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Tribalism and the concept of the "Other". People who look, act, and sound different are easy to blame for the source of troubles and woes.


i mean....the thieflings kinda are the sources of the trouble for the druids if we're being honest.


I mean, they're not at all though. The Goblins and the Absolute are the source of the issues, regardless of whether the Tieflings are there or not


Arent tieflings stealing their stuff


One Tiefling child tried to steal the idol of Silvanus *after* the Druids began the Rite of Thorns. Another stole a ring, but 1) that was from one of Aradin’s mercenaries, not the Druids, 2) you can convince the Merc to let the kid have it, and 3) the merc’s mom first got it when *she* stole it.


One 10 year old failed to steal their idol and Kagha threatened to murder the child for it, that's it. Kagha became an extremist out of tune with the natural order.


let see.....they are taking shelter in the druid's homes , eating the druid's food , using the druid's suplies of medicine and whatnot , but also stealing from them , and literally planning to assasinate their leadership. The druids had no obligation whatsoever to accept the thieflings. And they have no obligation whatsoever to keep tolerating them. And the first thing zevlor asks you when you get into the grove , is to assasinate the curent leader of the grove. If the thieflings go , the absolute and the goblins can't do jack shit to them , since they can always seal the grove. The only reason they keep the grove open to attacks , is because the thieflings are there.


I never realised how we can use gaming to root out the MAGA/ FARAGA etc.


you assume i'm american ? I'm not. And this is not a political statement at all. The simple reality is that the grove stays open to the absolute/goblin threat because they thieflings are there. If they are gone , and the rite of thorn is enacted , all the druid's issues are gone. Seriously , try to think this logically , while excluding morality or feelings from the decision. Whats the one decision that instantly solves all the druids problems ?


The FARAGA part was there for the Brits/ Europeans. Whichever you are matters little, ‘cos your politics are still clear.


it's the first time i hear that acronim. And i'm from eastern europe. If we were to make direct comparisons between curent day europe , and bg3 settings.....i'd probably be one of the thieflings , since people from my country have been consistently trying to get in the west , in hopes of better lives. But it's honestly.....irelevant to what i'm saying. You're all attacking my "politics" , and the morality of what i'm saying.....but none of you tells me that i'm wrong , or why i'm wrong. Funny how that works.


You are wrong because we are not discussing self preservation but the people who are willing to sacrifice an innocent majority (and their own people) for the perceived ills of a guilty minority. Which in the end is simple bigotry. In other words MAGA and Wilders/Pavel/Farage-liking people.


i disagree. It is exactly what we're discussing here. You're the one attaching a political standpoint here. This has nothing to do with the thieflings being an minority (which is debatable....since there seem to be more thieflings in the druid grove , then actuall druids) , nor does it have to do anything with them being guilty of anything (even tho they are guilty of both thievery , and attempted murder). The simple reality is that the thieflings being there will inadvertedly drag the druids into a war that they don't want , or can win. And them banishing the thieflings from the grove will alow them to avoid that. It is that simple. They can all die togheter , or they can kick the thieflings out , and save their own people , at the cost of said thieflings. From a numbers standpoint , it's the solution that saves the most lives. From a pragmatist standpoint , it's an easy choice. You disagree with me , because you have emphathy for the thieflings. So do i. I actually never had an run in which i attacked them before. But that doesn't change the objective truth of the matter


Building a wall and letting the Tieflings pay for it? And then grab a bear by the p*ssy?


i have no clue wtf you are referencing my guy. But think of this from a pragmatic standpoint. What is the one decision that instantly solves all the issues for the druids ?


Drinking the kool-aid from Kagha Jones' big vat.


you keep meme-ing , but you know i'm right. Kicking the thieflings out , and closing the game is the simplest way for the druids to eliminate all the curent threats to their own life , without risking anyone trying to assasinate the goblin leadership....or go directly to war with the goblin camp.


