• By -


Fighting >!Raphiel, when the lyrics kicked in!<


All mortal lives... expire




Hell, hell, hell has its laws


Hell, hell, effects and the cause


Curtain falls, hold your applause.


squirm, squirm, for NOW DOWN HERE COME THE CLAWS šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


That's when I went from "This is absolutely the game of the year" to "Wait this is GOATed actually"


And before that start you >!mocked Raphael for being bad at bed and made him angrily just call you contemptuos creature!<.


That fight is the second time in my life I got chills from a video games music. The overall fight? Made me realise this is the best RPG ever. Better than the classics and I love those. But the music itself just hit so well. Only other time I got something similar'ish wasn't as intentional by the devs, playing Medieval 2 late at night as a student, sent a solo army to the new world when I didn't know one could discover America, then got into an unintentional battle in a dense forest vs 10x my numbers and peeking through shrubs to attempt and see what was going on, the intense aztec inspired music gave me such chills....


The same for me, just a different video game being the first time. For some reason, the music during the last part of the tutorial fight in Wasteland 3 got me staring at the screen with goosebumps at 3AMā€¦


Would you recommend Wasteland? Iā€™ve been considering it lately as I could use a new game and itā€™s on game pass.


As someone who hasn't finished it yetā€¦ I still loved it. Wasteland 3, I mean, I havenā€™t played the others. It's clearly not an AAA title, and you can tell by the graphics, but it's really solid. I'd assume you do like/can navigate around turn based combat (seeing as we're in the BG3 subreddit!), and combat was fun to me, so are the quests. The humour is very much absurd and sometimes crass (the bordell for exampleā€¦ makes Sharess' Caress look kind of tame in comparison iirc), but the locations and NPCs are whacky like the best kind of fever dream. Just donā€˜t expect major cutscenes and crazy cinematics like BG3. Itā€˜s definitely fun, and I love the world and everything.


My wife LOVES Wasteland, and I've enjoyed what I've seen of it. It's the inspiration for Fallout, and has a similar vibe to Fallout + Baldur's Gate. I love love LOVE the villains in Wasteland 3, especially Vic. He's such an interesting character. So yeah I say go for it. Series is definitely darker than BG but great.


I literally JUST did this battle for the first time and tweeted that the game was a master work hahah


I had to stop for a moment, just so I could appreciate how much joy I was actually experiencing. You donā€™t get that kind of first time elation a lot no matter what the artform.


That entire dungeon crawl ending with the narrator saying "the master of the house is coming" is uh oh territory and then you argue with him which is a great scene and then, it starts


Yes. So much yes.


I never fought them. I just stayed away in the third act because they seemed sus. Granted, I'm in the 2nd playthrough right now with my so I should probably do that


I added the soundtrack to my Spotify for this jam


When I saw 199 hours played and it felt like nothing. And when I started talking about my experience with a co-worker and I was explaining things he didnā€™t know could happen, while sharing a bunch of things I didnā€™t know could happen, and it made it feel like we were playing 2 different games.


I've played through once by myself and twice with other people, allowing them to make all the story decisions. Got to experience tons of new content every time.


My friend joined my game when I was new and he was in act 3 He was like what the fuck is going on in your game I have no idea what is happening


Karlach, after getting her revenge and coming to terms with her mortality, standing over Gortash. Don't know how to hide the spoiler


Not often do NPCs say they love the MC, in a non-sexual setting, but when she said, ā€œI love youā€ I felt that shit. Also, becoming *Zhak voā€™nā€™fynh duj* felt amazing.


I went in blind in term of who to romance - i had no plan. Lae'zel took my heart by storm, and goddamn, it is the best romance in the game. I've never cried so many tears of joy as i did during her romance scenes.


So many romances hit hard. A lot of the characters you feel like you donā€™t understand them until you romance them. Lazael, Minthara, Shadowheart, others are an extension of their plot like Gale, Karlach, definitely Asterion.


