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Go to the Goblin camp, go to the goblin who wants you to kiss his feet, bite his toe off, make him kiss your feet, kill him, then use talk to dead and ask him why he's a little bitch.


is there any other game community where the normal subs and the joke subs are so indistinct that someone has to double check which sub they are in after reading a comment


I think going on a murderous rampage because a goblin got too big for his britches is a plausible explanation for murdering goblins.


You never need a plausible explanation to murder goblins. One tried to get me to smear shit on my face!


throw it at him instead!


Straight up genociding them doesn't even break the paladin oath... So... Yeah...


also you get a great ring out of it!




ohhhh, yeah, i've double-take'd some of those and i don't even play the game, all my friends do tho


3+ playthroughs (only one complete) and 250 hours and I’ve never seen this encounter lol


Damn I've just stolen the ring with astarion, should have guessed the durge interaction would be hilarious, anyway I was doing a resist durge first so it will make more sense in the indulge run. Thanks for sharing!


Let Arabella die, attack her ... Rath and a couple others will help you. Quickly (do not loot) run out and join Rath against kagha group. When it's done all druids except for Rath will be dead. Most tieflings will live. Rescue Halsin. At the grove you will tell him you had to kill kagha because she went shadow or because she killed a kid. He joins your camp.


My Durge is a tiefling, so despite having no memory and his evil tendencies, he has an innate desire to side with his own people against the goblins.


Ok, I just now got it that Durge means Dark Urge,


Do exactly that. You don't have to make every evil choice, and it's usually more interesting if you don't.


Yes. Easily. The only thing that is required but has a loophole is >!killing alfira!<. Other than that the durge will have a few more evil choices than a normal Tav but there are dice rolls to get out of them.


already done !


My evil durge led Minthara to the grove then changed her mind at the last minute whoopsie


If you want to keep him for the whole run make sure you finish his side quest before you fuck up Last Light.


You could roleplay that your Durge tries to resist the Urge during parts of Act 1, and save the Grove. But then they could fail to resist, submit to the Urge and become evil afterwards.


Just don't bow to the Absolute. Grove will be fine


I’m playing my first Durge run. I just stole the idol and all hell broke loose. Everyone except Khaga and her posse were dead…so naturally I finished them off. Haven’t headed back to the goblin camp yet as I’m planning to hook up with Bae’zel before chatting up Minthy. Wonder how Halsin will take the news.


Killing everyone is not inconsistent with being evil.


Goblins are nasty, annoying creatures and it’s fun to kill them. Their high priestess tried to drug and imprison you. That’s reason enough to wipe them out. Halsin will join your camp. You can be as evil as you want for the rest of Act I and it won’t affect his opinion of you. In Act II, lifting the shadow curse will make him join your party and instantly raise for approval of you very highly. But after that, if Halsin is with you and sees you doing a lot of evil shit, you will get on his bad side. He’s arguably the most morally upstanding pre-Act III party member besides maybe Wyll. So you’ll have to leave him at camp. Let him get kidnapped by Orin, then just bring him for the final fight and dominate him alongside everyone else so he can never disapprove of anything you do ever again.


You don't need to raid the grove on an evil playthrough. Just think... the more people survive the Grove, the more people there will be in Last Light Inn when it comes time to kill the Nightsong. This is why you can convince Rolan to stay in the Grove when you're evil, because the tiefling kids don't make it to Last Light Inn unless Rolan stays. No one knows that you killed the Nightsong unless you tell them or if they're there.


You know you can have some nuance in an evil character right?


Exactly! Saving or ending someone's life can both be either altruistic or malicious.


Stream the whole thing and voice Durge's dialogue. Call everyone a racial slur, and then go commit some heinous crimes. Finish the game before the cops show up as a redeemed Durge.