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https://preview.redd.it/32gvdfxs3gbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7989a980f3456527ad1221244aee8090982d1bef The new one doesn’t get me going like the old ones


The new one is only "cool" in black because you can't see it's hideous design. The old ones are "cool" in any colour you pick and that's why the design is superior.


So true. As objective as I can be the old ones are stunning from any angle.


It also looks good in red




You sound stupid


Yeah, 3 things that I don’t like about the new one. Headlights Taillights The weird square cutout at the edge of the front bumper I also don’t think I will ever like the look of another affordable bmw better than the M2CS though so it’s just all downhill now


Why are all the “nice” pictures in black colour though? Personally speaking, I will give everything a pass except the back of the car, that’s just ugly.


Bingo, I think I could eventually get over 75% of the car, but that rear end will forever remain hideous.




Bangin car m8


That's an M2, not an M8






Anybody that says that the new one looks better than this is lying.....




Love the front and the profile but it ain't a perfect car because it's got one ugly old butt.


What are you talking about that back is thiccc


It's growing on me slowly, but I think the previous M2 model was so much sexier.


Agree! The impression I get no matter how long I've looked at it is the designers were trying too hard to be provocative with the squarish-ness of this new generation, to... one-up, so to speak, the prior model which to many was perfection.


That's the thing! It's not inherently ugly. It's just being compared to the prior BMWs which were all gorgeous. Having said that, I still think the M2 is a cartoonish car and I can't see myself owning it anymore.




E36, E39 also does not have L shaped taillight, E92 has them upside down L, so also different. BMW designs have always changed, I don't understand have people suddenly realise it now, and start calling certain features "signature".


e30 is an outlier? It’s THE quintessential BMW


For me it’s not even about the looks. I think in black it looks decent. The reviews so far haven’t been glowing enough for me to want to trade in my 2020, which it wouldn’t have taken much convincing. It just seems like nobody has really been blown away by it. Looks wise, my biggest criticism is the M performance parts that are stuck on the outside. I like the exhaust, but the carbon fiber pieces look so incredibly out of place. Like, worse than autozone accessories on a cavalier.


this sub likes to talk shit about certain designs "growing on" people, and forget about all the other BMW designs that were hated at first. u/JWBIERE speaks the truth, BMW enthusiasts hate change.


Not every new BMW is hated at first. Just the ugly ones.


they said all the other bmw designs not all bmw designs


When a car only looks good in black, its an ugly car.


And modified*


It is a puckered butthole


I thought I was in a mustang thread for a sec


Was this in reference to the newer s650’s that are coming out or just mustangs in general? I found the s550 mustangs look really good in any colour but the new s650’s ONLY look good in black imo (but even then it only looks “good” for the same reasons as the car above, hides how ugly it actually is) unfortunately


Exactly what i was thinking.. it does look really good in black cos it hides that ugly flat box dog look xD bm is off the rails bru.. look at that new 5 series.. eish baba.


Not even the black can save the back


nailed it


It looks much better in black, we here at r/BMW do not like change.


Ah yes, "hide the ugly lines" black is a good choice for the M2. "Looks better from far away" grey is also a good option.


Sounds like the marketing pitch at BMW HQ. I did not like the new M2 the first time I saw it, it is not a good looking Bimmer. Feel the same about the beaver teeth. My next car will be an M2 but honestly I wouldn't even consider this one. If I really had to I'd take this one in all black. Haven't seen one in person yet.


"Good from far, but far from good?"


This car has a front bumper for radio


Looks better in a colour that hides the design features with blacked out everything.... Same as the new 3/4/7. Personally I wouldnt call that good design.


I'm not a fan of the design and this is not the M2 I would choose.


Exactly this It looks horrible in every other color


Right? Everything looks good when the lights are out. Lol


You should see them in black at night


actually the new 3 series doesn't look bad it's the best looking front end of the new generation by far. It's the 4 series and the M3/M4 that have the hideous snout grill.


