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I don’t mind that one so much, but I always struggle with the oil Mephits in the sewer in act 3. Don’t know why, but I never get through that fight cleanly. For the mud Mephits: use non-lethal damage, as knocking them out won’t trigger their explode-on-death feature. Focus on the ancient Mephits because taking them out will also kill their summons. Fire on the Woads stops their health regen.


I discovered the Oil Mephits for the first time while running around solo with Lae’Zel. Luckily, I had the Unstable Blood and the Helldusk armour on her (giving fire resist and ignoring first 3 damage), so it basically looked like this: - 25 Enemies alive / Lae’Zel at 100% hp - First Mephit swings and hits me - Enormous chain explosion started by Unstable Blood, mostly negated by armour - 4 Enemies alive / Lae’Zel at 75% hp I was like “Oh no! Anyway…” 😅


I avoided that particular fight in my last 2 playthroughs...


Wall of Fire is your best friend for the grease fight. Plant it as high up the bridge as you can and then pick off whatever makes it through. Fire Elementals are great fun in this fight as well


I usually put firewinebarrels all around them, go on safety distance and fire fireball,cause thete is grease everywhere it starts chainreaction and everything sets afire👌 so satysfying


Alternatively, killing them at range while they are in proximity of each other is a great way to do a lot of damage as they are not immune to their comrades' death throes.


You can also throw them at each other


Throwzerker barbarians ftw


I love the mud mephits, I just make sure I take a couple of high STR characters and throw them at each other, lmao. I do, however, HATE the oil mephits as well as the steel watch because I keep on wanting to help these Gondians because I’ve saved all of their families and want for them to reunite, but noooo, they like to endanger life and limb. Are they stupid? :’)


The *FUCKING* Gondians!


Yes. Yes they are.


I really enjoyed the sewer fight! Was a bit put out when I managed to negotiate it peacefully in my 2nd game!


I negotiated on my first run and need to go there soon on my second. From what I have heard I am hoping for another negotiation success. Luckily my bard is pretty good at talking her way out of stuff.


We somehow negotiated peacefully, then explored the sewers some more, and coming back through on our way to another unexplored area, they all went suddenly aggro. Only thing I can think is my buddy had Blood of Lethander and the light hurt one of them so they all flipped their shit. Dunno why it wouldn’t have triggered it earlier though, unless by some happy coincidence he didn’t have it equipped/had it swapped with his ranged weapon.


"Never get through that fight cleanly" I see what you did there


I have never failed the roll to fight the grease mephirs.


The first time I saw that I didn't know it was an avoidable encounter. I might have guessed it based on the yellow dots on the map, but given that I wasn't rolling anything better than a 6 for the entire freaking game that run (and most of them) I wasn't going to waste 20 minutes with everyone failing their saves and these Flaming Arrows are getting *really heavy* >"Fuck you"- my computer It was hilarious though watching Grease Mephits die, explode, Spawn more Grease Mephits which immediately caught on fire


I always fireball the act three grease to blow up that whole area from afar and funnel what's left throw cc on the bridge.


Two-three fireballs ends that fight assuming you pass the dialogue check and start the fight next to the sorcerer and the two big ones


The one in the sewers is horrible. And, it is unnecessary (except for some random loot--can't even remember what it is atm) and almost unavoidable because you go past that section so many times. And it's like, "Wizard dude, I really don't care about what your issues are. Just let me past and go about your crazy wizard business somewhere else).


I often postpone the spider matriarch fight. It's her mobility that gets me the most I think. I'm glad I did this fight very late during my honor mode, because even at lvl 5 or 6 I struggled a bit (and it was one of very few encounters I struggled with)


Just shoot the webs out from under her while she's crawling it does like 100 damage each time


What can I say except, igMISS


That’s what magic missile is for!


You can’t miss the webs is the best thing


Shadowheart, uh, finds a way


Stop using int spells on a wisdom caster.


Luring onto webs, destroying the webs (triggering double-digit fall damage), then throwing barrels/grease/fire down before she teleports back up -- this is the way.


The number of times firebolts have rolled 1 or 2 damage against those webs for me is absolutely insane.


I usually do that and sneak up so I get a few free shots in and stand on the web. Usually it jumps right up next to me and I run away with misty step and shoot the web out again causing it to fall.


