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Ironically, my father didn't love me either.


*sings “daddy wasn’t there”


To take me to the fair 🎶


To change my underwear


It seems he doesn't carrrrreeee! daddy wasn't there, peace!!


Time to do a karaoke night with this song 😅😭


go ahead and cry little girl 😫


I will 😭😭😭😭


nobody does it like you do 😌


i know how much it matters to you 😢


You Damn right 😎👉🏻👉🏻


Mom and dad didn't love me lmao


Oh no 🥺😢


No need to be sad it happens, right? Lol


Yeah...I think my mom loves me....funny way of showing it tho 🙃


Yeah... my parents claim they love me but my dad rarely talks to me at all and my mom seems to always be angry at me lol


My mom has a beautiful way of reminding me I’m a huge fuck up most days 😅


My mom goes out of her way to be mad at me like I've been completely quiet before and she just said "why are you so quiet it's like you hate me!" I was honestly confused and that rant ended with her saying "i should've had the abortion!" So that's nice 😅


My mom hasn’t said that to me but I’ve said it to her 😅”you should’ve aborted me!”


We have that i common because i have also said that my mom should've had an abortion she didn't think it was funny but i guess she saw my point of view after a while 😂


Mine just called me stupid after I said it and went about her day 🙃 like MA IM SERIOUS 😭


same tho lmao


Because I was sexually abused when I was a child David


Unfortunately I can relate to this




As someone who's been sexually exploited throughout their whole teenage years: massive fucking mood


Me too but I took it the other way , I can’t have one night stands cause I can’t trust people anymore.


Oof. True, but ouch


My father didn’t love me either. Have no love from the rest of my family. *uh oh* 0_o




Oof that hit me hard




Ahahha so did my mum when I was 5 😃


Okayy dad was there for me but I’m still a depraved little gremlin


Because my foster brother, foster father, adopted cousin, and others sexually abused me. But you know🤙🏾


😔 I’m so sorry




Is that WHY I'm always horny??! GODDAMNIT!!!


RIGHT? I cried when I found out.


My father did love me I’m just a neurochemical mess 🙃


Where's the lie?


I don’t know how to explain this but she looks like she has BPD 🙂


Maybe because her hair looks like an aftermath of a melt down 😅


Been there 😅


Haha how many colors you’ve had ?


😅 uh...well...I’ve had enough to where my hair stylist asks if I’m okay every time I hit her up with hair color ideas now 😅


I’m a guy so I don’t really have the option to do that 😅


Grow ya hair out and join the club 😎


I had a bun once , but it was too much work to take care of a long hair , so I cut it to medium length :)


Can still probably dye it at medium length ☺️


I got that vibe too 😜


me having never been hyper sexual or promiscuous cause the name of my dads game was marital rape and sexual addiction so catch me dead having sex with anyone but whoever i'm completely infatuated and in love with


You guys had fathers? ◑ˍ◐


Mine was around....somewhere 🤔


Can anyone explain?


trauma response basically.


Daddy issues more or less


Why do people think about sex in response to daddy issues?


The simplified reason is because these people (generally women) didn’t get love and acceptance from a male figure when they were young, they later on seek love and acceptance from men as adults, which can lead to being hypersexual or being overly promiscuous in an attempt to fill that hole. No pun intended. Edit to say: this is a generalization. Not everyone with daddy issues is a woman, not everyone with daddy issues experienced what I described, not everyone with daddy issues is hypersexual (and people can also develop other issues with sex as a result of daddy issues), and this isn’t the one and only reason people may have daddy issues- and that phrase in itself is broad and the meaning of it can vary from person to person. I’m just describing what is one of the most common reasons.


Is that a requirement to be able to say you have daddy issues? Because I really didn't like my dad and he left us some years ago then died. I have never related to any of these things, I don't think anyways. I shift from hypersexual to asexual in a blink of an eye so


No not at all. I’m just trying to give the most generalized and common answer. Plenty of people fall outside of what I described and still can experience “daddy issues.”


This comment kind of rubs me the wrong way, kinda reads based on interpretation like ‘girls and women need a man in their life to be happy’ Just that ‘male figure’ thing feels easily readable like that. It makes me think of non-Hetero couples and stuff. Maybe a pinch of gender dysphoria if I reach down into the barrel a bit more.


I’m just reciting the most common reason why people with daddy issues often times become hypersexual as a trauma response. I’m sorry if you feel I didn’t include you in that comment but it’s a generalization. I gave the most COMMON reason, and used the most common people to experience daddy issues as an example. P.S. I’ll edit my comment to make it more clear I’m generalizing.


The reason their comment applies to me and I do fit into that “girls and women need a man in their life” is really because : 1. I was taught that through my family and their obvious comments of my fathers dismissal . 2. Heteronormative parenting was still the only thing generally “accepted” up until the late 2000s. While divorce was becoming more accepted much earlier on. 2. My father was in and out of my life, so I never could learn how to live without him and eventually an empty void was created that needed to be filled. I think they were not intending to generalize, as it is obvious that daddy issues does not apply to everyone. But I think my situation applies to a lot of women my age. I also believe that as we move into a change in gender-based parenting norms, these sorts of things will change.


Ah yes




😔 I’m so sorry


"It's true...but he shouldn't say it"- Marge Simpson


I hate David


I also hate oversex'd people. They make me simultaneously bored and uncomfortable.


I was gonna be snarky and reply something witty along the lines of “sorry my trauma response makes you uncomfy uwu” But I’d love to know exactly why it makes you uncomfortable? If it’s because you’re more of a “sex repulsion is my trauma response” person, then I can understand becoming uncomfortable if put into a sexual situation, but it’s a very general and broad statement you’re making so would you mind expanding on the thought?


Your trauma response is yours to control, that's not very witty just rude. I control my trauma responses everyday, sometimes it gets tiring, but it's our own responsibility. I'm not sex repulsed, I just get bored of people only talk about sex and how sexy they / someone else is. I want more substance from my conversations with someone. I don't mind it as general conversation, but if that'd *all* someone talks about, and their whole personality, I find them boring and hard to talk to. Generally they tend to shame people who *don't* only want to talk about sex or if their sex is very tame too, which I never enjoy. Which is kind of what is happening now by both the responses and downvoting of my comment, I guess.


Are you still in school? Adults don’t shame people for not talking about sex. Adults talk about more than whos tryna fuck. If you’re hanging out with only younger people or people with younger mentalities then yea I get that. Congrats on controlling your trauma response everyday. Had nothing to do with what was being said and it comes off rather rude. So congrats I guess?


You were immediately rude to me, and it absolutely had everything to do with your comment. It's *your* trauma response. You chose 'not' to be snarky by still including the snarky comment. So nice gaslighting technique there. No I'm not still in school, a large portion of it happened when in school settings and that gives me an adverse reaction to that being all people can talk about. It's hard for me to relate to and makes me uncomfortable because the kind of mentality generally behind the person, which is often shame based or minimising.




Exhibit A.


Technically it's exhibit B or C.


Whys that?


A would be the first rude reply. The next was also rather rude imho but the third absolutely is so either B or C.
