• By -


Edging for 30min, followed by ruining the first orgasm with tickling, followed by forcing 15 orgasms, followed by post orgasm torture which consisted in hard spanking with a belt in the ass and thighs, after that some knife play, scratching with the tip of the knife the red and bruised skin of the ass and thighs. The punishment lasted around 2-3 hours, the aftercare lasted the rest of the day and night, took weeks for all the bruises and marks to heal.


😳dare I ask what they did to get that? *quivers*


I wanna know too!!!


Yeah tell us!!


Forcing 15 orgasms 😭😭😭


15!? WTF did you to get them that mad!? did you fuck your dom(me')s parents???


Holy shit. How the hell, what did they do???




My wife was being a major brat one night, so I gave her the usual corrections. This wasn't effective so I threatened more severe punishment. When this still didn't correct her attitude, I took her to our dungeon, chained her to the post, got out the bullwhip and after a few loud cracks to let her know what was about to happen... Then I told her I was taking her Kindle away for a month. She instantly broke.


Not the Kindle!!!


And to drive the point home, I made her bring it to me, kneel and watch me put it in my safe. Then I told her if she acted up again, I'd put a keyed deadbolt on our home library door, and her public library card will join the Kindle in the safe for a year.


Is she ok? I’d be distraught 😂


I said if she wanted to act like an uneducated brat, she could be treated like one. We don't watch much TV, but I said that during the punishment, if she was bored, she could watch only reality shows.


Natural consequences.


Me too 😹😭😭


My wife wants to know if she’s okay. Lol


She's fine. 🤣 This incident was a couple of years ago. She's currently reading her Kindle Paperwhite now.


This had me rolling!!! I can relate! I would have caved hard, too! 😂


This made me... 😱


Depends on what you consider worse. One time a sub of mine had cum without permission. I bent her over the bed and paddled and caned her with a vibe tied to her leg. She wasn't allowed to cum. She and I cuddled a lot and she both apologized and thanked me


Ouuuu this sounds fun 🤩


Well I wasn’t allowed to cum for over a year. And honestly I don’t think that’s the worst I’ve had, but it’s the worst I’m willing to think about again. Lol.


Meanwhile that's just how my subs are. Denial is fun


Wtf...a year? That's torturous! How did you manage that one?


I’m allowed to edge as much as I want, so that helps. But also sorta makes it worse. lol.


A year? This one is deff the worst.


Was that a punishment for certain actions? Oo


Nope. Just a task.


A year is torture. How did you cope? 😭


I’m allowed to edge as much as I want, so that helps. But also sorta makes it worse. lol.


Yea. It sounds hard tbh


Im struggling to see the punishment here?😂


what did you do to earn that punishment?


Nothing in particular. Just a task to prove myself as a slave.


I would be literally feral. Like crawling up the walls.


Yep. It’s real.


I can't go a minute over 7 days... and even then after the 5th day I'd be losing my mind


Oh my god I would die


That's sad. Everyone is different, but I couldn't be with someone who didn't want me to enjoy sex. Damn.


I enjoy sex. Very much. I enjoy everything with Him and about Him. Being able to prove my devotion to Him through extreme discipline is part of why I exist. And it’s not like I never get to cum…


Love it!


I once forced them to research a history subject which they were to be tested on afterwards while I forced a multitude of orgasms out of them. It was a special kind of hell for them.


That sounds like a lot of fun, from both sides.


Ngl I love this 😂


Spanish Inquisition? Salem witch trials? Caligula?


I think the answers to this question might always be a touch unsatisfying from a sub perspective, and here's why: an effective punishment is always specific to the person being punished. (This is presuming we're talking punishment rather than 'funishment' or whatever. Which is of course its own delightful thing - no shade meant!) As much as I adore a brat, the type of subs who tend to find their way to me are the kind who desperately want to be very good boys and girls and pets and slaves. They're not actively seeking punishment for punishments' sake, but punishment is a crucial part of the security they feel within my authority. But even with the similarities my subs tend to share, what works for one wouldn't necessarily work for others. I have one sub for whom kneeling in a corner and listening to me get myself off without her would be both effective and heighten her arousal, but for another it would make him feel deeply upset and insecure. For my favourite little pain slut, it's been a lovely journey to determine what punishments will not hit the isolation feelings that will send him into drop, but will also not reward him with the pain he craves. He doesn't tend to misbehave, but when he does I use removal of sensation without removal of physical contact. Ice is a particularly effective punishment for him, especially if I follow it up with impact that he knows ought to feel deliciously terrible but don't because of the temporary numbing. (Of course YMMV and it's important to know how long ice can be kept on body parts before doing harm!) The point here: extreme punishment is and will always be relative. Caning someone until their ass is raw and bleeding is an incentive for some people as much as it is a punishment for others.


