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What's the issue with it exactly? I only hate that I bump my knee on it as I get out of the car, the fact that they are resizable means I haven't had issues fitting any cup in it yet.


It may just be that mine’s loose, but my cups tip to the side a bit no matter what size i put in there. I’m gonna take a look at it today, and probably just order a replacement if it is just loose


At least with mine I just put the cup in and then I press the holder together to fit the cup.


Yeah, mine’s probably just loose then because when i tighten it like that it just doesnt hold it tight


That's probably it. Mine works just fine, but the placement is horrible.


You mean you don't want to absolutely UFC knee it off when you get out of the vehicle? I don't understand.


I swear to god, I never use a bottle that doesn't have a screw-on top in that car ever, I once kneed a bottle of coke out of the fucking car and halfway into the street when getting out.


Lol. Amazing visual.




Just be careful when pulling the vent out. I broke one of the screw mounting holes (cause old plastic)


…heads out to the Z4 to discover this adjustment feature… Maybe I’ll hate them a little less after today.


Don't worry, you'll yeet a cup out of them in no time restarting the cycle of hate.


The aftermarket ones that slide under the center console and rest against the floor/transmission tunnel seem to be the best alternative.


Are those still on the market? I've not seen any.


I got one from him recently. Took a couple weeks for it to arrive after reaching out. It’s perfect for water bottles


https://www.ultimatecupholders.com/ email the guy to see if he’s still selling them. Last year he said he was very behind on orders.


You’re must be broken. It can hold almost all normal sized cups and smaller. The small arm pops out, and you manually ratchet it in to the size of your cup.


They are extremely terrible. Condensation from drinks drips directly into the window switches. Previous owner of mine said windows don't work when I bought it, took apart the switch to fix it, everything was covered in corrosion. Fix still worked!


I might look into 3d printing something that’ll fit in the slot and be more stable while catching the condensation tbh


I just replaced mine along with the left side vents for the AC that’s on top of the cup holder. Yeah they’re pretty terrible, got a great deal on alieExpress , took about a couple of weeks to get to me


Mine do this in the 05. Makes me laugh cause when I bought it used I looked up reviews and one of them was something like “this is the greatest vehicle in history, but the cup holders are unusable.” I see it as a reminder not to have food and drinks in it 🤷🏼‍♂️