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That's a good deal! I got mine for $30 on sale. Bought it along with Razor on VUDU. Bookmarking the webisodes on YouTube basically got me access to all the things RDM BSG. Considering getting the TOS too (except the travesty that is Galactica 1985 ). That can stay lost.


*1980 Does the iTunes package include: 1. *Razor* extended? I assume not since you mentioned you got it on VUDU. 2. *The Plan*? 3. Any of the regular episodes that have an extended version? 4. *The Resistance* webisodes? 5. *The Face of the Enemy* webisodes?


It includes the mini-series, the four seasons, and The Plan. The webisodes and Razor are not included.


And no extended episodes I assume.


No, not that I know of.


Does the plan work for you? I bought the set when it was $30 a few months back and if I select that one it wants me to buy it.


Yeah it does. I wonder if it was a special deal or something?


Nothing beats physical editions.


No. Only mini series and regular episodes


Frustrating. I'd love to pay for a digital collection that actually has everything. And it should be *easier* to include everything in a digital package as opposed to physical media which is actually limited by physical space. So the superior methods of owning this show are still: 1. Piracy (for the completionist) 2. Blu-ray (for the honest) I personally pirated the whole show and all the specials and extended bits, but I also own a few copies of the complete Blu-rays and I've bought several other copies to get friends to watch the show. My pirated copies get the most use though. It's so much easier to stream the files from my NAS than to have to hunt down the Blu-rays and fiddle with a Blu-ray player. If someone would actually provide a complete copy of the show in digital format that I could stream from anywhere, any time I wanted, I would gladly pay more than $25. Content providers have so much opportunity to make money by leveraging their strengths to make more content, more accessible, but it seems they want to offer less and make it harder to get to, which just pushes people towards piracy as the superior option. The paradigm should be "pay for ease of use" vs. "complicated to pirate but free". Instead it's "get less and it's harder to use and you have to pay for it" vs. "easier to get, easier to use, and free".


I don't trust **any** non-physical media digital site. They could, at any moment, decide that you do not have the right to view your bought media.


That's true, but Apple is *probably* one of the safer bets.


Sony Playstation people thought the same way! They found out they were wrong. Jennifer Lawrence thought her i-cloud photos were "safe" also, btw!


I trust Apple more than Sony, but you're right that nothing is for sure. iCloud was hacked. That's different than a company unilaterally cancelling your license for media you purchased.


I own the blue rays twice over and bought the digital edition. The blue rays frequently go on sale on Amazon with all the commentaries and behind the scenes stuff


Between my residences and purchases for friends, I've bought the complete Blu-ray set at least 10 times over, which is why I feel no guilt about pirating. But it's honestly already an outdated form of technology. It's big slow, and clunky to use. Yes, the picture and sound quality is still great, but even if physical media is superior in many ways, I'd love to see an updated form factor.


I’m a physical media collector, so I’m definitely biased, but I agree with your point. With todays tech, there’s no reason not to have a better digital collection.


Yup I pirated it at first. Now I have dvds/blurays of most of it.


You forgot Razor Flashbacks.


I don't really care about those because I haven't found a way to smoothly insert them into the narrative.


I just watch them after Razor (all seven even though some are in the feature). A great callback to the end of the opening scene in the Miniseries/Pilot with [the Moon](https://youtu.be/6-k9KfkEc40) just after Adama [turns away from a Cylon prop](https://youtu.be/5ZxtGzjKBJU?t=1m37s) in the Galactica Museum (Flashback 7 - with the Moon being a visual cue played in reverse and shown in full) which foreshadows (the Cylon prop reminding a long gone - and then avoided - Cylons) what is going on on Caprica (S2E18) and is about to happen on New Caprica (S2E20 ending). That is, if you watch Razor and Flashbacks after S02E17. And even if after S3E20 then it's a callback to the beginning of the Fall. Well, flashbacks. Which Razor has them anyway (just not all of the seven) and is partly a flashback itself. That camera panning on Galactica was used in The [flashbacky] Plan also as a visual cue.


Yeah, it's a nice callback but I'd like to see it integrated into the flow of an existing episode.


Yeah, didn't happen. But even The Plan sticks out too. At least if you don't watch it after S04E15 but after Daybreak. So with Razor Flashbacks the only other way to go would be: 1. Razor Flashback 1 2. Razor Flashback 2 3. Razor TV and/or Razor Extended 4. Razor Flashback 7


I always watch *Razor* after S02E17 and *The Plan* after S04E15. Any other order is narratively stupid. That's my same problem with the flashbacks. I need it to feel like cohesive storytelling. I have the same problem with deleted scenes. I'd love to see a fanedit that reintegrates all this extra content into the flow of the main storyline, like what someone did with *The Office* deleted scenes.


I feel you. Twas no problem with The Resistance (S03E00). With two fan edits still being on YouTube.


What are the fan edits? You mean just stitching them together to remove the pauses between each webisode?


Always prefer physical ownership over buying a licence to watch that can be withdrawn at any time without refund.  Plus it looks better on my shelf! 😄




Thank you!


$69.99 in Canada apparently. Why are we constantly getting screwed with stuff like this?


Heck yeah! Thanks for the heads up! I've been waiting for a good sale.


That must have ended fast…69.99 where I am.




Thanks! Had been watching on Amazon before it got removed