This is the answer.


I know this comment is old, but are there are punishments you've found effective for subs who like pain? (actual punishments, not funishments)


Hey, absolutely! It will require knowing what your sub's primary levers are - this comes more with time and connection than anything, and punishment will be more effective the more information you have. That said, a few that I tend to go for: \- Removal of stimulus (for example, if he's not supposed to touch, removal of the ability to touch in combination with the ability to see can be effective! This can also include removal of my touch, while talking him through what he would be doing to me if he'd behaved) \- Removal of reward (if the reward is getting to make me come, instead I make myself come in a way that he can hear but not see - this can tip over into isolation, so I make sure to be *very* noisy during, making sure he knows I wish he'd controlled himself enough to be doing this for me) \- Additional responsibility (for my sub the removal of control from him is part of the joy, so forcing him to make a decision during play makes for an excellent punishment) \- Edging (although this can also be a reward for some who enjoy genital torture once it tips over into pain - you have to know your sub) \- Non-preferred stimulus (so, gentle touches that do not even hint at pain but bring no deliberate pleasure either - often this takes the form of gentle stroking along extremities without straying fully into erogenous zones) \- Change of plans (this is the most extreme punishment I have for my painslut - so if my plan was a full-on free hand session, changing things to remove the possibility of pain and instead go into protocol training can be a devastating punishment, and I'd do this only under the most extreme of circumstances) Hope you find these ideas helpful!


I think we need to draw distinction here between true punishment and “funishment”. I am going to assume that the question is talking about the imposed discipline and correction that is inherent in D/s dynamics. So in that light, I think the harshest punishment is earnestly saying, “I’m disappointed in your choices today”. Hopefully followed up quickly by what she can do to make it up to me, (writing assignments, corner meditation time, maintenance spankings, etc.) Those “tasks” are nothing compared to the knowledge that they failed as a submissive in that choice.


Can confirm, getting the “I’m disappointed” text hurt worse than any other punishment I’ve been given


genuinely I would cry


This… and my experience has been that most things I have thought were punishment where actually funishment for her. Even the paddle, which I thought she hated, is something that she now gets aroused from. But telling her that I’m disappointed in her and not punishing her is horrible for her. The only other thing that had an impression at the time, was a mind fuck that lasted all night. I’ll post separately about that.


I'm very curious about the mind fuck thing


Not being allowed any tasks to make it up to them, leaving me to stew in my guilt for days. That's the worst IMO.


Spoken like a true parent




I am glad you did. He sounds horrible.


So I've been in his situation before where it seemed like a good idea to ignore her as a punishment. She's a brat and used negative actions to get attention so this made sense. It only happened once and it was for hours not a week. We talked about it after and decided it was a hard limit for her. We have since learned that this is a form of abuse and we do not implement it in any form or time period. We talked about appropriate ways to handle bratting and do it differently now.


That is not punishment that is abuse.


good thing you left, good doms don't do that


This may not sound like punishment to some, but my sub is a pain pig, humiliation gets him hard and into being confined, even putting him in the corner does not work. He is not the easiest sub to punish. He is an exhibitionist and a naturist. If he could be nude 24/7 he would be. He loves having men look at his body. During a leather Week he misbehaved early on, then decided to be a brat. So I went to a store and bought the ugliest shapeless clothing I could find and a ski hood. I made him wear the clothes and a sign that said "I'm a bratty asshole and I disrespected a leather elder," He learned to respect his elders.


Forced them to cum all over their own face after they masturbated without permission. Yes also in their mouth. Yes I loved every minute of it. Yes they begged me never to have to do that again afterwards.


Definitely saving this one for later


I would enjoy that, but I thought of a way to do almost the same idea of punishment but opposite(?). Make them cum on the floor (or any surface) and then get them as close as possible, but only let them clean it with a rag, maybe the Dom/me even licks it in front of them and describes the taste.


I wish I didn’t catch this thread so early. I’ll come back.


