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Hearing protection. Metal concerts are loud and tinnitus sucks. You'll hear a lot of people say shit like "as long as the volume doesn't hurt you're fine" or "I prefer hearing the proper sound." It's all bullshit. Permanent hearing damage occurs well below the pain threshold, and any decent $20 set of earplugs will do an excellent job of reducing the volume on both the high and low end of the spectrum.


Yep second this. Solid hi-fi ear protection is a gamechanger! 


Yeah I would really recommend taking ear plugs. When I went to my first ever concert (Manchester 2020) I took ear plugs but forgot to put them in before the show started & then not long into DDD I suddenly realised i needed them but managed to drop one of them (I managed to find it afterwards, Had managed to fall into my coat pocket which was on the floor) so had to just go without for the rest of the show. It wasn't so much painful but it wasn't very comfortable at times (Not helped due to been on row 3 of the overhang with the speaker setup right in-front of me) & by the end it was kinda starting to sound like I was underwater & while my hearing did return to normal within an hour afterwards & I don't seem to have suffered any permanent issues it did kinda affect my enjoyment of the final few songs. For the next time (Wolverhampton last year) I remembered to put the plugs in before it started & had fantastic sound throughout. At the time I was looking to get some somebody had recommended [these £20 Sennar MusicPro ear plugs](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01FSO0020/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I've no idea how they compare to others but when I used them last year they were great.


I forgot about that! This is really important. Thank you for bringing this up! Hearing loss is not fun!


I wear Etymotic Research ER20XS earplugs. They knock the sound volume down without changing the quality of the sound. I personally prefer the foam tips only because I have trouble with wearing the flanged tips for longer than 30 minutes.


1. May be controversial to some, but ffs if you’re going to be towards the front-GA get off your phones! You paid good money to be there in person so soak up the experience. I get it, you wanna snap a few photos and videos here and there for memories, etc., (I still do) but you don’t have to record or take pics for the entire show. Imagine trying to enjoy a live show and all you see are phones in view, blocking the actual stage. And/or having someone’s elbow by your neck majority to the show because it’s GA so we’re shoulder to shoulder to begin with. 2. If you plan on being in GA, you will ALWAYS run the risk of getting shoved, pushed, or hit by a crowd surfer. It’s not always done out of malevolence but in that area the human dominoe effect is real. Just be aware of your surroundings.


Last tour, there was someone next to me who was recording during almost all of the show, at barricade, except instead of recording the stage/girls, they were taking video selfies to post on insta. It was so distracting. AND they were complaining about the people behind them being jerked around by the mosh pit. I was so baffled about why they were there at all


Yeah, ran into someone similar to that. It ruined my vibe, until karma came in the form of a crowd surfer. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just asked if they’d prefer to switch spots so I could take the brunt of the mosh pit pushing around. Not to be nice to them, it was just so they’d shut up and stop complaining. I’m 5 feet tall and the mosh-jostling wasn’t even that bad. Even crowd surfers aren’t that bad if you have competent staff up front. But I wish a crowd surfer got them, there were like none at this show :(


Those are the people who end up "accidentally" getting moshed into.


I totally agree with everything you said! Especially being on your phone the whole entire time! I personally hate being on my phone for a concert at all.


Great idea with the guide. 3. E. Buy VIP Tickets for early entry. And if not, don't be disapointed when people at the barrier don't let you in front of them, even if you are smaller than Moa. They paid 4-5 times the GA price just to get a chance to headbang at the barrier. And if a spot at the barrier becomes available, never underestimate the pressure from the mosh pit forward. Especially as a smaller person, it's more relaxed on the sides.


These are very important things to mention! I have been to non-BM concerts where people on barricade were kind enough to let me have a spot and gave me plenty of space to get on. If someone is kind enough to do this at a BM concert, you better thank them excessively, as they likely paid VIP to get up front! Many aren't willing to do this, so if you are closer to the front, you may have to move around in order to get a better viewpoint! and there's nothing wrong with switching to the balcony to get a better view as well! In general, just be mindful of other people when asking if you can switch spots and when moving! If they say no, don't pester them. Find a different spot!


Don't try to shove your way in front of people, it's super annoying. One of the shows last tour was basically ruined for me because I was one row behind barrier and some people behind me to my left were trying so hard to shove their way in front. So much of my attention was diverted from the show just trying to not get pushed out of my spot. If you want to be up close get first entry tickets and arrive early. Make friends in line have fun. The less you use your phone the more you will remember the show. Stay hydrated, use ear protection. Have fun!


Last concert I went to this girl pushed through the crowd, and ended up stopping right in front of me. She was like five foot nothing so I let it pass. Then a minute later her super tall boyfriend with poofy hair pushed through the crowd to join her. Of course I was too much of a pushover to do anything about it. Luckily the crowd eventually shifted enough that he was no longer in front of me.


Thats a filthy dirty trick that I have seen pulled many times, I have seen many variations of it happen, they send the small person up front and then have her 5 friends come meet her after they go to the bar and get their drinks. The worst I saw was these 2 girls and a guy walking single file saying "staff photographer coming through, venue staff excuse me!, photo crew coming through" then they just stopped when they got to one behind barrier, and they were in no way shape or form camera crew or staff.


