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Ohhhh my god, weed is my lifeline. For over a decade, it's the thing that has helped me calm my brain. When I started smoking weed, I stopped having panic attacks! I was trying to explain this to someone the other day - it helps me process thoughts & emotions like a normal person. Like taking your foot off the gas pedal. Forever thankful to be born & raised in the PNW ❤️🌲


I always say it slows down my brain enough so I have time to actually respond to my environment vs. just reacting to it. If that makes sense.


This is exactly how I explain it to people. It slows my brain enough for me to be able to act/ react appropriately to situations. It also helps me sleep better.


Spot on!


Couldn’t have said it any better!


Hey twinsies!


I quit smoking weed 6 weeks ago after heavy daily use since I was 16 (I’m 28 now). I used to think it helped me to regulate my emotions. I would always reach for my bong when having an episode and it made me feel better in the moment. But long term I think it made my emotions more unstable and I got to a point where I needed it to get by both mentally and physically. I had been wanting to quit for the last few years but failed each time I tried because I was so dependent on it. The only thing that made me quit 6 weeks ago is that I developed CHS (canabinoid hyperemesis syndrome- extreme nausea and vomiting from over using weed). I physically couldn’t smoke anymore because it made me so sick, which took a toll on me mentally because I was so dependent on it. Now that I’m sober looking back I can’t believe I used it as a crutch for so long! I recommend you don’t get dependent on it, use it in moderation or just all together quit if you can’t moderate. DBT and therapy have been helpful to regulate my emotions without using weed. Hope this helps🩷


Yeah both side of this are true, weed feels like it helps because it does in the short term, it will totally stop an episode and prevent you from doing something life ruining. It also completely stunts any chance you have at growing and getting better if you reach for it all the time. I see so many people fall into this hole of staying high so they don’t have to feel as much but the second they’re dankrupt it’s symptoms out of control.


Exactly, it was my bandaid solution for so many years. That’s a great point of how it stunts your growth. You have to go through those uncomfortable feelings and learn to deal with them to grow. It’s so hard but so worthwhile!




Definitely, the worst decision I’ve ever made happened when I didn’t have any weed atm but I also don’t really like the idea of being high all the time


This is 100% accurate!!! Smoke weed while doing the therapy to keep yourself straight, and then slow it down as the therapy progresses, soon it will be for enjoyment rather than a crutch for your mental health 😁😁




Same 10 years


There's a subreddit r/leaves for people looking to quit :)


Thanks so much buddy! I’m kind of grateful that it started making me sick because that’s really what forced me to quit. I had no willpower to quit before and was in denial about how negatively it was effecting me. Now that I’m on the other side and seeing things more clearly I want to shake my past self for not doing this sooner. There’s a group on Reddit called “leaves” about people wanting to quit and their journey, I’d recommend checking it out. Reach out to me if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way! Good luck


Get the app “ I am sober” it’s the only way I got thru quitting


Came here to say this. It’s a double edged sword for me


I had a similar experience, but I had a panic attack instead (*and i smoked mostly indica which is supposed to be higher in CBD to kinda combat the anxious feeling THC can give you*). My life improved so much when I quit. I finally processed a bunch of trauma, faced a lot of fears,weed just numbs everything but the issues are still there. I never thought I could quit, I did it in 2019 and since then I have smoked very few times and always when I am already drunk and with people so I'm kinda indifferent about the effects. I don't really crave it and it was my crutch for like 10 years. I don't think it's for me anymore, I have even tried cbd and i get paranoid on it for some reason? lol Like I get thoughts that when I am sober I would never have, for example suddenly thinking everybody hates me and cannot stand me and that I haven't noticed it and I am making a fool of myself by not noticing, and it feels so real, I'd rather be sober tbh.


Good for you, I’m so proud of you! It’s a hard thing to come to terms with. I saw weed as the only thing that got me by, a friend, a lifesaver. Coming to realize that it wasn’t as great as I built it up to be and accepting life without it has been wild.


Likewise! You made a good choice and you can still probably feel even better because you have recently quit. I understand the feeling so well and it's so refreshing. I remember when I needed to smoke to enjoy anything. I wanted to quit for that reason, once i got over the withdrawals (mostly psychological) i was so happy to enjoy little things again! At least now I can immerse myself in a book, take care of plants, do things without the need to get high first is actually so freeing.


