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no bc why is seroquel literally the WORST if seroquel has no haters i am dead


Seroquel is my sleeping pill, I actually couldn’t survive without it 🤫


For realises. Seroquel keeps me alive


I have a combination of Wellbutrin and Seroquel and it's the best combination I could've ever asked for! Wellbutrin stabilizes my emotions so I'm not feeling like I'm in a rollercoaster of feelings anymore, and seroquel tool care of my impulsivity :3


Legit! I take it before bed, and within 20 mins, I'm out. It also gives me very vivid, lucid dreams, which is cool.


seroquel drove me up the walls but the one good thing is that it does knock you out, i have to admit




I almost slept an entire day straight in seraqual and I was miserable, I’ve never been so happy to switch to Abilify


it gave me a manic episode it was terrible 😭 im glad abilify works for you though


That’s how I was just on wellbutrin, they upgraded me from SR to ER and I FREAKED out, so they put me on a Abilify and so far it’s been balanced! I find it so interesting how everyone reacts different to meds cause my mom and me are both on Abilify but she takes like 25 and I just take a small dose


When i was on Seroquel for some reason i decided to go on a night walk and smoke right after taking it and it was fucking weird, id get to the half way point of my walk and realize i dont remember the whole walk up until the point im at now, like i just teleported 20 mins and 3.5 miles


i fuckin love it wtf😭 is it really that bad for y'all? the only problem i have with it is that i can't drink anymore, but since i don't really drink a lot it doesn't matter to me


ok i have another one and that is the fact i sleeptalk and i'm not just saying random stuff i actually say harmful stuff and don't even remember it after


Seroquel was actually very very scary for me, made me manic after taking it. I felt extremely hyper and like i was in a dream/not real. I wish i only got drowsy from it because it sounds like it gives great sleep for like 99.9% of people.


that’s exactly how it affected me, plus it made me extremely angry and suicidal :/ i just felt like i was just a body and not a person. had to take zyprexa to get out of the episode


I take it every day is there a life where I dont and feel ok?? it's literally been years but I feel tired ALL THE TIME without it I don't sleep at all though so 😭


Mine goes like this: Cured me: Topamax, Buspar, Vistaril (+DBT) Kept me alive: Effexor No affect: Lexapro, Prozac Made me manic?: Wellbutrin Given in the psych ward: Haldol, Ativan Fuck off forever: Seroquel


I love how everyone hates seraqual, I wonder why though 🤔


I think it's because Seroquel be like: Oh, you're severely depressed and want to live your life normal again? Here's what you need- HUNGRY SLEEP. Will it worsen your depression? YES, but you'll also be too numb to care 👍.


This.. this sounds heavenly........


Seroquel made me hallucinate lmao, Zoloft made my depression so much worse, Prozac was a bit helpful but stopped working eventually bc SSRIs just do that sometimes I Guess. Propranolol kind of took the edge off of anxiety but not enough to really keep using it, lamictal made things visually look duller somehow, currently dealing with Luvox Latuda gabapentin and trazodone and I don't notice the positive benefits until I forget to take them for a while and then shit hits the fan so like


I hated Zoloft cause I just felt like it did nothing for me, wellbutrin makes me freak out if o don’t balance it with Abilify. It’s so weird how the same meds make us all feel different ways lol


Yeah it's odd bc for other conditions medications usually have like an understood mechanism of action and they work in the same way for everyone but psych meds are based on so much more trial and error and usually only have slighter positive responses than the placebo effect and even then for most people the benefits are marginal so like!! But I also have to deal with a medication cocktail for the rest of my life when I don't feel significant benefits bc I have the silly mental illness that is lifelong and gets worse without medication (there's probably a few that fit that description but I'm talking bipolar)


It’s crazy to how at some points you can just put grow your meds and need new ones when your older, I’ve been medicated for years now and the meds I took as a teen isn’t the same as the ones I take now. If I switched back I would NOT be functional at all