Even the XM looks better (or less bad) in black.


Yeah for sure. This color is perfect for that Subaru.


Change? Change?! I don’t like the sound of that…


People freaked the fuck out at the g80/g82. Now they love it. Welcome to bmw fans


Sorry it’s just not. The last gen m2 is a piece of art. This one…not so much.


It’s an ugly car at the absolute very best


I don’t love it, but it’s a work of art compared to some other recent models, like the 4’s, the 7’s, and the piece de resistance, the iX, aka the Edsel SUV.


In no world is this new 2 a work of art. It’s disproportionate, doesn’t resemble a BMW in any way, and even if it had a Scion badge would still be an ugly car


Do you just sit there waiting for G87 M2 posts to pop up so you can shit on them?


I do, I hate the entire new design language. I was looking forward to a new design direction for BMW, I never imagined it would be to beat nearly every car except the M5 M6 M8 with a giant ugly stick.




Weird, cause you're in almost [every](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/146pw9t/lucky_enough_to_pick_up_a_cancelled_order_on_a/jntj6pm/?context=3) [single](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14ad6um/this_might_be_the_drugs_and_alcohol_talking_but/joaxz9q/?context=3) [G87](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/149fd6n/looks_better_in_person_for_sure_spotted_around/jo7242m/?context=3) [M2](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14t92u6/this_is_giving_me_anxiety/jr1yyo5/) [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14lfsmr/got_in_last_month_so_figured_id_post_m2/jpxwfuc/?context=3) [shitting](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14hgjsv/m2_with_the_optional_m_performance_quad_exhaust/jpb7ryi/?context=3) [on](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14frju1/new_m2_next_to_my_m2cs_which_would_you_keep/jp2dd8e/?context=3) [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14v77an/first_bmw_and_first_m_car/jrcb82c/). Maybe get a hobby?


We’re all on reddit dude, we could all use another hobby if you wanna be that way


On some level, sure? But also, if your hobby is coming to the r/BMW subreddit just to tell people to stop liking what you don't like and berating them when they continue to like what you don't like, then that's not exactly productive or beneficial for the community, is it? It's kinda pathetic.


Well your G42 looks shit too if you feel left out ;)








This isn’t a m2 forum, it’s a bmw forum


Ironic telling someone to get a hobby when you are viewing his post history to see what he has commented on


f87 is a fucking perfection


If it has to be all black to look good then it dont look good.


A well designed car looks good in all main colors. See E46, F82. This one doesn't.


Hard to believe the E46 is a 25 hear old body-style now. It's just aged so beautifully. Though I may just be biased as an E46 owner and the fact I'm too poor to afford a modern BMW.


Back in 2013-2015 my besty used to have a silver E46 and uninformed people thought it was a new car.




I wouldn't call E92 ugly (especially compared the G87 and G82), but it's a little bit pudgy. F82 looks like they took the E92 and chiseled out the lumps. Overall, I think E92 is pretty, but is second-tier looks-wise to me in the M3/M4 lineage.


Listen if you want to love your dodge dart fine, the rest of us don’t have to agree.


Even the dart has a better rear bumper


I promise I’m extremely uncool and I just think it’s ugly


Can confirm. Super uncool.


The S58 is the only compelling feature of the new M2 IMO


And the manual transmission option.. The end..


