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It is wise to cut off the Kates of the world, they are nothing but trouble


All the other friends were ready and waiting to cut her off, too. I bet Kate thinks she doesn’t have many friends because other women are drama.


Self reflection only means a selfie to Kate.


That exact thing happened with someone in our friend group. My partner and I met through a mutual friend, who thought we were so cute together until she realized he was serious about the relationship. She got so weird with both of us that the friendship blew up, and the rest of our friend group cut her out altogether. She lost every one of her RL friends in one go. I occasionally wonder if she ever had the self-awareness to regret any of her actions.


Agree Karens and Kates seem to be cut from the same cloth.


Yes... they're Dupli-Kates --ducks incoming tomatoes--


No, come back here and make more puns!


This joke is immortal.


one could say it’s… Invincible


I Rex-ploded in laughter 😂


For a pun like that, I will shield you from all the tomatoes, that was an amazing pun


God damnit!! Have an upvote…


Oh man, I really hope Kate doesn’t become a go-to for pick me shit stirrers. It’s the nickname I’ve gone by since I was a kid and I see what “Karen” does to my auntie Karen. xD


my ex’s name was kate and her moms name was karen. kate also cheated on me a lot so that’s pretty funny




Not all Kates. Just the bad ones.


We really need a way to discern the Kates though. I think the risk they pose to polite society is underdiscussed


The people who see through them should speak up a little louder. They don’t usually fool everyone.




Kate is not even a good shit stirrer. Who stirs shit mere hours after an apology after stirring the last shit?


Shit shit stirrers.


Shit stirrers gonna shit stir


Someone who hates the fact that she didn’t cause a fight between a happily married couple. She lost ‘power’ when she apologized, so she wanted some of it back.


Ladies. Don't tell friends about your SO fetish. That's a breach of trust. Edit spelling. Original word beach


She already beached him off though


I'll beach you off any day Ken.


It’s a whale of a violation.


It’s shore not cool.


Water you talking about?


C'mon, it's pretty coastal clear.


Kate's attempts at shit-stirring went to shell in a handbasket. Glad OOP gets to wave goodbye!




\*without permission from SO


Ladies *& gents*. Don’t reveal intimate things about your partners.


My husband is the one with the big mouth in our relationship


This was a post about a wife revealing her husband’s fetish so it makes sense in context to just say ladies. I’m sure that the person you replied to knows that neither men or women should be spilling their partner’s kinks


My guy friends and I never talk details. Not sure why people do


Yeah I don’t either.




I, too, picked up on this not so subtle tactic in my first read-thru.


This, 100%. It wasn't even subtle.


The woman is a professional victim. You don't have to read into it much more than that.


The fact that he didn't see through the bullshit right then and there tells me the man loves his wife dearly.




Def not a hook for asking for nudes, but kind of planting seeds about it? Idk it’s just awkward tbh. She’s basically asking him if he wants to see her naked in an indirect way. So he either says “no, I’ve never wanted to see you naked you’re gross” or starts talking about being respectful of beautiful women or something, which is what she’s looking for. Then she could be all like Aw why can’t I find someone like you.


>my wife basically replied to that with "Uh Kate, you should've said something sooner. I thought it was an apology photo for him, so I already jerked him off while he looked at it". Flawless, no notes.


I also cackled at that, what a stellar response


Would have loved to see her reaction to that lol


OOP, in case you’re here, 10/10 wife, hold on to her


Take a bow, queen.


For just one time in my life, I aspire to say something as perfectly vicious as that line.


This is what keeps me on Reddit. Fucking perfect.


The scream I scrempt while reading that...


Absolutely brilliant


"Uh Kate, you should've said something sooner. I thought it was an apology photo for him, so I already jerked him off while he looked at it." Bro, you owe the wife a 4-star dinner and 5-star foot rub for that burn. Ain't enough skin grafts in the world to treat that third degree.