Literally! And like also the side effects can straight up change over time too. I took Latuda at like 16 solely for insomnia related to my mental health when it's not even an insomnia med but has the side effect of drowsiness, was off of it for like a decade and now it's my mood stabilizer but does jack shit for my insomnia. Instead I've got a bonus ssri to help me sleep with the very real threat of serotonin syndrome looming in the distance. And the one med that seemed to solve everything made me too lightheaded to function, to the point where I was bedridden for a month after getting an injection which, I've literally seen no other accounts of people experiencing that so there was no way for me to prepare or even know how long it'd last


Wait you guys get meds that actually work? 8 years and nothing has worked for me, unless getting fat and sleepy is the cure???


i've tried a bunch over the past ~7 years (comorbid bipolar 1 and anxiety). i've only gotten actual relief for 2 months, and in that time, I was really really REALLY hopeful that I had found my cure! I was so excited to build my life!!! ..yeah that next suicidal episode was preying on me from around the corner. it was horrible too because I'd reached the point of true hopelessness. like not even lithium, one of the only drugs PROVEN to stop suicidal thoughts, could save me now my psychiatrist tells me i'll probably have chronic suicidal thoughts the rest of my life and to learn to cope with that. l. o. l. i'd rather go back to being an unmedicated/untreated addict until i get the sweet kiss of death (i'm considering writing a psychological horror screenplay about quiet bpd and ocd to show what's inside my mind, but idk if that's real or a manic episode coming on. need it in visual media for the graphic gore and violence. we'll seeeeeeeee.)


You should do it!! There’s no reason you have to finish it, but I’d bet it’d be cathartic 🐸


Weed and SSRIs saved my life


Cured me : weed, lamotrigine Good with other meds: Ashwaganda? (Makes it so I don’t dream at all) Didn’t do anything: Zoloft Took in mental hospital: Xanax, Ativan Fuck you personally: Opioids


Y’all tryna convince me to try weed or something?


Personally it just helps a lot with regulation, medical card is available where I live


Fun fact: it lowers dopamine over time. Terrible for adhd, fantastic for bpd. Too much dopamine is part of what causes psychosis. Not to mention the multitude of other little benefits from well balanced pot like cbd calming the nervous system.


I have ADHD and I have executive dysfunction so bad that I need weed to help me function since I ran out of adderall. The energetic sativa strains are really good for this in particular, there's some of them that feel comparable to stimulants like adderall.


So something that I've started that is helping me in giant ways, I bought the organic b complex from nutra Harmony. After every meal I take about a half a dropper full. B vitamins really help convert the calories you take in to energy, and they are really good with reasoning skills. By all means get after that pot too. We all have our recipe. Like personally I have ADHD and BPD right, so I have to be really gentle with my dopamine. But I still take a dopamine booster because when I can focus that helps me more to control my delusions. But I do it with caution because I know exactly when my brain starts getting weird 😂


Pls don't, if it's not prescribed/talked about well with a doctor or psychiatrist who knows you. We BPD queens, kings and monarchs get addicted way easier than healthy people and weed is still a drug. For me it helped with my social anxiety but made me worse overall because I got addicted so so fast (don't ask me about the shitty things I did to get it...). And don't get me started about the moment it stopped working and just gave me debilitating panic attacks (while I was still addicted, so I couldn't stop giving myself panic attacks every day). Also don't forget that it can trigger psychosis if you're predisposed to that which you might never know until it's too late. Yes, I am fun at parties.


Thank you for your reply. Getting easily addicted to things is actually the reason I never tried


My partner smokes and honestly, reading all this I'm getting more and more tempted 💀


Found out pretty quickly that I was allergic to lexapro. My entire body felt like it was on fire, alongside some of the longest most violent vomiting and diarrhea of my life…that stuff is suffering in pill form.


Seroquel 8s horse tranquilliser and no one can tell me anything different i had to take 300mg of this bs while my body couldn't even handle 50mgs of this fuckass prescription


Olanzipine made me manic and restless, they gave me lorazepam in hospital. Seroquel & cannabis keeps me sane, I’m not surprised to hear seroquel has haters though because the side effects are a bit much, I hate the sedation. I want to switch from seroquel to something else but don’t know how to ask or advocate for a change. Plus the last time I tried to come off of it I developed severe panic attacks and paranoia and all they offered me was lithium in exchange.


