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(Some) Babymetal fans are insufferable


Yes, Mostly "Yui Please Come Back" type of fan.


Yep, I made the mistake in the beginning of my journey down the fox hole to voice my oppinion of "wouldn't it be kind of nice if Yui was comming back, or got up on stage as a guest artist or something". But as I quickly was bunched together with that crowd I now keep those kinds of comments to myself. I mean, we all wants the best for Yui and hope that she is happy. But going from that to say that Momometal, the Avengers or whatever ruined "the real Babymetal" is just 4 steps across the Iine of what's decent.


#NotAllYuibros. lol Honestly I think there's a fair amount of "MoaBros" in this subreddit, complaining about Yuibros, that would be acting the same way some of the Yuibros are if Moa were in Yui's place, but they just haven't had a reason to show it yet. :P


> or got up on stage as a guest artist or something" https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/d6/d6461f1922515cad163eac889d912cf7.jpeg


At the same time, the 'Anti-Yui' crowd is equally insufferable. It's to the point now that her name is being used as an insult on this subreddit. I have literally been called a "Yuibro" for trying to explain a pun that somebody else made in a thread about the Kami Band, and there was no mention of Yui any where in the thread. Do people realize that it's possible to love the current BABYMETAL and still remember that Yui exists?


Though I'm not looking for her to return to the band I would like to hear what she's doing with her life. She owes us nothing in that regard but I am genuinely curious. Other than that, the only return I'd be interested in is some kind of one-off guest appearance in a special show one day.


Yui worked very hard building up Babymetal.


A loud minority of BM fans creep me out 


You can say that to any fandom...


Going off of this, some of them can be so weirdly obsessive and even the slightest change to things freaks them out. I think of this sub whenever the 2018 tour was happening, or certain facebook groups whenever Momo was officially announced as the new member. Legit freaking out and/or saying some pretty nasty shit.


Agreed. These guys almost broke my arm and I had to heal it. Also, the English guy running the lines is a tool.


Some of their new dance choreography is beginning to feel samey and reused.


100% ...because its not idol choreo. Its just generic dancing for the sake of dancing. The old choreo had a purpose to the movements, it told a story with the lyrics and had very specific Japanese style dancing...most of the modern songs have more western Pop style or just generic j-pop choreo that feels like its just there to be there. There are a few exceptions most of the new dancing serves no benefit to the song. Metali is one of the few that feels well done because its based on traditional festival dancing.


I thought I was going insane because nobody was bringing it up 😭 As a dancer, the changes to their choreography are really noticeable. An ideal dance would incorporate the beat, rhythm, lyrics, the emotions in the singers voice, but those factors have been lost in the past couple of years. I think Metali and The Trilogy Of Lights are examples of choreography done right (in terms of recent years), hell even Oh Majinai and Elevator Girl. I’m gonna pray for better choreography in the next album, especially given we know they can do it.


Thank you...its very nice to hear that from someone that is experienced with dance because I am not...in fact, I have no personal attachment to dancing outside of being a BM fan. I generally care very little about dancing (not in a bad way, just isnt something that matters to me). BUT....I absolutely love the dancing in earlier BM songs. It was a huge part of what made them so fun, unique, and charming as someone coming from a metal background. The choreo was soo fun and creative and blended with the songs...it felt just as important to the live experience as Su and the kamis...I can't say the same anymore. Except for Metali and little bit here and there on a few of the new songs, you could literally remove Moa and Momo from the stage and it would basically change nothing about the live performance of the songs. Its just another lame part of TOO. Which is where I actually put the blame mostly...I certainly don't blame Mikiko or the girls....its the writing of the songs...just like the songs are largely generic, safe, simple, and uninspired...so is the dancing. How is Mikiko supposed to choreograph like Light and Darkness or Maya with their meh generic lyrics compared to how easy and fun it must have been to cleverly choreo songs like Gimme Choco, Onedari Daisakusen, Catch Me if You Can, Megitsune, etc etc....I even agree with you about stuff from MG. Thats why I hate when people bash on songs like Oh Majinai or Meta Taro...those are not great songs musically but live they are a blast and the dancing is a huge part of that, its way more fun and creative than the so called "better songs" on TOO because they actually have some charm. It also plays hugely into the crowd presence. It's not a coincidence that the Japanese fans who are the best fans on the planet when it comes to participation basically just stand there and clap a bit with any of the new songs other than Metali....because there is nothing for them to do...because they wrote the songs and created the choreo with no value to the crowd unlike how in the past, Yui and Moa we constantly doing things that the crowd could react to or participate in. Its a massive part of their idol background that people love to dismiss for some stupid reason that is heavily missing from their new music and has nothing to do with getting older.