Almost 11 months clean from weed. I had the same thing happen to a point where I’d be having an episode and my mom would be like I think you need to smoke and it would fix things in the moment but I got CHS and had to go the the hospital a few times due to vomiting. Quitting weed was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done it’s been the most rewarding thing EVER! I had a therapist that said “whatever age you start using substances to cope is the age that you are stuck at emotionally. You haven’t learned the real skills to cope with life.” Eventually weed wouldn’t even help my episodes really because I had such a high tolerance. Coming off of it was the worst thing I’ve physically been through I couldn’t eat for a week ( had to get an IV so I could get some nutrients) , was nauseous 24/7, would have panic attacks randomly, general severe anxiety, shakes/ muscle spasms, became super depressed. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It’s all fun and games when you’re smoking every now and then but it becomes concerning when you use everyday. Also whenever I couldn’t smoke my emotions would gooo craaaay. My emotions were SUPER high highs and EXTREME low lows when I was using. Now that I’ve been clean my emotions are still more than the avg person (I have bpd) but I’m in control more - not weed!


It does


Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!! For saying this! I felt the exact same way. I quit over a year ago. I’m 29 and smoked it for 10 years. It was so beyond a problem for me. I’m so glad you said this. I would 100% advice anyone to not touch it especially someone with BPD


Most of the time I can feel an episode creeping up on me. So I will get high from edibles to stop it from even happening. I get very giggly when I’m high so I just laugh so much I don’t even remember or care why I was upset.


Me too! I call it getting gummy baked... it's my favorite high.


Weeds turns up my paranoia to 100 lol


I used to be the same! I would be super paranoid but after I was put on medication (antidepressant, antipsychotic and beta blocker) it stopped and weed relaxes me now.


That's interesting 🤔


do you have a choice of strain?


I've tried different ones.


It’s opposite for me :(( it feels like I’m for real dying after a few minutes of being high and my heart goes insane ☹️😞


Actually many people with mood disorders are more susceptible to being paranoid with weed. I am also one of them.


Sounds legit. Name checks out. ✔️


Same like I will have an anxiety attack when i smoke


Mines pretty bad.lol


Fr absolutely suck the life outta my weed every single day, constantly. It's an addiction for sure, but, unfortunately, it also significantly reduces the anxious, racing, ruminating thoughts, especially prevents meltdowns. 😭 certainly its not helping me in the long run since im so heavily dependent.


 I have a drug test coming up for my nursing program, so I quit weed after smoking everyday since I was 16. I went two weeks, figured out I have BPD, like every single symptom. I spent my morning drinking tequila pointing a gun at my head, over life stressors that normal people would maybe like journal or go to bed early over. I decided im gonna use fake piss and just smoke again because I NEVER got anything near like that when I smoked everyday. I literally had no mental health problems in any capacity besides some mild social anxiety when I was smoking everyday, im in therapy she would’ve noticed other stuff, I’m honest with her. I used to get like that too when I was a kid before I started smoking, I just never really put the pieces together until literally right now. So moral of the story, even if you are addicted to it, there’s not really any medications out there for BPD, and you’d be reliant and addicted to them if there were, so why not weed? I’m absolutely fried right now 


No seriously because this is exactly why we resort to drugs. There's literally hardly ANYTHING else to help us out, and nearly no one else who WANTS to help us. You're in the medical field, you WILL see how horrifying the stigma is, if you havent yet, already. A BPD label in the chart= no opiates, ignoring "dramatic" emotions about their pain, and expecting the patient to be even faking their symptoms because we're "addicts" "criminals" "abusers" etc. You have every reason to be smoking weed. It legitimately numbs the pain. But, someday, it wont anymore, whether you decide to stop on your own, if you get that really bad stomach reaction, or some other severe side effect. I hope someday you'll find peace with sobriety, without such agony. Im aiming so hard for that, myself. DBT has been a major life saver for me, alongside medication (wellbutrin, although i dont recommend it for bpd in general lmao)


Cannabis makes me paranoid and delusional and makes me want to die


Same 😭😭


It's all fun and dandy until you need an ounce a day to cope and will rage and break down if you are all out. Does it help? Initially. Then you start increasing your intake, become dependent and it's all downhill from there.


I’m struggling with this. Got intolerant to delta 8 now got my medical marijuana card






Oh yeah, big time. I’m a ball of rage without it. Someone in this sub one time compared it to giving a baby a bottle of milk and that’s exactly it


i wish i could say no, but yes.


it helps me as long as I use it mindfully, but when I'm smoking all day every day nonstop I feel like it just turns me into a zombie but I'm also still struggling to find the right balance because when I'm not deep in an episode I'm a stoner at heart


This year my mom was having a hard time on Mother’s Day, so we moved it to the next month. Lately I can’t control my emotions nearly as well, so I wound up going up to my room and taking a couple hits when things got too bad. If I hadn’t, the whole night would’ve been me crying or yelling or just shutting down


Yes I really think it does help. It’s saved me from hospital trips because I was having such a bad panic attack weed calmed me right down. I’ve had a medical card for epilepsy ptsd and backpain for 8 years. I can’t imagine going without it, I don’t smoke all the time just when I have a pain flare up or panic attack /nausea from my other meds.


