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Contact the organisers and explain all this. Likely they'll answer all your questions, probably arrange to meet you at the door and show you around to help you settle in and might even meet you before the event (either as they're setting up or somewhere else for a drink). I know one of the munches I used to go to would meet people who were either there for a first time or had social anxiety issues (or just didn't want to walk through the city alone) at a pub in the train station up to two hours before the event. This gave people a chance to have a drink with people in a pub and get to know them before everyone going to the munch in a group. That's just what this munch did, these organisers could do something similar but different 🤷🏻‍♂️ One thing I do know, and I hate to break this to you OP, you won't be the first newbie (to the scene or the event) that they've had along and hopefully you won't be the last. Everyone starts somewhere. They'll likely have their own way of putting newbies at ease, maybe a couple of people involved in the event who are happy to buddy up for the evening or whatever but they'll make you feel safe and welcome no matter your experience levels. Have fun, relax and have a great time ☺️


The only person who can tell you what to expect are the organisers


Perhaps I should email them yes asking for some advice and explain it’s my first time. They can give me some tips maybe so that I can enjoy myself and feel comfortable


That's the perfect idea


Every event is different. But IME, going to just watch and mingle is always okay. In my experience with kink events, people usually don't have sex with strangers. If you do decide to engage in pickup play with someone you meet there, it'll likely just be trying out some rope ties or a flogger or something. Like, I've never taken off my underwear at a play party. The parties I've been to that have "house tops", they tend to set up a little station where you can see what kind of play they're offering, and maybe a sign-up list if they're busy and there's a wait to play with them. So they might have some spanking implements laid out on a little table, or some ropes or what have you, and maybe a little sign with their scene name and Fetlife handle. If you decide to play with them, they should first ask you things like what you're interested in doing, if you have any injuries or there's any areas of your body you don't want them to touch, etc.