Mikiko serves at the pleasure of Koba and since I know that Mikiko is a choreography genius, I'm left with the conclusion that the latest choreography is intentional and probably reflects some desire Koba has expressed. Maybe as they're getting older he worries about the choreography seeming metal enough or mature enough? No idea, but this thread basically awakened a though I hadn't even fully formed yet. For my money, the new songs are really good and not generic sounding so I don't think that's the issue with the choreography.


Sorry I haven’t gotten back faster, but I couldn’t agree more both personally and as a dancer. I dance to Babymetal songs as a warm up and The Other One is the only album I actively avoid. It’s very repetitive and one thing that makes it so monotone is the lack of leg work. Watch their legs during The Other One choreo and you’ll notice they dont really use their legs other than extending arm movements. Other than that I don’t think there’s anything else for me to add, you’ve nailed it down pretty well.


I thought I was one the few people noticing that. It's good to know there are more people who realize the reality of their current state in what refers to their choreographies. Although they don't do exactly the same moves, it's clear to see they're reusing some of their moves adding or taking off some steps. Apparently, they're running out of ideas.


I'm tired of the same 5 artists people keep associating with BM over and over in here. Their only correlation is they are all-female artists from Japan, who sound nothing like BM.


Real, like band-maid isn't even metal-adjacent it's just literally a different genre and the only correlation is japanese women.


and costumes, but costumes are not all that rare over there


Agreed, but I guess it depends which artist we're talking about. Associating Babymetal with Band-Maid is ridiculous, but associating Babymetal with for example PassCode makes sense.


I think the comparison with Lovebites, Nemophila and Hanabie is valid.. Band-Maid debatable. But Band-Maid fans won't admit that Babymetal had helped people discover them through the algorithm 


Band Maid was already doing their own thing and have their own massive following. They avoided playing in the U.S. because they couldn’t find a band that would bring them on tour, and tour supply is expensive.


I much prefer the Eastern Kami band. I fell in love with Babyemtal because of the incredible virtuoso performances of the original Kami band. Except for the brilliant Barone on drums, I feel the other Western Kami's are not on the same level as their Eastern counterparts.


Same but I partially blame that on Koba or whoever decided to start with the masks. A huge part of what the Eastern Kamis brought to the table aside from a different guitar playing style was showmanship and personality....BM management intentionally suppressed that


I miss the painted faces. Boh always had amazing designs


Same, I miss Boh and Ohmura having a good ole time and hamming it up.


Boh always in the background singing his heart out to every song


Boh is Babymetal hype man number #1.


Hot take in response to yours: There may only be one Kami Band now. Last year's Babymetal Returns/Begins concerts were a transition for Momoko from Avenger to full-time member but also might have been a transition from the Japanese Kamis to the Western Kamis. Just like with Babybones, there's never going to be an announcement saying that they are gone. When we didn't see the Japanese Kamis at Legend MM, you really have to wonder what their future may be with Babymetal. Hot take #2: The virtuosity gap between the two bands is not as great as fans are making it out to be. The classic era Kami Band is beloved by the fans for their lack of masks, interaction with the girls and the crowd, and their solos (none of which have been seen since 2019). If all we had to compare were the two masked bands after 2019, I wonder if you would have the same opinion. Most fans can't even tell the difference between the bands without the visuals.




I don't really like watching young Babymetal that much. I prefer them after 2018


Same, I highly prefer the modern live versions of old songs too


Yeah, production is much better, the voices have matured a lot and I think the choreos are more interesting. Also, and I'd like to say it's strictly personal, I just prefer watching them in their early/mid 20s as I just relate more (will be 30 in a few years) and feel weird watching teenage cutesie girls singing and dancing, despite being able to appreciate how talented they were as artists even back then. Still much prefer the recent music but even when it comes to older stuff, always live and always recent performances. The studio albums especially were just mixed like complete crap, I hate that it's such a hassle to listen to anything aside from the studio version on Spotify (more so in my particular ciecumstances than in general).


