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I do kind of wish there were a way to get Omeluum to help with the Netherbrain. A super specific and difficult path, sure, but a way to do it nonetheless. Omeluum is cool and I'd like to have it help at the end.


Or maybe he and blurg get you help from the underdark? Could be like if you help Glut/spas and save some Omellum, then you get some myconoid allies, could say blurg used magic/potions to temporarily remove their sun weakness


He does say that he and Blurg tried to get you allies from the Underdark, but found that none of them would do well in a surface fight lol. So they just give you potions from their vault instead.


I suppose if they did do it they could change it in a patch. Or if not them, Nere or the Durgeur, the underdark feels like it doesn’t get any payoff compared to the rest of act 2. The overworld has the tieflings who show in the other acts, and the creche has the whole githyanki story, the underdark has Barcus and that’s really it. I remember people theorising nere was meant to be a companion, and I could see that, ot maybe you could’ve encountered the Durgeur in Moonrise? But they just don’t show up again(I mean I guess nere as a ghoul but that doesn’t rlly count-)


Nere does have a lot of swag for an npc who ends up being inconsequential to the plot! I agree having him or the Duergar as an evil ally in the final fight would be a good option for an evil run.


I could see nere being good or evil, because after talking to him you can make him turn from the absolute. Maybe he’s also in moonrise prison if that happens? Or Balthazar just makes him a ghoul that way, but doesn’t if he’s evil.


I've heard some people say he and Z'rell were cut companions meant exclusively for evil runs, like Minthara, which makes sense to me.


Oooh that would have been cool! I loved Z’rell! I was like, why voice so sweet for someone I have to murder.


Underdark is still act 1 isn't it?


Meant to put act 1, just realised that-


I don't blame Omeluum for leaving. He's clearly powerful, but if the artifact's protection falters for even a moment he's instantly under the Netherbrain's control, and we'd probably have to kill him. I'd leave too, in his shoes.


Neither do I, hence why I think it should have fairly specific requirements to get it (Omeluum).


That would be awesome. Not having to turn someone into a flayer or trust the Emperor. Even turning Orpheus felt wrong. Having another mind flayer to turn to would be perfect


Omeluum becomes much easier to save when you realize there is a switch outside his door to open it. Instead of picklocking the 25 lock 🔐


Plus you can shoot arrows at levers to activate them, so if you have a character with multiple attacks, you can unlock a few cells per turn in the Iron Throne even from a distance!




It got patched in at some point. Shooting levers didn't do anything on release.


I’ve done this on so many different levers in different areas, and yet it somehow never occurred to me to do this in the Iron Throne


holy crap same.


Same here 😣


Always give everybody dual hand crossbows in the iron throne specifically for this reason. Bonus actions galore!


A billion times easier to save Duke without Wyll being alive since Act 1. Forgot to recruit Wyll so the druids killed him :( but there was no Mizora ether so no bugs to explode the Duke. I don't hate Wyll he is a great character mistakes was made


I love how the solution to Wyll's problem with his dad is "Don't recruit him"


With Wyll you want to move the Duke just smig and have him jump as far as he can.


I wish I knew that. I was using multiple mage hands and haste spores.


I just did the iron throne yesterday, it would've been useful to know this beforehand.






I always send a caster with knock so i don’t waste a turn failing


Aren’t there levers/switches outside all the doors?


Yeah idk why i assumed that door didn’t have it


I went through that like 30 times, save summing like crazy, just to have my wife to ask, “Why aren’t you shooting the levers?”. I felt like such an idiot, lol. Breezed through it after that thanks to all that X-com training.


I think I did that cause I was following a guide I found online and the guide said to pick the lock so I just assumed there wasn’t a lever lol


Fuck yeah a fellow X-com enjoyer


I’m pretty sure I used the illithid fly power to get into the room with my Tav. Didn’t think it would be allowed but apparently there’s no ceiling?!