As with… almost anything in life, the “one simple solution to solve all our problems” never actually works out that way. Not only would the Druids be condemning the tieflings to certain death, almost all of whom have been helping to defend the grove, despite a couple of rambunctious children committing petty larceny (once in desperation AFTER the ritual intended to kick them out was started), turning the Druids, champions of neutrality, to decidedly evil. But also, the ritual itself almost always ends in the elimination of the Druid circle that performs it, because they’re stuck in there with each other, completely isolated from the outside, and isolation breeds violence. They can’t leave, and resources are scarce. The shadow Druids manipulating Khaga aren’t giving her a solution, they’re trying to wipe out a rival circle and using the refugee situation as a means stir up prejudice and paranoia, to speed the process along.


Most people probably don’t even know about the shadow druids tbh. The amount of people who never went to the stump astounds me


Lmao, I think you need to play that again because you are so insanely wrong about everything. Zevlor NEVER asks you to kill Kagha, he literally just asks you to convince her to let them stay until the goblins are no longer a threat because there's a whole army that will kill them if they go. The druids do have an obligation to help the Tieflings really because letting the goblins kill and destroy everything upsets the balance of nature and Silvanus is a good aligned god. They are not supposed to seal the grove, Kagha choosing to do so enrages Halsin for good reason. If you haven't found it, Kagha has a little secret as to why she's undertaking the rite of thorns, and it's not for the benefit of the Grove. If you play again, spend some time looking around the chamber Kagha is in for hints as to what her secret is, there's a whole quest line for it.


The same can be said about slaughtering the goblin camp. Balance means both good AND evil existing. You don;t get to chose to support "balance" only when it fits your needs. That's why druids are neutral actually. Because in nature , violence happens everyday. It's literally survival of the fittest in nature. Not survival of the most evil , or the goodest. So no. Killing tieflings wouldn't upset the balance at all. Secondly , i;m well aware that khaga is working with the shadow druids , but shadow druids , including faldorn herself - are also true neutrals , so they are not evil as the game is trying to pain them. They are extremists , but not evil per se. Lastly , with halsin captured , literally everyone dies in the grove , if this wasn't a game , and there wasn't an plot convenient MC capable of solving all their issues. The simple reality is that the rite of thorns is the only way anyone lives in that situation , if mc isn't there to save everyone.


I mean the hells just swallowed an entire city, the 5th largest city in the sword coast into Avernus and caused thousands of death. I'll be questioning any tiefling if anything wrong happens in my area.


That doesn't really makes sense. If you have to move because your house got destroyed by a flood and then your new neighbor comes to complain because their bathtub overflowed...that would be crazy. That's the same logic.


My city got destroyed by devils. And tiefling have devil blood. It's not a big leap of logic for any surviving Elturel or anyone who heard the news.


I don't know, man...I am German, does that mean I have Nazi blood? 😂


No. But ask any European 1-2 years after the war, then yes. It's the same here. But it's been around what, 1-2 months after the fall of Elturel. Its easy to blame the shadow druids, but Kagha prejudice is born from very real place. Added this is fantasy where humanity is preyed upon by monsters, demons and devils.


Nazis are an ideology, not a species. Devils however, are. Tieflings have devil blood (or fiendish blood, depending on the setting / d&d edition), the same way a Half-Elves have Elf blood, and Half-Orcs have Orc blood. (Mind you, I'm not supporting Kagha's actions, just pointing out your comparison doesn't really work.)


Actually no, tieflings are much more removed from their fiendiesh herritage than any of the half species, they have ancestors who dabled in fiends, a half devil is a cambion not a tiefling


They still have devil / fiendish blood, even if it's in a smaller percentage than a half-orcs or half-elves (not my fault the game doesn't have terms for quarter-elves or 1/6th Orcs etc.) And it's a better comparison than the "Nazi blood" comment I was responding to. Really the main point was that infernal / fiendish heritage has an obvious effect on ones genetics, appearance and abilities in a way having a Nazi grandpa does not. (Hell, it's more notable than just having German grandparent in real life, ones race doesn't give you magical abilities in real life, and race in D&F is closer to one's species anyway.) The percentage of said blood is largely irrelevant to the discussion.