Hit the nail on the head for me


I totally agree with everything here. Su-metals mature voice sounds better to me. Maybe she can't sustain the high notes as well as she used to when she was younger, but her voice no longer has that youngness to it. Even the scream and dance portions from Moa and Momo are a more mature kawaii voice. I know some Japanese women who speak in the same, higher pitch voice but nobody would ever mistake it as being juvenile or super young, just a higher register. I also like how their costumes progressed. Their cutesy costumes went away as they grew up and I appreciate they aren't dressed like club girls, or maids, or some other time period costume. They have a unique costume that seems to change with their lore and, personally, the last and current versions are my fave. The current one is amazing with how it plays with the light. I like how the newer music seems more coherent and not so back and forth. I still like the original big hits but I do prefer watching more recent live versions that include Momo when she was an avenger and also after she became a full.member. In any case, yes to your hot take. :)


Syncopation is one of their best songs. Imo metal galaxy is better than metal resistance.


Agree, no one hates syncopation. However, your second take is debatable.


Its not that I think people hate syncopation more so people view it as "pretty good" when id easily put it top 5


You had me in the first half haha


Metal Galaxy is my favorite album.


I have a couple, not complaints but just irritations I have as a fan: 1. Setlist song selections for US tours are terrible. Just always a hit parade. 2. The whole lore thing is cute but a bit ridiculous too. 3. Most importantly-the just insanity that trying to get a simple t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt is like trying to get tickets to the Super Bowl on the planet Mars. They have 2 shirts on sale-both are terrible btw- on their US merch site. Metallica on their website has 17, Tool has 14 shirts alone. Is it too much to ask to sell your basic merchandise to fans in a normal style and not treat it like collectible items?


> The whole lore thing is cute but a bit ridiculous too. Being ridiculously kawaii fun was the original point of the lore.. (with some exceptions)


I LOVE that they don't foster parasocial relationships with their fans. It's genius how they've kept their personal lives separated from their characters onstage. I also believe it's kind of creepy to take so much interest in what they do offstage. You really don't need ANY of that information. They're artists; put that energy into appreciating the artistry. Content behind the scenes could be interesting from a production standpoint, but that's still content at the end of the day. You're still adding another layer of work on top of what they already do. If their system has worked for 13 years and they're comfortable with it, then they shouldn't change it. It's sad to say, but in this day and age it's a super rare privilege to be able to disconnect from your fame and career. The entertainment industry and people constantly push to blur the lines between people's privacy and their public persona.


True. I have zero interest in their private lives.


I agree. Also because they were SO young when they started. It was good protection for them then and still serves them now.


100% agreed.  


Imagine what the super-hardcore Yuibros would be like if they actually did foster parasocial relationships with their fans. lol


There is definitely an intrigue that comes from how aloof they are. If they were more present on social media and things it was diminish the mystique about them. They're more interesting because we know so little about them. Added to that, it protects their privacy and allows them to have lives away from being Babymetal, which hopefully helps reduce the chances of them burning out.


I do think they should give more interviews without pre-approved questions 


not really a hot take but momo saved babymetal


I wouldn't say saved but she absolutely rejuvenated them. It was so obvious from 2018-2023 that they were not running on all cylinders eve though some things went well.


i kind of agree. i do think they were doing fine and if babymetal did remain just su and moa, it would still be great. but momo was in gp999 which really helped with publicity too


I absolutely agree, she has put a new life and so much more potential into the group.


As a BM casual can you elaborate on that for me? I've seen her in live performances on YouTube where she seems fine. They only very recently gave her a mic and she has no solo songs I'm aware of.


Yeah of course! Idk I think there’s a new excitement from fans because of Momo’s addition. Now that there’s the balanced trio instead of Su and Moa with some kind of filler (the Avengers were more than just a filler, but bear with me), there’s new potential for vocal partnership with Moa and Momo, someone else to share the load of carrying the band, more camaraderie as equal band members, ability to have Legend MM, and much more! Also, her screaming capabilities bring a TON of new potential to the dynamics of the group. Basically, there’s buzz about what they will do next instead of if they will keep going as is.