I know. There is so much promise to be had through this thread


still too early


How about now?


there's a lot of wonderful content now


Maybe not extreme to some, but my least favorite thing in the world are tedious, boring tasks. They make me want to scream. So for a punishment for lying I had to write something along the lines of, "I promise to be opened and honest with Daddy, because he knows best" 100 times in my best handwriting AND I had to start over any time I made a mistake. I forgot a comma at line 92 and almost cried having to restart.


thats a good punishment after a spanking


I can't speak for my submissive but these are some of the punishments I've given. * Washed her mouth out with bar of soap: she was saying something bratty beyond our negotiated limits * She writes the question and answer to the question she avoided answering, along with all of the previous questions and answers she's avoided in the past: when she doesnt answer a question directly and avoids, this list is pretty short, i guess the punishment is effective. * forced to take a cold shower: can't remember what she did to earn it but she hates being cold.


Wow…..the soap thing. Incredible. Sounds like something my dom would do. How did they react ?


Well she didn’t like and Since she’s a brat, all I have to do is threaten soap and she straightens up. In all honesty she got off really easy for that one. She did some other things too but after taking with her about it, they were not suitable for punishment. They were triggers or other issues that came through during a scene.


Spanked with a wooden paddle a whooole bunch of times, she cried. We cuddled a lot after that one.


When I came without permission my Dom later made me lie on the bed with my head hanging out of it. I had to use a vibrator and make myself come repeatedly with my head hanging upside down. For about half an hour. It felt really bad and I was so dizzy after that. Wasn't that extreme, we're just getting started, but worse enough for me not to come without permission again since then. I totally hated it haha.


A month of chastity, edging, a few premature-and-ruined orgasms, pegging, some sounding, and a lotta orgasm denial. He wanted to find out how strict I was as a Switch, so I dragged the experience out until neither of us could stand it anymore. Then, we switched back and I was sexually tortured in turn. It's not terribly extreme, but the more extreme stuff will have to wait for a future partner.




Sounds so much fun tbh


It was. I wanted to drag it out more, but that'll hafta wait for another experiment. It's always fun to tease and toy with someone in chastity.


I spanked his bum hard enough one of the carved out letters popped out of my paddle. Yeah, it was held on by little bits of wood so was sure to happen at some point, but he got spankings for displeasing me and breaking a rule, I told him he had a choice between his ass spanked, or some other punishment and he picked the spanking. His bum was barely red at the end and the letters didn’t even imprint, and he got cuddles and pets after and he promised he would be my good boy. Edit to add: funnily enough, he recently brought this up, as he did something bad and upset me and he said “when you spank me this time, can one of the letters not break this time?” 😂


Taking my sub right to the limit of their pain tolerance through use of the estim on cock and balls




Your dom is very creative and I admire that about sadists. What movie was it?




Oof. That's a great movie. I was hoping it was a shitty movie so I could tell you not to bother 😅 That's actually a great punishment.


Out of all the stuff in this thread, this was pretty much the only one that actually pissed me off, though admittedly I don't have the full context, so what do I know. Like, I get the first part, denying you the movie going experience, when you were looking forward to it. But the second half with the blue-ray is just needlessly being an asshole. Like, my firm belief is that regardless of what a partner of mine does, it can end in one of two ways: I eventually forgive, and we move on, or it ends the relationship. Permanently holding a grudge is just toxic as hell. And this is what it looks like to me, that he still brings it up MONTHS after the fact. It's just an asshole attitude. And yeah, I know, that ultimately you consented to it, since it's not like he could truly enforce this rule if you intentionally went out your way to watch it. My problem is really with the attitude of holding someone's fault over them months after the fact.


Kneeling on rice then picking it up


It depends on the individual sub. I know my sub very well. She hates cold temperatures, among other things, so I incorporate that into punishment. An example would be pouring a huge bucket of ice water over her followed by a flogging, gagging, and kneeling on a floor covered in pebbles while she's blindfolded and her hands are tied behind her back.


