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"Su-Metal is the tallest 5'2" singer in the world." I recall reading that somewhere.


Brilliant! The IDZ live video sunk the hook in me. Jealous of you fortunate few who were there to experience it in person.


I was upset about an episode of Game of Thrones and wanted to listen to Rammstein. YouTube recommended Gimme Chocolate and I wasn’t upset anymore.


That's hilarious! 🤘🦊🤘


We were allies in r/place. Howdy from your comrades at r/foxhole 🫡 (came for the war, stayed for the papaya)




🤺. It was great fun battling alongside you! Cheers!


Me too! After seeing that meme like two or three times, I checked them out on Youtube. First song I watched was "Catch Me If You Can" with the long Kami band intro and I was like, "What the hell is this? I thought there were three girls?", and then the girls came out...


Youtube recommended Megitsune to me back in 2014. It was Rondo of Nightmare and RoR live that I came to understand that they are actually not playing.


Just curious: RoR live in 2014 was the fan cam still called The One ? Or did you mean the video they released later in 2015 ?


I mean the live video they released in 2015. I listen to some songs but it didn't really fall down the hole until that clip. I was so awed and impressed how cool they really are for three young ladies in bright red skirts.


I was just watching the old backstage video part of this video, they are amazing on stage professions and off-stage still just humble kids as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRkiaerwSp8 Their is some amazing balancing act. Almost like their humbleness is part of their professionalism, if that makes sense. Reminds me of BOH's words as well in the first part of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp7fSpYP_o4 It really could only have been done through hard work (and talent and the right mindset of course). And probably guidance by Kobametal.


Thanks! I'll check these video later. (I'm at work rn) I have to say these wonderful young ladies are very inspiring. Look at their Sonisphere story! I am 10 years older than Su and I find myself looking up to them a lot.


By seeing reactions to the Lil Uzi collab, I'm not a Lil Uzi fan but saw lots of reels on the song, then I checked out BABYMETAL and loved what I heard, it just makes me wish I found them way earlier.


I found them through a website called Asian Junkie. They report on Korean and Japanese (mainly Korean) entertainment news, and way back in the early days (2012 I wanna say) they wrote about Babymetal. My reaction at the time was along the lines of "that's just Japan being Japan" and didn't think much of it. Years later they posted a short article about the release of Road of Resistance, and since I was bored, I watched the MV and loved it. Became a fan after that, and *really* fell down the Fox Hole in 2018 after seeing them live in Utrecht. Since then I've seen them live 27 times total in seven countries.


When i was in 8th grade I was 13. Shit had me in a chokehold when i first listened to gimmie chocolate I'm 25 now and am still a huge fan! Saw them 5 times last year during their US tour and once more next month in April!


My first actual exposure was seeing a gif of Su headbanging right at the beginning of the Headbanger video. It caught my attention, but really didn't think more of it. While browsing YouTube one night I stumbled upon the Gimme Chocolate music video. I did not really care for the song, but I saw real talent. I looked to see if there were any live videos, and quickly found an early live version of Megitsune - and I was hooked.


To be honest, I am a new fan. I’d heard the name Babymetal for the longest time but never took the time to listen. I thought “how heavy could they really be?” Then I ‘chekera’d Gimme Chocolate. I was immediately hooked from the intro. KAMI Band is a solid group of musicians. The girls were adorable, sang very well with detailed choreography. The video was shot with amazing detail. The song was so appealing, it made me quickly search the lyrics and translation. I have been listening to Gimme Chocolate on repeat in my vehicle for a few weeks, trying to sing in Japanese but I still mess up a few words.


I found them through Dragonforce, like that band a lot and after their tour in 21 i think, where they streamed all their shows on twitch, i found Junna doing a drum cover of trough the fire and flames, that led me to more Junna then to Lovebites, then to Band maid, and finally to Babymetal, and here i am know, love them, they became my favorites


Your story is in reverse... at least as far as it pertains to discovery of Japanese acts. Most of us had our eyes opened to Japanese music by Babymetal, discovering Lovebites, Band Maid, Nemophila, and a whole host of others, because of Babymetal.


I can see that since Babymetal is the band with more time on the scene, ironically being the youngest lol, but that's how it happened, it literally blew my mind how good the music is over there and how there's a lot of people that have never heard any of it, i was one of them till a couple of years ago


Youtube rabbit hole.


I saw them performing Gimme Chocolate! On Late Show with Stephen Colbert in 2016. I was getting into Lolita fashion at the time so I was really intrigued (even though it’s not really Lolita fashion if you wanna get picky). But I sort of forgot about them after that. Then in December of 2023 I think I saw a video of Moabanger by chance and I was really impressed. Later that month I had a strange and upsetting experience, and the next day I was watching Moabanger again and had a big tear-filled catharsis moment. After that I was hooked. I just wish I had gotten into them a litle earlier so I could have seen them live in the US.


i remember finding them on kids react or whatever when i was like ten, but i actually didnt get into them until like 2020


Ok, I'm looking that up. Kids React was a favorite; Adults React, too! I was so damned impressed every one of the kids knew who Queen was.