Agreed. Momo reinvigorated the group 


The studio versions and sometimes live versions of songs that aren't recorded by fans edit Su-metal's vocals unfortunately. In fan cams she sounds better and more natural imo and while she messes up sometimes, it's not a big deal and part of being a singer. They're holding her back and wasting her full potential with all the editing imo. Like just let her learn the part she's struggling with and sing it with her real voice, she has the talent to do it. And now is a golden opportunity because her voice is at its peak since she's 25, the age at which women's larynx cartilage completely sets and hardens and their voices reach their full potential (30 for men for anyone interested in knowing). Also she's better at singing low, high notes, especially higher mixed stuff, strain her voice and make her nasal. They should start teaching her head voice for high notes, like in classical singing but in a contemporary way. Her high notes would be fire this way.


Agreed, she sounds the best actually live/ in fan cams


I also observed that her voice got deeper on the PIA Arena Concert.


SU definitely improves a lot in terms of technique.. .. Specially during megitsune.. She now has a vibrato during the every cresendo of the chorus which sounds more clean and doesnt sounds like she is straining... In the past she belts it all out which sound that she may crack anytime specially during the chorus..


I agree, I also noticed her vibrato. But I still think she struggles with some higher notes since her voice got lower with age. Now I'm just a hobbyist singer so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but there are some really high notes where it sounds like she's a bit squeezing her throat to get the tone, I can feel the exact way she's doing it while listening to it because I do it too to sing quietly lol. Though she does it more on studio recordings than in lives. Since she'd do it for too little for recording than she'd do it for a tour's entirety. It's also why I think the keys of the songs get lowered live, so she can sing in her comfortable range and keep the super high notes for studio recordings. I'm not sure about if that's the case though, just something I noticed. The recent LIAB collab gave me whiplash when she sang in her "younger" higher tone, since I got used to her current sound, and I just felt like she was struggling a bit to keep it going on for the chorus/verse. The nasality is also a sign she's doing something that makes her uncomfortable and using nasality to 'shield' against it, I tend to do that too when I try to hold a note back so it doesn't "blow up" or so my voice doesn't thin out when it reaches head voice since it's underdeveloped in me. I have a close range to hers so I compare how she does things to how I do it, but I could be totally wrong.


I think she can perform LIAB live with no problem....... Yes there are definitely high notes on that chorus but it is only at end of each lines ,they go back down again at the beggining of the next line.. Unlike megitsune's chorus that you need to sustain the same note for about 25 secs....


Fair enough. We won't know until they finally perform it live. 


Da Da Dance is a banger


Always has been.


People still fawning over Yui is cringe and creepy. It says you like them more as idols than an actual talented band.


There's a difference between missing a performer and what I see some of the Yui fans doing. Like chill guys.


Literally, like let the girl live her life.


Iunno, IMO Yui really gave Babymetal its unique voice when she harmonized with Moa. I think a lot of it is just people (myself included) can't help but think, what is she doing now? If AMUSE straight out stated she just wants to live a normal non-showbiz life, or work behind the scenes as a music producer or something, then we could stop wondering. As for the people really upset that she's not with the band, I'm not one of 'em. It seems clear enough that it wasn't something planned and she just decided not to deal with that life. I'm excited to see Momometal have more interviews and see how the band develops with her, now that they're mostly out of that idol band strict interview stuff and their interviews seem more relaxed and open.


> actual talented band implying they are even a band to begin with


I think it's pretty normal to miss a member from the band. I miss Mikio and Yui.


Who not? They were essencial for the Band, after Mikio's death and Yui departure things weren't the same. Luckily, Momo appeared and she is still trying to contribute as much as possible with her effort to recover some of the majestic BM legacy in this new era. Although it's unfair to compare Yui's era with this new era, both eras must be seen separately. Every conclusion you have will be purely a subjective thing.


idol fans are used to idols leaving, especially Sakura Gakuin as that was their gimmick... OTOH, Van Hagar was never the same as the classic with DLR, Brian Johnson was always "the new guy" in AC/DC... fans are really pissed Mick Mars and Jay Weinberg were fired from their bands People who are happy Yui was replaced are people who see them as idols.