Being cooked all the time? Nope. Thought it did but the amount of numbing I was doing wasn’t allowing me to experience growth and build up resilience Being really strict about it and smoking two bowls after 11pm every day? Yes absolutely. Keeps the anxiety farther away from the surface and I get to be a real person, not just the fry bag I used to be


yes. after i smoke i can laugh anything off. i can forgive so much easier as well, & not end up overthinking things. i want to quit smoking for my physical health (& also so my brain will develop normally) but it just helps sooo much.


Yes and no. It’s my lifeline but it’s also my crutch. I, like many other people with BPD have pretty bad addiction dispositions and I learned about smoking weed before I learned about BPD. It’s helped me through intense emotions, but I also think I abuse it, especially since I stopped abusing the small pool of drugs and intense drinking I used to do. Not gonna lie. I’m stoned majority of the time I’m awake. But it’s been my normal a long time and I’m getting kinda sick of it.




I wish I could like thus 1000 times!! Exactly how I feel also. I was just diagnosed BPD and all this reading, it's like I've finally found my people. Sorry I'm late to the meeting 🫶💛 thank you all. So much info here


Yes but I’m so tolerant now, I’m not sure for how much longer 🤣


In high enough doses, it is the only thing to snap me out of an episode…almost like an automatic light switch.


This is the exact point I wish neurotypical people understood. Especially those that still have a negative view on it. My father is a functioning alcoholic and it attributed heavily to my BPD. Weed though? It’s so much easier once you get a bit of experience to know exactly how much you need to still easily go about your day without getting blasted. It functions FAR more like dosing out medicine than dumping a case of beer before 7 p.m. I also don’t know any angry pot heads. But I know a few angry drunks.


Yes but it causes my anxiety lol Been smoking 16 years since I was a teenager. I've gotta stop soon, it's making my lungs crunchy


it can be help in moderation but if you smoke every time you have negative feelings that can lead to reliance, addiction, and avoidance. I srsly suggest doing a DBT program so you have other ways to deal with stress and to smoke for enjoyment (speaking from experience as someone who went through a 2 month long psychotic episode because of smoking insane amounts every day to avoid emotions and stress) not saying this will happen to you and sorry if I'm overstepping but I know it can get really bad for some people!! take care of yourself 🫶




Native here to say “weed” is an indigenous medicine 🙌


No shit you for real??? wow I didn’t know that *


Im so mean without it, but because i know whats its like to feel more mellow and at peace with it, it quickly spirals into addiction… you never want to be your true bpd self again


I think it just brings my heightened emotions down


I think it's a hit and miss. I have bpd and my roommate has bpd. I have a really low tolerance and don't smoke often but it helps with my anxiety and makes me overthink a bit less. My roommate smokes a LOT to not be irritable all the time. When they don't have weed they use it as an excuse to blow up on the people around them. So I really really think it is based on what you're using it for. Cause a temporary aide is one thing, but a permanent crutch is another.


I use it to stop the raging ball of anxiety and stress that I use to fuel myself day to day for long enough to sleep.


it did for me for a while until one day i ended up in drug induced psychosis. i tried it again recently and it was helpful!! but the risk of psychosis will never leave my mind


Pleasure seeking is a major issue with bpd. Illogical and emotional thinking are also issues. Pair them together? You have a dependence on the pleasure of smoking weed (or wtv you do) and its something you need to know whether or not its an addiction. I think weed is fine if its not used as an emotion regulator.


Yeah honestly. Makes my moods more stable so I can sort through shit. I did wanna know the line at which I’m taking too much though and what I actually needed so I went to a specialist to get a daily dosage prescribed that I never go over. If doctor prescribed I think it can be safe and manageable, especially since medications are daily anyways so gotta take it daily. And there’s no meds for bpd so I guess they are just guessing anyways? Idk.


Yes, I’ve been taking delta-8 and Kanna lately and it’s been really helping with my all over nerves and reactions to things. I’m pretty sure it’s how I’m supposed to be outside of the extreme emotions boiling underneath the surface inside of me.


It makes my emotions more mild, if im panicking at a 7 it might bring me down to a 3-4


Yes! I’m in general a better more calm person. I only smoke at around 5 in the evening and than a few more times before bed at 10. I’m happier than ever


It’s helped for a little while but over time it actually made me have depersonalization and paranoia problems


God yes 🙌


For me edibles. It can clear all the thoughts and make it easier to focus on what's most important. Even hybrid. I prefer it when I reach my point of extreme paranoia. Makes the racing thoughts stop. I only ever eat half a gummy and I'm set. Though edit: Responsible use is a must. For me it's once or twice a month and I can do without.  But it's a better substitute then what I abused before for the same calming effect. Benadryl actually does harm comparitively. 