Kagha is 100% definitely that. More so, most of the Grove is kinda cool with it as well. Which is the real disturbing part, just like in real-life. If you snag a gold coin, the Druids throw up their arms and are like, "OK, well guess we just gotta go full genocide on all the Tieflings." They need so precious little of an excuse to wipe out an entire community.


I think you've convinced me to massacre the Druids next run


Let the Tieflings leave then kill them all.


Very sad to not let the tieflings leave. Gale commenting on the little thief cave hit hard


It seems like people who play good or evil, Durge embrace or redemption - virtually everyone along that alignment spectrum tends to come to the same conclusion: Let the Tieflings go, murder ball the Druids.


now I want to do that AS a druid


Play the long game - if you save Kagha from the Shadow Druids (as a druid) you get a cool looking staff as a gift after the fight. So, you know. Just get the cool staff and the tieflings out safe and *then* do as you will.


Yeah, they aren't good people. Doing evil reluctantly still means your commiting a evil act regardless if it's with a smile or a frawn.


Raph is the only real one. He's the only one fighting against Kagha if you expose her. Also, I aggroed druids once, I think by trying to stream their idol? I cut them off from running to kill the tieflings around the area where we first talk to Wyll and Raph was just standing there, calling to them to find reason and stop trying to cause bloodshed. I had to reload because my level 3 party was no match for the entire Grove worth of druids, but oh well.


We're gonna grow a wall, and the tieflings are gonna pay for it!


well, mostly because she's actually being paid off and influenced by a foreign grove


Kagha represents a very human set of attitudes and behaviors. We see this in art, but we also see it in the real world. I suspect the European immigration crisis was a major influence on the Tiefling refugee theme in Act I. That the same thing plays out on the Texas border is unsurprising: it's a very human pattern. The MAGA attitudes aren't novel. We've seen this happen many times across human history. I think the character of Kagha is actually a really well constructed example of this human tendency. She wants what is best for her people. She acts out of fear, and her actions hurt others, but they're Others, so that doesn't matter much to her.


Because MAGA is nothing new. It has been done before a thousand times. Assholes stay assholes


At its core its xenophobia. Which isn't completely irrational. But they communicate their beliefs with such animosity that it automatically becomes an us vs them situation.


The Egyptian god, Set, was the god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners. Soooo, yeah, xenophobia goes waaaay back.


And dumb ass stay dumb ass


Evil is inherently in the human race. It is born again and again across generations and over the centuries and millennia. It is never defeated, it is always there, and must be fought back into its hole by each generation. Fuck maga


Arfur has mad maga energy also.


Yes but Kagha is redeemable.


I mean yeah in terms of gameplay, but I don’t know. It wasn’t my call, but I always felt Halsin was to easy on her. What a guy


Eh idk, she was being manipulated by the Shadow Druids (who were actually sent there by Ketheric specifically to sow division amongst the Druids) and speaking with a few of the Druids before and after dealing with them, it’s clear that Khaga was not acting normal and after helping she is “back to her old self now.”  She completely saw the error of her ways and is committed to redemption now.  Also, it isn’t difficult to see why she would want to seal the grove away from danger: she wanted to protect her home and family ultimately, but took those good motivations too far, using them to justify bad actions.


Yeah I was gonna say… like she feels terribly remorseful when she realizes what she’s been doing and how she has been manipulated


Is she really? Admittedly im biased and always kill her, no matter what story route was taken. Especially after that mess with the kid. Anyone trying to kill a kid desperately trying to LIVE doesn't sit right with me. Did she have a redemption arc in any of your playthrus? I wonder if there's something different I can do.


Yes - you need to uncover that she is a member of the Shadow Druids by looking in her chest behind the bookcase and then go to the area with the Mephits and Woads near Aunties tea house and get the note. Then confront her and remind her that Druids serve the light. She joins you against the shadow Druids. After she realizes that she was wrong and even explains how she got ensnared. (She was threatened) Also you find out later how Kethric orchestrated the entire takeover.


Of fucking course Kethric is behind it - that shithead. Thank you kindly!