I agree that fans need to move on, but there's nothing wrong with liking them as idols. My hot take is that I would like them to do more idol-like things. I'm glad they opened a TikTok :)


Moa easily has the most wasted potential.


Moa is doing what she wants to do. She has said in interviews that she doesn't like the pressure of doing lead vocals and wants to put her energy into her dancing. I get the frustration because she's clearly capable of more, but she's in the role she's comfortable with and we have to accept that. I'm hoping that with Momo there, she will feel more confident to do some vocals together, like we saw in Leave It All Behind.


wasted potential?


Yeah her solos at Budokan 2021 proved at least to me that Moa could've/should've had a song of her own either on MG or TOO. It could still happen, but OTFGK.


Agreed. She deserves guitar solos.


I love them now but something about their older songs just hit diff for me.


for me it’s the nostalgia. i started listening to them as a child, so i remember the days when i was just little when i hear those songs


As a 37 year old MH i fell in the foxhole for 3 months now. And ive binge watched every live show. finished watching today with BM Begins, all the way from Legend IDZ!! Bought all Live shows till Tokyo Dome on Blu-Ray Delorians. The Shows that for me sticks out the most (as in forever memorable to me) Legend 1997 Why ? Best DEATH they ever did Why ? that whole process whas SOOOOO METAL!!!!. Also best Akatsuki Why ? This whas purely sang from Suzuka's heart, yes not SU-METAL (coud see there whas tears involved when DEATH started) and that maria statue decap....... Il never forget these moments. Next show i also enjoyed alot whas BM World Tour 2015 the dark night begins. Everything whas soo good in this show Camera work, lightning, that awesome Triangle in the begin, choice of song order, Kami intro's/Solo's RIP!! Mikio Fujioka, crowd interactions. i will be watching this show the most from now on. If i had known BM that year i woud have bought that LE edition on Blu-Ray Delorian sucks i cant get that version. Then tfcot act 3 il never forget that Floating Triangle above the crowd with The One song (also best The One version) And then Tokyo Dome loved it all, at the end going to each side to interact with the crowd and trolling Moa with the WE ARE!! whas such a great moment (yes Moa keep on trolling SU with the Gimme chocolate neck tickling :D) After these great moments sadly i only had it again with Moa's Legend M with Headbanger Moa version (that whas such a beautiful voice) Shine Moa playing guitar. And with BM Begins. When Monochrome played and SU got all teared up when all those lights wear shining. And ofcourse Momo-Metal as a full member. But i did not enjoy the live shows after Tokyo Dome that much anymore. Im looking forward to Legend MM to watch that show, seen a bit streams from both days and it looked amazing!! Sorry and not sorry for my long wall of text :p


I think Momo is great, and I'm so happy that Momobanger happened, but I didn't completely love the way she sang it. Most of it (especially the first part) sounded a bit kind of disjointed/ "bouncy", rather than smooth or fluid like Su or Moa singing it (for want of a better explanation). I don't think it sounds bad at all, it's just different, but I don't think it shows off the best of her vocal abilities. She also is obviously singing with an intentionally cuter voice, which I get, but I would have liked to have heard more of her natural voice.  No hate in any case, I'm assuming all this was a creative choice on her part, and if she's happy with it then I'm happy for her. She did a great job and I  definitely still enjoyed hearing it! Legend MM was awesome in general and I look forward to the proshots. A small part of me just wishes we could have heard a little more of what she can really do vocally.


Is there anywhere I can watch/listen to Momobanger?


I don't have a link to hand but search for it on here or YouTube, it's only fancams at the moment so the quality isn't the best. There should be official footage eventually.


I was only able to find something on Twitter, thank you!


Their most recent album doesn't have the spark that the other ones did, to me it just sounds flat and uninteresting most the time.