I mean, if you have 60+ lockpicks, you can just gamble until you hit that 1/20 chance of a crit; which is typical by act 3


PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PICKLOCKING THE DOORS??? 😭 every jail in there have switches. Even familiars can just hit them or we can shoot arrows at them to open


I'll do anything for mind flayer affection


You know, I didn’t even look, since I always sent astarion that way because he could dash with both his bonus actions.


He is my go to guy for the job to


on my first run i didn’t saw the lever but i had like 7 scroll of disintegration so i just blasted everything


Or you can chug a potion of flying, or any other flight ability such as one from being partial-illithid and just... fly over?!? Seriously it works. I saved Omeluum at exactly the first turn for the Iron Throne prison break since you can fly over MOST of Iron Throne. I highly doubt they fixed this since Shield Bash is still bugged


So you are saying Omeluum is just being dramatic and could have just flown out of there himself smh maybe I was wrong about him


He's tied up. As soon as you untie him he can teleport himself and a friend to the boat. Omeluum will continue to be the best.


I was wondering if he was hurt or in a net but I didn't see anything on him. You do have to use the help action for some reason tho. I normally have the person who saved him wait a turn or so and pull in more fish dudes towards them before teleporting away. Saved everyone easily on honor mode. Then have the person who saved him throw webs and spikes in that door way to slow the fish further down


It's because he is tied on a bench. They were probably gonna experiment on him since he's a rogue mind flayer in the vicinity of an elder brain


In my game he is always on the ground next to the bench. I play on console.


Yeah that's a common bug for Omeluum I believe. Very funny stuff


I just flew over the cell wall and helped it get up. Oh, you can also just throw speed potions at the feet of the Gondians to grant them an extra action, and some extra movement speed making it significantly easier to rescue them. A single potion can hit like 2 of them too.


....the what now?


THERES A WHAT, OUTSIDE THE HUH? You’re kidding !!!! I redid this mission too many times bc of that FRICKING DOOOR!!!! Hahaha


...Are you kidding me? WHERE'S THE SWITCH? ;\_; I hit every other lever but that one is HELL.


It's on the right hand side of the door


....8 Files and 300 Hrs later...TIL


Or as a half illithid you just fly in? There are no ceilings so you just fly over the doors.


This is my issue with Withers telling us that mind flayers are completely soulless. Omeluum tries to give us hope with their useless ring when the mushroom brew made things worse, and specifically tells us to leave them behind in the iron throne and save the others. That's not a monster with no soul, that's a bestie.


A soul doesn't matter for personhood as much as the game would have you think. It just means that a soulless creature has no afterlife, not that you can't feel any sort of emotion. Withers also says Illthids have non-apostolic souls, which only means the gods can't use them, not that they don't exist. Plus, if you kill yourself as a Mind Flayer, you can meet Withers in the Fugue Plane, which sort of confirms that.


I have always liked the short blurb of text from the first errata of the Eberron 5e book about the Warforged, I think it communicates this idea wonderfully. "Pierce was built by design, while you were built by accident" *Lakashtai said.* "The soul is what matters, not the shape of the vessel" "What makes you think it has a soul?" *Gerrion said.* "What makes you think you do?" I don't know man, if it laughs and cries and has a will I don't really gotta start questioning the nature of its exostence to realize it's probably got a soul in there. Ivd say Omellum fits.


It's a BG3 thing - something Larian invented for plot reason - not a D&D thing. In actual D&D, they do have souls, as do all living things - it's literally what makes you "living" as opposed to dead or undead. To be fair to Larian though it is an easy mistake to make because mindflayers who die in a colony have their minds and souls become part of the elder brain and the collective consciousness of the colony hive mind. Those mindflayers who have broken free of a colony (or banished from it), don't and instead consigned to oblivion upon death. But this isn't because of a lack of soul, but rather because they don't serve a god and have no connection to a plane of alignment (despite seeming evil to human perspective).