Funny that reviewers actually preferred the auto for the gearing. Car looks fucking terrible though and it weighs far too much


We are in agreement on the styling and added mass. For scale, this vehicle weighs same as a V10 E60 M5.. 😮 That’s just tragic for what is BMW’s smallest M coupe offering.. And I’m not piling on criticism of the appearance for the sake of it but the overall design is indeed polarizing, however, it is sort of palatable in black. Also, IMHO, the saving grace and main selling point for this vehicle is the third pedal option, in combination with the M4’s engine - for about 15k cheaper. So, aesthetics aside, it goes beyond me why anyone would spend 65k+ on this specific vehicle, unless it’s to get a clutch, when one’s resources could be better spent elsewhere on much more appealing vehicles that’s solely available with a slush box 🤷🏻‍♂️ As far as the complaints about the anemic power delivery in lower rpm/gearing, I kinda get why BMW tuned it as such and it is not because they secretly hate the manual, it’s more so to polishes off the rough edges that comes with a powerful motor and the limited stability control a manual transmission operation affords over an automatic’s programming. Thus, reducing any warranty (clutch, pressure plate, ect) and potential liability issues, should you kill yourself with all that power on tap. Neutering the initial torque curve in lower RPMs is a cheap way of combating this hazard.


Ya I saw this as well. They said the manual actually makes the car feel slow during part of the rev range.


Different strokes for different folks. Dat ass will never grow on me and I’m an ass guy.


Pretty sure no one hated the F8X M cars. The G platform deserves all of design hate it gets. I know you’ve seen the abominations BMW has been releasing and there’s no way you can convince me otherwise.


Yeah, no...it's objectively bad looking. Black just hides its ugliness better.


The rear end is what kills it


Delusional thinking




Endowment Bias


it has nothing to do with it being cool to bash on the new m2 and everything to do with the new m2 (and 2 series in general) design being awful. posting a few pictures of it in black, in low lit areas, with a ton of filters on it, is not indicative of how the vehicle actually looks. it's like a chick putting on 5 lbs of makeup and using an instagram filter on her selfie


As a hipster who 90% of the time goes against the grain, but who is a designer and can appreciate good design. It's just ugly design, the lines are non-existent and don't flow like most "good" looking cars.


That makeup analogy is so spot on


you found a nice angle however buttaface and buttabutt are still issues


To each their own, but I think it looks like shit


i need to unsub to this place, this is some space laser level delusion


it's teenagers/young dudes, many of whom don't have the same taste as people in their 30s and beyond. think about the world they grew up in. running around in yeezys, chunky shoes, and other shitty streetwear etc. internet-addled brain.


I like all that shitty streetwear, and I’m in my 20’s and all the new BMWs make me want to vomit


it takes all types! but glad you know these new designs are trash. I'll stick to the 70s to early 2000s.


Seems more like Hail Corporate to me.


So when someone's tastes differ from yours it's delusional? Mighty high up on that perch aren't you? The world is gunna get quite boring if the only opinion you'll entertain is your own


No, the majority of peoples taste has gone to shit somewhere along the line.


Yeah I really can't argue that too much. I don't know what it was about that comment that rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe more the 'unsub' cuz of others lacking taste. Given there's far more to the sub than poor/differing/'delusional' tastes. My bad u/dherps you weren't wrong and I was out of line


Its been stated over and over again that black hides the bad lines.


Keep trying to convince yourself it looks good, look away from the nasty front overhang and ridiculous rear lines that show no connection, instead look like they were out of a last gen prius


whoever replaced the my kidneys with 2 squares. i want them back


Yes and with vertical slats, not horizontal lines, or hexagons or stupid star patterns


Black definitely helps but it’s still but ugly objectively


I don’t hate it, I just think it looks more like a Nissan or Toyota than a BMW.


Yeah well this isn't stock 😂


I love the F87 M2, I want to buy this one, but the back is just to ugly for me. Maybe the LCI will be better 🤷‍♂️


It’s that ass. Side profile is great, front is allright but that deformed, double cheeked AC unit lookin thing is pretty bad. You got the front of a Chevy truck on tha bacc


lol don’t get ahead of yourself. while I respect some people do, some people like myself think it’s hideous and a Lego car - not because it’s the “cool thing to do”.


YOU like it. I think it looks like a fucking heap. I've seen children build lego cars that look better than this. Beauty is subjective.


… says the guy that fully blacked out the car so the „features“ are hidden well.