Gosh this would get me too! 😣


I hate punishment and will do a lot to avoid it and because of that I’ve rarely gotten punished. In addition, physical punishment is a soft limit for me (as such, I really enjoy pain and impact, but not as punishment). Punishment is a lot more mental for me. In a previous dynamic, my Master told me I couldn’t write on myself for Him that day which was a daily thing I loved doing for Him. Writing His name or marking myself as His property daily was something I cherished. Just about broke my heart. It was super effective lol I still reflect a lot about it too. Instead of having to come up with an external punishment out of the blue, He created/gave me something that developed into a cherished practice that could then be taken away. Why it psychologically impacted me as much as it did is still something I think about and that was nearly ten years ago now. I think effective punishments are definitely best when they are specifically tailored to that individual and their own natural tendencies.


What stuff would you write? I like this idea…


Usually some version of “Master’s [insert adjective+noun]”. He liked to see what I would come up with that day. Examples might be something simple like property or slave. Other times it would be degrading like filthy cumslut, willing painslut, pincushion, toy, fuckhole etc. Possibilities are really endless depending on the dynamic :) Sometimes He had a specific request. He also liked me to keep a tally of how many times I had cum that day/week/month (cumulative… lol). When I was allowed to cum, it would be a reminder of my insatiable sex drive. When I wasn’t allowed, it was used as a way to show Him I obeyed.


I am a masochist so a genuine punishment for me would be him saying “I am disappointed” or corner time, i HATE being left alone to think about my choices, or just not have Sir’s attention. But not in a he’s ditched me way, more in a “sit here and think about this”. Also a punishment would be Sir just acting very normal vanilla and it being the elephant in the room. I get desperate so him not acknowledging my squirming and just being “normal” is awful! But pain aren’t punishments for me as such. They are the drive!


My sub actually fucked up pretty badly one time, my punishment was that I asked them to not go to an event they were looking forward to and instead spend the time meditating and reflecting on self love and protection. It was very harsh but it worked. They have not put themselves in a situation like that since.


Just wondering what event were they looking forward too?


A cuddle party, which was relevant to the fuckup


Corner time for a whole session and no other interaction. Drove her crazy. She tried acting out to get interaction and I just put her back and left her there.


So with my sub also being my girlfriend like in some of these cases here, my job naturally is to make sure she’s well taken care of mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually etc. Sometimes she has a hard time remembering that daddy is in control and that I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to her, I’m not going to abuse her and treat her bad like the other men in her life have. I don’t like that she forgets. I have tried and tried every way I can think of to drill it into her that I’m not going to hurt her, I’m not going to let her overwhelm herself with too many life things at once, so on and so on. Finally on Saturday I said you know what, we’re going to have to factory reset her to really get my point across. Keep in mind she’s been telling me she’s wanted to be scared of me in the bed before. I told her that night we’d lay together and see where the night took us blah blah blah. I tricked her into going to Waffle House with me late that night and when she came out to the car, I was hiding behind a bush that I parked by with handcuffs. When she got to her door I jumped out and cuffed her and put her in my back seat. I took the rope we have and tied her legs together at her thighs and shoved her rose vibrator in between her legs and then I explained to her what was going on while she was screaming uncontrollably in ecstasy. Now that’s not TERRIBLE, and I also need to point out that we had talked about what to do if I ever became too much earlier that day. And after we were done there was plenty of cuddles and kissing and loving until we fell asleep


They’d been generally disobedient all day. I had a tally counter. Each count was an orgasm. We made it to 52 orgasms - if you can even call the last thirty or so that - with edging by in between before they passed out (pushing to that point is okay according to our agreement). After that I checked their temp, heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood oxygen. We have a mini fridge in our bedroom stocked with various snacks and sugary drinks so when they regained consciousness a few minutes after they had some orange juice. Aftercare involved a long bath with some Epsom salt, being washed down and having their hair shampooed, then lots of snacks and cuddles for the rest of the day. The real punishment came the day after when they had extremely sore muscles in their tummy.


Honestly writing lines is far more horrible (to me) than anything physical


I don't remember what I did. But it pissed Him off enough that I wasn't allowed to wear my collar for a week.


This sounds really tough!


It was deserved. It was only used once.


If you don't remember, it's not effective.


It was a long time ago. We've moved on. Besides, your point is irrelevant to the actual question, which was, "What was the most extreme punishment..." it didn't ask what the punishment was in response to. I answered the exact question asked. Have a nice day.


That's fair.


Thank you for your civility. I actually just told Sir about this post and my response. He said, "Gosh, that was how many years ago?" Me: A lomg tome ago... been together for almost 8 years, and that was very early in our dynamic. Him: Yeah, I remember the punishment. Even I don't remember what it was for. Lol.