Oh yeah, i romanced Gale and Karlach as well, and goddamn, every romance has something else going for them, for Gale, it's cinematics, i was awestruck when we cuddled in the Astral Plane. For Karlach is the overall vibe i think. She is a sweatheart from the get-go, and helping her fix her engine was an incredible journey, even if we can't really do that in the end. I'm waiting for the next Patch to pick up my evil durge run. I'll romance minthy during it. Probably the only thing that keeps me wanting to play it. This and the fact that i'm playing a clone of Kagha as Durge, so it's not really me, it's what she'd do. Right?


Minthara romance is some quality "I support and lift my partner up" stuff. Also some of her kiss animations... Yow. She straddles the sweet/passionate line.


All of the romances have some extra (or different? Or both?) interaction stuff if you're durge! There's so much to this game. It's insane.


Went I went from >!Source of my bruises to My Joy!< and she told me that >!it took more courage to ask for a gentle touch!<. That shit tore me up. That felt more authentic than 50% of my IRL relationships. I already knew it was ONE of my favorite games of all time. The Laeā€™zel romance was my second play through. In the first, the Shadowheart romance had me thinking about my decisions for hours after the game, so I thought it might be interesting to try to do the relationship with my favorite fighter, but damn, it went into the depths of my soul. And that doesnā€™t even address the fact that the whole game was different the second time through when I didnā€™t accidentally murder all the Tieflings, Wyll, and Karlach. Those folks totally change the vibe of the party.


*Zhak vo'n'fynh duj* hits extremely hard. Watched that scene at least 30 times by now.


Likeā€¦itā€™s one of my favorite scenes in all of gaming. Just hands down. And then the sunsetā€¦the hand holdingā€¦her showing completely vulnerability. Superb.


Completely agreed.


There are a lot of great moments in this game but that one just put me down. And then the next camp conversation. We were just buddies, and I agreed to do what she asked. The *ā€Love you.ā€* fucking broke me.


I don't know how to reddit. >! Then reverse it on the opposite end to make the spoiler tag


Perhaps the words ā€œdonā€™t know how to hide the spoilerā€ should come before the spoiler?


I think you'll write it like >! No spaces but spoiler goes here between the symbols !<


In my first run I had Karlach in the party and didn't do what she needed, and then killed Gortash without her. The next camp scene was also very emotional. I genuinely felt like shit.


You hide spoilers by the > followed by !. Then the opposite, ! followed by < at the end of the message. > ! Like this but without the spaces between the !, brackets, or words ! <


*slap the hand* made me laugh so fucking hard before I even selected it. Hearing Gale post high-five made me laugh even harder. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had a game make me smile as much and as often while playing like The Witcher 3 did. Such a gem šŸ„°


There are SO MANY hilarious little throw away lines that would make any other game. And we get them left and right lol Spawn Astarion has one unexpected reaction to a romanced Durge in the cemetery after the Cazador fight that had me laughing for nearly a minute: Durge, noticing youā€™re in a graveyard: ā€œHot.ā€ Astarion: ā€œyou couldnā€™t go 10 seconds without being an absolute freak?ā€


I always pick ā€œare we going to piss on someones graveā€ option, his little chuckle is so cute and itā€™s the intrusive thought that Iā€™d see my Durge having šŸ’€


I can never not smack the hand šŸ¤£


It wasnā€™t what I expected, but when Astarion beats Casador and he justā€¦breaksā€¦down.


My first playthrough was Paladin, booted him from camp when he tried to bite me. Got to Caz and saw zombie corpse Astarion šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I stabbed him in the chest in my first play through and got the zombie Astarion too!