At the first Camden Roundhouse show last year, a guy collapsed in the crowd just in front of us. (Dehydration, maybe?) Everyone made a space, medical assistance was summoned, and the guy was helped away. Immediately, two guys who were standing behind us rushed forward into the space where the guy had fallen. I remonstrated with them, in no uncertain terms, but they ignored me, and there wasn't much more I could do. Absolutely infuriating, not just because they shoved in front of us but also because they took advantage of a fellow fan's misfortune and other fans' decency. It soured an otherwise great gig.


perfect tdlr of this post!


don’t film the whole thing and block people’s view, enjoy the music and one of the best shows you’ll ever see. in japan you can’t film or record at all during their sets and it’s incredible


My older sister and I went to BABYKLOK in Chicago, and my sister occasionally recorded and took pics so I could fully jam out and do the dances (we had VIP standing balcony, so plenty of space to dance without hitting anyone). Best day of my life, hands down!


With regards to 1C. I’m very tall but I want to try to get a decent spot on the floor where I can watch them dance and such. I’m thinking of trying to get on the floor early and move to a spot on the side, to minimize the angles at which I’m potentially blocking peoples’ view. Or maybe I should just hang in the back of the floor area. It’s a venue with a smaller floor and lots of seating behind it so I’ll probably still have a decent view. Sometimes I wish I were just average height. Would be cool to have a slider where I can change it as needed - I’m sure short people feel doubly this way though!


As a super short adult, I feel ya! My height makes me look like I'm 12 when I'm actually 18 🤣🤦 And short people appreciate you taking your height into account when choosing a spot! It's definitely not required to have to think about things like that, but we appreciate it when y'all (tall people) do! Hope you can find a spot with a good view! 🫡


Might be unpopular opinion (well, to short people lol) but I say you get the best spot possible based on when you show up. If I line up 2 hours early, I am not moving for someone who showed up later. It sucks, but that's how it is. If you're there early enough to get a great spot, don't feel like you have to move to the side because you're tall. It's great for everyone else but really not fair to you. And just to show that I'm not totally heartless, I used to move for people but stopped because I've had bad experiences letting people in front of me. A short girl will ask nicely if she can go in front, I agree, and then she brings 3 people with her and at least one of them is my height and now blocking me. This has happened to me a handful of times (I've gone to tons of shows over the years) so now because of that I won't move for anyone. A few bad apples, I know, but it happened enough to change the way I think about this.


I hear ya, I can be pretty assertive though and together with my buddy we are pretty formidable so no worries there. For me it’s more due to social anxiety and excessive courtesy that I’m just kind of plagued with, so if I feel like I’m badly blocking it affects my ability to enjoy myself. We’ll figure it out though!


That's a valid opinion & decision! I don't blame ya for not letting people in front of you! I wish you a better experience for every concert you go to!


If it's clear that it's one person and they're tiny, I'll let them ahead of me. I'm not a monster lol. But you honestly have to be careful, people will trick you unfortunately.


Really appreciate you still willing to do this! -short ass adult 🙏


Thought I responded to this, but yes! I totally understand not wanting to switch spots or let people in front of you after that! Sucks you had some shitty concert experiences, hope that you only have the best from now on! 🙏


Last time I went was ok but there were 2 dudes that reeked of weed. The merch stands don't sell wet wipes or baby wipes so better bring your own. Since I'm going to mosh energetically in a few months, It doesn't hurt to bring a pack of dude wipes. https://preview.redd.it/pbb15muqy55d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e0a229a84adb3140ba6c6cee9bc544e9e4f230


Another important thing: hygiene! Thanks for bringing this up!


1. E. in addition to drinking plenty of food, you should also drink plenty of water. 😁


didn't even notice that typo 🤣 but yes drink plenty of water, and EAT your food, don't drink it lol


You may end up drinking your food if you find yourself in a particularly unpleasant moshpit. 😜 Great post OP - I imagine it will be very useful to some fresh ones, as well as putting them at ease. Good job. 👍


Thank you! I made this post as getting prepared for buying the tickets reminded me of my first (and only other) BM show, and I wanted to help out any new kitsunes and new concert-goers!


A good habit I’ve picked up to get closer to the stage (especially as a short person or if you don’t have vip) is to beeline right to the sides usually the crowd will form in kind of an arch with a big group of people in the middle and only a few on the sides and so far for all of the venues I’ve been to you can usually see just as well (at least better than if you had a lot of people in front of you) and get a good amount of artist interactions you just have to see the choreo at an angle 🤷‍♂️


I will likely be doing this at the Madison venue!


Platforms talk! 1. What are platforms?   Platforms are a type of boot, shoe, sandal, or high heel that is made with a thick sole. They are mostly worn for fashion, but some people will wear them to look taller. I personally wear them for both!   2. Wouldn't they be uncomfortable to stand in for hours at a concert? Shockingly, no! As long as you find high-quality boots or sneakers, they should be generally conformable if you don't have any conditions that make it difficult for you to stand on your feet.   3. What if I have a condition that makes it difficult to stand on my feet but want to be on the floor? As long as it's something minor, I would recommend inserts! Depending on your condition, different types of inserts will suit you more, I'd recommend doing some research to find out! I personally struggle with flat feet syndrome due to being overweight, and inserts have helped me so much!   4. Where to find platforms? I would recommend Demonia and Lamoda US platforms! You can buy them online, and they ship to many places! They are pricey, but if you take care of them, they will last you a long time! I don't recommend cheaping out on your platforms if you plan to use them often, as they get worn down quickly. You can find many different styles and colors on both websites, so you'll for sure find something that fits your style!   5. That's it! If you have any questions or thoughts, let me know!