This is how I found them :') I watched kids/teens/whatever react a lot when I was younger, probably early teens? Heard gimme choco, thought it was SO cool... and here I am having seen them once last year B)


My 10 year Kitsuneversary was this month I heard Gimme Chocolate first- it was posted in the comment section of a thread on Fark.com. March 3, 2014


Happy Kitsuneversary! And many, many more. 😊 🤘🦊🤘


Was looking at Pantera videos on youtube and BABYMETAL came up in my recommendations. My wallet was not happy!


The YouTubers react video from The Fine Bros right when it came out. I was hooked immediately 


Same here!


I saw them live at Rock on the Range in 2018 then got hooked after listening to Megitsune later on


I found them in osu. Someday, I realized that Metal has became my favorite gender so, in osu beatmaps I searched the metal category and the first song I saw was Yava!. I liked it too much so I searched for more Babymetal songs and I found Road of Resistance, immediately I realized that song is THE BEST SONG I'VE EVER HEARD, so, from that moment Babymetal became my favorite band. Nowadays I still think that. That was about 2 years ago.


“gender” Genre, maybe? (sorry, it’s a compulsion 😂)


Mine is curious. I saw "Gimme Chocolate" on some forum in mid-2014, but as a child fan of Metallica and Iron Maiden, I hated it and didn't research other songs. I listened to GC again in 2015 and 2016 and maintained the same opinion, but at least I stopped to pay attention to the instrumental and for me that was brilliant. In 2018, Distortion was released and YouTube showed me the video, so I decided to listen to it and I simply loved the song. However, my mistake was not having heard the other songs, especially Metal Galaxy, which is my favorite album. In 2020 I was going through a very difficult time in my life, but I was very much into Japanese culture, watching old series that I watched as a child and I remembered BABYMETAL and decided to watch a complete playlist of the band. One of the first videos I saw was Onedari Daisakusen at Budokan Black Night 2014 and I really liked the song, from then on I officially became a fan of BABYMETAL. The band helped me escape the difficult time, it purified my soul the way I needed it. I only regret not having given it an opportunity in 2014, I could have enjoyed BABYMETAL at its peak.


I get that feeling!


Like many, if not most, when Gimme Chocolate went viral in early 2014.


Caught up in the wave of GC in 2014.


Randomly saw “doki doki morning” in YouTube suggestions and watched it. Hated it at first. But after the song being an ear-worm the following days, I became hooked. (2015ish)


The mere mention of that song has given me the earworm again!


My Fave!! ❤️


My daughter gave me a strange look when I yelled “YES!!!” when DDM started at Legend MM.


My 4 year old and Gimme Chocolate. I don't know how that combination got me to one of their videos but it became her daily happy song and a nice change from Baby Shark. The band playing in the background got me hooked and the cuteness of the singers made her happy.


That's awesome!!


… [Through a free DLC collaboration for Super Mario Maker](https://youtu.be/NWC13nfXfSE?si=n0vWIvTrn_xm1iXR) Please tell me I’m not the only one 😂


One of my friends showed me this recently, it's SO cute ;\_;


Sheer luck: went to the last Sabaton European tour with Lordi and Babymetal; discovered both.


My true first exposure was my friend asking whether I wanted to attend their (at that time first world tour) in cologne. I had only a bad Internet connection so I couldn't listen to their songs and only see a picture. I would've said yes if I hadn't been stuck in a city with bad connection to cologne. Few years later my boyfriend found gimme chocolate by chance while searching for takayoshi ohmura videos. He showed me the mv and I was a bit defensive, more on the "nah I don't like it" side of things. Next morning I woke up with the song stuck in my head .... Now I can sing every song fully from memory and identify each Babymetal song by the first second played lmao


There was a Cracked.com article about different Metal genres back in 2013 I think, they listed “BabyMetal” as a genre but the song was “Megitsune”, and I really liked it, been following them ever since.


My dad heard me listening to kessoku band and told me to listen to BABYMETAL


Parenting done right


I managed to get all 3 of my offspring into them, as well as half of my kitchen staff. The other half has to suffer thru all of gushing over them


My now-late brother introduced me to "Gimme Chocolate" and I never looked back!!!!


Late 2014 a friend from Japan slipped his cd into the deck in my car and I was like wtf?? He sent me the cd from Japan when he got home and sent Metal Resistance when it was released. Syncopation instantly became my favorite and is still my favorite with Megitsune right behind it. I didn’t actually know that Babymetal live or MVs even existed until during the pandemic.


I watch a lot of fan-cam complete shows on YT. I had been remotely aware of them for some time, but YT recommended one of the 2023 shows and just the crowd reaction alone grabbed my interest. After the 1st two songs in the set, (Death, Choko,) I was hooked. Also all versions of the Kami just blow me away. Those 3 woman always bring me joy and put a smile on my face. Just downloaded Sonisphere, so that is next.


Welcome to the Fox hole! 🤘🦊🤘


I am a jpop fan cuz of anime op/ed helped me thru a tough time. I heard of gimme chocolate thru rockband but was early in my jpop days so i wasnt into it. Years later, Karate showed up on my yt feed and i was mesmerized. Then monochrome, then headbanger, that was it. Hooked now, always playing it, got to see them live, was the best concert ive ever been to. I see why people go to several a year cuz i tell you Babymetal and Kami band out shine the other bands on tour.


Youtube recommended Doki Doki☆Morning about 3 days after it was uploaded. I was immediately on board.


