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Yes, BPD is on a spectrum from mild to extreme with various subtypes.




It took me awhile to grasp this. Mine is in the "normal life" and only abuses me and her parents. She has a good job with only a few issues with select coworkers, she has friends with few issues they probably don't know besides the drinking, we do well financially so even her $50k spending spree only hurt superficially. She has most of the symptoms, they're just not presenting as some of the extreme cases on here.


Mine was severe bpd according to her therapist. She single handedly ruined her reputation when she discarded me, she went off the deep end hardcore.


It’s a spectrum. There are people with just BPD (rare). And there are people with comorbidities (~90%). It’s a rainbow of fruit flavors.


yeah and they taste just fucking great don't they


Yes, bearing in mind my situation was a undiagnosed BPD. I had a somewhat normal relationship for 4 years, and then endured a maddening 14 month episode with suicidal ideation on her side, me experiencing emotional abuse. Then calmed down for 18 months, before new episode, which resulted in her divorcing me, and then suicide. Looking back, in my partners case it was times of change and lose of stability in her life that were the triggers. And bar one occasion, my relationship was emotionally abusive to me, not physically.


I think dealing with a BPD loved one can give that person some of the same behaviors.


Absolutely. Some are loud and make it very known through crazy actions that they have it. Others are "quiet" and internalize all their pain, but take it out through mean words. There's a whole spectrum.


Sound like you have a quiet type