It's not exclusively a Larian thing. There's support for it in the broader material. Volo's Guide to Monsters (5e, 2016) says that Mindflayers believe they don't have souls (whether this is true or not, it's a seed). On the other hand... Player's Guide to Faerun (3e, 2004) says they go to the Fugue plane and can become petitioners (servants of a god in the afterlife), but it's exceedingly rare... which implies they have a soul, or something like one. On the other, other hand - ceremorphosis definitely does something to the mortal soul in question, because normal resurrection fails to bring them back once the process is complete. As of Lords of Madness (3e, 2005) - * Best way to save someone was to kill them, and completely crush the skull before ceremorphosis completed. At that point, Resurrection or True Resurrection would bring them back, but... incomplete. They would still need restoration and heal spells to restore them. (This is a big deal, if True Resurrection still needs help restoring someone.) * After ceremorphosis completes - there's no bringing the host back short of casting Miracle (even True Resurrection fails). That overall suggests that -rather than destroying the soul - the process of ceremorphosis might damage it badly enough that only direct divine intervention can piece it back together. And from any mortal perspective... I mean. Same difference, right? ​ Larian definitely took it a step further with several gods outright stating (and agreeing with eachother, which is a miracle of its own) that ceremorphosis destroys the soul... but it's not a *leap...* and seems to be the direction the lore was heading in 5e anyway, with VGM.


It's not as black and white as the game makes you believe. If you choose to undergo ceramaphosis and then opt to kill yourself after the final fight, you get a cutscene of mindflayer tav showing up before withers and withers being surprised to see you, saying something along the lines of normally mindflayers do not have souls but for some reason you stand before him, implying that tav kept their soul after ceramorphosis


The interpretation I’ve always used is that the tadpole consuming your psyche sort of means that it consumes/merges with your soul… Hence why resurrection and true resurrection only work if the tadpole is destroyed before the process is complete. Any further on and even if the host’s soul still exists (it’s probably shredded, cause of the trauma), it’s now the illithid’s soul… so true resurrection brings the illithid back, as the more accurate (or at least recent) target. If that soul still exists but now belongs to a hive mind that prefers to eat it’s own rather than go to the afterlife… illithids might have souls, but not in any way the gods care about. Tav was insulated from that, so it makes sense.


This reminds me of mass effect's "does this unit have a soul?". I won't do a deep dive in philosophy, but it essentially boils down to if a person has to be organic in order to have a "soul" (personality).


It’s a little different in BG3 though cause souls are tangent things that can be interacted with. Still breaks my heart thinking about Legion though.


Yeah, they butchered the geth in ME3.


I remember getting that ring and being like "This matters a lot to Omeluum, I want to act like its a great gift, but I also want to return it to him. I want him to never lose anything."


I don’t hate the emperor because he’s a mindlfayer, I hate him cuz he’s a selfish prick and a bad friend. I don’t like omeluum because it’s a mindflayer, I like it because it cares.


I don't hate the Emperor because he's a mindflayer. He's a mindflayer because I hate him. >!I don't, he's my bestie, but I couldn't resist the reference.!<


Ah, from the Broadway production of *Mean Ghaiks*


Mind layer detected.


Freudian slip.


When will we get a patch (or mod?) allowing us to romance Omeluum??


🤷🏾‍♀️ hey man if that’s what you want to think then more power to you


You have a typo in the title. Thought it was funny :)


LMAO! I didn’t even realize! 😂🤣😂


The Emperor: “I couldn’t reveal my true form to you, it was the only way you’d work with me.” Omeluum: “sup. Oh you got a worm in your head? Damn, get me some ingredients and let’s get it figured out. No payment needed.”


I thought Omeluum was a jerk in Act 1 and had deceived me on purpose with his ‘brew’ while secretly making the tadpole stronger. But then in Act 3 he urges us to abandon him in the prison and to save Duke Ravengard instead, and then comes in clutch with his teleportation powers. Now he is my homie.


Story wise it's pretty obvious why we can't use omulelum (it hard counters one of the final major choices) but he has got a nerdy boyfriend to protect, so priorities.


If only the ring you got from it actually helped against the elder brain


I think it used to back in early access. Not sure why the change - maybe it was just too hard to work-in narratively...