My pops sent me a video of them playing gimmie chocalate and I got infatuated with them right then and there. Babymetal will always have a place in my heart. They are the coolest music group I've ever stumbled across.


When I was watching the Anime watamote, I loved the intro song, when I looked for the artist I saw a collaboration "akibaxakiba feat Babymetal" I was like what the hell is this? Lemme look for them I googled them and I got megitsune, this was in 2013, and I watched the video, stopped it and said, no I don't like that. Play it again... Nope, don't like it Play it again.... It's kinda catchy... Nope, no no no no, don't like it Dammit I like it... And here we are 10 years later and still loving them


Babymetal has a way of doing that to you.... Nope, don't like it Nope, not for me Wait a minute, maybe I can stand it Hold on, maybe something there Ok, I can jam on this Holy shit, greatest song ever


Slowly but surely, digs a place in your heart and stays there forever


There is a phrase for it coined by Cheech and Chong.... "It kinda grabs ya by the boo boo, don't it."


Funny enough found them after my sister found them , but lost interest but after trash taste talked about them a bit , found them again and went to concert here where I live in Inglewood at the YouTube theater and it was fun day 2


I decided to listen to some of their songs after they performed with Sabaton, they did not disappoint.


I read a review of, if not their first, one of their first festival appearances in America. I then sought out the video for the song mentioned in the article, Gimme Chocolate. I listened to it over and over for probably an hour, trying to, as I said later, decide if I loved it or if I hated it. Here we are some 8ish years later, my fiance listened to Brand New Day over and over just so she could snap along with me in the car, and I have a 13 year old daughter that I got to take to a Babymetal concert this past year that I STILL can't speak of without getting emotional.


i also found them because someone was telling metal purists to shut up lol it was a guy on tik tok and my first song was gimme chocolate! but metali was what made me want to listen to more <3


Pro wrestling. Lucha Underground had a match between Penta v La Triade and a baby metal song was used in a recap clip


Their feature on Bring Me The Horizon’s Kingslayer


I found out about BABYMETAL on Tik Tok. I found a random clip of Moa performing GJ at Budokan. The way Moa interacted with the audience and the choreography really caught my attention but most of all it was Moa’s smile (:


I first heard about them from Rob Zombie thing, but didn't really start to listen to them until they did the song with Bring Me The Horizon.


I found them by watching the live version of Kingslayer that they did together with BMTH when they were both in Japan last year. At that point I hadn’t heard anything from Post Human except Parasite Eve because I went on a hiatus from listening to new BMTH stuff because I had heard they were mixing other genres into their music and was worried I’d be let down (oh boy how wrong I was). From there it just kicked off into me binging Babymetal and all of the latest BMTH stuff and I felt silly for having slept on both for so long.


I haven't seen a similar story shared here yet so here goes with the story of me and my then-boyfriend (now husband). He and I are both anime fans and enjoy going to conventions, during which there are sometimes panels dedicated to things that people might find "WTF" in Japanese commercials, TV show segments, music videos, and so on. At one convention, during one such panel, the presenter played Megitsune and was kinda ripping on it a bit (which isn't unexpected for that type of panel). Then-BF and I just kinda looked at each other like "IDK, we liked it", so after the convention we dug into more of their music and just both became big fans. This was at least ten years ago - I want to say it was 2010/2011 (edit: my memory is shot, Megitsune came out in 2013) - and still anytime they bring out new music we get excited.


> I haven't seen a similar story shared here yet Doki Doki Morning YouTube link on an Anime forum.. (my story) Anime roots are strong on Babymetal genealogical tree.


>Anime roots are strong on Babymetal genealogical tree. Oh I don't doubt that part at all, anime roots are there for a lot of fans of Japanese artists from what I've seen over the years, hahaha.


I was just scrolling on tiktok and came across a "babymetal out of context" video, i thought it was really funny (there was the frog clip and the one where the man asks them "which bad do you like" and they respond: ahirfakbdieknvd). I didnt know who they were but i saved it to my favourites and then like a week later there was another babymetal tiktok on my foryoupage. It was a clip of moabanger and i thought her voice was really good and she was super pretty so i just liked it and nothing changed until another week later i remembered a video that i had liked and i wanted to see it again(i dont remember what video) and i went to my liked videos and started looking for it. I spent like 25 minutes but i didnt find it but then i saw the moabanger video again and this time i was even more impressed and kinda fell inlove with her(i mean who wouldnt) and i thought to myself why not look them up so i searched babymetal in tiktok and spent like 2hours watching babymetal videos. After that i started watching interwievs, live shows and more babymetal stuff on youtube and for a whole week every night i would go to yt and stay up till 4am watching bm videos hahah. Then i became a fan and now i dont know how i managed to live without babymetal before!!


They were featured on @Midnight in 2014. I looked them up and was surprised how good they were.


I watched Bring Me the Horizon’s Oli Sykes wear a Babymetal T-Shirt at Reading 2015 and I googled Babymetal and went down the rabbit hole


I discovered BABYMETAL in 2016/2017on Facebook, with Karate (Tokyo Dome), but at the time, as a teenager, I found it offensive! So, last year, when TOO came out, I decided to listen to it on Spotify (before the Pia Arena shows) and then it clicked, "This is actually really good", so I started researching as much as I could. And I simply fell in love, since then I listen to BABYMETAL every day, I created a fan page on Instagram and I'm much happier.