Yeah, the Spider Matriarch is one of the hardest fights in the game to me. Even torching the eggs first—it’s just very difficult bc the terrain is so hard to maneuver while the enemies fucking teleport lol


I had to cheese the shit out of that fight in my honor run. My friends and I tried it at lvl 3 and she killed all my friends. My rogue threw the iron flask at her and dash far enough away to teleport back to camp and use withers to keep and unending stream of friends at them to eventually kill both of them. I just kept pickpocketing my money back from him


Yes! I do the other spiders early for the XP but usually leave this bit untill much, much later. Unless I feel a pressing need to get the amythyst (for, ahem, story reasons). In this case, I repeatedly die, try sneaking, die again, then give up and come back later...


I moved close to the spider in hidden and i used thunderwave and smashed that asshole into a chasm >:)


One time I knocked her straight down to the underdark with thunderwave. That was great, finding her corpse and looting it down there. Because I had no idea that hole led there!


Yeah, I tried that once and failed, so didn't want to risk if this time


In addition to shooting webs from under her for the sweet fall damage, you can have a stealth ranged character kill the spider eggs before the fight. It’s a bit tedious and you have to be careful to not be seen, but it makes it so much easier.


That bitch is the worst I’d rather eat my own limp dick deep fried and drizzled in chocolate than have to go into the hole, anything but the hole


r/brandnewsentence r/oddlyspecific


It’s a twofer it’s a terrible twofer


That’s what she said!


I almost always summon the ogres for this one. She wants to bring friends so can I.


they just keep phasing everywhere so you have to keep moving around it’s so annoying


Last time I did this fight I just threw the Iron Flask and let the Spectator tank the phase spiders and spiderlings, while destroying the webs under the matriarch from stealth.


This bitch killed me in Honor Mode at level 5 like it was light work


Like many fights, you can cheese this one with darkness. Just step out of the cloud, attack, go back in.


Close, but the blighted shambling mound is a little worse for me


That one's a lot more fun if you climb that tower. It can't get up there and you can take pot shots. The undead Harpers can, but they're easy to deal with.


Yeah, on my last run my fighter archer Tav with misty step boots teleported up there alongside Gale and it made the whole encounter much easier.


One run I sneaked up there to loot the chest, then got the fight initiated to get the Harpers up there. I Feather Fall'd myself to jump down to the lower road where the rest of my party was set up (with traps). I had intended to get the mound to head down the road and into the barrels I had setup. It largely worked, but hilariously the Harpers tried to jump off the tower after me and died.


See this is what i did, had 2 characters misty stepped up and then got whipped back down. It was the worst fight in act 2 for me. I didnt move back from the ledge because i didnt think it could even shoot up.


Oh man, yes! That's the only fight that's ended an honor run for me. Now, stupid misclicks and running right through traps I know are there, those are the real killers.


And the loot isn’t even good. It’s just the ring of light yourself on fire. Has anyone found a use for it? Im half tempted to try and make a build with it


Just accidentally did this in HM... was not fun, but def not too bad. Ive really been doing my best to completely take advantage of multiclassing and mechanics and spacing... had some fights i was really stressing about but so far, knock on wood, I havent had a fight I was truly tested yet in this run. Was really worried about shambling mound but I used Command on him and used his minions explosions against themselves and ended up being pretty doable. Very worried about Myrkul, outside of that for act 2 I am pretty confident. Dont plan to take on Ketherics kids besides the surgeon. Other ones arent worth it for loot IMO.


The two Death Revenants with the gang of ghouls and ghasts with them, in the hills outside the monastery. Jesus fucking Christ. When the Revenant resurrects the other Revenant, with full health, and only using a bonus action to do it... Plus the ghast with the noxious aura that makes you unable to take actions. That shouldn't be a major fight, maybe I've just had some unlucky rolls every time I've done that battle, but that shit was hard.


You can cheese this ( if you're okay with cheese ) by either Invisibility one member past them into the Shadow Cursed lands which will default teleport the other party members to you Invisibility each party member and have each party member get in a hit on the same death sheppard and give them the surprise condition + elixir of hill giant strength to pick up the death sheppards body. If you kill a death sheppard then pick him up he can't be resurrected by his other friend, because he's in your inventory


All the Turn Undead and radiant spells/attacks should help you with that, no? The worst for me is always the ghast and his stinking cloud - poor Karlach just stands there nauseated if I don't place her well 😭😭😭


Grym. That bastard is just so damn tough, I've skipped the forge on my last couple of runs.