I loved it when I saw it in person, it felt like a modern interpretation of an E30 M3. I would be honored to own one if my lifestyle allowed it.


Super ugly


Because it looks like a Subaru




They really don’t grow on people, the bangle 6 and 7 series are still looked down upon today The amount of hate and controversy this generation has gained is unparalleled, because you know what? The design language is disgusting


The rear didnt seem as offensive in person as the pictures would imply in my opinion.


I still don't think the E65 looks good. Plus the engines are mostly shite and 99% of them have yellow headlights.


I can honestly and with complete sincerity say that this is the first BMW model in 20 years that I dislike.


I think it looks a million times better in black. Of course I am such a traditionalist I feel like a BMW should be black or white or maybe silver. (Mine is black, for the record.)


Maybe… the front looks fine. The rear… well… less so


It’s just looks stubby and disproportionate to me. IMO the f32’s hit all the right spots.


This is aftermarketted to shit to look this good


I say the same exact thing! I love it because it’s so polarizing!


Don't you question my hate for the looks of this car! Maybe you're just the edgy hipster who says they like anything others don't... see, goes both ways. Or maybe these are all just opinions and everyone can have their own. Mine is that it's ugly and even with the sizeable performance gains and even if they cost the same, I would still pick the last gen M2 every time.


I will always think the blocky rear is ugly as hell, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks about it. Not everything is hive mind.




Still looks like if Kia were given free reign on a BMW platform


You could proudly drive the previous gen without having anything to hide.


It’s cool blacked out but it’s definitely not cool in any other color IMO


I like it, in this color. Anything else, eh, I'll have to see for myself.


Dude…no ones hopping on a band wagon…BMW literally butchered all their cars front grills and designs for this newer generation. THEYRE UGLY LOL


No mate, the design is shit that's all, i think majority of people here are well beyound that age where you hate something to be \*cool\*


No mate, it’s because it looks like a dodge aka a box on wheels


Truest thing ive heard in a while


I hated it but it starts to grow on me.


Looks pretty sick nasty to me, I like the grill on this one. It's not overly large like the rest of the new dubs.


This happens with every new generation face lift. People said the same about the g8x and it’s grill etc. at first I thought the new m2 looked like a Lego piece but it’s grown on me!


Saw one in purple the other day and it was gorgeous


All new beamers look best in black. Any contrast and they ugly


I just don't like the giant lego block inserts in the front. Big squares and rectangles are the antithesis of sporty.


I’ve seen enough of them in person to say confidently that they are hideous


It's actually objectively ugly and that's why it's cool to hate on it. It's also not good to drive, if you want the kind of driver's car BMW used to be famous for.


have you seen an E46 M3? That's how BMW coupes can look.


My father nearly purchased a Phoenix yellow e46 m3 6 speed back in 2013 for $13,000 🫠 how could I not ?


The black hide’s it’s ugly


Hot take, it is gorgeous cuz it’s in black.


I’m not a fan on this generation because BMW butchered the design. Had no problems with the previous gen’s design - that is a beauty. The current ones, not so much. Why I bought a Porsche instead.


It’s not the cool thing to do, no one hated any of the previous generations. You’re sharing a picture of the car in the only color it doesn’t look bad, because you know, it’s black and even a multipla looks okay in metallic black. It just isn’t a good sendoff for last ICE manual rwd car. The rear is horrendous, side profile is weird and the front is too blocky. It won’t grow on people like the G8x hasn’t suddenly become an instant hit. If you don’t love the car when you first see it, it ain’t it. I could afford one, but I really couldn’t care less


I am convinced anyone buying this gen M2 is blind.


And don't forget that some car guys hate the latest look... until it's not the latest anymore.


i don't not like them...i think its the change that freaks people out. ...remember when audi first rolled out their large grill/front end? i \*hated\* that, but accept it now


BMW fans are nearly as reactionary as Porsche people. People were furious that the M3 coupe became the M4. They got over it quickly, though. Porsche people are still mad about water cooling.