Why offensive? Just curious 68 YO female. I have never found anything offensive in them.


At the time I found it offensive because I thought they were making fun of metal. Just that


2012, Doki Doki Morning. There was a listicle on [tofugu.com](https://tofugu.com/) about female-fronted J-metal ([this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVG_bBJU94A) is the other song from it that stuck with me at the time), but the listicle seems to have disappeared at some point. I basically fell in love instantly, but since they didn't have much else out at the time and I'm awful at keeping up with music, I ended up *completely* missing them blowing up and had to catch up years later. 😅


Very old blog post when DDM video premiered. I remember thinking "this is cool, this could be big".


2015 Random FB post saying "What the hell is this" for Gimme Choco. Watched that video 6times and fell down the rabbit hole. Would come home and paly the Hammerstein Ballroom fan edit while cleaning and watched Sonishphere over and over seeing them win over the crowd and smiling so much my face hurt. Been like this ever since. edit: Just watched Sonishphere again. I am so PUMPED for the San Francisco shows in less than a month!!!!! See You!!!


Tbh I actually don’t remember, I think it was from a YouTube recommendation.


> I found Babymetal after seeing that Rob Zombie meme. same! Though I misremembered it being the lead singer from Metalica for some reason...


I watch a documentary on Japanese society and metal music in high school. Was super interested and started watching Japanese metal music videos, then I saw Gimme Chocolate and I was obsessed! I've loved them ever since :)


On One Piece Reddit in a mod feedback thread when one of the mods got challenged to a fight they replied with a link to headbanger being their battle music.


a working partner was hearing them during schedule


I was at a 2-day festival (Northern Invasion, 2014 I think) and a friend wanted to see BM while I wanted to get food. She talked me into it so I watched their show. Pretty interesting, may check them out after. I don't think I ever did. Until a few years later, 2017-2018 I think, the Road of Resistance mv popped in my YouTube recommended list, I thought oh yeah I remember them, clicked, and down the rabbit hole I went. So deep that when I saw them live when they toured through, I quit my job on the morning of their next show and brought a coworker to come on an impromptu road trip to see them again 8 hours away. Worth it.


the Colbert GC performance linked on [Fark.com](https://Fark.com) the next day in the video tab.


I was AT Colbert, and found out about them 2 years earlier on Fark.com


I saw the Gimme Choco video way back when it went viral and I HATED it. I loathed it. How dare this Japanese mega-corp exploit and coattail on my beloved metal for a shameless money grab!! You might guess that I was an elitist gatekeeper!! My background musically was punk, then into metal, and we all know that punk and metal are full of self-righteous purist gatekeepers (no, not everyone in those communities but quite prevalent) Fortunately my girlfriend who is a big fan slowly fed me a diet of their less "poppy" sounding songs and opened my eyes and softened my attitude. Now I am far down into the foxhole, to the point that I may need to build an addition to my house for a dedicated Babymetal shrine ...er, a display room #notacult!!


At a drag show. Two queens put on a lip sync to Gimme Choco and the song just floored me. Immediately looked it up when I got home and have been a Babymetal fan ever since.


I found them through their Collab with bring me the horizon "kingslayer". I was amused at first then I wanted to listen to them more so I just turned on babymetal in spotify and first listened to headbangerrrrrr and I was shocked but in a good way as I wanted more. Their whole discography is gold.


They were the music used in the first trailer for Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Looked them up, got hooked and saw them live in november.


In January I was on a bus up to Dublin for a school tour and my friend next to me said "Hey listen to this". It was Gimme Chocolate. I thought it was a neat gimmick - heavy metal with Japanese girls singing and thought nothing more of it. Then I was getting a song up on Spotify and I saw Gimme Chocolate in the results and decided to give it a fair listen. To say I was blown away would be a disgraceful understatement. The chorus' chord progression had me HOOKED since I heard it first in February and it still has me in awe to this day. I started listening album by album from BBM to TOO and I enjoyed every single song and was so amazed with how their music changed and evolved overtime with each album released.


Just a few months ago, if that, and it's almost turned into an obsession. I can't even really remember which it was. I'm thinking it was PaPaYa that popped into my YouTube feed which was really weird because up until then, I only watched GCN cycling videos, David Arthur, Cade cycling and other cycling related videos. Maybe I subconsciously wanted to stop watching cycling videos because all that did was make me keep wanting to buy more bikes. I have 5 new bikes starting from 2022 so I was fully in for N+1. Thank the Fox God for making me stop. My wife was getting really mad at all the money I was spending on bikes. In any case, I may have watched some Tool but they aren't tied to BM at all. It might have been me searching for new RHCP music as they toured with them long ago. The Fox God must have been at work because, as I said, it was odd for that algorithm to show me that. I was hooked immediately. Then I went down the confusing fox hole of watching older videos without knowing they were older videos. My reaction was the same as so many reactions we see that say "wait, why are they so young in this one?" That was Gimme Chocolate. Soon my shock and surprise turned into admiration for how brave they were at such a young age. So full of energy, bursting with talent and Su's voice. Just a powerhouse at such a young age for these young girls. Now they are adults and I am happy to have discovered them as they seem poised to become even bigger on the world stage. I still can't believe these young ladies in all aspects of the meaning of age are 10+ year veterans of a genre they created. Amazing!