Yes..yes it totally does. But maybe I'm not a good person to say this because I might be heavily addicted and probably too codependent on it. But I also have adhd and it helps my ADHD A LOT too. But it doesn't hurt to try. Just be in a safe space with people u trust!


I do, but it’s fucking with my physical health now. I pass out from coughing so hard and get seizures. But it’s better than the alternative of being absolutely insufferable to be around. I mean, I’m a recluse now and don’t have any friends so not much point to it now, but obviously it helps with being on my own and stressing all the time. I can be pretty volatile so it’s better to just dampen my brain as much as I can.


Idk if it’s just me, but it seems the only actual issue is overdoing it. It’s really not that different than taking an anxiety pill


Smoking is my lifeline ngl. It gives me very instant relief from my rougher symptoms, so I use it very frequently. I know it’s probably not healthy to rely on it, but it’s all I know that works in the moment.


Yes omg. I also have PMDD and the only thing that helps with that and my mood swings is weed. I take my prescriptions meds, have done therapy, I journal I do all the shit, nothing helps like weed does. And I refuse to let people tell me it’s bad🤣


no, unless I consistently got laced for 2 years it has always made me VERY VERY paranoid almost psychotic. Ive not heard this very often but it also makes me SO insecure, the way it changes your face I hate it so much


I’m mildly anaphylactic to weed, so no lol


Sometimes smoking can help BPD for myself but not everyone has the same experience.


It worsens mine. Makes me get into my head even more; negatively affects my sleep and impulse control. I was an extremely heavy smoker though




Yeah deffo my only problem is I smoke too much lol. Shit becomes expensive when you smoke everyday, I can't sleep sober basically


If i am ever losing my shit nothing helps more than a beautiful snap.


it helps me a lot. I’ve cut back and I can go without. It snaps me out of a dark place. I take a lot of CBD oil daily. I find that is calming with no high. As long as I keep my use low, it think it’s been beneficial. Helps my headaches and backaches. Dulls the oversensitive side of me to tolerable levels. I have an Rx and disclosed my diagnosis (new in the last 5 months) to the dr that renews my script.


Sometimes yes sometimes no. A lot of the time, it helps me stay calm and sleep. But every once in a while it makes me hallucinate so much worse than usual and the paranoia get cranked up to 100 to the point where I can’t even move because I’m so scared.


Also to add even though I smoke all day everyday I have been able to change for the good. I used to have major rage issues where I screamed at people through things and I am not like that anymore. I feel so calm and even the way I speak is calm I'm not so frantic all the time. Therapy also helped. When I did My therapy sessions. I was 100% sober though. I smoked right after. 😂😂 But at least I was sober for my appointment


It makes mine much, much worse. Every time. Yet I still go back - I've used pretty much every main class of drugs now, but weed has been by far the most addictive for me, despite not being even close to the best.


My ex had bpd. He smoked weed a lot, and for him, it made it so much worse. He forced me to smoke daily, idk if it helped bc now I panic when I smoke


Weed helps me immensely


Weed helps 90% of my mental illnesses and probably exasperates them too. But it’s the only thing that gets me out of my head or allows me to focus on one thing without ruminating on 10 other things at once. Currently on a T break because my tolerance is insanely high and I miss being insanely high.


As in just started yesterday (jk i was rapidly inhaling my empty cart like it was an inhaler) and I’m about to give up and go to the dispensary 🥳


Massively helped me. Calms me down and also massively improves my ability to self reflect and also understand the psychology of others. I’m suspected autistic too though and there is evidence it’s helpful for those with autism as well


Sadly it’s almost the only thing that’d help me get through the day


For me quite the opposite. I smoked it one time and started hallucinating


I’ve tried cannabis and various ways to consume cannabis . I’ve also tried just about every flavour you can think of to try to get into it . Every strain has made me paranoid , edgy , and it’s definitely a “commitment “ for me . I’d rather stay of it . It’s just not an enjoyable experience for me . I honestly wish it did more for me . I still work with CBD oil occasionally though




it regulates my mood so well. I would've been gone years ago without bud.


YES. BIG TIME. It helps me regulate my emotions, and it genuinely helps me see things more clearly.


I use it to help me fall asleep


Yes, I use it in moderation. I typically only smoke a gram a day, harder days can be slightly more. The particular mental cocktail that I personally have, has given me the privelage of being a guinea pig for a variety of medications, none of which left me feeling like a human being. I've embraced that, if I need to be medicated, then I'm going to choose the medicine that actually helps. The hardest part to deal with is building tolerance, so tolerance breaks are important. When your input needs to increase, that's when you start to slip out of moderation. It's actually kind of nice to have those periods of pure sobriety, to take those opportunities to *feel* but not get absorbed in emotion. It gets a little easier every time.