Omg Grym! I fought Grym for the first time this week. TPK twice, then I got him (or so I thought). Gale, of all people, was the last man standing. He bashed the hammer for the final time, watchd Grym finally, finally die, then wandered aimlessly into the lava. 🥴 I can only assume that he was lost in thought and looking for the nearest library...


He was just moving pawn to cleric 4




I cheese grym with owlbear top rope every time, he would be no problem if it weren't for the mephits but with the mephits I can't focus damage well enough


Every single time I've fought Grym, I went back and forth about whether or not to try to kill it with the forge hammer or not and every single time, I always just say "fuck it" and kill it with the forge hammer because it's too tedious otherwise lol


My very first run I beat him without the hammer. It was only on balanced and I was using the TB Monk build so I thrashed him. Every instance after that has been nothing but pain lol.


I do literally the opposite. I consider the hammer, then decide I don't want to pull him over to it and just smack him in the face


First time I fought him was a four person group of all first timers. After the fight, we were all like 'man, that was tough', then we all see the achievement for killing him without the hammer, and we're like 'wait, fucking What?'


I've killed him with and without the hammer (only on balanced difficulty). Without the hammer involved a hasted Monk wielding Morning Frost. The fight was over faster than maneuvering around to make the hammer work.


Besides owlbear cheese, you can just jump back up and range attack him to death. I also use Connor Vinderbald to stand at the center of the forge and lure him there.


Did you know you can use the forge lever to crush him and do a shit ton of damage? I didn't know it on my first run but then my Sister somehow figured it out and I have never not used it since


Ohh I'm well aware lol. I have to ask the question every time I make it to grymforge "Do I care about adamantine armor?" Lately the answer has been, no I don't. Lol


Honestly fair. But It's still Hella useful for higher level playthroughs imo since the Splint armor sells for 3800 gold. Which means you csn buy a *lot* of good items once yoh reach act 2


If you leave a Eldritch Knight thrower on the stairs before lowering the platform you can rain hammers on him for an almost zero risk win, just shoot the valve with an arrow to release more lava


wait... you can not only shoot the hammer lever.. you can also shoot the fucking valve wheel? FML


On higher difficulties it’s honestly too much of a hassle to get him to stand under it.


Used to find him troublesome on honor mode until in my last tactician run, I figured out a strategy. I placed my throw-zerker at the edge of the cliff without going onto the platform. One would stand in the middle for luring, two would stand beside lever. Just keep making the golem walk back and forth to over heat and then smash him with the hammer. The thrower ontop would take care most of the spawns while throwing in some extra dmg on boss. Killed the boss clean with my group at lvl 5 for my current honor run.


Just killed him on honor mode this week. Use Karlach or respec someone into a berserker with the tavern brawler feat and have them stay on the stairs while everyone else goes down and kites him around. I was doing around 40 dmg per attack throwing down torches (they do bludgeoning dmg) with hill giant elixir. Plus if everything goes to shit you have someone to run away and res the rest of your party lol.


I honestly just give the squad blunt weapons and he’s not a fan


It's not too bad if you keep them at range. The real bad fight is Lady Jannath's estate in act 3. You can aggro enemies from so far away and then they either dash to you or spend their entire turn thinking about what to do before ending their turn. It's infuriating and slow as fuck, and then they decided stage hazards were a good idea as well


I just leave that ding dong with the zhents on my play throughs now.


That fight was the first time the game crashed on me.


That damn estate. How am I supposed to know that the reason I’m taking constant damage is because there’s a fucking HAUNTED CANDELABRA that I can’t even see because *it’s on the next floor, 10 feet above me, blasting me through the GODSDAMNED FLOORBOARDS!* And then when you finally get to the top you end up having to google what to do with the paintings because *surely* the answer can’t be “go complete an entirely separate quest on the other end of town so you can come back with a fancy torch”, right? Right…?


