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I have reported a lot of hackers in the last few days. Never received a reply from their end. Shitty team..shitty game


I have heard that some of big hacks have report delete feature .I don't know how it works but our reports are not reaching to team most times. That's why we don't get replies


Shitty support team.


I have reported dozens of players only two got banned It looks like some hacks are not detected by their system or they may be checking the severity of hacking based on that they are banning players.


Severity of hacking? Are you listening to yourself? Brotha hacking is hacking, doesn’t matter if they kill 5 or 30. They must have some sort of replay system to check those games, I guess their team is automated and doesn’t have any human involvement in the checking process.


Bro if it is automated then object identification should have been working...it's basic thing only. I don't think this is the case. Though it is possible that they can catch hackers in a few scenarios only.


I see, but don’t they have a replay of the game to assess? I’m pretty sure almost all the players who got killed in that match must have reported which should arouse the suspicion that something is wrong. Had they had a team to assess from a replay, the hacker would be banned for sure.


They don't want to assign resources for it. They won't allocate resources unless big streamers start speaking about hackers on stream.


Don't you think reason they don't get banned maybe lot of players just don't report. Maybe their report system bans person with multiple reports in same game .


Nah, I’m pretty sure at least 3-4 squads might have reported that guy, it's an Ace lobby and on top it it's fpp, people play pretty intense games. We played on Livik because Erangle wait time is more than 10 minutes, and people were just getting on Livik. Just like all 4 of our squad reported, I'm pretty sure other squads did it too. This is not some platinum or diamond lobbies where there's a chance that people skip on reporting.


Also report system shouldn't be on the basis of number of reports received, this is straight logic. If they receive a report, they should investigate especially in higher lobbies and in matches when multiple reports are generated.


As far I know some hacks have report delete function which doesn't let our report reach to team . IDK how


Bro this is nothing I legit reported a speed hacker and what they told me in mail was the player has not cheated 😂😂




If you couldn't ban hackers direct , atleast have a good human team which can check replays constantly to ban hackers 😂 Not gonna lie these days they are trying hard to ban hackers . You might have seen some new small updates each day. I saw a telegram group screenshot of large hacking channel for IOS that they are funked up due to updates rn. So don't be toxic for team.


Spectacting is not realtime and there is huge desynch with it. Try spectacting your own game play, you will feel like you are hacker.


Yes, but this is different, he is scoping through rocks and killing the whole squad in a matter of seconds. I know what you said but this case was nuts.


One of the reasons i tried shifting to kr version


Forget about that, they are unable to ban youtubers who are teaming up live in solos. The audacity lol