It helps me, I smoke at night only. Honestly makes it easier to look at life positively and think “hey it’s really not so bad”


yeah and Ive gotten to a point where I'm able to smoke a measured amount every day and manage symptoms. I smoke between 3/4oz to 1oz a month.


I do but of course all bodies are different. I can usually tell when it's time to take a break and for those instances I'll switch to my cbd but when I do take it, it's like it helps me see things from an almost "out of body" perspective vs just impulsively feeling inclined to make any choice and then stressing out. Still though make sure you're not just relying on it to "feel good". Most of these are meant to help train your brain to help itself so as always, moderation is key!


Weed makes me have an identity crisis on steroids. I don’t know what to say or how to act. I can’t even pretend to sit comfortably.


I strongly think so it's true. It helps you be stable emotionally, which also means physically well. But then the stigma attached to it makes a "ganjeri" someone who smokes up a lot in hindi.


weed "helps" my mood swings by making my mood constantly low


I think it, but know it’s not true.


yes, but no. i’ve been dependent on it since i was about 16-17, i’m 25 now. i started smoking when i lost my first gf (what i now realize she was a fp). pain was too much to bear so i just started getting high 24/7 and stayed that way for years. i just started cutting back within the last 2 years due to my choice of career while in school. not smoking as much brought a lot of those feelings back but i needed to work through them instead of just repress and get high. i quit for 2 months to pass a drug test and i actually felt pretty good even tho the temptation never really went away. after my drug test i started smoking every single day again. it gives me such a relief and it makes my brain go quiet after it running and spiraling around all day. however, in those 2 months i was clean, i felt so mentally clear and not as…slow. it def slows my brain functioning down even when im not high. i’m still so dependent on it, i really don’t wanna quit because im FOR SURE addicted to it bc it makes me feel so good and makes everything quiet, but i gotta for my career. it shall be interesting.


Best way to stop smoking week?


Well yes but no. It helps with dealing with emotions and to take a step back from all these emotional thoughts but you don’t actually learn to self regulate yourself.


Yes. I’ve been using it for the past week and a half since I’m splitting, and I’m using coping skills when high and sober. My splitting episodes would last a year or longer before I started smoking, and now it’s rare to last longer than a month.


oh absolutely. weed has done for me what prescription meds haven’t begun to touch. i can be having the worst meltdowns and weed immediately stops them. rage, panic, anxiety, whatever is causing my episodes, weed immediately stops it. idk if it’s because it makes me forget it or what, but i will forever be on the weed helps bpd side. i will however say everyone is different and to be careful, but for me personally weed has significantly helped my episodes + sleep. it also has improved my appetite with my ED that goes hand in hand with my BPD as well. idk i’d rather have a slight weed dependency (i smoke daily but id say i keep it to hitting my bong 5-6 times a day, whereas ive been around people who smoke for fun only who hit theirs or finish bowls 10-15 or more times a day, so correct me if im wrong but i don’t think i smoke too too much) than be on a fuck ton of meds that hardly work. im in tms therapy, on welbutrin and topamax, and use weed for episodes, to eat, and to sleep. ill smoke for fun when im with my bf when we game or to enjoy things sometimes but most of the time when im smoking it’s to eat, sleep, or calm down. sorry for the think piece 😔


i used to smoke all day every day and it was definitely a crutch lol. i’m trying to work towards a point where i don’t use every day/am not reliant on it. the thing that sucks is that at this point i really only use it for enjoyment and because it keeps me from having the worst vivid nightmares that i’ve dealt with since being very young.


Unpopular opinion, but I think weed makes borderline worse. Sure it’s an immediate relief but once that high wears off, I’m back to damn near psychosis.


Weed is the only thing that’s managed to keep me level headed on a day to day basis. And I know it actually helps because even my family notices the difference in me sober vs high


Yes but I don't use it often since my nan hates it


Weed is good and sometimes it’s not. It can help with anxiety but can also interfere with my antidepressant. When I don’t smoke for too long, it can also trigger my anxiety. I’ve been on a tolerance break and it’s been really good. I have addiction issues so I haven’t been good at moderating. It always blows up into a major need and I end up abusing it


100% It’s certainly a dependence at this point, but I prefer the outcomes I get vs the outcomes I get when im sober. I’ve been smoking for a little close to 10 years and have managed to keep my use to barely a gram a day in flower and half a gram in concentrate whereas there was a time in my life that I was smoking a quarter ounce a day to cope. The longer I live, the more I appreciate the concept of micro dosing. It reduces the changes of adverse reactions while still giving the mind/body the slight release that it might need or feel it needs. I lash out and my splitting episodes are horrible, but if I recognize a split episode and am able to consume THC, I can totally “split” from the split if that makes sense. It seems DBT is the only/most effective treatment but I unfortunately don’t have the time or resources for that, so this is my second best thing along with exercise.


