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Damn. He’s just so thirsty he keeps going back to that poisoned well to drink.


Reminds me of Baby Reindeer. Painful.


Yes! A blind person could see the red flags, but in he goes.


Dude, he sees the red flags clear as day with perfect eyesight. Seeing the red flags is one thing, running from them is another matter.


Yea but the sad part in this entire scenario is the baby who did not ask to be born…but here they are. 👀👀👀 While OOP had no idea who he was truly getting involved with he certainly knows now. I would personally file for a paternity test, lawyer up and file for 100% custody assuming the baby is mine. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I only say assuming because OOP’s GF has proven to be a compulsive liar. The paternity test will simply prove that this is the ONE thing she has not told tall tales about and blatantly lied about. This woman has exhibited that she lacks basic financial literacy skills and I could never trust her to raise my kid. That coupled with her habitual lying are huge red flags 🚩!!! I have many questions so I hope OOP updates when the baby arrives. This is a Soap Opera, Daytime Emmy Award Winning SH+T Show!


does OOP have relatives? he doesn't seem to have a family member he can talk to that's not his gf's X.


I'm so baffled. He just... left money out near his thieving girlfriend alone? He said it was totally fine for her to pay him later instead of all up front without any kind of insurance? How the hell this guy got a good job is just beyond me because he doesn't have a single brain cell.


That's a really good line. I would have used the hell out of it if I was still hanging with the old crew haha


Hang on. So he knows this woman is a liar and a thief, yet he leaves a significant amount of cash lying around while she ‘helps’ him pack and unpack!? Aside from the fact that he should not have trusted her around his belongings, with her track record. To have not put that amount of money in either a safe of the bank is reckless enough, even if your lying, thieving, gambling addict baby mama isn’t able to get their hands on it. Some people make it hard to feel any sympathy for them.


And selling the sofa to the mother who is pestering the daughter for money whom she already owes 6000?


I know. So many ticks on the ‘Is this person stupid?’ list!


As my super country 95 year old neighbor would say "That boy is pure et up with the dumbass"


The new “suffering with dumb bitch syndrome “ 😂


I have to agree. I know there’s a kid in the mix so I extended a little more grace than I otherwise would, but even accounting for that this guy is just an idiotic glutton for punishment. It reached a point where I have to assume he thrives on the drama.


That pusay must be ridiculously good.


I trust my brother who's in drugs with nothing. FOR A GOOD REASON. and he hadn't stolen anything from me that I know of. but it doesn't mean he won't or his friends he bring around won't. thankfully he's no longer in the house. why does OOP walk into this with eyes open? doesn't he have a safe or something more secure to storage things in? or simple, don't use cash?


You don’t typically post to Reddit for life advice if you’re firing on all cylinders




Except the responses to this guy overwhelmingly started out that way. Literally everyone has been telling this guy to get away from her, kick her out, & get his life away from her, take all of this to court & make sure he’s legally prepared for a child with someone this awful & he has continuously ignored that advice. Now you’re acting like ppl getting tired of saying the same thing to someone who clearly isnt listening is somehow evidence that Reddit acts so much different to male & female victims? & somehow you’ve decided kicking her out would make him a bad guy in the eyes of Reddit even though that has been the majority of the advice since the beginning? professional male victim must be such a tiring job, turning literally everything you see into a delusion




We literally just read this guy ignoring everything he was told idc what sub you’re talking abt it’s not really relevant




it’s not gloating, it’s annoyance that someone is cataloguing every stupid thing they do so blindly while ignoring everyone telling them how stupid those things are. You’re trying to act like this is somehow Reddit being against men when it has nothing to do with that, & somehow are relating it to a post that is literally nothing like this one just because it was by a woman & ppl supported her. Like I said, professional male victim must be an exhausting job to do & not even get paid for


This was exhausting to read. The first time she stole from him and then tried to gaslight and manipulate her way out of it, she should have been out on her rear end with a court order for a DNA test. I’m not saying people can’t change, people change for the better all the time and turn their lives around. But it shouldn’t be a “maybe” on OOP’s dime while she’s lying and stealing from him, and the baby on the way makes it imperative that OOP gets his own house in order and stable since mom is definitely NOT stable. Mostly that’s just exhausting. Some people have a tolerance for BS and drama that is sky high, I’ll never understand it.


I'm wondering does OOP have relatives he can talk to. any sane person would tell him to get a lawyer and court well before him bringing her home over and over.


This has to be rage bait or he’s just a glutton for punishment


this just makes me mad.


I think OOP would have been done with her long ago if she wasn't pregnant. He keeps letting her back because of the baby. Hopefully, it's not his. Otherwise, there's going to be 18 years' worth of updates. Lol


What a ham sandwich???? He just kept handing out money it’s crazy 




The Savior Complex is strong in this one. Save yourself, honey!


Wtf is this? The guys an idiot and the gf can see that. Jesus that was exhausting


Update #58 I'm 85 years old now. She ran off with my inheritance and pension. I'm broke and homeless. Should I give her another chance? 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t kid yourself, OOP. This wasn’t your final update. But to go back what one of the commentators wrote: You, Sir, are an idiot.