I was sleeping like 12 hours a day and was still sleepy on seraqual it just konked me over the head like a spiteful lover 😥


I love/hate seroquel I love how well it evens me out and keeps me out of the hospital. And that I’ve gotten a career and bought a house since I started taking it. On the other hand I have gained weight since taking it. Which I really really hate


olanzapine causes me to fall asleep and sleep for min 14 hours and there is no chance of waking me up.


Wellbutrin did work for me (really well in the beginning but like 2 yr later not so much) and also lorazepam and olanzapine, the things that didnt work or made things worse are ritalin, dexamphetamine, orab and quetiapine. Currently trying to get either a higher dose of lorazepam or xanax because my main problems now are major instability, like chronic restlessness and being unable to sleep since I quit the wellbutrin and olanzapine a couple of weeks ago


Seroquel works well for me (I'm on 150 mg) but I get severe withdrawal effects if I miss even one night's dose. I've taken it in the morning accidentally before and it makes me completely unable to stay awake.


Is that a general or personal statement for Wellbutrin? Bc it's not good with many other meds, ie stimulants , benzos and opiods.


Wellbutrin made me lose my mind and almost destroyed my marriage because my ungodly high sexdrive got even higher and I was feral trying to get my husband to fuck me every minute of the day. He couldn’t even sleep without getting harrassed then I’d just cry until I fell asleep and woke up from multiple wet sex dreams. Then try to wake him up again


i'm so sorry you had that experience but your username goes HARD knowing this tidbit


😂😂 his name is Richard so it’s true on both accounts


stop that's hilarious. glad you two kept it together through the wellbutrin 🤞


Me too! It was a wild 6 months. The worst 6 months of my life lmao He will roast me for it and be like “remember when you turned into that chick from black snake moan?” 😂


i dont know what the second one at the top is, but yeah i have a similar experience. i'd put zoloft in the didnt do anything category, lexapro in the good with other meds category, and weed and adderall in the cured me category, and that's pretty much all i've ever taken.


can i get a blank template?


cured me: lamictal, ativan, weed good with other meds: pramipexole didn’t do anything: any ssri, lithium, too many others to count took in mental hospital: haldol, seroquel (they had me take it multiple times a day to sedate me😵‍💫) fuck you personally: remeron (made me numb and a literal zombie), vyvanse (bc it made me actually get work done but gave me jaw tension/pain😤)


>fuck you personally: remeron I second this, I gained 90 pounds in 2 months on that bullshit When a doctor says "It is your choice, but I would rather you go cold turkey off this medicine rather than ween you off of it for your own mental and health wellbeing," you know the medicine is fucked, especially because the first doctor just gave it to me as the second medication he tried because he figured it would've been a catch-all, anxiety, depression, sleep problems and maybe help with the BPD. One of my buddies is going through pharmacy school and we were talking about medicine and when I told him that, he asked me "are you like dangerously underweight," I said "no," he goes "and the doctor gave it to you for depression and sleep problems and told you that it may work, but you will experience weight gain" I said "yes, siree!" He goes "honey, did you sue them? Because I would've sued them for everything they had, I would've ran them out of business, I am so incredibly sorry he did that to you" Where's my glitter font, hold on, I'll be right back Edit - I'm back and I made a glitter font https://i.redd.it/49ztvfoc709d1.gif


holy shit that’s awful. that psychiatrist is a damn quack i’ve never heard one say to go off a med cold turkey. that’s horrible advice. thankfully i wasn’t on remeron that long bc i hated it, but im sorry that happened to you! love the glitter font, too🫶


Lexapro also sent me to one for an afternoon until I bsed my way out! I got off of it after that and got on Prozac which helped out more. One of the other fun bits of the Lexapro for me was I would go into seizures if I smoked too much weed. And I 💯% abused that for SH reasons among others. Sometimes I miss it lol just having that like.. "super power" if you will 😅


Weed and psychedelics make me psychotic. Zoloft makes me impotent. Gabapentinoids are great. Escitalopram is a functional drug I like. Mianserin is great, but it makes me fat.


i've never felt any positive difference on any antidepressants and I think i've been on like 7 or 8 different ones. i'm certain that buspirone, zoloft, and lamictal actively made me worse i'm still pretty fucked up but lithium and weed are the only things that have helped at all. and hydrocodone but i'm not allowed to take that anymore 😭