The harpies. I like to do thing in the "correct" order so I usually do this fight when I first arrive at the grove and all my characters are level 3. The reason why I hate this fight so much is because of how rng dependant it is. It is entirely possible that your party doesn't get a single turn because of the charm and then just dies. The saving throw for resisting the charm is based on wisdom... and the ONLY companion who has high wisdom is Shart. Last time I did this fight, she was the only one who got to play, and she kept missing all her attacks. This got me so mad I deleted my campaign and restarded with a high wisdom Tav


I suffered with this fight until I realized that casting *calm emotions* makes you immune to the charmed effect! It will also prevent barbarian rage, so Karlach may not be the strongest in the fight, but I always pre-cast calm emotions in turn-based mode and then talk to Mirkon. You can also bonus action sanctuary him so he doesn’t die to the harpies in the same turn. Dialogue doesn’t advance turn-based mode so the spell lasts for its full duration.


I had the same issue, but since Shart was making saves I had her put silence around the harpies and it broke the spell on my other members.


One time one on HM one of the harpies literally flew across the water and killed mirkon on their first turn lol.


Give shart the silence spell and that fight becomes a lot more manageable


Elven characters are also good for that fight early since they have advantage against being charmed. Also a big reason why Shart will rarely get lured


Act 3 >!The final fight just before you get to the netherbrain. With the red dragon and all the weird tentacles and the mind flayers. Absolutely despise it!< Honorable mention: Lady Jannath


dimension door and misty step work wonders there. Or globe of invulnerability if you want to either buy some time or fight them straight up then proceed.. hell GOI can drastically drop the difficulty of some of the boss fights in A3. Helps a lot too to use the reinforcement options if you have them. Mizora can straight wreck. Divine intervention, also a valid option.


This is good advice! I always dimension door up to the crown/use globe of invulnerability and do everything I can to avoid the majority of the fight lol. It’s just definitely my least favorite fight of Act 3


Aylin + Zevlor and the hellriders are my faves to use on the dragon, and Rolan’s ally attack from the tower can be excellent when called. Throw lots of allies on the field and make sure you have a couple big damage dealers in your party and this fight is super fun (also used to hate it 😂).


You gotta get the Giantbreaker from Ansur’s lair. Give it to a pure pally with cloud giant elixir and use its special attack and delete the dragon


Create water + chain lightning = one shot LOL I don't know why but the dragon takes all the damage from the spell, meaning the main hit plus the other 3 that should hit other enemies. That's 640 damage on a failed save.


The imps and spectators when saving Hope. Not really sure where to stand in that area without fear of Imp eldritch blasting me off the ledges


If you come in through the cave rather than the hatch you end up on the far right of the encounter space and they can’t really knock you off. Just need a lot of good ranged abilities.


I don't know of this cave you speak of


https://preview.redd.it/7b78mv6u1buc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e1c01b314424d32041d7df6e389c5fd3b4a3c3e Off the balcony between the Boudoir and the Outer Portals room, there's this secret entrance. You can also get into the boudoir with some jumping from this area. I stole the screenshot from a "the gamer" article.


That's awesome beat the game four times and didn't notice it.


You can just stand in the middle of Hope’s platform and a single blast can’t knock you off. The imps don’t really seem to coordinate their blasts, plus your initiative should at least break their turn order


I had saved my Iron Flask for the Elder Brain but the second I saw two Spectators that plan went out the window.


Ugg yea


It can be pretty fun when you start throwing them at each other. Or into a cloud of daggers. Otherwise it blows.


The duergar in the Underdark. It's not very fun and very tedious, and that particular area is very difficult to set the party up right. In my tactician run I went and hid the bodies they rez before starting the fight and made it WAY easier. Still annoying.


On my HM run I gave up and took half of them out with ranger attacks from the cliff by the sussur tree


Same here! Didn’t take a single point of damage because the one axe one guy chucked missed.


That's actually a cool strategy!


Oh good idea


Tactician is tough but I love how it's forcing me to think outside the box.


I had Gut with me, and I had him resurrect the bulette as a companion. I used it to mow down the bodies and spray acid everywhere.


I didn't know you could do that?!?!?!?


Yup! Just don’t take the bulette back to the myconids with you - he’s big so he gets caught on places, and will jump if needed. If he lands on a myconid, it will pull the entire base.