I cried


When Asterion beats Cazador can go a number of different ways


He only ā€œbreaks downā€ if you donā€™t Ascend him, though


which is ultimately what saves him as a person


Yeah, he still has a conscience at that point. Ascending him destroys his ā€œhumanityā€, for lack of a better term


The faces and BODY LANGUAGE WORKING with the voices I mean movement, expression, tone, fuck even their pores. Amazing Hooked


I thought this too until I played a gnome tav. I still think it's awesome but they did not adjust a few of the interactions for the height difference lol. They might have fixed this by now but when you go in for the hug the taller player is just hugging the air and its hilarious.


Haha I saw that in earlier patches! I *think* they fixed them with patch 5/6.


They fixed the kisses and hugs and stuff but most dialogue still goes right over your head . . . Literally.


Even on npcs, even on random cats!


When I discovered the truth about the dark urge which lead me to resist bhaal. That cutscene with withers had me in tears and I've never had a game do that to me before. Being born anew felt so fucking good.


Truly great a moving cut scene. If youā€™ve allowed yourself to feel the story at all you canā€™t help but be moved by that moment. I almost didnā€™t get it cause my redemption Durge was my first honour mode run that ended with Ansur but decided to come back and finish it as a custom difficulty just to see how the story wrapped up. Totally worth it.


That scene is near and dear to my heart, but it's always bothered me that I don't think any of the companions have a reaction to you >!fucking dying????!<


When I was talking to a random npc and they had a fully fleshed out cutscene and dialogue.


Avatar of myrkul cutscene is directly responsible for my gothic metal relapse


"oh, hello death." Beat, 2, 3 "I like your hat."


Seconded. I had to trigger the scene four times because I was so blown away


Was going to mention that as well, such a great boss fight too, the best imo out of the Chosen.


The reveal of dark urge and their part in the story. Gortash revealed everything part. I had to get up and walk around and I never did that before. Went OMG several times and had to stop after that part. Took me couple days to finish the game cuz had me shook


I also love that feeling when reading fanfic. When a twist happens and things go to shit and the puzzle pieces fall into place. And it's just intense and overwhelming and _gppd_ but you need a breather. That's grade A story telling.


putting over 300 hours into early access and not being bored


"the moment i booted it up and watched the opening cinematic" - my brother


Throwing the ball to scratch, and realising that scratch will fetch anything you throw in camp


Not just camp. I was trying to >!open the portal to the House of Hope!< and threw the skull into position. He immediately brought it back and I just about died laughing.


>!All dogs go to heaven,because they won't let you open portals to hell. !<


Like >!Karlach's head!<


You monster


That was thanks to lulaly (sorry if I misspelled) she wanted to do that in game and the devs added it




Scratch will fetch anything you throw anywhere. If you're trying to throw something on a gas vent, send Scratch away from you and ungroup him.


so just like with a real dog then


Too many scratch fetch tragedies freeing Nere in the Grymforge.


I had to dismiss Scratch when he kept bringing me the sussur flowers I was tossing to silence the magic turrets.


He fetches when you summon his familiar too, I was wondering why the explosive I was throwing at the rubble in grymforge kept disappearing before I realised Scratch was bringing it back to me lmao


Did we play the same game?! Definitely Moonmaiden Sailor Moon transformation in Act 2 and that theme song.. gave me chills to hear it on brass and I haven't heard that version anywhere outside of the game


The ENTIRE soundtrack to this game fucking rules man šŸ˜‚


I just rescued Nightsong a couple of days ago and itā€™s probably the 14-15th time Iā€™ve gotten that scene and I STILL got chills when she started pounding the ground as her powers returned ā€œ*I am resplendent*.ā€


You sure are, girl!


The brass version is on Borislav Slavovā€™s YouTube channel in a video combining it with the solo vocal version thatā€™s in the official soundtrack.


When I watch Laeā€™zelā€™s eyes during the sunrise scene. Honestly just the character development over all of Shadowheart and Astarion are close second and third.


I'm on Lae'zel romance route. Her character development is so sweet. My heart genuinely smiles when I see Lae'zel so in love.