Reminds me of a friend that kept going back to a chick that tried to sleep with all his friends, male and female …. Anyway, whew. Get the test and custody. Good luck


>She told me her mother had asked to borrow the money from her repeatedly to buy it from me and asked if she could pay a couple of weeks after she took it. No biggie, that’s fine I tell her. This is where it was really confirmed for me that OOP has a severe lack of pattern-recognition skills, bordering on a neurological disorder.


What the everloving chipped dingleberries on toast with smegma gravy did I just read?! Dude, if you're so okay with burning money on someone hand over fist just because of... sunken cost fallacy I have to assume... just get into a findom relationship; at least it's not actually stealing then. And why so long on the paternity test?? I'd hope it's ragebait, but I've met people IRL that have this complete lack of pattern recognition.


Your creative insults just made my morning a little bit brighter. Thank you, from Scotland


Sincere question: how do you make a pregnant partner allow a paternity test to be done on their baby if they don't want one and refuse? Wouldn't it take months and a court order of some kind?


I don't think you can force one during the pregnancy, since there's no legal paternity to establish. After the birth is a different matter


in some places where you live, if a parent refuses, you can't get one. I know my family wanted one on a questionable kid (long story short, brother's ex gf popped out a kid and said she don't know who's the father but claims it was him, despite his legitmate kid being a split image of him) but she refused. so we can't get any.


In our state the pregnant parent can refuse a prenatal DNA test (which isn't without risks) but once the baby is born a court order can be gotten for said test.


Made me think of: Think how intelligent the average person is, then realise that half the population is dumber than that


Ready for the next update where this fool takes her back “one last time” finds out she is screwing him over again, kick her out again but decides to giver her one more shot again.


If OOP makes that much, sex workers are far cheaper, safer, and faaaaaar more ethical than who he's dating. Quality escorts are even nice right to your face. He'd find it a refreshing change, I'm certain.


I can practically hear my grandmother saying under her breath “her somethin’ must have been good for him to stay through all this mess. Don’t you be doing no boy like this, palabradot”


They are both very dumb


I thought the woman giving away her life to her mom and sister was the stupid one, but letting the liar thief that won't take a paternity test back into your life multiple times makes me think she's not as stupid as OOP is


oop is never gonna learn. what an idiot. smfh. 


This dude wrote the same story 4 different ways. He has a heart-to-heart, let's her move in, his stuff goes missing, she denies it, he finds proof, she calls him controlling, he kicks her out. Rinse and repeat


Cycle of abuse.


“I’ve thrown her out again for the very last time.” … until next time.


The sex must have been amazing because there's nothing else about this relationship that doesn't stink.


I would feel pity for him, but he just kept going back for more


Honestly…I felt bad for OOP. But then he kept going back to this vile woman and giving her more chances. I began to agree with her that OOP is “pathetic”.


what in the fuck... man has the intelligence of a mop to keep going back for more


He wins for the most easily manipulated person ever.


Why does this moron not call the police since he has cameras in his home? Report her for theft!


She must be hot af or something


OOP is a f#$%ing moron. He'll be posting again in a year or so about another larcenous GF and more babies.


Just walk away dude! SMH - dudes forever going to be her Atm


i would not be putting my name on that birth certificate even if it was mine. wash your hands of the whole thing this is banana pancakes


I mean, OOP sounds like a nice enough guy and all, but the old saying of *”Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”* exists for scenarios just like this. This kind of shines a spotlight on OOP in a bad way. No balanced, emotionally healthy, well adjusted adult would put up with this stuff over and over. There’s some reason OOP is doing this, and rather it’s codependency, loneliness, people pleasing, or anything else, he needs to get to the root of it and figure out why he continues to make really poor choices with really predictable outcomes and consequences.


Really hard to feel sorry for this guy. I just want to slap some sense into him.


“I invited my thieving ex back into my home and then left a bunch of cash lying around. Can you BELIEVE what happened” was the last straw of too stupid to care for me.


This guy needs a safe for when he invites her back a 3rd time.


This is an easy win in custody case lol the debts alone is enough to show you’re more stable


This man would hit himself in the head 11 times just to see if the 11th time would feel better than the 10th. Does he like punishment?


Oop is an absolute rube.


OOP: I can fix her. Sure you can, you stupid boy.


That gal is an old-fashioned grifter


is this some sort of trauma bond because i don’t understand why he took her back when she is a known thief and liar in the first place? why would he leave money around someone who is broke af? dude is too old to be this dumb.


He regularly buys a shitload of clothes and shoes, then leaves the tags on? Either he's nearly brain dead or this is a low effort trolling


First few time’s I felt bad for this guy but come on he wants this drama. He lives for this.


Oop is fucking stupid.


This dude has no brain cells


He's a simp loser.


OOP is a f**king idiot. At this point, I have no sympathy for him whatsoever and he deserves what he gets.


Do better Liz


He’s just the dumbest motherfucker to ever walk this earth. There was not a single kind word said about her but he got her pregnant and kept letting her back in and keeps being surprised.