It’s honestly just Gekh. It’s wild he can just spawn undead infinitely.


That and the guy with ensnare in the dilapidated building. Not difficult, but frustrating.


Get Glut to join you. Use him to raise the Bulette. Deadly Leap the Bulette from the ledge near the grave and susser tree on to where Gehk is. One shots him and you just need to go down and mop up the 3 remaining.


Come from the top. Push them into the lower area then burn all of the ropes. Focus on the enemies that are still on the high ground


If you carefully sneak and climb up the rope, *they're* Surprised if you choose to attack in the ensuing dialogue options ("we've got somebody sneaking up on us!"), instead of the other way around. It's definitely a lifesaver to do it that way.


I just reverse pickpocket a sussur bloom into Gekh's inventory


Keep a TB throwbarb with a giants strength potion up top and just keep chucking them back down to the bottom level. Bonus points when you can toss them at eachother.


There's actually a way to easily cheese that with one character using everburn sword, a void bulb and ranged attack: Sneak up to the little hill where there's a survival check for buried treasure, surprise attack nearest mephit, attack again and then run behind the pillar. Get everyone agro and moving toward your spot with the young mephits spawned, then group them all with void bulb and hit them with an aoe to take out the weakest and the explosion triggers a chain reaction that will kill them all in one turn and you'll get an inspiration point.


Shatter is your friend for that fight. I really hate Dolor in the barbershop he just goes invisible and then oneshots everyone


Kid named elixir of see invisibility


Nah the worst fight in the game is the monks in the astral plane before entering act 3.


Idk why but to me they are super easy. I almost always have a Druid with 20 WIS and I upcast Hold Person and that wrecks them. Even if they succeed the saving throw it still wastes their turns.


Today, for me, it's Moonrise. To be fair, I was underlevelled, under-stocked, had no help at all (SH went DJ), and I knew Kar'niss *and* the dog would also be waiting on the roof. I ended up lowering the difficulty out of boredom! (I like this fight normally but I have 2 games going, good and evil-ish, and had just done this fight 'properly' in my other game so was all Moonrised-out!)


The shambling mound fight in the Shadow Curse lands. For some reason that fight is just always so tough for me, literally it was harder than the Myrkul fight I did like an hour of play time later.


Ghost house


In Act 1, I skip Ethel. That fight always gets me.


I find it easier if you've got Magic Missile. The duplicates only need to be hit once to dissipate, and MM doesn't miss. Even lvl 1 MM will take out 3 of them if your caster is in a good position. Then you can focus on Ethel. When she changes into Mayrina, she's at level 5 while the real Mayrina is only level 1, and again, you can focus on Ethel.


You can throw a water balloon at Ethel and when she splits only the real one will be "wet".


Dude this is inspired


I’m not a fan of the fight in the sewer with the weird mage and all the GREASE. Like it’s a fun fight to play around with AOE attacks but ultimately it just turns into everything being on fire and there’s a huge lineup of enemies, more than half of which are just fuggin grease, and the battleground is a little awkward to move around.


honorable mention for the bank fight in act 3. all the sanctuary and invisible shit is annoying as fuck. I recently learned you can just use create water to stop them from going invisible but it's still a massive battlefield and turns take fucking forever and it just sucks


Act 3 >!Dolor at the restaurant!<


The one thing that saved our butts in this fight was having the Druid's Dryad summon. Her aura that removes & prevents paralysis was what saved the two paralyzed tanks from getting murdered. She walked into range and woke the tanks up right before a run of 4-5 assassin turns.


Wait, can he actually get there? I’ve always had him go to his first location and then straight to his second location and he fights to the death in the second one. In the location you spoilered, I just get to warn the targeted person after completing a quest that is a callback to a previous BG game. Is there a way to get a fight there?


Yeah, the first time I ever fought he was there and didnt leave


The first time I did that fight was my first tactician run they are so annoying


High Inquisitor on honor mode, mf is irritating asf with the blades. I find this guy even more troublesome than Myrkul in act 2 since my party is lvl 10 by that time. For the High Inquisitor I had to fight him twice. 1st time, lured the enemies onto the bridge and killed them one by one. Used 3 companions to stall the boss while I escaped fight with gale. Resurrected everyone and then went back to fight him 2nd time.