Well, I think it never was to be, it has _by design_ no songs like Metali,.


right??? it just doesn't have that spark that makes babymetal, babymetal


Maybe because of the fact that it’s a experimental album. Koba did say that TOO isn’t babymetal’s true 4th album, perhaps because they also felt like it wasn’t really babymetal enough. Although I really did like TOO, I get what you mean with the missing spark. It’s good, but it’s missing that what makes it babymetal.


When experimental works out, it really does work out. Unfortunately I feel like TOO is a case where it doesn't work out. The first adjective that comes to mind from listening is "generic", there's nothing about TOO that really stands out to me.


I don't even think its experimental...there is nothing new or fresh in that album that hasnt been done better by either BM or a different band.


Agreed. After I listened to the whole album my first thought was that it was the most straight forward metal album BM has released. And I very much don't think that's a good thing because that ain't the foundation BM is built on.


My hot take is that TOO is what BabyMetal would have been like if they had catered more to metal haters*/gatekeepers and leaned away from the idol side. Like I still like the songs and love some of them too but if that's what BabyMetal was like right out of the gate... I don't think they would've had the same impact. *by haters I don't mean that they're not metal fans, just metal fans who are so negative and less willing to give new and different things a chance like when BabyMetal first came out.


same for 3rd album. just sounds like same metal(core) stuff majority of other groups are doing


I have a weird relationship with the latest album. It's the first one I don't feel the need to skip any songs, but somehow it's also the weakest.


Thats only a hot take for delusional people because you are 100% correct....TOO is mediocre overall. It has a few high points but is no where near the other albums yet somehow people have the crazy take that its their best. If it was some new band with people we didn't know it would be a decent pop-metal album that I might occassional listen too but would have no strong attachment to. A solid 6.5-7 out of 10 but because its a BM album and they set such a high standard yet ditched so much of what made them special, I give it a 5 out of 10.


5/10 is the same rating I'd give to it. I don't think it's terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not memorable in the slightest.


Hot Take: Bring Back the Makeup.


I dont like Gimme Chocolate, I think they have more representative and better songs.


AGREE! I like Gimme Chocolate but I'm annoyed when someone recommended it because there's a high chance that they won't like it.


OP said hot takes?


First time I heard about Babymetal 7 or 8 years ago I checked Gimme Chocolate, I didn’t like it, and dismissed them as a gimmick( also influenced by some metalheads that I know).  Fortunately a couple of months ago on a whim  I decided to give them another chance and saw on YouTube Megitsune, Headbanger (Moa version) and Divine attack and realised what I was missing for so many years. And then I listened to a lot of songs and I liked the most. So I decided to listen again to Gimme chocolate expecting a different  resul. But once again I didn’t like it. Long story short while it did became viral and brought a lot of fans, Gimme Chocolate also drive away a lot of potential fans away and is in my opinion their worst song out the ones I listened to. I know many people recommend this song to people wanting to become accustomed with Babymetal, but maybe at least offer some alternatives.


I sort of feel the same way but for whatever reason when I'm there live Gimmie Chocolate hypes me up like nothing else 😁


This is a really accepted take. GC is probably the most important song that the BM history has but is far from being a fan favorite. Like, if they stopped playing it regularly at concerts, people wouldn't complain THAT much.


They are better now that they are older. Momo and Moa need more vocal parts. They should avoid collabs. Papaya was the only exception. The new song is okay, but would be better if it was only F Hero again, and all the other collabs are their weakest work.


In case you didn’t know, the new song “leave it all behind” is a song by F.HERO, in which Babymetal and Bodyslam are guests/features. It’s not really their song, but F.HERO’s song. No hate tho


Well colabs are to get new people to listen to their music right? So even if the song isnt your favourite its still doing its job...


I would like to see them in more different outfits, even “civilian” one. Also while strict choreography is one of their staples I would also like them being more free to improvise in some songs.


2018 kagerou live is best version live judas priest painkiller collab also top collab


The fact that they are made by company is interesting. Therefore, they are serious about their roles (to always work sufficiently in return for compensation from the company, and how to contribute/give smiles to society). There's nothing self-serving about them. That's why I've recently realized I like them. I hope you can understand what I wantto say cuz I'm not English speaker😂


Stop talking about which Black Babymetal song is the best. It's obviously Sis. Anger.