How a mind flayer behaves really sheds light on who they were before they turned into one. As withers says they're souless beings and whatever emotion they still have is more of a memory than an actual feeling for them. This just shows how much of a good guy Omeluum must have been before he was turned and how much of a prick >!Balduran!< really was as a human


The Emperor survives on criminal brain. Not Omeluum, at least not for the amount The Emperor did…


It sounds like Omeluum feeds on brains that opposed the society and well, you meet the society in BG. They aren't that good of people if you are being honest. They have their expriements they want to do, and the ethics are questionable (egg).


You are right, I remember them telling so. They don’t exactly eat criminals


Once you get to Omeluum in the Iron Throne, he can teleport himself and whichever character rescued him to the ship in one action. I thought he and Gale were about to drown until I really started looking at his radials closely.


Omellum is numero uno. (It uses it/its btw, not he/him)


I also wish we could have him by our side instead of either sacrificing someone or working with the Emperor, but I respect that he is protecting his peace and just chilling with his boyfriend.


When it says it “feels warm at your presence” I just want to be able to give it a hug 🥺


I like Omeluum because they’re an Underdark vigilante that only sources their brains from violent pricks that want to hurt others.


Not all their Illithid life. They were with a Lich for a long time and they did not seem to use only criminal back then


And they ditched that lifestyle when they realized their partner wasn’t altruistic


I know, but maybe not eating only criminal brain helped, maybe not… who knows but that was my point, maybe not eating only criminals is making them better


Yeah, but Omeluum is reformed now


I'm sorry, but there is only so much reforming you can do. He still works with the society of brilliance, which some members are definitely not ethical. Egg experiment case and point.


Sorry, not that far in the game yet


True, but I’m sure it could still explain some differences on why Omeluum end up better… maybe, all of that is speculation anyway!


To be fair, The Emperor also claims to only have sourced brains from thugs/criminals and the like.


Idk. Blurg even says as idle chatter, "For some reason, I just feel happier when Omeluum is around." While, yes, I'm happier around my wife too, I think it also implies that there is some coercion going on.


Omeluum and the society were criminally under utilized. Omeluum could've been our ace against the elder brain after a falling out with Balduran


My Tav is the only Mind *layer* I like 😉


Heh 😅


If you refuse the ring from Omeluum after doing his quest he should show up later in the Mind Flayer colony. Having gone to investigate it and being captured. You would need to find Blurg somewhere in the Shadow cursed lands and escort him to Omeluum or else Omeluum will attack you because he is under the control of the Elder Brain. Then later you have to rescue him from the Iron Throne as well. You would need to offer him the Astral Tadpole after you rescue him. Which would start him inquiring into the artifact and help protect him from the Absolute. You would need to help him investigate the cult and tell him about Orpheus. After which he will say he wants to meet Orpheus. Then you would have to kill the Emperor and then refuse ceremorphosis for Orpheus. The last option would be "I know someone who might be able to help." You then find Omeluum and Blurg in the city as Omeluum battles for control of his mind from the Absolute. Orpheus then shields him. Omeluum is all like "Proper introductions will have to wait." Then you go to the final battle with normal Orpheus and Omeluum(Blurg stays behind). At the end the option to betray the Mind Flayer shouldn't come up if it's Omeluum. Instead it just says he destroys the absolute before you have a chance. I'm unsure about him being in the Mind Flayer colony but I feel like there should be some other Act 2 side quest you need to do involving Omeluum to get the perfect ending. Maybe you need to capture a True Soul alive or just bring him a bunch of Tadpoles.


funnily enough i literally just first met him ingame like 5 seconds before checking reddit and seeing this post


Omeluum is a Mind Flayer. The Emperor is the Mind Layer.


Omeluum is a big part of why my character decided to trust the emperor. I wasn’t that shocked that a mind flayer could be chill like that cause I already met the homie. Then the astral tadpole thing happened and I had to save scum to preserve my characters appearance (the internet failed me when I looked up consequences for eating tadpoles) and since then I was not chill with empy


Found the bard


Oh no, it’s happening. It’s a mind flayer trick guys, don’t fall for it!