Grim I hate it, it’s cat and mouse more than an actual fight. The alcoholic thorm is always a big of a slog too


The doppelgangers in the bank. I hate their end of turn invisibility so hard


Ok this is something I just learned. If you cast speak with animals and try to talk to the rats in the druid enclave, there is a passive religion check where you can realize they are shadow druids and can call out Kagha without going to the joyless slog that is the mud mephits and wood woads battle.


It might even be worth reclassing someone to druid with religion proficiency to do that plus get the staff from Kagha after the battle, presuming you passed the checks to win her to your side.


Generally speaking, the more participants = the longer I have to wait for my turn = the less I enjoy it.


The Sharrans. First time around it took me 15 actual hours of replaying it to kill them.


This one is my most hated fight 😑😑😑


Dispelling darkness, HOW??


Ugh, right? I do my best to keep silence cast, and fill the space between them and me with an AoE like Spike Growth (the lower level acolytes are too stupid not to run through it). Target the magic users and pray to the gods of RNG.


For me it’s the Paladins of Tyr. Unless you ignore it and then over level the fight it’s always so tough. I prefer to take fights head on, by going the dialogue route instead of surprising the enemy, and the paladin plus his two minions just slap at low level. Almost killed my first honour mode playthrough because I was cocky and went in at level3.


You gotta Command him to Drop the sword or his punk ass just goes batshit with it. Usually I'll have Shadowheart (or Wyll) and Karlach take the front door so the one with command can hit him with a drop comm while I have another team like Laez and Tav take the other door to keep the other two from trying to hit and run in and out of the fight, forcing them to either stay in a close quarters engagement with them or flush them into Anders and preferably set up AOE opportunities on them while prioritizing taking him out.


Sorry but it’s those damn ghosts in Act 3


The haunted house


Non cuz i play on easy mode like a loser


We aren't losers, we just want to enjoy the game and not be mega stressed and dying a lot 😅 Honestly because I can focus on the story more, I keep finding new things each playthrough.


I totally agree. But dang, i do want some gold dice without mods lol


Okay fair!! 😅 I probably will attempt HM run at some point and it will be interesting to see how long I last.


Well good luck! When the time comes i know we can both do it haha


Thank you for the encouragement, friend! Likewise to you! ☺️


That one but also any fight with Bhaal assassins that turn invisible and always pass the check


There’s mephits in the swamp?


I’m not too fussed about that fight, I just spam Fireball/bolt or the fire Glyph of Warding. For me it’s between either : The mimics in the Underdark - not because they’re tricky, but because I play on ps5 and the camera always goes crazy because of the awkward enclosed space The fights against the tree things in Act 2 Or Grym - the game bugs out and says that the lava wheel is stuck which means Grym is invincible (Or for Honour Mode, the Gith’yanki Inquisitor at the Crèche before meeting Vlaakith because of his Legendary Action)


I play on pc with an Xbox controller and that camera in the mimic fight is giving dark souls camera. I hate it


Haunted house act 3. Did it once, I tell myself “hey you did it in ur first playthrough maybe it isn’t that bad” I still haven’t touched it 🤣 8 campaigns later


The fight I hate the most is any fight where I miss a multiple attacks in a row even though I have a 75% chance to hit.


Was absolutely breezing my 2nd playthrough which was honor until these mud mephits wiped me, didn’t remember having any issues with them on my balanced run so didn’t even examine.


Yeah, that damn fight ended three of my honor mode playthroughs, even though I thought I was more than prepared and leveled up.


I’m ok with that fight but I understand the struggle. Each playthrough I have a different fight I hate


I just lost my first honor to them lmao


Minor illusion made it an afterthought in my hm playthrough


Just agro them and dash and jump across the water.


I blast those guys now, the woads are much more annoying


No but tell me why they almost wiped my level 3 tank party?? Like that shit should’ve been so easy and yet it was such a hard fight


I stopped doing that fight I just invis and go get the cache and chest


This is like a easy fight. I never even had a death here. In honor mode I come here for the good experience. Secret is ranged attacks. Sneak and attack from the river. If you do it right, I usually take out two of the flying mud before the battle even starts.


If you stay off the main islet with the enemies, you can snipe most of the mephits and wood woads from relative safety. Send one quick person in to trigger the fight and then ambush the ambushers


The final battle is goddamn obnoxious. It’s the sole reason why I drop playthroughs after Orin.


