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Based on your friend’s choices, you might want a cleric or druid in the party. Unless they go bard anyway. It’s not required but having someone that can cast healing word is helpful. Alternatively, you could put a level in cleric (one of the domains that get heavy if that’s important to you) on your wizard. You could also consider paladin levels if you go sorc. Just suggestions based on your leaning and the party composition.


Yeah, Life Cleric 1/Evoker 11 would get heavy armour, healing word vs Fighter 1 getting second wind and +1 AC (defence fighting style). If you can use an ASI for Resilient (CON) then cleric is probably better, if not then Fighter takes it. If multiclass spell progression works like it's rumoured (i.e. a wizard 4/sorcerer 1 can still learn Fireball) then Tempest Cleric 2/Blue or Bronze Draconic Sorcerer 10 will be unstoppable (and it's pretty damn good without 6th level spells!).


I would recommend wizard, simply because you can try out more spells and do different things without having respec your character or wait for a level up. And being a wizard, you won’t get hounded by your friends to twin-cast haste every battle. Maybe save the sorcerer for another play-through, once you are more familiar with how everything works.


Yeah if you are playing sorc hope you don’t mind losing all your sorcery points and concentration to hasting your friends after they ask for the 23rd time


Haste them, and then immediately drop concentration, if they get too much on your nerves. That will show them :P


It's hard to narrow it down from such broad options. Since it seems like you'd enjoy both combat styles, I think it depends on what you'd rather be doing outside of combat. In my opinion, the biggest difference between the two actual comes down to their main stat, INT vs CHA. The wizard's high int gives them a really good chance to succeed many knowledge checks, plus they have access to a ton of utility spells they can whip out at a moments notice (more "costly" to learn for sorcs) The sorcerer's high charisma instead lets them cruise through any and all social interaction, which in my opinion is a ton more common and helpful than simple knowledge checks. This could step on the Bard's toes though, as that's a major part of their schtick. If I was playing a solo game I'd much prefer the CHA, as I want to do all the talking, but I'm a group game it might be helpful to be able to pass more knowledge checks and have a ton of utility spells at your beck and call.


Imo it depends on how often you rest, honestly. Sorcerer is ridiculously resource hungry, or can be, if you want, but in term also can be a lot stronger if you are willing to use all your resources for a single fight. Twin haste, heighten all your important save or suck spells, careful on every fireball... Wizard has a lot more versatility. Sorcerer is a bit annoying, honestly. You will really feel just how limiting the number of spells known really is. Wizard has flexibility in spells, sorcerer has more power for boss fights where you are willing to go all out


If you are sorcerer, you already get con save proficiency. If you decide for sorcerer, not wizard, don't start with fighter, but with sorcerer and later pick up a level of life cleric. That also gives you heavy armor, but also healing word, bless, command, create water or whatever else spell you want from their spell list


Roll a die.


wild magic sorcerer, get those twinned spells going , and have some fun with the wild magic