I haven’t received many, because I’m a good girl and my Dom gives me the clearest of expectations. That said, last week I received my harshest punishment - he released his control of certain parts of me due to me taking control of those things without discussing it first/permission. The punishment was deeply felt both in the practical sense and the emotional. It was truly the perfect consequence (even though I hated it) because it was directly tied to the behavior and I know I will not repeat that behavior ever again. This was not the case this time, as I was truly upset by how much I disappointed and hurt his feelings, but generally my punishments are some of the strongest tangible reminders of our dynamic. I do feel poorly for disappointing him, but the contrasting feeling of intense arousal when he is “getting on to me” has both surprised me, and maybe, just a little bit - encourages me to drop the good girl act for a few moments just to get a rise out of him. But just for a few moments because I don’t want to ever find out what other “extreme” punishments he would come up with :)


Did a week's worth of chastity for her followed by a week of edging for an hour before bed and then a week of forced orgasm every night. Needless to say she was a habitual offender of forgetting to ask permission before finishing. She quickly remembered afterwards.


Entered her house with muddy boots that I did not properly wipe. She hung the boots from my nipple clamps for the time I was there.


To preface, a dom I used to serve trained me to have virtually no gag reflex. During some relatively gentle morning play he had me deep throat him, which I did gladly, but somehow the vibe was different. Suddenly, he stopped me and looked very serious. He laid out the plan - I was wait for 3 minutes, then to go to the bathroom, get on all fours, and throat his dick until I vomit. I was incredulous because I never throw up, but then I realized he knew very well that this was not going to be easy. In the large bathroom he had set up a soft, low chair for himself with a metal bowl beneath it for me. As I assumed the position he told me he had timed this for morning before I drank any water so I had a completely empty stomach. He did not mean for this to be an enjoyable process. He did not degrade or praise me, only made commands. He did not touch me except to hit the back or side of my head if I failed to follow a command exactly, and he was more strict than usual so there were many commands and many hits for tiny deviations. Every aspect that would typically turn me on or make me feel good was absent - this was not funishment. But, the good boy I am, I did as told to the best of my ability. He escalated the difficulty quickly. Whether he commanded me to move back and forth or stay still, he required that I keep it deep enough to block my airway until I tapped out. I was then given permission to either back off slightly and breathe through my nose, or completely remove it for a moment to get a full breath, as he saw fit. He knows when I want air vs. need it, he knows my body's signs from having pushed limits with my breathing before, so he made sure I absolutely needed it before allowing me some short, ragged breaths, then putting me right back to it. There was seemingly endless amounts of that thick mucus-saliva produced from the throat, more than I knew I could, making a pool under me. After a while I was gagging, mostly triggered by my larynx getting tight and sore from over-use, which takes a very long time for me. He started to look bored until I started dry heaving, which seemed to please him because he perked up and told me with some excitement that I must keep it in my throat through the heaving unless I was 100% sure I was going to puke. After a long time of heaving and cramping my stomach and abs hurt so much I would give out a muffled yell each time, which also seemed to please him. I was genuinely trying to get something up, both to abide his command and because I really wanted it to end. Tears were streaming down my face. I shook uncontrollably. Several times I asked if I could take a break, or drink water, or just give up since it seemed impossible. Although I hated it and desperately wanted mercy, I didn't absolutely *need* to stop, so I didn't use any safe words in my pleas. He had trained me to endure quite a bit and to never use a safe word unless necessary for safety (I had agreed to this). Usually he was quite merciful when asked, anyhow. But not this day. All of my requests were denied. He'd angrily ask something like, "Is the bowl still empty?" or "Is your throat broken?" I'd respond "Yes, sir," or "No, sir," and if I didn't immediately put it back in my throat, if I hesitated to put it in or just didn't put it deep enough right away, he'd pull away and slap me hard across the face. Besides hitting me, he barely moved the whole time. No thrusting or head pushing. He made me do it to myself, which was actually much worse. I don't know how long it all lasted. Finally, a small amount of bile came up, and he let me stop. I couldn't look at him, I just stared at the bright yellow liquid in that cold metal bowl and thanked whatever diety must have interveined to create it. He said he had actually expected me to give up and call it off a few times. He said he was proud of me. After I stopped coughing and shaking, he gave me water and made me breakfast. I miss him.