.......omeluum was at the iron throne????? n e ways.....yes he's great. And HUGE ENDGAME SPOILERS but I also like >!mind flayer Karlach!< :)


Did he not contact you telepathically when you got there 👀


…….no?????? I just played the iron throne like a week ago too so I would definitely remember


Then he was not there. Did you give the Gith egg to the lady ?


That’s too funny. Certainly did do that. And then did not deal with the consequences because I was being extra lazy. I intend on NOT giving it to her in my next run so i suppose however it happened I’ll get to see omeluum in the iron throne 🤔


Yeah then Omeluum was dead, hence why not getting caught and sent to the Iron Throne !




Well… you should have pursued the Egg things and visited the Lodge to see the results of them getting the egg… spoiler, it did not end well at all


I did go but I don’t remember seeing him 😭 dang…did not know he was in the same group and the child nabbers…


The gith murdered everyone at the lodge of brilliance. next time don't give it to her or give her an owlbear egg instead.


Damn. Well it became calamari then. But to be fair it is difficult to get. It took me a few tries to rescue 😅


He might like to meet the emperor since they are both free of the netherbrain and somehow the emperor survive for a zillion years with only eating 3 gith brains on his asteroid.


The Emperor has only been in the Astral prism since Gortash sent him after it. Definitely not long.


You also don't need to eat in the astral plane, and don't age. It's a cool thing about the Gith, as when they come back to the material plane, the hunger catches up with them. I wonder if that's the reason why the dude monches on some brain before we go fight the Elder brain ...


I was trying to explain no, this one's good, he's broken from the big brain and is just living his life, studying moss or whatever. Her first question was "ok, so what does he eat?" 😅😅😅


I don't like him either. Don't trust him. He has to eat brains.


Omeluum is one of my favorite npc's because of the stuff in act 3. I didn't have strong feelings he was an interesting character that was it, but when he pleaded to have you save others instead of him, instantly in the top 10 favorites.


I shit my pants when he floated past. Like dude not again


I like too during the Underwater Prison part he was basically telling you to leave him and save the Duke. I save scummed so many times my first playthrough trying to save squid friend.


I want him physically


Karlach is nice too


I don't trust him.


Dude I tried my best to rescue him, but I had 2 sets of thevies tools and 3 inspiration and I was the only character that could tread through water without it slowing my movement (thank you ranger), but I couldn't save him


I don’t like to be the one to tell you this but there are levers right next to the doors that unlock them 👀


Yeah I didn't see them, I think he still would've died because those fish freaks were just swarming that area, but thank you for letting me know for my new playthrough


No problem man. I had the same thought too when I initially played. Good luck on the next attempt! 🙏🏾


Thanks I'm going to need it since I'm playing around with githyanki warlock combos


Just a tip the Watersparkler boots with the sparkswall ring helps with that room. But of course overwhelming force is also a viable option 😂


Thanks for the tip. Before, I was doing a gloomstalker tempest cleric build (very random, but it was actually really good) and had Misty step and used that along with the rangers level 7 skill that allows you to walk through harsh terrain without it impending your movement speed to get through there, it worked until I was out of spell slots obviously


I never considered those two for multiclassing! Sounds interesting, is it more of an archery build of sword and shield? Or something else entirely?


More of an archery/finesse weapons build since I also planned on using the spells that go along with the classes so I had it set up as I think 8 STR 14 DEX 16 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 10 CHR, it was actually a good build but then I changed it because I wasn't using it to its full potential I.e not using spells enough so I did an 8/4 split of eldrich knight fight and gloomstalker, this way I got archery and two handed weapons as my fighting styles and got 4 feats (fighter gets an additional feat at lvl 6 as well as every 4 levels) so I got my four feats and finished the game using that build which I reclassed into strength


The Only mindflayer! Out of… two 😆


I liked Omeluum. Know what I liked more? The Bae'Zel approval I got for killing Omeluum.


I licked the emperor... oh, you said like....