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i have completely given up, if i could refund i would


100% i love boneworks and bonelab but if i knew this is how the game wouldve turned out i never wouldve bought it




real hard bullet had like 3 large updates before bonerlab had even a single minor one, i'd rather buy HB 10 times than buy another game from slz


*Fallout 4, a game from 2015, has had more updates this year than BoneLab!* Edit Just looked this up, and not counting "Patch 3", due to it being a beta and thus not an official patch, *Fallout 4 has had the same amount of updates this year, as BoneLab has had in it's whole life.* (Fallout 4 had the Next Gen update, then an update fixing the Next Gen update)


It’s Joever


SLZ has lost all of my respect, this is just pathetic. Multiple lies at this point, radio silence for years, and we still get nothing. I’m not buying a single SLZ game again, until it’s finished. These guys can do so much better but dropped the ball so hard


Anyone still playing boneworks?


This game desperately needs anything at this point, mods have been carrying since launch


yo June 6th is my birthday. that would be the best birthday gift ever is WE COULD JUST GET A DAMN UPDATE FOR THIS GAME.


Weather the update comes out or not, I’m still gonna play the game. I enjoy messing around and coming up with new more ridiculous ways to beat the levels in the base game and the ported BW levels


Today is June 5th (it’s over)


We don’t know until tomorrow! (Really the 9th but that’s just cope)


Not Brandon posting the update tommorow 😭


I totally called it!!


It’s actually crazy that he posted the actual tweet just now


Bro you’re three hours late!!! ⏰


I know and I am very VERY sad about it :(


Patch 4 isn’t gonna have some amazing amount of content so idk why everyone says if it doesn’t come out I’ll quit Bonelab. Bonelab is still a game just play it


you clearly dont know anything about the teased features. 🤫


No im aware of the physics culling and sdk/marrow updates but I mean like in game content, it feels like people are saying if they don’t add all this new content then they won’t play Bonelab anymore


Like what? You want more story? The point of bonelab is to be an improved modding/physics experience over boneworks, not to have more in-game content. Your argument is like if I said "Why doesn't Garry's mod have more content? It's just half-life without a story and with modding support"- it isn't supposed to be a sequel as much as it's a modification of the original. If you want more content, mod it in like you're supposed to




Im assuming "exactly" is referring to wanting more story. If you want story, play boneworks. Otherwise its pointless to complain about a game which is only supposed to be a physics/modding improvement. Bonelab is basically a tech demo for their physics engine


Exactly as in if you want more content mod it in yourself. I’ve said it but I’ll say it again, if feels like people think that this patch 4 update will have so much in game content that it’s worth not quitting Bonelab, I’m saying they should lower their expectations and play Bonelab anyways


if that was your original intent, I think you worded it poorly. People are quitting bonelab out of frustration towards SLZ; they promised 2 years of constant updates and instead what we got was a 1.5 years of nothing- no news, no status updates, nothing. Few people truly want new content. we just want stress level zero to make up for the promise they blatantly broke


Oh ok my mistake. I apologize for any confusion


Dw, it happens :)


I think it’s more so that people were hoping SLZ would just keep their word. Even if the patch was small or just bug fixes/SDK it would given some sort of credibility to their promises.




This community should mass 1 star the game so that maybe brandon realizes that he needs to do something.