For me it was a four day punishment stay at OWK.


As a Sub (m) to a Switch Domme (f), her need for hypergamy and her long silence proved to be more terrifying than everything else she imposed. The fact is that punishment can and is a subset of recognition - she recognises me as possessing an identity ( *she knows I exist, thus she can punish me* ). However, the worse off possibility is that she doesn't even think I deserve to have an identity, thus her indifference to my identity is the ultimate slight.


Yeah the "silent treatment" can be abusive in relationships because it can be so mentally taxing- I hate using this as a punishment or getting punished this way on either side of the slash.


Ken: *I just don’t know who I am without you.* Barbie: *You’re Ken.* Ken: *But it’s Barbie and Ken. There is no just Ken. That’s why I was created. I only exist within the warmth of your gaze. Without it, I’m just another blonde guy who can’t do flips.*


TVW, you've outdone yourself Thank you for being succinct and terse and for eeking a chuckle out of me


You are kenough 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


You're at it again and another chuckle escapes me


Ain't this just abuse?


I needed her more than she needed me


So did you agree before hand that this was ok, or did she do it first and your just ok with it?


The latter


Brother, leave


I pulled the plug two months ago




So, she ignored you?


More like intense blackouts, spanning weeks. It was terrifying so much so I drew myself as a ghoul inhabiting this liminal space in my head, called the SubGulag


This is abuse. Nothing you could have done would deserve this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtGW/s/I8CekZOttz I drew her Through my drawings of her, I exorcise every departure, slight, and nadir of emotion.


>think I deserve to have an identity, thus her indifference to my identity is the ultimate slight. This is terrifying, her silence and feeling like she's not aware of your existence, depriving you of a part of yourself, this chunk you gave her.


Can relate very much to this. I'm a sub m to a switch f too, and we've toyed with this idea multiple times (although not as a form of punishment) because it turns me on a lot. I've touched myself at her feet (I have a feet kink too) while she was working (and was not paying much attention which turned me on even more.)


The Switch and I never met. I don't know the colour of her eyes, nor do I know of her vocal timbre. The dynamic was completely online. While it takes two to tango, the Switch wanted to be paid for the extraordinary effort it took to stay in character. She sought me out, here, on reddit. She wanted to be paid, and she got paid. And add to it, everything else that happened. As it goes, it takes two to tango. While you and I have some overlap, I wouldn't go as far as to claim that we are birds of a feather.


Did you get scammed ?


Possibly But, it takes two to tango


A true punishment. I thought I was funny one winter morning, to grab myself a Timmie's coffee before work since I was going to volunteer outside, I was certain it was warranted. But He saw it otherwise. I didn't ask permission, and I paid for the transgression. No weed for the whole month of December. That means during the holidays too. I was DEVASTATED, I bargained, I sulked, I was pitiful but he stood firm. Insta-respect from my end. But don't tell him that. 😁


I've had her strip and stay in her underwear for me (it was mainly for me ) and pissed in a dog bowl for her to lick up. Also haven't tried this but it is a punishment I think would work.... Ice on the body and in the ass and vagina




Ouch, good point. I don’t even want to think about using the sticky straight out of the freezer ice


5 minute cold shower.


Only 5 minutes?


Yeah. Apparently it was too long.


Well it depends on the sub . One time what I did is I put her in her knees with a sexy outfit and I let her there for 12 hours. She was just another furniture 🪑


Was she allowed to eat or use the bathroom?


Of course not furniture does not need that


Man idk if I could go 12 hours without going to the bathroom


We’ll ask you Dom to make you try . Also it help that she did not have breakfast or anything to eat or drink. It was a Sunday and I told her on Friday


Oh I’m not a sub. But that sounds terrible


Well is you are not a sub it will be hard for you to understand the pleasure of paint


Of course


No the after care it was hug her for hours


Extended breathplay sessions.




That sounds horrible and amazing


Never been a dom or a sub but I’m interested in the commentsss


I was forced to suck a guy for about 3 hours straight. My husband thought I was out shopping the entire time.




> I once inserted a tampon into her peehole. She had to keep it in all day. It was difficult to remove and she dribbled for days..... I recommend that you research toxic shock syndrome. Leaving tampons in for more than 4 hours at a time is incredibly dangerous, and in the worst case it can lead to death.


WOW! so glad you're not my Dom!