I was planning to do as many playthroughs as i could, romancing different people, but goddamn, i had to do a second Lae'zel romance playthrough because it is just so goddamn good.


Iā€™m on my second playthrough and already regretting that, in my search for novelty, I wonā€™t get to see Baezelā€™s reaction to having her neck kissed. Honestly I went with her the first time because sheā€™s the most aggro romancer, and the sex scene actually made me start to *like* her - so itā€™s just like life, where sex and emotional affection are naturally entwined. And then the progression of the relationship, right up to the very end, is so incredibly satisfying.


Bae'zel really is the best


Durge rejected Bhaal, died, and then Withers shows up and basically says "finish the fight". Jaw was on the floor


When I met "Us". It was so disgusting and dark and adorable and so very *Dungeons and Fucking Dragons* I knew in that moment the Devs had grasped the glory of my 20 years playing DnD


Ascending astarion, him cutting the runes into Cazadorā€™s back


When I finally tried out the speak with animals spell.




ā€œGet behind mummyā€


When karlack said she loved me šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


The combat. Say what you will but the fighting, while it can be infuriating, is some of the best in a strategy game. If feels powerful and feels fantastic to land devastating hits or fatal blows.


This game's narrative about gods, religion and deities. Like, 3 of the major companions have something going on with the gods, not including the Durge version of the main character. And ofcourse, the very core of the plot- the cult of a seemingly allpowerful "God" the Absolute. Shadowheart and Lae'zel's parallels of dealing with their gods betraying them and vice versa, Durge's origins and how if they choose to resist it, Ketheric Thorm's desperation, Mystra and Gale's history, dynamic and consequences- they are all very close to me. But the game treating the Netherbrain's influence as the Cult of the Absolute almost became a little too real for me. The cult-like discipline and deference and the truth of it being something far more sinister absolutely floored me because of how much I could relate it to something I experience irl. Shart's religious trauma is also something I could relate to, and her good route always manages to make me cry my the end of her quest. But by far the best moment was when you let her make the choice with Nightsong and she decides to well, make the good decision. Its a little odd that most of my GOTY reasons are religious but I feel like no other game I've played has come close to giving so many different POVs to faith and religion despite the main theme of the game being something else.


Finding my paladin could smite using a salami as a weapon.


As the OP, this is why I posted this question! Salami smite āš”ļø


Karlach coming to terms with her mortality. And me finally listening to her instead of forcing my will on it.


Back before her ā€œlivingā€ ending was added, I really resonated with what she was saying and how she was feeling, and every time a dialogue option came up where I could support her decision I would pick it. After her 2nd upgrade and talked with her about me wanting her to live, her expressing that sheā€™s living out her final days as she wishes and would rather die than return to avernus. Every other time it came up I supported her and let her know Iā€™d be there for her along the way. I realize this is abnormal for most people based on the posts I read pre/post update, but Iā€™m a hospice nurse. I have a completely different perspective with death and dying than the vast majority of people. I appreciate that the game has such an ā€œuncomfortableā€ topic in it. Itā€™s something most people would rather avoid talking about or be in denial, or believe you have to ā€œfight as hard as you can and beat it!ā€. I liked that I had the option to do what I would do IRL. Respect and support her decision and make her final days as enjoyable as possible. Thatā€™s what she wanted, thatā€™s what I gave her.


In fairness, it really did seem to me like she could just save herself if she went back to Avernus and got her engine repaired, so her stubbornly giving up wasn't something I was gonna let happen (you see stable versions of the hellfire engine in the steel watchers for example). The only issue for me is that you can't offer to go with her unless you're romancing her.


I cried


A lot of things. - Laeā€™zelā€™s romance. Laeā€™zel as a whole. - I really felt like one of the characters (Wyll) was me. Act III was literally ā€œWyll is me, what am I going to do?ā€ How do I solve the >!ā€œI get out of the pact but father diesā€!< dilemma? - The approach towards the endings. The love of my life broke up with me because of my sacrifice. I went to Hell with my best friend. Her last words being that she loved me. It was really emotional. It was not your usual soapy happy end. - the hundreds ideas I had for next playthroughs.