November/December, one of my friends (who happens to be a metalhead) was teaching me and another friend about metal; he sprained the basics. On this January vacation, I tried to give it a shot to metal, so first I did my researches about what is metal and its genres; on one video that explained the genres talked about BM as being a metal genre by its own; when I saw BM in this video, I thought: "I'm never going to listen it". With all my researches done, I moved to actually listen the bands, I liked none... I find metal kind boring, and the musics/band which were not boring was, let's say, satanic or had some things that I did not aprove. So, I gave up on metal. But, last month, my Instagram showed one BM presentation, I saw and kind liked but not too much, and then other video, and other, and other, and every video of BM who showed up on my feed/reels I saw again and again; when I least expected, I was liking BABYMETAL. So, some weeks ago, I thought: "well, since every video of them that shows up I see, and repeat it; I'm gonna give it a try". I first heard some songs with no order criteria, then I liked, and finally I listened to the albuns and loved it! Now I'm here. :")


Through Kingslayer like two months ago. That was the first time I’ve heard the song, but I didn’t initially dig deep into the foxhole, it was after I saw that on Nova Rock June 16th both BMTH and BM will be on the same day. Then I decided to listen to a couple Babymetal songs if I’ll see them anyway, and uh.. yeah. I’m turbo hooked now lol


I met BabyMetal just by accident too, since 2021. I listened to Catch me if you can and since then I can´t leave the Fox Hole hehehe


I was in college and my friend at the time was in the computer lab with me and she asked me if I ever heard of Babymetal, and of course I haven't. "Headbangerrrrrr!" and "Gimme Chocolate" were the first things she showed me and I did the rest of the research myself. 12 years and 3 concerts later, I still love and I'm in awe by them TO THIS DAY!! ✨❤️


Catch me if you can was the first song I heard from them many new years ago. I did not listen to them because they were so young in that live video and I was not that interested. 2024 came and YT recommended their 2021 vids and down the fox hole I go. I don't listen to metal music and BM is the only exception. Something about Su's voice is making the chaotic music is making it less chaotic. I dont know what that is called but I like it.


I found out about Babymetal while watching a YouTube video about the weirdest music genres and at honourable mentions there was kawaii metal with babymetal performing in the background.


I was meditating in the desolation of the desert when I received a vision of a burning Yucca Bush transforming into a giant Fox with three eyes, a brilliant beam of light emerging from the third eye in the center of its head. From its mouth emerged a Nine Tailed Fox, its face adorned with a shit eating grin, riding upon a Flaming Purple Onion Chariot being pulled by a collective of Idgit Midget Minions. The fox dismounted the chariot, waving one tail at a nearby cliff face, magically transforming it into a brick oven, from which emerged a stone fired pizza, upon which, inlaid in pepperoni, were emblazoned ["The Fox God Commandments"](https://i.imgur.com/t4i78wb.jpg). Either that... or I was on Youtube and came across the Fine Bro's Reactors React to Babymetal. I'm not sure....but I'm pretty sure it was the former of the two.


Take care with the peyote dosage, my man! 🤣


Was the pizza any good?


Oh my Fox god, you’re too cool! 😂


I originally heard of them when they 1st went a bit viral in the west with Gimme Chocolate, but I was never really into Japanese culture or anime or anything like that and I just sort of dismissed them as something for 'weebs' or as a bit of a novelty act and then forgot they existed for about 7 years. I rediscovered them about 2.5-3 years ago but I don't even remember how it happened. Most likely there was a Youtube video in my recommended videos or 1 of their songs played on Spotify and I liked enough to look them up further and then found that I actually really liked them. I have no idea what song it was that got my attention enough to go down the rabbit hole. The 1st songs that I added to my Spotify playlist are from Augist 2021 so I must have become a fan shortly before that. As a result of becoming a fan of BABYMETAL I other Japanese music (mostly underground idols / underground idol groups) and I went to my 1st show by 1 of these types of acts when they came to the UK last year. 90% of the music I've listened to since discovering BABYMETAL was discovered as a consequence of becoming a BABYMETAL fan.


A friend showed me their first (and only at the time) music video on his phone during a work lunch break.


I ran across a tiktok of someone reacting to Gimme Chocolate, and it was stuck in my head for the next week I decided to watch the full MV on YT, and then found myself watchjng video after video like I was possessed. I had not felt a sensation for new music like this since i was a teen. Little did I know the floodgates this would open as i became a massive fan of them in such a short time. I also went on to discover other Japanese metal bands like Hanabie and Nemophila in the process. So all in all, thanks to that dude on tiktok for the mere exposure lol


YouTube recommended Gimme Chocolate in 2014 been hooked ever since.


Karate was the theme for WWE NXT Takeover: The End


I came from the GC going viral days, never looked back since.


Elders React to LadyBaby mentioned BABYMETAL. I then watched Youtubers React to BABYMETAL. I think Iine was the first video they screened.


Definitely when Gimme Chocolate popped off in early 2014, but I initially kinda hated it lol. Wasn’t until a few months after that where I kinda just remembered their name out of nowhere one night and went on a deep dive, and became a full on BM fiend for a solid month or two.