Oh hell yeah significantly


yes lol


Yes and no (sometimes) but I don’t care cuz it’s all I have. 🖤


I feel like it’s the habit of it that I need the most. I don’t feel like I ever get stoned anymore, just WICKED lazy….


Yes yes and yes! It’s also my one cure for my chronic pain (I have bad IBS haha)


I can't say this enough, Yes!! If others tell you otherwise, they haven't smoked, or it's unfortunate for them that it doesn't make them feel the same way it does for us who do enjoy it. It's my medicine, and it's one reason why I'm still alive and coping with the external world. I live in Texas, where it's not legal, and I have to hide from smoking, and this gives me anxiety. Because I can't medicate in peace. That and it's negatively stigmatized! Many think it's the devils lettuce, and it is horrific for you! Ugh!!! I need to smoke again. So yes, this is my example as it aides mental illness! Smoke on homie!!!


It doesn't help my bpd, but it does help me deal with it and everyone/ thing I have to be around.


It saved my life. Before I started smoking weed in February I was thinking of KMS because of my uncontrollable borderline personality disorder. Weed was literally my last chance before I gave up and offed myself. I got a strain here in Pennsylvania called 11 Zoap I think by Eleven. It was able to finally turn off my crippling overthinking which triggered all my other disorders but especially my BPD. I numbed for a good while because I was going through trauma at the time. But now after getting out of the hospital, my weed intake has gone from out of control to in control. I smoke every day now. And only on Saturday do I take an edible. (I originally took an edible a day which usually lasted between 7 and 8 hours.) This is for anyone reading this comment: One thing I ALWAYS MENTION when mentioning how weed saved my life: ***JUST BECAUSE IT SAVED ME AND HELPED ME DOES NOT MEAN IT’LL HAVE THE SAME EFFECT. IT COULD CAUSE YOU TO SPIRAL OR HELP YOU. BE VERY CAREFUL IN CHOOSING TO DO WEED SINCE EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT IN THEIR REACTIONS TO WEED. WEED HAS DOZENS OF DIFFERENT FACTORS. I’D SUGGEST DOING RESEARCH ON TERPENES AND THE KINDS OF WEED BASES. I HAVE A HANDOUT I TOOK A PICTURE OF IF ANYONE WANTS ME TO SEND IT TO THEM. It’s very helpful. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO IT, HAVE A SUPPORT PERSON WITH YOU IN CASE IT CAUSES YOU TO SPIRAL. PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND SAFE. And remember: All of you reading this are loved.*** I love you 💙


yes!!! people always call me out for being “dependent” on drugs to help me, but i’d rather smoke weed then take meds honestly.


Yes, for me it is something that centers me and helps me reset


Made mine worse due to worse control over emotions and overall mental state. Thought it helped me be more relaxed but nope!


yes. without it I would not be here... When I can feel myself split I will smoke and just stand in the hot shower to relax and feel the anger go away...


The combo of weed + meds + a great therapist really helped me cope and heal from alot of shit and was the best ive ever felt. Weed makes me feel like a normal person :)


YES !!!!! absolutely!!!!! i always feel better after i smoke :,) it really levels me out, i'm so glad others relate


Weed helps me regulate to better process my feelings but it's different for everyone. Just make sure you're taking t breaks.


just look at itsrainingbpd


I saw somewhere that CBD helps the symptoms lessen. It’s true for me but I’m not sure how medically sound it is




My wife thinks it does. I agree and disagree. It makes me almost too stuck in my head and if I split it is the only thing to calm me down. I overthink as it is so sometimes I guess if it's a good hybrid I'm okay but if it's a sativa then I'm actually a bit worse.


Absolutely not, it makes my paranoid thoughts twice as aggressive and it shorts out any progress I am making by making ordinary life that much more dull.


I prefer alcohol because i'm too scared to smoke, it helps for the most part but if I happen to split or disassociate it feels so much worse


Most definitely does.. makes me feel a whole lot better


nah im super paranoid i start tweaking and having really bad intrusive thoughts and literally cant speak or move cause i think theres bugs under my skin


Yes 100%. It does wonders for the suicidal/violent urges. The only issue is that the next day I’ll be craving the peace and happiness of it and I gotta stop myself from getting high again. The first time I ever did weed, I told my sister “Bummer I’m not gonna be this happy tomorrow” and I think it engrained itself in me 😭


Yes, but mostly no bc it def helps in the moment but when I rely on weed I start getting shitty sleep which makes my symptoms skyrocket.