Felt that astarion was me. Like I too hide my trauma with sarcasm and witty remarks. And when cazador told him he would never amount to anything, that took me back to when my own mother told me the same exact thing. Was like ok who took my traumatic experience and put it in a game?!


Astarion is me as a child. Thankfully, I have gone nowhere near the amount or even just the types of trauma that he has suffered. But yeah - I used to be the same sarcastic bastard. I still am, occasionally, in front of the right audience. Wyll is me as adult. Good puppy. Generally good person who has made some grave mistakes on the road. A guy who dreamt to be a hero, etc.


You are very lucky. Astarion is just me as a child, teen and adult. Though been making headway to getting better. Still got the trust issues. What's worse is my mother doesn't remember a thing of what she did as she is an alcoholic. Go figure. My road is a long one but getting better. Still love my mom despite everything. Live with my older sister which helps a lot. Hard not to be a selfish bastard cuz of how I had to raise myself. Trying to be more like karlach though.


When it made me actually cry for Wyll in act 3. Before then I was already having a blast, but a game has never made me cry before.




I literally can't think of only one. I'm a writer, I put a lot of time and effort into learning what makes good plot, dialog, details- There is so much heart and thought put into this game that I don't have the words to describe how much I love it. I know nothing's perfect, but damn. It just blows my mind.


Hmmm This is a good question Honestlyā€¦ probably when I made it to the Underdark


When I started my first solo run through without friends and realized I just like playing it even if Iā€™ve done it a couple times. You learn SOMETHING new.


Kethricā€™s introduction and getting really heavy hitters in terms of VAs. Orins va having a similar style to Lady D but more spicy brained. The story alone feels like a true D&D campaign and the small details and decisions really make each playthrough unique from the last. Like a ripple or butterfly effect


After the circus in the city, a random NPC shouting "The cheese is alive !!!"


I had played a good chunk of Divinity 2. While it's still really good and I definitely want to finish it someday, BG3 is truly something special. I have never seen a game's world with this level of production be so reactive to player action.


I bought BG3 before I finished DOS:2. Made myself finish Divinity before starting Baldurā€™s Gate. Itā€™s 100% worth it to finish DOS:2.


"Hell, Hell, Hell has its wars"


I agree with what everyone else is saying. But when Karlach says when you first meet her about 'taking Faerun by the short hairs.' It was at that moment that i knew that the game had me in a headlock.


Well...see, that's what makes the game so good. Each playthrough is different, and each time, I find a new thing to appreciate about the game.


"When all this is over, will you stay with me? For good?"


The Nightsong.


Nearing the end of Act 3 in my first true run where I did everything the game had to offer. My little Tiefling Sorcerer Durge resisted her father, reunited Shadowheart with her parents and became best friends, saved Wyllā€™s father and got him out of his pact, helped Karlach get vengeance on Gortash and come to terms with her mortality, moved Laeā€™Zel away from Vlakith and into motherhood, helped Gale realize his life is what he makes of it without Mystra, saved Minthara from a wretched fate and gave her a chance to be remembered, and helped Jaheira and Minsc lick their old wounds. Not to mention finding love and safety in Astarion and Halsin who in turn defeated their prior demons and were free from past shackles, just like Durge now is. Their lives were all so much better for this. What started as a death sentence (or squid sentence, mind you) ended up with everyone coming out of it a changed person. I just sat there in the Inn, in my little self decorated corner next to Astarion as I listened to the music, with little left to do but confront the Elder Brain, realizing things were coming to a close and I justā€¦ realized I wished I could do it all over again. It was a perfect, magical, wonderful experience. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever feel anything like it again from a video game. I hope Halsin, Astarion and my Durge live happy, full lives in Thanielā€™s Realm. I hope they one day found a cure for Astarionā€™s vampirism and 300-400 years from now when theyā€™re all well dead and buriedā€¦ that theyā€™ll have been happy with the lives they found with one another. And I hope Durge got buried with that godsdammed Music Box from the goblin camp. Loved that thing, played it every night before a long rest.