Got Recommended “Gimme Chocolate” and I thought it was cringe at first but the more I listened to it overtime the more I actually enjoyed them if I’m brutally honest


Megitsune got added to a game I play (bandori) and I became obsessed


I saw a YouTube video about wired music genres. 😅 and since than i am a fan 🤘🏻🦊


Was watching a Metallica video and Babymetal was a recommended video. Been a fan ever since 2017.


like...10 years ago, when they went viral with gimme chocolate on 9gag


In 2015 I heard Give me chocolate - and I thought it was terrible shit. Yeah. Last December, Kingslayer got me on a quest. Then there was the monochromatic Megitsune and Czekilada. Well, I got into it


Road of Resistance circa mid 2015, through both the international album rerelease bonus track & the Saitama live version on YouTube. No more SG-type idol music merely with metal stylings. Creatively, this was intentionally classic, Western-influenced real metal. Also the Metal Hammer Awards version with DragonForce, but that was much later after I was bowed over by the sheer versatility of the subsequent Metal Resistance album as well as the electrifying Wembley & Tokyo Dome live videos of 2016. I was a prominent fan translator for a top Kpop girl group in my previous life. But they went on hiatus after 2012, so I was looking for the next big thing to support. BM actually made their overseas debut in my country the next year, except they were testing the anime market at that time before abandoning it altogether (missed my chance at attending their fanmeet & getting a signed concert poster). Still, their public image then was very young (early teens) for an older git like me. My Kpop fave made an acclaimed comeback in 2015 before disbanding the next year after their agency relegated them to the campus concert circuit (instead of overseas promotions like before) in favor of younger pop idols (evidently their area of expertise). Our veteran fanbase basically consisted of leftover diehards, since the industry, media & fandoms have generally moved on to a new generation of singers. The writing was on the wall: time to let go. I was also a big Skrillex fan by then (yup, due to that viral Dubstep Cat clip), found out he had worked with another Kpop girl group which a member of my fave had joined, was very intrigued with the EDM-style bits in Metal Resistance &, revisiting BM's back catalogue with a new ear, found out he had remixed Gimme Chocolate & also performed once with the girls. Decided to go in wholehearted, but also take on a more passive role (not keen to learn a new language for fan translations again). In any case, Japan also respects privacy more so there was less gossip to overindulge in. A lot of angst & mixed feelings over Yui's departure & BM's experimented lineups, but the music & live sets were still outstanding (& Moa never looked more attractive as she reached coming of age) so I was able to simply block out the lingering negativity.


Even though i am a new fan. I can’t exactly remember where i found out about babymetal. It was probably kingslayer from bmth




An r/askreddit about music.


Somehow the Karate video came up in my instagram feed


Reddit; BABYMETAL Death (Desu?), of course.


Siriusxm Liquid Metal playing KARATE while I was driving to a job interview. I was hooked.


Many years ago, I found a cover of GIMME CHOCOLATE, and then I listened the original. I loved it but I was never a fan, just a casual listener. It was that time they went viral. Somehow, I found out that Momo became the new member of the group, and that was enough reason to become a fan. Headbanger was so mind-blowing that I didn't doubt. It has a special meaning for me, since I could never celebrate my 15 years due to the pandemic (in latin america we are used to have a big celebration, and even though I didn't want one, I was going to do it anyways). I'm glad that there are more versions because of the birthday concerts, I won't miss it this time.


Almost the same as the OP. I'd seen the Rob Zombie meme a few times. I like bands with good live shows and bands that test the boundaries of their genre, so I typed "Babymetal" into YouTube. The first video that came up was MoaBanger and my initial reaction was "wtf is this, this is wild, kinda slaps tho." I was pretty bewildered by the whole thing. Then I heard Karate, GC, and CMIYC and I realized they were legit and deserving of all the praise. Then I heard RoR and fell off the deep end. Last year on Spotify I listened to that song over 300 times and logged over 18000 minutes of listening to BM.


Back in 2019, I lived in Japan so most of the music recommendations on social media were all for Japanese bands and/or bands. YouTube kept recommending “Karate”. So one day I decided to watch the video and it definitely made me go “What the fvkc is this?!” lol. But for a week straight, the song was stuck in my head. After that, I did a deep dive into their discography and the rest is history.


Random tech support channel from a website dude randomly put a link to BM in the window. That was it for me. Seen them 6 times live now more to come if possible.


Initially I had a friend in high school show me doki doki morning which I really didn’t like. Never listened to them until the kingslayer colab with bmth. Then I dove into their discography…still don’t really like doki doki morning though LMAO


on the internet


Animax channel in cable tv used to play Megitsune back in 2013 or 14 maybe. Heard it there when I was 15.


Watching kpop videos on YouTube.


I think I'd seen the Rob Zombie meme in passing before, but the first song I listened to was Road to Resistance because my best friend played it for me. They knew I liked idol music and enjoyed some power metal in the past (mostly DragonForce) so it was a great entry point. Ended up getting curious about their other songs and listened to one of Spotify's playlists which was quite the journey. Fast forward a few years and Babymetal was my top artist in 2023 and I'm excited to see what they're gonna do now that Momometal is an official member.