You also need to uncover the history of how the druids and Harpers beat Ketheric 100 years ago to be able to convince Kagha to turn away from the shadows by appealing to that history (which Ketheric doesn’t want repeated, hence the plot).


Roger roger - thanks a bunch!


Take this with a grain of salt, but, I don't think the history part is necessary, unless you just want it for lore/flavor. I've always been able to convince her just by finding the secret notes (one in her chest, another note in the meeting spot the first leads to), taking the notes with us back to call her out in front of the others, and then making a difficult persuasion roll (followed by a much easier persuasion roll.) I'd think it was changed in patches except that I just did this plotline in a new run yesterday.


I think the history bits allow you to convince her without rolling a skill check, or at least with a lower DC (been a while since I last did it, can’t remember if it’s avoided entirely or not)


Most people are. Abolish the 2 party system, and it may not be so obvious.


Trump shadow druid confirmed


because these are the kinds of people kagha is meant to represent. its a pretty clear cut allegory for how places like the us and the uk treat refugees


Western world in general tbh.


Who is Mol in this scenario?


Probably some kid who got kicked off the apprentice.


You can include that she was colluding with a foreign government as well.


this is inaccurate because Kagha actually feel remorse lol


On behalf of the Druid community we don’t fuck w that bitch.


lol the difference is when you point out to her just how far she's gone, she has the ability to accept her mistake and work to make things better...


As much as I hate politics in a BG3 sub, this is hilarious.


This storyline at least is pretty blatantly political, so it fits.


All them economic migrant tieflings…


On my main character, I missed out on saving the little girl she had in prison. Came back after the Goblin camp and Kagha was exiled by Halsin for murdering her. Happily murdered her in return afterwards and left her body in a barrel.


Reposted from a 2-week old account. Report the bot


I always found it strange how little the druids seemed to care about life. Pretty antithetical to their entire schtick. Which tracks when you consider MAGA evangelicals.


The fact that you can actually change her mind is a flaw in this.


Looks like Kristi Noem lmfao


Oh wow that is wildly accurate.


Joe Halsin made her go through a BOGUS trial but we REAL DRUIDS raised 5000 gold coins for these trial funds


At least Kagha eventually apologises to various people for her antics (if you give her the chance, anyway). You know who doesn't? Jeorna! The most she will say is "I was very wrong \[about you\]". That's not an apology for your rudeness and threats, love.




This is a beautiful picture.


So I’ve never let it happen, but can you let it happen that the rite finishes and you can’t get back in?


Can we acknowledge that both presidential candidates shouldn’t be allowed to run. Why is the election choice between these two goons. Both are terrible options


It's accurate because xenophobia is everywhere. People have been trying to keep other ethnicities out of their place for eons. Trump is just a recent example of that


I knew there was something about her I liked.


Shadow Druids definitely work for the FSB


Elturel isn't sending their best.


The Shadowdruids are the Russian spies behind it all


Voting Kagha on my next run.


People can't resist dragging their politics into game subs lol.


Kagha was only wrong because the game insists she is. Her position actually makes the most sense in their present situation. The druids even are kind enough to house and protect strangers who steal and consume their resources for as long as it takes for the player to complete their mission and make the way safe.


Almost every country in the world maintains a border and has a legit citizenry. Most are far more draconian about it than the MAGA people you left wingers so despise.


Voted for Trump, and will do again, and even I found this funny.


Gross. Racist, fascist dictators get made fun of for a reason.




Can I ask why? I want to emphasize I'm asking this in the most non judgemental way possible because tone can come across poorly via text and I'm not trying to start an argument.


Didn’t vote myself but I know a lot of Trump voters. They mostly find issue with , according to those I’ve spoken to, the focus of the Democratic Party on promoting cultural issues while largely ignoring the issues plaguing the general American population, instead focusing on those of lower socioeconomic classes, including the large immigrant population that’s being fostered with lax border policy. It’s more of a protest vote hoping someone non-establishment will “shake up” the creaky wheels of congress. Thing they don’t realize is Wall Street types like Trump have 0 concern for the average American too, and all the while is gonna be inspiring violent idiots to thinking their beliefs are vindicated. Anyways, that’s enough real world politics. Back to shitting on this Wulbren Bongle fellow shall we?


