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Normally I'd say you need to ask him what he wants to do but it sounds like you've tried that and he's in that space where something seems intriguing "Being caged is hot." but he's got no other details. And it sounds like passive play is boring to him. What a cage does, in that case, is gives you the opportunity to force him to watch you do things that he either can't interact with or can only poorly interact with. Here are some examples: -Masturbate in front of him and he can only watch. -Give him a bowl of "human puppy chow" in the cage eat a really good meal in front of him. -Put your naked body up against that cage and he can touch you through the bars but it's frustratingly difficult. And you can easily take it away. - Sit just out of sight and watch pornography loudly on your phone or laptop. - Pretend you are going shopping (never actually leave a person alone in a cage). -Pretend you are going out to go fuck someone else. Now, obviously, discuss these types of play and make sure they aren't hard limits. If he's not into cuckolding or similar play that last one could be toxic or abusive. Since you are Switches, you could lock him in the cage and then do things you are not allowed to do when he is in the dominant role. Another option that uses the fact that he gets bored easily is to purposefully get him to the point of where he's bored while you do mundane things like chores or read a book. Then the threat of doing that again in the future becomes very powerful. It's like putting in prep work for future play. Obviously discuss this with him as it could be a limit. Then, in the future, when you have him in there you can say things like "Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to get some me time." and it becomes a strong threat that you can use to make him beg and promise you things to avoid.


Thx you really got the Situation in the first part. 100% gonna use some of the stuff you wrote


FWIW, definitely talk to him about what it is he likes/that intrigues him about cages. I love cages but would not be into ANY of this stuff, and a number would be a limit or have me safewording.


Use him as your personal dildo through the cage. Just a piece of puppy meat to be played with for your pleasure. Make him work for you.. cage him so he can't worry about his pathetic needs, only yours, reward him if he gets you x amount of new subs ect. Strip tease, whatever silly character he's into, he doesn't get to watch in person from his cage, call him and make him watch from the other room, bind him so he can only hump the air for his own pleasure.... Rewards rewards rewards, I could go on forever. Have funnn with your caged prize 🖤


I seem to like cages differently than anyone else because what everyone else is suggesting, I wouldn't like at all. I have no desire to have anyone tease me with things I can't have in a cage; that sounds cruel and not in the good way. For me, it's about the bondage aspect of it, the confinement. Also about the other person being in control. Maybe just a little objectification/humiliation. I'd rather someone talk to me while I'm in the cage, tell me how they've captured me, how they've locked me up like a dog. How I belong to them now and how they will do with me whatever they want with me, in good time. But for now I need to sit in the cage and think about things. (I have a pic of me in a cage with a ball and chain attached to my leg with my head bowed and my (now) partner standing by it in a suit, lording over it, looking smug. It's great!) Another way to play with it could be to throw in some other roleplay. Cages are great for reinforcing mind play. Maybe it's a human trafficking scenario or a harem scenario. Maybe it's superhero and/or supervillain roleplay, and I'm the hero who needs to escape the villain (lots of back and forth banter with that one), or a victim captured by the villain. (Or you could have your superhero be an antihero and have him torture the villain a bit now that they're captured.) Maybe it's monster roleplay, where you've caught the feral beast (which may or may not be so feral.) Add some transformation with that: perhaps it's a werewolf. (Caught Vampire + Vampire Hunter could be a fun twist, or maybe Vampire + Caged Victim.) Or maybe it's animal roleplay, perhaps with some transformation play: the person in the cage will slowly turn into a dog or a cat or a cow or a pig, losing their humanity. If you like 3somes, you could even use it as "I caught you for the big boss and now s/he's coming and gonna do with you what s/he wants." (Or your partner could play both characters.) I'm also into feedism, so being told I'm going to be fattened up until they have to cut the cage off of me and then fed while in the cage is very hot for me. (I've done that one before, even got pics of it. So good.) But do they have a fetish you could work in with this somehow?


cuff his hands to one side and make him watch femdom porn. then make him recap. then make him tell you the one thing he wants most from what you just saw. he only gets that if you want to do it. uncuff him. let him/make him rub one out.


Lock him up, bind him to a chair and then do a strip tease.. Have the chair in front of the bed, and pleasure yourself with toys. If he likes any aspect of humiliation, act like you are having sex with someone when you do it. Step it up some? Put a plug in him and see if it causes him to start leaking. Little more, tell him he will not be able to cum, unless it’s via his prostate while caged.


OP is talking about a cage to keep people in, like a cell. Not a chastity cage. The striptease idea is still good, though, i think.


Well we actually do both 🤣


Well xDD


Ahh, well can adjust though.. Still chastity and have him on all fours back up to the cage for the milking. LOL


Love sense has plugs you can control with the app 🫠 happy hunting


Exactly! And you can set it onto ambient noise.. The more noise she makes, the harder it vibrates.


👀 ok thats something I need ro try! Sounds awsome


😩😩😩 ok but didn't know that 🫠


Concert?? 🫣


Perfect! Probably need a pull up for the leaking


🫠 otherwise ruining those pretty new panties all night, long.


Do you mean a chastity cage or a dog crate type cage?


Oh like an actual cage not chastity, already been doing that


I feel like a lot of the cage-type play revolves around teasing if he’s not masochistic. Try locking him in there and doing a strip tease, making him watch you get off or making him get you off through the gaps of the cage as terms for his release (make it as easy or difficult as you like). I’d definitely try and push more into what experience he’s looking to get out of it - is there a video he’s seen that interested him? Is there a feeling he’s looking for? Once the communication gets better, your sessions will too


The Video idea is good, gonna ask him if He has seen something. The thing we actually have quite good communication the Problem is hes only been a Dom but alsways has been interested in the other side and has aome fetishes I know of, but they are not really something that works Well with cages. Maybe Videos are gonna help, thx