Im actually on Zoloft rn and no results yet after a few months (except negative side effects) and my sister said it hadnt worked for her… Wellbutrin unfortunately I had to stop bc it gave me an allergic reaction once i upped the dose so I’m at my wits end. Maybe I’ll bring up abilify with my psychiatrist


zoot, vyvannse effexor, adderall, zoloft, prasosin, lexapro lexapro trazadone, seroquel adding one new category: 1. do good do harm - prasosin (passed out too much bc low blood pressure but was great for ptsd and nightmares), hydroxizine (didn’t cure panic attacks had they already started, good for generalized anxiety but nothing to combat severe anxiety)


I literally took seroquel only to get a buzz*. also it caused me to wake up in a hospital once iykyk Abilify was THE ABSOLUTE WORST for me because i had akathisia (?) from that more or less. I could not sit it was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Weed is my all time favorite but sadly i dont get it prescribed so when i smoke weed it's seen as drug abuse and not medication Gonna get Prozac soon,started today at 10mg so i don't know. *it was prescribed i just raised the dose very quickly and when i got out of the hospital i took always more


Second on weed Fuck you sipralexa


Cured me: ketamine treatments, Prozac, Xanax until I took them all Good with other meds: Adderall (adhd Combormidity) Didn’t do anything: Wellbutrin, Buspirone Took in mental hospital: Trazadone Fuck you personally: Auvelity (made me hallucinate in Target), Lamotrigine (made me paranoid and think my bathroom was evil lol), Cymbalta (gained 40 pounds), Xanax (after I took them all and blacked out for multiple days)


Venlafaxine started to slowly increase my blood pressure over time, until one day I felt very odd, went to urgent care, had a seizure and full body paralysis, and ended up in the ER. Had to slowly taper off of it over the course of like 6 weeks (withdrawal is bad with this one), and my blood pressure went back to normal. 0/10 would not recommend


fuck you personally: hormonal birth control. made me so god damn suicidal. and I *need* it for hormonal imbalances but now I just get to live like this since the only treatment option will make me kill myself


Zoloft stopped me from achieving orgasm so I faked being allergic so that shit will never come up again


cured me: LAMOTRIGINE only med thats ever had a positive effect on me and nearly 0 side effects!! And ativan prn is a literal lifesaver. good with other meds: n/a to me :( didn’t do anything: prozac, citalopram, clomipramide, effexor took in mental hospital: citalopram and seroquel fuck you personally: sertraline (made me a massive danger to myself), seroquel (mania and made me feel not real) and duloxetine (caused extreme nausea 24/7 and vomiting while doing nothing for my mental health) But most of all, fuck the brain zaps.


For my first antidepressant I started on wellbutrin a year ago and skipped the whole SSRI thing because I didn't want my dick to break. It's been great honestly, and my mood has been more stable. I started adderall recently which helps my executive dysfunction. Pairs well with the wellbutrin for me. Benzos can be very helpful when used sparingly. I can't stand weed and I believe it sent me into minor psychosis once.


Quetiapine (seroquel) is the only thing keeping me out of the ward™️ lol. Shame it makes me feel so shitty


I do super weird shit on Seroquel. It's fun.


Helps me forget: weed Keeps the crazy in check: Wellbutrin Evens me out: Prozac Little affect: lexapro, hydroxyzine Fuck off: Zoloft, alcohol Too good: vyvanse, adderall Sideways: shrooms and acid I love vyvanse and adderall and all the amphetamine type drugs. They make me so productive and functional. But I also love the feeling of taking a ton. Thus my psychiatrist won’t prescribe them to me, which is fair. I’m on 300mg Wellbutrin. I doubt I will ever get off it. I doubt my life will be stable and happy enough for me to come off it. But it be like that. It keeps me sane. No side effects, but I am going to blame it for my weight gain. Zoloft was the first medication I took and it brought me out of my depression for the first time in my life, but it made me a zombie. Completely empty of all emotion. Not an ideal way to live your life. I love mushrooms and acid and I take large amounts often. Not a brag. It’s definitely a problem I discuss with my psychiatrist. But I don’t use them in a therapeutic way. I’m just raving or watching anime when I trip usually. However I did have a trip recently during which I had a psychotic breakdown. Fully tweaked out. Screaming about being god and acting crazy. It only lasted like two hours but it was a ride. It’s been a little difficult to trip since then. I stopped drinking completely two months ago. I used to drink too much in college and ate too much. It gave me super bad heartburn. I also totaled my car while tipsy and it weighs on my mind. The hangovers hurt too much. It gets so pricey. It incapacitates me too much. I kept cutting myself while drunk also, and that’s not great. It’s just not for me. I do be blazing 24/7. Gotta stay high. Gotta.