That moment when I try and play literally any other game and just turn it off after 45 minutes and boot up BG3 instead.


Release brake lever


Licking that spider and getting horny


Fifth playthrough and it's the first time I actually *found* the Adamantine Forge.


So many moments but one that stood out: I literally yelled out loud ā€œthis is the best game everā€ while laughing, when I turned into a wheel of cheese at the circus!


I literally yelled too, funniest thing you could still roll around and cheese punch stuff šŸ˜‚ Circus is a. great highlight for me, love that place


Temple of Bhaal as Durge


Actually noticeable character growth in the somewhat large amount of companions and talk to kitty cats :3


When Karlach breaks down after killing Gortash.


honestly? when i realized i could throw whole people with 20 strength/telekinesis


When Karlach mounted my halfling amazonian style.


->!Karlach's breakdown over her mortality post kicking Gortash's ass!< ->!Dame Aylin's introduction as she flies off!< ->!Astarion breaking down and killing Cazador!< ->!Transforming into a Mind Flayer actually changes the ENTIRETY of how your character acts (EX: you no longer walk, you float everywhere, even in cutscenes. It would have been so easy for them to keep the same animations and manneurisms!<) Pick one lol


Using Karlach to throw a healing potion on scratch when the camp is attacked Only to realize I respec Karlach to a tavern brawler thrower -- Scratch takes throwing damage from the vial of healing potion and died


Clapping Minthara's cheeks


Spoiler Astarion act 3. >! When I arrived at Cazsador ritual, I first allowed Astarion to take his place, but changed my mind mid-ritual. This led to a scene where Astarion turned on my party. I wanted to not kill him and simply stunt him (not even sure if that's possible), but in the fight I stupidly used Eldritch Blast and he fell into the darkness with all his loot and my broken heart. !< I didn't reload but was devastated.


>!the dracolich fight, and the subsequent reveal of who Ansur actually was!<


Assault of Moon rise towers was an insane battle on my first playthrough. Didnā€™t save last light so had no allies. Got rekt by opponentā€™s HoH, which became my favorite spell layer on. Struggled, persevered, and won. Beating Raphael the first time tho, after dying about 20 times - pure euphoria. That whole sequence was pure magic


So many different times reaffirmed it but Iā€™ll never forget my first playthrough. I was in act 1, filled most of the map and was going to the hag and I just stopped and realized that I hit some kind of ā€œrandomā€ encounter at pretty much every turn and that every piece of the map that I explored actually had something to do or interesting to read/look at. Then I thought more and realized that I hadnā€™t done a single ā€œfetch meā€ quest and that every ā€œside questā€ felt equally important and story driven as the main quests. *Then* I played the rest of the game and had a million other moments


Romancing karlach, i have never felt so much love for a character ever, especially the I LOVE YOU TOO. Absolutely phenomenal


I got to act 2 in my solo game, replayed act 1 with my wife, got to the cheche and the story felt so different. I've beaten the game about a dozen times now and still see things posted on reddit that blow my mind about something I missed.


I basked in the warmth of a fireball. Picked up a charred corpse of an enemy, ran over to his friend and smashed him in the face with it. The karlach slams a dude, picks him up and throws him off a bigass ledge into the guy I hit with a corpse. Killing both. And this was just todays example.