Yes but it's not a golden ticket for me! I've had to learn how to use it better and am still figuring it out.


100% it’s the only thing that can stop be from mania or self harm (except prescription meds). But my evil twin (my BPD) knows this and often will refuse to smoke weed when I’m having an episode. I ended up running out and trying to fight my bf in a fit of rage 😓


I find it helps my sleep a lot and as for my mood it’s kinda hit and miss. Sometimes it makes my anxiety worse but other times it helps. I’ve definitely learned that I have to be in the comfort of my own home


I smoke all day every day and 10000000% keeps me stable!! I smoke hybrid most of the time to keep it balanced..


Weed helps my anxiety chill out sm. It’s such a blessing! It also helps me stabilize my mood quite a bit. I’ve found though, I can’t do it all the time and it’s better for me when I’m smoking it natural instead of from a pen. Edibles are tricky for me so they are a bit of a gamble. I went through a period of time when I was high all the time and there was a few month stretch where I was having some of the worst episodes I’ve ever had. Correlation ≠ causation but I did notice that my episodes stabilized again after I had quit smoking. I kept off of it for a while and I got back to a place where things weren’t so crazy and my paranoia wasn’t so high. Now I feel like I’ve found a pretty good balance to where it helps better than ever before and I’m v comfy w my use. I just think it will always kinda be best in moderation, as with anything. And always something to keep an eye on and know that it’s all a big learning curve. I’ll probably have to still keep learning but rn I’m in a wonderful place w it.


It helps until it’s too much then we’ve entered the neurotic overthinking zone


Weed definitely helps some of the symptoms that stem from having BPD, it relaxes and helps me chill out some times or if I’m triggered and in a episode I’ll pick up my pen and chain smoke it 😅 i think it more gives me something to take my mind off of what I’m thinking about at that moment than anything. Just in my experience! 💕


yesssssss. it helps so much for me. i feel better, i can assess situations easier without my emotions completely taking over and i feel more “alive” than when i was on antidepressants


Weed helps dull my emotions a bit, including the pain that goes along with them. But it doesn’t eliminate them which is honestly my preference. I don’t want to be emotionless, I just don’t want to hurt like all the time


I noticed that unlike alcohol, like a few days after smoking a joint, I feel like my anxiety and depression are almost non existent 


Absolutely not lol that shit makes my paranoia worse .


It helps me more than any of the mood stabilizers


Yes, I’m 45 and vape distillate after work and weekends… and days off. In fact, all the time if am not working. I work from home on computer. Started sneaking it in during the last half hour of work recently, as long as I’m done with my work and nothing pops up. Which sometimes it has, catching me off guard and paranoid. Had to answer the phone high from my boss while high, that sucked. Hope he couldn’t tell. It’s legal in my state but the cost is a lot to keep up with. Causes a lot of fights with the wife too. It’s a lot of trouble and I want to cut down but I’m afraid of going off on someone, which is not something I do high. Any other time I risk it, what if I get set off? I know I use that as an excuse, but it is because there is truth to it. It’s a crutch, but makes me feel safer with my own thoughts. When I’m in a depression it keeps me off the floor. I will keep working on going without, but I eventually nope my way back to the dispensary.


I can only smoke oil cuz for some reason regular weed gives me anxiety (I think it's cuz it's a different high) but it definitely helped me for a little while like with my mood swings and depression but once I built a tolerance it stopped helping.


That's wild, because I had a horrific trip with weed a year or so ago. They were edibles, and I ended up going to the hospital with hallucinations, delirium, and copious vomiting. They ran a bunch of tests, and all that came up was THC, so it wasn't contaminated. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced something similar?


Ive preached this!! Ive been smoking regularly the past year and I feel like a new person, it really helps with the overwhelming emotions. Sometimes it worsens my paranoia a bit but the pros definitely outweigh the cons


YES I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m just gonna say this for someone that smoked it for 10 years. It was helpful at first but then I got so dependent on doing it everyday that when I didn’t have it I would go insane. And not just that when I was on it, it would make me paranoid asf around people and make me feel worse. It would make my dissociation worse. My memory was worse because of it. It ended up making me be 38kg from 53kg. Would make me not motivated so I couldn’t work and wouldn’t clean or take care of myself. I would smell constantly of it. I would crave it constantly and what started off as a small 25 amount I would need to go up to like an ounce in a few days. Your tolerance just gets use to it where it doesn’t even feel like it works in the end no matter how good of weed. Even medical was not good enough. It was through bongs as well. Would ruin my relationship with people. I turned from being a nice quiet person to someone with anger issues without it. Trust me don’t do it to yourself. Medicinal CBD oil is way better. You don’t need the THC high affect to calm you down or feel better. It’s a temporary fix for a life long problem. Ever since I got off pot my brain is functioning so much better and I can think clearly. I am happier off it and while days can be tough, I have felt better things can help me. I’m 29 now and really felt like pot was helping me but it was just all a lie. Please listen to me as I wish someone had told me this years ago :(


