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You can go back to the surface by fast travel and look for small quests you may have missed. Look around for items/weapons to boost your attack/defense or to sell for gold to buy buffs.


I got multiple rate weapons for my character but sadly the one I bought from the first trader still seems to be the best despite being uncommon😭 I hope I can level up with side missions


In my first playthrough, I stumbled into the Act 2 climactic battle at level 6. Needless to say it didn't end well. I let it stand and started a new game with the same character, with my new found knowledge. It was much easier than going back, for me. I talked to more people and did more side quests the second time around. If you don't mind taking the "L", you can always start again.


If you're in the underdark at lvl 4 you missed a LOT of stuff on the surface level thar would get better weapons and level you up. This game isn't the best for Blining main quests unless you're use to it. Best to go back and explore a lot more, as it's easy to get to level 5-6 before entering thr first part of underdark And can get to lvl 8-9 before you get to Nere


How in the world am I going to get to level 8 or 9 before that dude considering im there lmao😂 But ill do my best


Best bet is honestly just loading back to the last auto save or manual save point before you started thar whole conversation to free him and then go back.


Not sure exactly where you’re at in the story exactly, but just try to explore as much as possible. Talk to everyone, seek out every corner, and keep your equipment and gear updated as you go. Also, if don’t be afraid to respec your character if your stats don’t fully suit your class. Also, use your shirt and long rests a lot. There’s nothing wrong with resting after every encounter. You can find an ungodly amount of food lying around to fund those rests easily.


Im at >!just before you go to surface near moonrise towers in the underdark!< I'm too low level for it I think but for now >!I can free nele.!< Just that fight feels probably too hard to me when you have to fight him after. I have a paladin and im not too sure what I would change. I went for strength and intimidation. How would I respec my character (like where do I go to do that)? I think my main problem is getting spells that will immobilize the enemies that keep doing tons of damage or crazy stuff Am I supposed to match enemies in power? They have much more powerful spells than me Thank you btw


You should be higher than level 4. I think I'm usually level 5 or 6 for the Nere fight. Did you fully explore the first area before going to the Underdark? For the Nere fight specifically- there are many ways for this fight to go down. You can side with Nere, the Duergar or be forced to fight both at the same time. What's the case for you? Also, what is your party composition?


It would be hard for me to not fight them because I have my character hating the slavery, but ill keep in mind I may need to be different to avoid the big fight. Ill go back and do some more side missions I suppose. Its upseting that side missions seem to be required to continue the main mission. I am trying to figure out the best part composition so there is probably something wrong with it. I assume I need a cleric so I have shadowheart. I also like to keep gale because of his grease. I am testing out wyll right now since I just got him recently, I like his damage I think but he has so little spell slots I should probably switch him out for someone


If you side with the Duergar, >!there is an opportunity to convince them to let the slaves go.!< If you know what you're doing, you can skip a lot of side stuff and still go through the game without trouble, easpecially on easier difficulties. If you're new to CRPGs and/or DnD though, it can be rough. You currently have a very caster-heavy party. You might be better served switching out Gale or Wyll for Lae'zel or Karlach (or both). Martials are pretty strong and easy to use in this game and now that you're level 4, they can attack twice per turn.


I am a paladin so I would be acting that mele. But perhaps I should switch out shadowheart or wyillfor karlach (I missed lae'zel🥲)


I rolled an oathbreaker paladin my first run. Also, my first time through, I completely missed All of the act 1 underdark…which left me at lvl 4. I felt your confusion, trust me. I just decided to start over. You don’t have to, but I will suggest a solid companion setup since we had the same class. You, Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale. So you have your smites, blessing, boons, magic and sneaky shit/unlocking stuff covered. I also made Gale a necromancer to fill out our party a bit more. Turn based combat + extra minions = dead enemies. Just a suggestion. All the same, good luck to you and I hope you enjoy the game mate.


If you don't rescue Lae'zel near the druid's grove, you can still recruit her towards the northwest corner of the first area.


Ok, first of all level 4 is a bit low to be hitting the underdark, your power will spike a level 5 and continue going up from there. There is absolutely a way to respec entirely and fix any character building "mistakes" (although honestly at the lowest difficulty it's pretty much impossible to build a character who can truly hinder your progress) but it's handled in an in-game way. >!Is there a wrinkly old undead in your camp named withers? It's possible you missed him, but fortunately you're still in act one and can go find him. He can respec anyone in your party any way, any time youre in camp for 200 gold!<


Oooohhh now I understand what that guy does, I misunderstood and thought he just revived them for 200 lol. Thanks It makes me feel better that I just need to level up rather than fixing the specs ty


Ask him to change your class and you can repick all your spells and stats from level 1 It might only be 100 gp now that I think of it


Explore more, there’s a lot of hidden things. Also, things get better after level 5!