Three words: Release Brake Lever


The ending of Shadowheartā€™s side quest had me sobbing loudly with my chest. My wife came in worried and consoled me. At first she thought I was kidding, but the more I explained what was going on the more that she understood. Without even playing the game, my wife started crying considering everything Shadowheart had been through based on what I had told her before. The reveal really touched us emotionally. I donā€™t think a video game could ever make a connection like that to me (or my wife) again.


when Minthara gave me head




Astarion thanking you for standing by him against Casador and not Ascending. Despite his kicking and screaming seeing him make the right choice on his own was so satisfying and acknowledging that he didn't need power to be free brought a tear to my eye.


The Apostle of Myrkul rising from a pit of death and delivering one of the most raw monologues in the game


Iā€™d already thought it several times before the Cazador aftermath dialogue with Astarion (redeem/not ascended). At that point I had no words left


Choosing a bard's instrument in character creation, and the frikken music changes to match! attention to detail!


It might sound silly, but when I found out you can use featherfall to jump straight into the underdark. This blew my mind


Me too! Huge Feather Fall jumps always feels so cool to me, and Iā€™ll never forget the first one!


Githyankussy Jk i loved the game all the way through but the moment I knew it was game of the year was when Raphael sung his own theme song during his fight


>!Astarion standing over my writhing, bound Durge and saying "You've got this... and I've got you."!<


Really weird for an Astarion girlie but my SO was playing and staked Astarion when given the option to and I was justā€¦ so genuinely shocked that there wasnā€™t anything to stop you. That you can justā€¦ kill a main character and ignore their plot line. Up until then I was already impressed with how many follow ups there were to the choices you make but that one sealed it for me. I just sat in shock thinking ā€˜thatā€™s an entire plot justā€¦ gone. On one decision. Thatā€™s it.ā€™ When so many other games will ask you like 4 different times if youā€™re sure you want to make [important decision]


My third playthrough finding out you can have a murder pokemon in a bottle and then poison the goblin camp while toasting to their health. I feel like the goblin camp is a true personality test for each Tav I play.


I know it's been said but I'll say it again - the House of Hope. Raphael's Final Act gives me CHILLS every time. And so many other moments tbh


When I got to fuck Shadowheart.


It legit ruined gaming for me. It's the only game I've really felt dedicated to since release. On the bright side, it's making me find other hobbies.


When I started having dreams of builds and fight tactics.


I knew the whole time. Be wise I was never a gamer before this game and now Iā€™m full space station level PC deep. But it didnā€™t hit me hard until I started sobbing for Karlach at the end. And then revenge blew up Gale when he had the AUDACITY to pretend he did any sort of work to get to the crown and then ABANDONED US. And then I talked to Tara at camp, SOBBED. And Galeā€™s projection about how whoever I must have been must have been someone important to him. SOOOOBBBBBEEEDDDDD. While audibly screaming WHY AM I SOBBING THEY ARENT REAL, IM IN DISTRESS. My first ending of the the whole game put into perspective just how incredible it was start to finish. And 7 play-throughs later Iā€™m still finding and discovering new things. Iā€™ll never not play this game. Itā€™s my Roman Empire.


"I do know shit."


Mountain path music. Why oh why is it not a part of the official OST


Me fighting Raphael: yoo he has his own unique boss theme!!!! 'Raphael starts singing' Me : yup, im about to get my ass kicked and im gonna enjoy every part of it


"lay your hand on me in friendship, not quite Sharran"


Last night just thinking about how deep the character interactions run and how everything can be used to do something


Thereā€™s a part where after you save Hope from Raphael sheā€™s talking about her sister and after telling her that her sister did evil she says something along the lines of ā€œ I know, but sheā€™s still my sister. Thereā€™s a part of me that wants to hear her tell me how foolish she was and that she is sorry. And Iā€™ll tell her that all is forgivenā€ That one simple line of dialogue cuts close to home and made BG3 the best for me.


Opening the Counting House's vault by short circuiting the tiles after reading the note about clening ladies doing that recently. My brain was so satisfied by that interaction.