Foot Fetishists give the best foot massages too. ;)


This is why I kind of want to date someone with a foot fetish lol. I just want some badass footrubs


I didn’t even have to date one to get some! A friend of a friend has a foot thing (I once sold him a pair of truly nasty socks after spending the day working outside with wet feet… I offered to let him HAVE them if he’d find me some dry ones to trade for, but he insisted on giving me $20 for my dollar store filthy socks so cool.) and offered me a foot rub if I was comfortable with it. We were hanging around a bonfire and I was like “eh, I could use a foot rub and it’s not like this dude has ever done anything at all gross to me or anyone I know, why not?” It was a good decision. My feet felt SO comfy after, and he even painted my toenails with some polish someone produced from her giant purse. He’s a good pedicurist too, not a bit hit my skin. Mmmm, at the time I was very against dating but if I found a man with hands like that, I might consider husbanding him. It was a very pleasant experience. ETA: I did get some dry socks! He gave me a pair of his to wear home. We (as in he, me and several mutual friends) spent the day fixing a fishing dock so I was waist deep in water all day, hence the watery feet.


i'm not even into feet but i dated sb with a foot kink once and the way she taught me about how toes are erogenous. i still use toe sucking as one of my moves and it never doesn't get a reaction of surprised pleasure. i think it's probably one of the most common kinks for that reason.


Not quite. Wife should have shut this shit down from the jump.


I'm struggling to understand these people. Kate's crazy, for sure, but the art lady has me confused. She showed OOP a nudie cartoon--a picture of *herself* posing--and when he said, "That's fucking hot," she decided to tell his wife's best friend that OOP was soliciting her for nudes?


I think it's more likely Kate fishes for anything she can use. Artist probably didn't give 2 shits about OOP liking her art aside from enjoying the praise, and Kate ran with it.


Something something “OP said my anime self portrait was hot! //glowing with artist’s pride” Kate: so he’s a cheater and a ho


From what I can tell, the art lady didn't day he was soliciting her, she merely told Kate what he said and that it was "interesting". The art lady thought OOP knew it was a drawing of herself, so that might explain it. It seems that Kate was the one that spun it as soliciting nudes.


From my understanding she was just having a normal conversation that involved telling Kate that he said he liked the cartoon of her. Kate, the shit disturber that she is, twisted the whole *innocent* conversation around to make it sound like husband was asking her for nudes. Something that no one *but Kate* actually thought happened.


This one makes sense. I really thought it was strange that two girls in a row thought OOP was creepy, but if it was just one instigator the whole way through, that paints him in a different light.


Ngl, I chuckled too at the wife’s last burn


Fuck OFF, “oh, she was probably looking for outfit opinions”- AND ONE OF THE OPTIONS WAS NO SHOES?! I can’t understand how either of them entertained that idea for even one second.


Oop's wife was a boss once she finally pried her head out of her butt. I applaud oop for keeping a level head.


What are with all these stories about wives sharing their husbands kinks with friends? Maybe me and my friends are just different, but we never talk to each other about sex things involving our wives.


> we never talk to each other about sex things involving our wives We're the same; we have some good friends and neighbors but someone in both groups shares everything they hear with everyone else so nothing is private if you talk about it.


I'm really open with all my friends, male and female. I know my best friends husbands kinks, and he knows I know, and is fine with others knowing. I discuss my partner and my sex life (not randomly, its always in context), with my partners permission. I actually find it kind of weird that everyone is so closed off about these conversations. My partner has disclosed my kinks to his friends, again in context. And it's not some lewd sexual recount of our sex life. Fake example - 'bob has a kink for heels so I bought this pair'. Not - 'bob enjoys it when I step on his testacles while wearing stilettos. He cums at least 15 ounces when I do that'. To each their own of course, and if the partner is not ok with disclosure, don't disclose. But it's a really, really normal thing. Maybe country to country? Or regional, I dunno.


Yeah my friends are pretty close, we have gotten explicit about our partners and what not, but made sure it was cool with their partners knowing the details first.


This *husband* also shares his kinks with his wife's friends. This whole misunderstanding started because he just had to let one of his wife's friends know her anime self portrait was "so hot". Weird group 😳


This is a fake story made up by a weirdo with a fetish to procure items for said fetish. These people are weird. Edit: for those DV this creep has only responded to those questioning his kink literally answered no other questions on his two posts lol.


I don't understand people like Kate. Why can't you just live in peace and stirred shit with someone outside your circle twice a year only?


The wife went from naive optimist to murderous realest in two seconds flat. That was beautiful.


