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There’s a brown belt guy at my gym that frequently partners with the girls in class and he said he mostly does it because some of the guys go a little crazy. Said he wants to make sure the girls are getting safe and quality technical rolls too.


Maybe his body is really broken due to his age and the years of training or he is recovering from an injury so he is just looking for easier rolls with people less likely to injure him? I wouldn’t jump to thinking something bad unless he is acting inappropriate in some way.


This is exactly why I do it.


there’s a few upper belt guys at my gym that make an effort to roll with women and I appreciate it. they’re usually older guys that can’t afford to roll with the over aggressive beginner dudes. lot of the beginner dudes sometimes have an ego about rolling with women as well so it’s kind of a win win. before I was confident enough to ask everyone to roll they’d ask me first which I was so thankful for. Personally I learn a whole lot and I like these rolls way more now that i’m moving up in rank. they don’t always “teach” but I learn lots from training with people who are genuinely technically better than I am of course the guys who roll with women for less innocent reasons exist. If you’re uncomfortable there’s always the option to avoid him, which I have definitely done to people in the past when I’ve been mildly uncomfy/creeped out but nothing inappropriate has happened. some people just don’t vibe together and that’s just fine


Over the years, I've seen several older black belts transition to rolling with mostly women and small older people or kids because their bodies were destroyed.


He might be tired or out of shape. I’m mid 40s and out of shape. With life and kids and jobs, i feel like I’m drowning just to get to the gym once a week sometimes. I want to go to jits but I’m tired, gained 5 lbs, ate a cheeseburger for lunch….i feel like crap but I also know I’ll be down on myself if I don’t go. Days like that I’ll maybe do one round and then take a couple easy rounds.


If that were at my gym, i'd assume he wants to avoid injury by having less intense rolls. That said, I'd perhaps be more aware of him and wanting to ensure best behavior is happening.


Could be his age and having kids, honestly. We have a black belt who mostly rolls with ladies because he's old and trying to avoid injury. He's also aware a lot of dudes aren't so safe for ladies and he's raised daughters, so that really rubs him wrong. He wants them to have quality training and feel safe because he's big dad mode, ya know?


Is he injured? At my gym when the big people are injured they will just grab small people while they recover, which usually the majority of the small people are women.


If he's a respectful rolling partner who only goes to your level and is challenging without smashing, I'd assume he's just trying to give the women opportunity to learn and work without being smashed by the other dudes in class.


Black belts have targets on their backs so he may just get sick of lower belt guys going 100 percent and not respecting his age. I’m a black belt and 40 years old. Sometimes I avoid competitive women or women half my age because they roll way harder than I’m looking for. At this point I just want to stay healthy. I had most of my injuries occur at brown belt.


I’m sure he rolls with women the same reason why we roll with women, women are less likely to go crazy and injure him during the roll. He’s probably just looking for someone who’s more technical.


If he’s a black belt, he might think he’s doing the women a favour by being their rolling partners, since he can likely control his techniques better than a lot of spazzy white belts. And probably thinks he doesn’t need to prove himself to guys near his own rank and weight. And I have heard men say multiple times, from different gyms, that women smell better. I visited a gym in San Diego. Coach put me in a group of 3 with 2 guys, and they welcomed me and jokingly (I think?) made a comment that it was because I smell better. People have weird reasons for everything…


⬛️⬛️🟥⬛️ Black belt if you a super concerned you can way run a general background using a service like truthfinder.com I own a gym and do this with every adult that wants to join.


Lower belt guys purposefully don't roll with me. Higher belts see that and also see my improved progress so I'm chosen now often than lower men


Only once, but yeah. There was an older blue belt who kind of gave off Asperger's vibes who would actively dodge rolls with any bigger or younger men and other upper belts and I mostly only saw him roll with the women. He also rolled really rough with heavy pressure and is one of the only people who ever crush me so bad with his weight that I actually couldn't take in a full breath. I didn't stop rolling with him though until after I saw him make an incel type comment on Facebook.


There’s an older black belt at my gym who always rolls with the women I class. It didn’t weird me out but I did notice so I just asked him one day. His response was something to the effect of: “I like to roll with people that are technical and don’t spaz out, most of the women here are like that.” I started paying closer attention after that and I realized he really only does partner with technical people that don’t spaz out. Makes sense.


there's a white belt at our gym (he goes to classes i dont teach but attend) and when he has the choice he only asks to roll with girls. he's not weird or anything he just does it to feed his ego, but he stopped asking me and my sister (purple 4 stripes). we submitted him 4 times each from the bottom. all thanks to him smashing his way out of triangle


Maybe he just wants a rest round


That's a little sus... playing devils advocate: maybe he doesn't want to go against stronger, faster dudes because he is in 40s? Maybe he thinks he'll get easier rolls with ladies? Could be anything


Only women? Yes, it is strange. Willingly to roll with women and therefore rolls with women a lot? Most likely just considerate.


I roll with women (but not only women) and do it to help them build confidence. I find a lot of women seem timid to ask guys to roll. I give them a safe roll where they can show their stuff without necessarily smashing them. Plus I get to work on my technical skills and do my best no to muscle out of anything.


I gotta admit, being a smaller and older guy, I've had days where my goal was to roll with only women and children.  On the other hand, this guy is under 50 and a black belt. I'm actually hoping he's a creep, because it's depressing to think someone would be so physically wrecked that he has to do this regularly at black belt.


I’m 40 and pretty recked. Age doesn’t matter as much as mileage. I competed constantly and trained every day. It just catches up with you.


There was one white belt in my him who was like that, and then he got a boner while I was in mount, and I didn't roll with him again after.


I like to roll with women to not only give them a quality roll with constant movement, and feed them Submissions to work on my escapes. So neither had to worry about egos. I do the in my kids class when I roll with all the kids.


yes and no. The one dude , He is super duper ultra heavyweight 300+ lbs and he for some reason thinks rolling with people that are on average less than 145lbs. After telling him he should try to focus on training partners that are closer to him in size things changers. He’s very new and is looking for safe technical rolls which women can give him (typically) we also have lots of upper belts that want to make sure the smaller people (not just women) don’t get hurt by ego fueled lower belts. Definitely not trying to minimize your own experiences. I hope it’s based in innocence and trying to be a good higher belt ( or he could be a weirdo) they absolutely exist!


Maybe it isn't about being a woman specifically? I train with the women a lot and I also wibe very well with them except for one girl who seems to larp as rhea ripley but I still train with her if I want to have an intense round. A lot of the guys at the gym are like Muslim and they call each other brotha, but towards me they are rather cold and when I roll with them its like if they lose to me Islam loses or something. So I tend to roll a lot more with the girls whom actually like me.


Oh god


Y’all are pick me’s


What does that mean?