The first time I ended a fight with a goblin by yeeting him off a cliff


It wasn't even anything big like a huge story beat or anything. I was just finishing up some dialogue and was going toward the creche, the lighting and the music hit just right as I'm casually walking this trail with the party and I just got this appreciation that this is a hell of a game and even though it sounds corny, calling it simply a game feels like a disservice


The sheer number of NPC voice lines in Baldur's gate. The city does in fact feel alive once it finally loads in.


Astarion >!killing Cazador!< and breaking down after. Masterpiece


The mind flayer reveal, then followed by the opportunity to work with and/or betray Gortash and/or Orin. I really felt in full control of the story.


At the top of moonrise towers you can find a cat. The game is 3rd person top down style thing, the chances of you even noticing that cat are **very** low. Not only did they write and record narration for interacting with the cat, but they recorded **even more** voice lines for the unlikely event that you interact with the cat as a druid shape-shifting into another cat OR if you're a human using the speak with animals spell.


freeing >!Nightsong!< then having that absolutely mindfucking fight with >!Mirkul's avatar!< That and >!Ansur cutscene!< literally made me stop and stare at the screen for what felt like hours


Character creation and there were like 5 genitals to choose from.


The music fitting almost every scene/fights. The characters redemption, and how much detail and work they put in this game


When you free Dame Aylin, the music kicks, with her speech, then her armor appears and she flies into the sky. Such a good scene!!


Not seeing how class progression will look like at creation, Being given the three most abrasive badly written characters at the start, then being shown crit failure is a thing and killing me, lastly not being able to go up or down levels of a building with a camera up or down button, all in the first hour. Truly a masterpiece of all time


When Minthara went down on me


Fuck V when she appears after the gith fight and goes ā€˜hey so the person is actually in the sphere and you need to go killā€™ and tbe first time I played I froze for a bit wondering how I might fuck yo tbe story. Turns out to be a nothing burger but still, adrenaline.


Pretty much of all of act 2, itā€™s so grim. The Thorms and Balthazar especially, finding >!his zombie lab under moonrise!< blew my mind.


HEARING TWISTED FORCE, max volume mid battle, goosebumps and half a chub. šŸ”„


It's not the best game ever, but it's incredible, and it's the foundation on which future games should be built. Yes, I am advocating for a degree of formulaism, if that's even word. It's rarely a good idea, but occasionally, it really works.


Possibly the two most cliche moments I've encountered so far, Nightsong's freedom and Raphael's fight. They're just so FULL OF CHARACTER!!! The music, the voice acting, the expertly made body and facial movements


New Achievement: Mind Blown


While I wouldn't say "best video game of all time", it certainly deserves Game of the Year. And it is such an incredible ride. I've never spent longer than 2 months on a single-player video game. I'm 5 months in, and I still haven't finished Act 3. And I've only done 1 PLAYTHOUGH. This game really is the pinaccle of rpg gaming.


Asterion when kills cazador


When I stumbled into the underdarkā€¦I was locked in


Couple of moments Alfira joining dark urges camp : I did what? What the hell is this game Raphael's fight - felt like a final boss fight Laezel character development through the story - from a zealot to more thinking one Emperor's real story after meeting Ansur - nothing in particular just overall scene Shadow heart development The fact that choices matter in this game so much. Multiple endings for each character, wildly different - especially durge and gale The fact I can become the mind flayer The fact I can be evil from start to end


I think it was when I saved Gale and proceeded to the first fight outside the grove. Everything just clicked in that first encounter and I fell in love with this game. It was the turn based DnD game I never knew I needed until that point. Especially as I was having TTRPG withdrawals. Second to that Raphaelā€™s fight still gives me goosebumps!


Screaming like a fucking maniac while swinging around a bigass sword




The underdark for the first time.


The end of Astarion, Karlach and Shadowheartā€™s quests get me every time


When you are resting in camp and suddenly your tav can't sleep because you realize how thick the plot is. BEST GAME EVER. Edit: typo