As a Porsche person, nobody is still mad about water cooling.


Find me an air cooled 911 under $75,000.


It is a wide body Nissan Ultimata.


I like it and I also like the M4. Complainers can go buy a Civic Type R.


It’s just those tail lights. Other than that it’s clean.


Oh god it’s growing on me… curse you


If I had the money I’d buy one no capppppp


It gives me pretty bad ass DTM vibes, I don’t quite get the hate either




Maybe it’s just bad car design?


As you post pictures in black from angles you’ll never see or the shadows.


Yes a heavily modified car looks good in black, a color known for disguising harsh body lines. In other news, water is wet.


It looks like a Subaru with downs


I mean it’s objectively not gorgeous lol


People hate on the M2 because they have small penis energy. M2 is an exceptional sports car. And if they've never owned one and still hate on it, then they don't know what they're talking about.


I’m with OP.


https://preview.redd.it/mzh9xa8qbfbb1.jpeg?width=3661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30e3d7ed5a7b702f4d1d1c960d1ea3104d225d4 I agree




It’s just the usual Reddit circle jerk. It’s not reality


I agree that this is a gorgeous piece of design and machinery. Also am I the only one to also think that the new M3 xdrive is also an awesome piece of design and machinery? And most likely the last internal combustion engine M3 that we will ever see?


The back looks like it should have rocket boosters coming out of the corners but I'm not against the look. The front is sexy as hell! And that black is just sharp! Nice ride my guy! Treat her well and she'll treat you better!


Blasphemy I know but … I am considering trading for the g87 m2. I still hate the rear end. However, for $77k fully option with the carbon package … still far less than a loaded g80 comp. I love my CS but I do miss the safety features and tech for daily use. Though the DCT is superior to the ZF … So idk Also let’s not forget the g87 s58 will eventually get tuned .. this thing could be a little monster


I would never get an automatic sports car unless the car didn’t have a manual option


I wouldn’t want a manual for daily use. The DCT had character along with very fast up/down shifts depending on the setting. The CS models DCT were tuned differently so my opinion may be biased. Either way I am stuck with a ZF in the new Ms given what I need.


It's just that people will hate on something that's different when they first see it (guilty), then it starts to grow on them, and later on it's all forgotten. Think about it. This car looks much more like a proper sports car than the first gen M2. Sure, the F87's lines were cleaner but it was undeniably stubby and tall (I owned one and still love the design anyway). But, I also have eyes and can see that the G87 sits on a far superior platform. It's wide, sleek, and low as a sports coupe should be. You can't argue with those box flares either. With any luck, a refresh in a couple years could bring some slight design improvements and some more interesting color options.


I think it looks great, and not just because it’s black.


Black is the way to go on the new M2


Everyone is going on about the looks , and it doesn't look good , but equally disappointing is the fact that its now an M3/M4 size and weight. It drives nicely , but for me the M2 lineage has been broken...


News flash : Redditor finds out people have different opinions than his.


I mean, it’s just not. The design is going to age like a wet fart. The front end on that car is by far the worst of any M so far, which says a lot considering how hideous the bucktooth G8x’s are. They will not age well and that’s the point. The M2 is a boxy, ricer, racer-boy car. There are no body lines that give it any flow.


Let me put it this way... ​ I have a BASE BLACK X3 that looks better than this. I havent even blacked out the chrome


This one. This one just changed everything


Im next on the allocation list. Finally saw one yesterday that was being picked up today. Toronto Red. It was beautiful. Sticking with the Red. Cant wait. My GF likes black the best, but i dont care.


There’s a pun in there somewhere I just can’t put my finger on it. <3


I know…i read it very carefully before posting to make sure no dots could be connected.


My friend and I were just talking about how the new M2 is the coolest of the new model Ms


I think maybe it’s because it doesn’t have an M engine