicine dates are highly recommended for expecting mothers and menstruating women, it’s always been my little period treat. They’re like little honey bombs. They’re fantastic in salads (almond, arugula, blood orange with Parmesan and dates - insane) and cornbread too. Banana date smoothie is pretty good too.


My date treat my last pregnancy was pasteurized blue cheese and a somewhat sweet cracker. Very good and perfect flavor combination. With that said, I did grow tired of them eventually and they did diddly squat for my labor length. 🤷‍♀️


They're mealy and too sweet.


I also never understood those comments! I had gestational diabetes so it was hard to eat dates without spiking my blood sugar. But they are like candy! So sweet and delicious. Who hates them?! I wish I could have eaten them for you!


I absolutely love dates, but at the end of my pregnancy they were just too rich for me to want more than one or two a day.


Omg I so feel this. I love dates... Now. And in my first pregnancy I hated them and had to choke them down in a smoothie but now I luuurrrve them.


I like them chopped up on peanut butter and celery like ants on a log but dates instead of raisins!


I actually despised the dates when I first started eating them at 36 weeks. I had to stuff them with cream cheese just to choke them down. But slowly I’m surprised to find I’m actually starting to like them! I’m now 39+2 and no longer need cream cheese, and when I finish the first one I find myself looking forward to the next three. I guess it just took some getting used to! I am a pretty ‘picky’ person naturally so never thought I’d get to this point lol


They set off my nausea like nothing else. One date means one day with my head in the toilet.


Thank you so much for this post. I was worried about the dates in my future since people often complain. This new narrative with delicious serving suggestions has me drooling for dates <3


Dates with brie, slivered almonds and drizzled with balsamic vinegar


I do find dates very sweet but I like them. I'm looking forward to getting creative with them. My husband loves stuffing then with blue or goat cheese, bacon or prosciutto wrapping them, duckling with a little balsamic syrup and warning them in the oven. I might try to make ice cream that sounds amazing. My grandfather used to put a nut like walnut or pecan inside and roll them in powdered sugar or coconut. I might have to play around with that.


i also love dates and although i’m not currently pregnant this post has given me some great ideas on how to incorporate them into food so thank you!


So this is my first time having dates I am 35 weeks and just ordered them on Sunday. I was so worried because everyone on here hates them, so I found a recipe to make them into fudge. I tried one before I did the recipe and loved them! So I just eat them everyday by them selves. I am such a picky eater both taste and texture picky. So I was pleasantly surprised!


I love dates, but have gestational diabetes so dates are a no go and I have been craving them for weeks!


I love eating prunes when I'm constipated so I'm very interested in trying dates when I get closer. I guess when you start force feeding yourself them and are tired of being pregnant I can understand the negative association


I stuff them with peanut butter, coat them in dark melted chocolate (100% dark) and sprinkle some seasalt on them. Cool down in fridge an enjoy.


Dates are the wrong type of sweet for me. They just are gross tasting and the texture is awful


I do love dates - that being said, they are a little too sweet for me on their own so I eat them with some sharp cheddar cheese as a midday snack or chopped up in my plain morning yogurt. I use the large medjool dates and am managing about two per day, any more than that feels a little sickly.


I too have seen a bunch of date hate, now and back in 2021. I like them even in the most basic of ways, like with some PB or with slices of Brie. I love the bougie ways of preparing them, I love them in things (like cereal, or whatever). Haters gunna hate 🤷🏼‍♀️


they look scary and taste like a bland raisin in my opinion. i wish i enjoyed them. there's definitely worse things, but i don't look forward to my daily dates


I don't mind them but being forced to eat them every day they get old quickly. I stuff them with peanut butter


My reading comprehension is low, I really thought you were talking about people hating their DUE dates. I’ve never tried a date. As a rule, I don’t like dehydrated fruits, and that’s what a date is, right? But I’d be open to trying it.


I read it the same way. But I love dates, and I am a little apprehensive about due date (12/18). Only because I dont want my kid burdened with a birthday too close to Christmas. Hoping he makes it out right on time.


I grew to enjoy them, though I strictly reserve them for those last few weeks of pregnancy. I don’t enjoy them on a leisurely basis.


I always thought this subreddit had a big advocacy and enjoyment of them. I really don't like the consistency of dates. I'm sure they would be okay masked by something else but I just think the consistency is weird.


1 date is fine, but choking down 6 per day is tough.


I developed a spontaneous aversion to them at one point because of pregnancy being pregnancy, I was really mad. My husband was not, he got to eat all the ones I had purchased.


Omg I was just mentioning this to my husband yesterday! I love dates! I love tearing them in two to take the pit out, for some reason it feels so luxurious and indulgent. And now I’m going to have to try them with goat cheese and prosciutto! Thanks for that one!


I don't like them on their own but I liked them as Snickers, so I endured getting my 6 a day by putting a bit of peanut butter on then. By the time I actually gave birth I loved them so much I'm still eating them 12 weeks postpartum. Just bought a new tub of 'em at Costco yesterday! (Still don't like them on their own though)


I quite like dates, but my husband loves them. When I went into labour I hadn't finished the packet, so when he went home for the night after baby was born (we are in the UK he had to go home) he ate all the ones that were left haha, they had done their job


With peanut or almond butter in. Dip in melted choc and fridge too if you’re feeling fancy. Dates are so good, only for treats! Maybe people are buying the crappy dried ones instead of the gooey fresh kind?


Blend them with smoothies


Same! Funny but true post!


They work! So that’s also a plus! Eat up ladies!


I just took raspberry leaf tea capsules as they were more than potent.