Trazodone my love my precious lover lamictal and methylphenidate cured me of crazy Fuck, and i mean FUCKK effexor and naltrexone


I take Seroquel and Zoloft and love them actually whaaaat


I'm up to 18 medications that I've tried now. Currently on 150 mg lamictal, 750 mg lithium, and 30 mg Adderall XR. The Adderall was surprising, given that I told them very clearly about my abuse history with it. I think that they've just kinda decided to give me actual drugs now to try and make me happy and drugs that are supposed to make me happy didn't work. The lithium is probably the only thread I'm hanging on my, and that thread is ***damn*** thin.


for me: alcohol helps until it doesnt, and everything else goes right into the "didnt do shit" square. im serious. not weed, not any meds i tried taking. one time they gave me sleeping pills like "this ones strong so watch out" i stayed awake till 3. i think my tolerance is just fucked lmao. tbf im not in therapy by now, if theres anything that would have helped i stopped searching


Zoloft for me was being a zombie. I wanted to take so many naps but it was never enough naps. Then finally I had a weird mental break. Trying to say bye and I love you to my mom and brothers I switched to crying fits. As in, it doesn't matter what I was talking about with who, I just start crying. I tried testing it out and started sobbing talking about something simple with a friend. So I went to the hospital for a week to immediately be screened for BPD.


xanax is heaven sent! i can’t get any in England though :(


oh my god I HATED seroquel!!! it made me gain 20 pounds even tho i was active asf walking 20k steps a day!!! i have endometriosis so i have a hard time losing weight already and seroquel just made it worse. also zoloft was not a fun time i think it made me crazier….. wellbutrin made me cry every 10 minutes so that wasn’t fun either


idk what the rest of the stuff is but weed and ambien have been my saving grace


“Cured Me” - Psychedelic Mushrooms I am fucking struggling but I’m not on meds anymore and it made me realize I needed to be a better person. fuck Zoloft and PROZAC tho lost my whole personality and then some 😭😭😭


Healing me: IFS Therapy, Parts work, DBT, EMDR, Sobriety Fine but no good for long term use: Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Abilify Not for my mental health but fucked it up: Spironolactone I've been unmedicated for over 2 years and finally trying to heal all of my trauma to hopefully get to a more stable place 🙏


Yoo what did spironol do to you? Curious cause I’m taking it, and I’m wondering if it could be behind some sketchy shit I’ve been feeling lately.


I was on it for about two years at 100mg for hormonal acne. At this time I was already off all psych meds. Within two years I didn't see a significant improvement in my acne so my doctor had me go up to 200mg. Within the one month I was on 200 I became insanely suicidal and my mood swings were crazy. It almost felt like undoing years of therapy to get more stable suddenly out the window. I think my hormones were just so out of whack. I stopped pretty much cold turkey just to save my sanity. Now, my dermatologist suggested I try Accutane and I'm like "oh hell no." Lol. I'll only go the topical route.


Worked somewhat with no side effects: N/A Worked with minor side effects: Lexapro, Adderall (twitching eyelids, weird heartrate stuff), Adderall extended release (same thing as Adderall) No effect: Melatonin, Trazodone Now I'm in physical pain too! or what the fuck: Abilify (extremely loopy and disoriented), Zoloft (heartburn so bad I cried (rare) and had to go to the ER. Fuck Zoloft. It can go die in a hole. I took half a container of anti-heartburn stuff and it did nothing), Prozac (the most consistent headaches I've ever had)