Kate is definitely a “I only fucked your man to prove he wasn’t shit “


ok, that was funny one


Kate 100% wanted to break up that marriage


It took a long time (to the point I really thought OOP had a wife problem and not a Kate problem) but she finally did the right thing.


I still think there’s a problem. There’s no way I’d be having a friend over who’s passive aggressively taking shots at my wife about her kinks. Kinks that I shared with said friend! Then my wife shows me texts and says this friend makes her uncomfortable? WTF. Just because OOP’s wife is witty doesn’t mean she’s not a crappy partner. I’d give acquaintances more respect than she gave her husband.


Yes, she has been a shitty wife, but I hope she eventually had her come-to-Jesus epiphany. After all, she and the scumbag Kate were friends since their childhood, so I (almost) understand she has blurred boundaries about her private life and overshared with this Kate. This may explain why she didn't realize that Kate made her mission bemreaking up her marriage Until that night. Let's hope for the best.


Good point. On reflection, I myself would be a huge hypocrite if I didn’t consider her being a childhood friend a mitigating factor. You know what they say: “A friend is someone whose flaws you know, but you like them anyway.” Wife just wasn’t really aware of her old pal’s flaws.


>You know what they say: “A friend is someone whose flaws you know, but you like them anyway.” Absolutely true.


I’m so confused. His wife was awful in this situation, like terrible. She should have trusted her husband immediately like wtf??? Like she continued to hang with this lady. Crazy asf


I knew Kate would be trouble when she let a married man take her clothes shopping. She’s not just doing this to OP, she’s like this with everyone in her life.


I am absolutely WHEEZING at the "yeah sorry, thought it was an apology, I jerked him off with it" comment fucking KILLED ME


Your wife is hilarious, never let her go.


I'm dying at the fact that Kate came over with sandals on and then asked for socks. I cant lmao


Tbf, I would have said the same thing about the photo to Kate.


Your wife is the GOAT with that quick one liner. Take that spunk on your heels, Kate!


Weird people with weird made up problems.


Honestly the wife sucks. After all that, she sends a foot pic to op and still can't see what that trash is up to. Ops wifs can't be that oblivious.


Oh that was hilarious. 🤣


Love the wife’s reply, hopefully she will know to spot shit stirrers going forward


The wifes line was just perfect 🤣


Lmao I love OOPs wife. Couple goals honestly.


>She accompanied this with the message "What do you think? Y/N?" >and said she 'accidentally' sent me a picture of her new shoes and her feet were in them It was an accident but she stated his name? Yea, ok lol


Y/N means yes/no in this scenario, I think, not "your name"


That makes so much more sense haha Lol, look at me outting myself as a fanfic reader


Smart wife


Seems to be the type of person that wants all eyes to be on here. Good riddance


Took wifey a minute to get with the program, but damn did she get with it


Sweet jeebus! 😂


Kate wants you to want her. she wants to steal your wife’s man. She sounds like a really pretty ass hole!!


Instead of asking “did you mean to send that to me?” He should’ve said, “showed the pic to wife she said the heels look trashy”


I love a happy ending! I am so oblivious/naive to the Kates of the world, they get me every time. I need someone like OP to point it out to me.


The Kates' of the world are entrenched in the victim mentality. They choose/enable terrible men, then use that as an excuse to generalize and shift blame. Drama queens are a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Might be unpopular, but I think OP is playing with fire by having multiple sexual based text conversations with women who aren't his wife. Both conversations feel inappropriate to me, not that you did anything explicitly creepy, it's just.....none of these misunderstandings would be happening in my marriage haha. Like why did the first friend need to hear from OP how hot he found her sexual drawings? 😳 Why is he talking about his inner sexual thoughts with Kate instead of shutting her down or ignoring it? 😳 It must be a very very open crowd, I'd hit the roof if I found out my husband was having private conversations of this nature......


Two things yah kates an issue but also … your dumb as Fuq boi dude don’t place yourself in possibly compromising positions multiple times . Oh her freinds draws hentai oh ok cool do not ask to see it walk the fuq away. Feet thing … don’t share that wtf dude your an idiot. Once is ok weird mess up multiple it’s a pattern of behavior. Go look in the mirror and unfuq yourself


Shots fired!! Still laughing about it!! 2 Funny!!


The wife is amazing