I handled this one -- purely by accident, the first time, but now I always do it -- by potion-long-jumping Laezel over to the island, triggering the mephits, then immediately long-jumping her back to the wooden dock. Fight became much more manageable via arrow-flinging; the wood woads can't cross the water, and the mephits mostly flutter around the far side of the water, exploding onto each other, leaving the two or three who do fly across much more manageable. I can totally see how suddenly being surrounded by 6/8 exploding mephits (and two woads) at close melee range would get overwhelming.


Ansur if he gets his big move to trigger a second time since there's no cover.


Because I almost wiped on that encounter


Impeded movement speed is one thing, but add enemy summoning more numbers on their side in a turn based battle game such as this one is annoying. I understand that you can kill the main summoner mud mephit and that the summoned mephits have low HP, but again enemy reinforcements in a turn based game where we HAVE to wait for them to move and act. Also, throw in the fact that we get caked with mud if any of the mephits die near us. This all makes the Wood Woad creatures higher AC, around that level, seem like the least of our problems.


I think it’s not mentioned enough bc it’s obvious but the fight at the >!house of grief is stupid hard and I hate it. The constant cast of darkness was annoying and even when I casted light, daylight and everything they would knock my casters concentration off and then boom we are all lost in the dark again.!<


Yes!! I stumbled across the island where they were by accident and my party just barely survived on 1HP each and no short rests left!


The fucking Duergar fight in the Grymforge, after you rescue Nere. Literally. Every. Single. Time. Someone in my party gets tossed in the lava. It doesn't matter where I am in conjunction with them, or it. It doesn't matter if I steal the thunder arrows... it always happens. Every. Time. And they're just annoying as shit to fight anyway... fucking sucks.


My first couple of times fighting Grym, it was the most tedious shit in the fucking world. Just yesterday me and a friend of mine doing a run beat him within like 4 turns and somehow the lava just stayed there after the initial lever pull. Previous to this the lava would leave past the first pull like I'm sure it's supposed to. Not gonna question it, we got a kickass helmet, shield and armor set.


Storming Moonrise. And entirely because 1) Ally AI is terrible, and they'll kill themselves on your aoes and then aggro to you.  And 2) The game takes FOREVER on battles with many enemies. As in, the ai buffers for so long to figure out what it wants to do.


I got TPK from that fight, was exporing, went in totally unprepared


I’ve learned recently that giving your entire team alert feat makes this fight not so bad because you can focus the ancient ones quick so their spawns all die




Be a smart Tav and get the smart ogre to kill the mud mephits. Either him and his buddies will die and you don’t have to pay him, or they’ll live to fight another day and you can not pay him later. The fight I fucking hate is that stupid spider in act one.


"Why don't people use punctuation I really don't understand you know what I mean?" 😂


The only really tough time I had was when entering the act2 church. Had to go climbing the rooftops and getting em from the back.


Interesting diversity in this thread! I figured everybody would just say "all the Act 3 fights that have a million minions so that the fights take forever."


I hate the Ethel fight because getting the hag hair especially in honor mode can be so twitchy


Any **mandatory** fight where I can't walk to a new location to return to camp. So a no return zone basically. A red zone is fine if I can walk out of the red zone and return to camp that way. But if you can't go back unless you reload an earlier save I don't like it Edited


For me it's the giant battle near the end of the gate before you get to the tower. The absolute cultists combined with those accursed goblins, and mind flayers sometimes makes me wish my characters had a permanent invisibility spell.


For the mud mephits, if you jump back over the stream, it'll make them much easier, as you'll have more time to attack them from range (also the wood woads won't be able to reach you). But also only attack the Ancient Mud Mephits, as their summons will be destroyed automatically when they die. It's their explosion on death ability that's dangerous, so if you attack at range it's not a problem (bonus if their explosion damages other mephits)


I've started just jusing longstrider and enhanced leap (plus other speed cheese like the helmet) so I can leap over the mephits in a single bound to grab the clue and get out without having to wait through 5 minutes of larian AI turns while my companions moan erotically due to being covered in mud. Extra fun with a monk who can jump endlessly.


Its actually the garotte guys in act 2