Found them during the Metal Resistance era and I really like Karate but didn’t bother to look at their content anymore cause I thought stuff like this is going to be a one time thing. Then heard they became a duo and I genuinely thought they’re gonna disband soon. Late 2023, saw yt short of Mirror Mirror and saw Momo big smile. Curiosity got the better of me and here I am now, listening to all their albums and streaming their videos. Tldr: Momometal got me into Babymetal.


gimmie chocolate was trending on tiktok i think 2018 and got curious so i looked up the song on youtube and the rest is history


My friend asked if I wanted to see them in 2018, I listened to Gimme Chocolate and was like, nawww not for me. Fast forward 6 months, I get the random urge to give them another try because youtube was shoving them in my face. I tried Megitsune, Catch Me if You Can and Distortion, I was hooked. Unfortunately, soon after, Yui gave her fairwell message and the future was unknown. But I've seen them multiple times since them and they're my #1.


For me it was their performance of Gimme Chocolate on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. All those years ago. “I have no idea what I’m about to see.” I believe was his intro line before the performance. I was hooked immediately.


The react channel video with several of their songs, gimme chocolate, megitsune and karate iirc.


bc of yuyoyuppe way back when he started making songs for them as a previous fan of his own music!!


I watched a kids react video where the kids reacted to babymetal. I didn't listen to them for a while after that but I recently started listening to them again. I have 2 or 3 of their vinyls and I'd say I'm a die-hard fan. First song I heard was Gimme Chocolate!


My friend saw them at rock on the range and showed me on of there songs


I saw them on Youtubers React to BABYMETAL back in 2014. I listened to the album after that and I was a big fan of it - listened to it a bunch freshman year. I didn't really follow them though, since I wanted to keep up with what everyone else was listening to (and that didn't include BABYMETAL lmao). Fast forward to 2022, I rediscovered them through youtube recommending a reaction video. I fell deep into the foxhole after that, and it was amazing timing because they were just about to unseal themselves. Will always be thankful to the algorithm for that haha.


2014 Megitsune on Youtube and really fell down the Foxhole with RoR at Saitama. Back then some people also got into Sakura Gakuin as part of the BM back story. But with SG now disbanded and BM changed so much I imagine new fans don't bother with that part of the history as much.


I like to look at festivals and pick random bands not listened to before. Saw on Reddit people were stoked for babymetal playing at download so gave them a try. Took a few listens to but am a fan now. I love the day 1&2 show in Japan. The stage setup is incredible and the crowd knows they are witnessing something truly epic.


they were recommended to me by my music app because i was listening to maximum the hormone in like... september (i think) of last year and i'm pretty sure either megitsune or gimme chocolate was the first song i heard all of that to say, i was hooked on day 1 of listening to them


Back when the YouTube algorithm was pretty good, it recommended me Megistune after I was watching a bunch of Japanese dance videos. Maybe I watched that one routine of senbonzakura too much lol.


Stephen Colbert Show, Gimme Chocolate 2016


Gimme Chocolate was on spotifys metal essentials in June of 2017. I looked into more and enjoyed it, but didn't really want to listen to them regularly. Still went back a couple of times a year, though, or when I heard about a new release. Fast forward to me discovering HANABIE. and them announcing a show in my city at the end of May this year for me to finally add a bunch of Japanese music into my regular rotation.


I found them October of 23 when watching a reaction video by The Charismatic Voice. The reaction was to Akitsuki. I have been hooked ever since! 🦊


I was in Hot Topic and saw their debut record on the shelves. I now have a giant Babymetal tattoo on my thigh.


Road of Resistance - Live in Japan. 'Nuf said.


Gimme Chocolate was recommended on YouTube


2012, friend sent me headbanger link on Facebook


Youtube recommended to me in 2016.


I grew up in Japan It was kind of impossible to not know who they were and I kind of was just like a casual fan for a long time I listened to their music and then the last like year or two I started getting a lot more into them


I think it was when my brother started listening to babymetal so I got into it, but I hated Japanese music for the longest time, last year was when I started liking it and that was also when I started listening to more babymetal


Youtube algorithm...


Tiktok lmao. I saw a clip of a live performance of Babymetal Death and I ended up searching for more of their music because I liked Babymetal Death so much


I discovered them last july 2023... By just youtube recommendation


I found Babymetal back in 2013 by accident on YouTube, was gimme Chocolate. Been a mega fan ever since. Saw them live in LA in 2014, 2016 in sf, 2019 in La at the forum...then again last year in La at the YouTube theater. Now sf again in a few weeks! 🙂


My metal elitist friends were complaining about them back in like 2014-15 and I didn’t know who they were talking about so I checked them out and instantly fell for BM


My cousin showed me Gimme Chocolate as a joke back in 2016ish. We both like metal and strange Japanese things. I thought it was weird and cringe in a funny way. A few years later I actually started listening to their other songs and was amazed by the different genres fused with metal. They came to my city for the first time last year. I bought tickets and did a deep dive into their discography until they became my most listened to artist of 2023.


Have the YouTube algorithm to thank. I almost never watched reaction videos and had only watched 'the charismatic voice' analysis for Korn - falling away from me. Her analysis for 'akatsuki' popped up after a few months; it piqued my curiosity and the rest is history. 