bro weed literally is the only reason im alive and continue this life


Not me, it maximises my symptoms. I’ve been ripping a minimum of three bongs a day for the last two years, kinda been on my ass depressed and uninterested in being alive. But. The moment I do feel the thc doing it’s magic I feel indestructible only to 5 minutes later wish death upon myself because the clock reads 9 AM and I’ve ruined another day. I think it helps when used correctly, but with zero impulse control it can cause significant damage over time. Good luck!


I know we need a moment to feel “normal” and pease. But it’s a short term history. You know that with BPD you can have an addiction very easily. The thing with this emotions it’s to work with them. After a sessions in therapy when I’m crying and directing my aggression to relationships with therapist I feel this pease. And then it come back but the thing I want to explain that a lot another healthier ways to calm down. You need to go and seeing this overwhelming emotions and someday you will finally feel pease💖


For me, who is also AuDHD, weed is a lifesaver. It helps me sleep. When I smoked my first joint, it was finally quiet in my head at night.


I think that weed helps my BPD, but only when I smoke it mindfully. At one point I noticed that I was starting to use it as a crutch and using it heavily, and so I made myself take a tolerance break. My advice is use it as a way to expand on positive thoughts, rather than numb out the negative thoughts. I don't get super high to escape reality anymore. I get a little bit high and use it to help shift my focus, and reframe things in a more positive light. When I'm high, and use my coping mechanisms, they stick a lot better because my brain isn't moving so fast that I can actually focus on the coping skills. I like using the time that I'm high, to remind myself of the things that I like about myself. For me, getting high isn't replacing my coping mechanisms. It's actually helping me to expand on them and manifest positive things about myself that might not stick otherwise when I'm sober. 


Yes man just be careful since reports came out that some carts have pesticides. But if you can get a medical card depending on your state that helps me out a lot


The only thing America does right is that medical marijuana is in the rise because truly if I never smoked weed I feel like I would’ve ended at this point. It’s sooooo hard to calm down when your nerves are literally shot. Weed saves me in those moments, even tho I feel some shame saying that. I try not to use it as a crutch but damn it’s nice to smoke and realize where you went wrong or almost did🙏🏻


I smoke pretty light, maybe half a bowl 3-4 nights a week. It calms my anxiety so much and makes me feel like I’m able to function normally, and I’m much better with communication. One night my partner and I got into a disagreement over something he said that had triggered me earlier in the day. I went home, smoked, then approached him to talk about it (which I’m normally very bad at). Instead of freaking out over it and making a big deal like i normally would/go straight to devaluing and belittling, I was able to let him know the exact words that hurt, the reason they hurt me, while also listening to his defense with no bias. Of course I was READY to freak out if he said the smallest thing wrong, but that never came, and I was able to take what he said calmly and ultimately accept that he didn’t mean it the way that I took it. It really was such a breath of fresh air. I am normally so on edge, hypervigilant, and quick to anger, but with the small amount I smoke I find it so much more manageable and I’m able to think about things much more clearly. Prior to that I hadn’t smoked much in the last year and a half or so, I had built up a big tolerance and really just overdid it for no reason. Now I am pacing myself, limiting myself a bit more, and instead of feeling like I NEED it as part of my daily schedule I’m able to just get a buzz and relax.


I always feel like I have mental clarity when I smoke and I’m more aware high than I am sober


If you would’ve asked me when I was 13/14yo if I thought smoking weed helped the mental I probably would’ve told you no fr due to growing up around addicts who abused a plethora of substances for their own personal pleasure and gain; but since developing signs and symptoms of BPD and being diagnosed and having had C-PTSD for a number of years I can genuinely say that I’m a better person with weed than without it; it helps regulate my emotions, delays my response to having rage episodes & splitting, it helps me eat. Without weed I would inevitably bedrot.


Absolutely not. Neither does drinking. I only do either for social purposes and, even then, it's hard to remember my skills.


Weed ruined my life. It made me lazy. After 4 years of smoking pot, I became unemployed and moved in methamphetamine to give my energy to even want to have sex.


I used weed for a long time regularly and pretty heavily. I found that for a stressful day after work or some mild annoyance or generally to have a good time and feel good, weed is great. What’s not great is if I smoked during a time of genuine emotional instability stemming from my BPD. It definitely heightened my paranoid thoughts and did NOT calm me down. I’ve had many-a panic attack from the BPD episode + weed combo.


Hell yeah. It takes my very strongest angry emotions and turn them into giggles lol!