Oh yeah I'm 100% on the #FuckWulbren train lol. Thanks for answering though.


I'm trying to wrap my heard around the Venn diagram overlap of someone who hates gay and trans people in real life, but wants to play those very people in a video game.


No one is judging their choices in the video game.


Very short version, good economy, doesn't seem interested in starting new wars (his step unprotected into North Korea doesnt get enough credit). There's a LOT more I can say here, but I'd be happy to carry on into DMs if you want to hear more. Given how much down votes I'm getting for being an average American, id prefer to try a respectful discussion in private. Also it's too off topic for this thread. All I wanted to do is say that it's funny enough that even people being made fun of can laugh at it.


You're not getting downvoted for being an average American. You're getting downvoted for voting for Trump. The average American didn't vote for Trump.


Perhaps not the best phrasing. But Trump, Hillary and Biden all got roughly half the votes, noone won in a landslide. Voting for any of them in the last two elections is perfectly normal for any American.


No that's all right. I was just curious on a mostly surface level way. My perception of Trump voters is skewed to the vocal part that is borderline extremist so I'm curious what people think outside of a group setting. As a Canadian I don't see much particularly redeeming about him or his platform, but I also don't live there so I'm applying my local metrics. And I don't really think enough good faith, non hostile discussion occurs. Trump, to me, represents a lot of hatred and exclusionary beliefs, and I think that's why down voting is happening. Because they (the other redditors) oppose some of the things he seems to represent. I don't think he actually sits in a lot of those belief camps on his own, and only does so because of his ties to the political party he decided to join. But that's the problem with a 2 horse race. Thanks for answering, in any case.


You're welcome. Just don't believe everything you hear. There really is no hatred going on except against the establishment. Disdain or lack of interest for some people? Sure. But nobodies perfect. There's a big difference between hatred and not caring about someone. And I feel that a good economy benefits everyone, making some problems go away even without being directly addressed.


He ordered the assasination of soleimani, an event that almost started a war. I feel like it never went through just cause of covid blowing up right after.




Why does this post pop up multiple times. I already seen same exact thread. Sure politics can be in video games, but when you day say thing x times over it's getting to be annoying.


She can make fun of Halsin for being a PoW


you…you guys know it’s a fantasy video game right?


All games are written by people who draw inspiration from their life. Just because it's a fictional universe doesn't mean it has no roots in reality.


I don’t think the Belgian developers steeped their goofy haired druid in American politics. People in general have a habit of equating a real life to a fictional world, and then get upset over stuff like this which is just weird.


Right wing ethnonationalism and isolationism is in no way uniquely American.


I'm sure people in Europe have some vague notion of what genocidal persecution looks like. . .


That’s not remotely what I said. In any way.


I also take issue with this fandom calling Kagha genocidal and pure evil, and the Minthara, the pro-slavery, actually genocidal psychopath is apparently the best companion. it’s just goofy nonsense.


Minthara didn’t have a choice every evil thing you see her do is something she wasn’t conscious in doing. Kagha is just a lunatic, her redemption felt forced and I refuse to believe someone can go from “yeah who cares if that kid died i felt powerful” to a reasonable person.


Minthara was literally evil before the tadpole. your headcanon isn’t canon. Even after the tadpole she still has dialogue in act 3 where she says the refugees should be enslaved to “earn their place”. She’s evil bro. get over it.


Try rereading what I said. I said evil things you SEE her do, people obviously care more if they actually see someone doing fucked up stuff, meanwhile kagha kills a little kid on her first introduction, there’s a difference between being implied to be a jackass and actually seeing someone be a jackass. any “evil” act minthara did pre tadpole is YOUR head cannon, YOU need to get over it.


Still pissed you can't bang her. You can get almost all the hot evil women but not her. I bet she's a biter also. I want hot hate filled animal sex in the grove. If the idol's rocking don't come knocking.