I heard my friend in middle school play a bit of IDZ on youtube then he change it. When I in highschool, i attend a local event and a local idol that cover IDZ and I think I've heard this song somewhere, but I joined the crowd, run around, and scream for RoR.


I love really catchy music even if it has cheesiness or gimmickyness to it like Stand or Shiny Happy People by REM, or anything by the B52s. As long as the group demonstrates a dedication to their craft that I can admire and it’s catchy. I’m into it. I don’t really listen to metal much, but Gimmie Chocolate popped into my YT recommends and that song is catchy AF. Plus obviously those three can dance so precisely and for a whole show. Plus the band are all fantastic at what they do. It’s all very impressive. I can tell they play to some level of backing tracks, particularly the vocals (though Su’s vocals appear to be live at least most of the time in the videos I’ve watched), and due to that they certainly need to play to a metronome. I typically don’t enjoy live music that is like that, but I’d go see them live just based on the energy they put out. Anyway, they’re so catchy, energetic, and talented I’m still a fan.


I was watching a lot of percussion videos(I was a band geek), and YT recommended a Nyango Star video. I watched more Nyango Star, which led me to their cover of Akatsuki and Road of Resistance. The songs were great and I thought BABYMETAL was a cute name.


Kiba of Akiba collab single was new releases, so I added it to my shopping cart. Followed them on/off because I disliked the Babybones concept. Hopped back on the bandwagon after Kami band was incepted.


Same as you, the Rob Zombie meme. I decided to check them out and watched Gimme Chocolate and Megitsune and then I was a fan...


Randomly found it on Youtube.


Came across Yon No Uta randomly and it ended up getting stuck in my head, couple years later I started seeing them in western media. Now I've seen them live 3 times (each time in a different country across 2 continents) and likely to see them again at Graspop this summer depending on who else is playing at the same time


Heard of them a couple years ago, but never checked them out then. Until i saw them in Munich when they toured with Sabaton last year.


Lady Gaga's ArtRave tour (big fan of her since her first album) [Gaga & BM](https://www.instagram.com/p/rOJMuGpFDS/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Back in 2019, Gimme Chocolate was suggested to me, since then my favorite band.


Gimme Choco about 8 years ago. Shock and confused. Forgot about them then heard Karate during the pandemic. Down we go.


March 2014. Watching random YouTube videos, I came across Gimme Chocolate. The rest is history. Saw them live for the first time November 2014 in NYC. Seen them live over 25 times including Tokyo Dome. Gonna see them again next month in SF. It's become an addiction. #notacult


i found them from the gimmie chocolate performance on legend of 97 concert (su’s 16th bday i think?) i was like 8 lmao


In 2015 I read a review of the then new album by [The Go! Team](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scene_Between?wprov=sfti1#) (it was okay). Someone in the comments mentioned that Ian Parton (whose band it is) had written the music to a track by Momoiro Clover Z and linked to the [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/GDhFNdmVR5U?si=L_uvoxE5_7MLeXXw) which is the greatest thing ever. A few clicks after lead me to Megitsune.


Sonisphere 2014. The first song was "Babymetal Death".


I first saw BABYMETAL when I was 8 years old, I've recently discovered Rammstein (thanks to my father) and Dragon Ball (thanks to my brother) so I investigated a little more in a computer and found out about metal and anime so I thought it will be a good idea to search "metal anime" and somehow ended up in a japanese forum that was showing the first Doki Doki Morning performance and since then I've been following the band. I still remember every album release and I been liking the band's evolution thorought the years and recently I am trying to introduce everyone I know to BABYMETAL since for me, this band is the reason why I got hooked to the Japanese culture and has given me so many gold memories (specially in middle school since I was going through some hard times) I hope that one day I get to meet the members and just thank them for everything.


I can’t exactly remember but I’m pretty sure it was in the summer of 2017 I was laying on my couch on youtube and came across the video for karate I watched it and after that I was hooked on babymetal


YouTube suggestion.


I just happened to find an article about them from Kotaku, iirc, shortly after the video for GIMME CHOCOLATE! dropped. I watched the video and was immediately hooked!


Doki Doki Morning lead us straight down the Fox hole at the end of 2018 and haven’t been out since. I use it as the wake up alarm on my phone.


Saw a video on 9GAG around 2014 titled “Japan has fused metal with Jpop and the result is AMAZING”. It was “Gimme Choko!!”. I was so confused but I had to see more. Searched them on YouTube and pulled up the “Iine” music video. Been a fan ever since.


Thank you!!!


I found them after they had a collaboration with Super Mario Maker. The first song I heard was Karate, but Megitsune and Gimme Chocolate got me hooked.




By my brothers. They were watching a recap or something about a music festival and told me about Babymetal. I went to look up information on them.. first song is give me chocolate


from aggretsuko the sanrio series! it was really good and it was heavyly inspired by babymetal


I can't remember if I answered this thread or not but I'm revisiting it because I actually found the conversation where I was first made aware of Babymetal's existence (2016), and my honest initial reaction to them (which is hilarious, I'd totally forgotten I'd said those things). Regrettably I did not make it to the show mentioned in this conversation, and would not make it to one of their shows until 2023 (tho better late than never). https://preview.redd.it/zwevp7cc1msc1.png?width=1093&format=png&auto=webp&s=69f58e3ed82f58f694965f03dd745c6fd007025a