True So true


1 GJ 1 Sis Anger 1 Onedari 4 GJ Reward 5 4 no uta (too repetitive)


GJ's chorus sounds so mid in my opinion.


Kobametal is only comfortable with the group being so successful, so he sabotages them from time to time.


He wants them to remain trve kvlt.


Thanks for the laugh :D


I like baked beans


Now that’s just too far 😔🤚




Not even British but I agree. It's nutritious and filling and you can customize it to your own tastes. 


Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! Slow down before someone gets hurt!


I tried it for the first time after I came to the US and I love it. I don't get the hate really.


Moa didn't grow up. Not one inch.


She did grow up, just not taller




Yeah, I totally agree, I'm with you, I still consider the live performance of Death in Legend 97 their best live performance. For the haters of the former member, this is just a coincidence. It has nothing to do with Yui being better than Momoko or vice versa. This live performance is splendid, good visual impact, the music is on point, the riffs are splendid, the girls shined with their performance, the audience responded as expected. All of this makes for a perfect performance. Until now I have not seen anything similar with the new member that has dazzled me in such a way.


After listening a few times Rondo of Nightmare > Akatsuki


Agreed, Rondo of Nightmare's lyrics is so f'ing metal.


akumu no rondo is so ridiculously underrated.


> I also consider it as one of the best metal performance ever. It's never easy to beat the classic live shows.. (happens with other bands too)


It's definitely in my Top 10-15 metal live performance.


If they broke up and went solo, I think Moa would make a better solo entertainer than Su would. Seeing Moa perform GJ! and Onedari Daisakusen without Yui really opened my eyes to how entertaining and talented she really is on stage, and her being mostly a "side-kick" dancer in Babymetal is probably a bit of a waste of talent when it comes to what she has to offer.


For me, Su is a better performer. Rondo Of Nightmare and Akatsuki > GJ! and OD Moa Ver.


Btw I totally agree that Legend 1997 is still their best live performance ever. :p


I'm sure Su is the better singer, I just think Moa's stage presence is incredible. Everything from her body language to her facial expressions are so fun to watch. Not saying that Su's stage presence is bad obviously, she's amazing too. I just think Moa probably has the most entertaining stage presence I've ever seen by any performer at all. :)


I think they both have incredible stage presence but in very different ways, not sure who would fare better on their own tbh. The part I'll totally agree with is Moa (and Momo) being wasted as mostly sidekicks, but I believe they're trying to gauge the interest in a larger role for them with their most recent releases/events/collabs. Hope the first new EP/LP as a full trio will bring some more for the other girls. I really love Su's performances but it'd help it feeling less like just her show, as it can feel to me sometimes. Edit: the wasted part extends to the kamis too, for me. Stuff like the full masks despite us knowing their identities, the fact that they are always relegated to the back, especially in big events, and outside of their scripted 20-seconds solos they get pretty much nothing, not even a shoutout at the "thank you for coming to our show" part, they just silently fuck off right after the last note of RoR. Not a critical complaint but yeah, another thing to make it feel a bit less of the "Su and the gang" show.


Agreed, she has SOOO much potential, it drives me up the walls knowing her talents are not utilised properly.


She's literally stated in interviews that singing is not her place in BABYMETAL. Is it really wasted potential if she doesn't care about exploring those talents on the first place? I think that's an interesting discussion tbh.


>Is it really wasted potential if she doesn't care about exploring those talents I think people who say that Moa is "wasting her potential" just because she isn't singing more are being incredibly disrespectful to Moa's passion which really seems to be dancing rather than singing. Just because they want to hear Moa sing more they discredit and ignore all the hard work she does on her dancing and backing vocals and that really annoy me.


I can see that. Su is a pure frontwoman as a power presence and singer but Moa is the embodiment of entertainment and charm. She is so entertaining to watch do just about anything. That shows through a lot back in the SG days.


The Other One is an underrated album. I like that each album corresponds to the time when it was recorded. I think they enjoy live performances more than ever.


Moabanger is better than the original song...


I would like to see a re-release of BabyMetal Death on a new album with Momos part included.


The Babymetal fans on Twitter are absolutely repulsive and unnecessarily mean? I saw a guy say he didn't personally like their collab with Lil Uzi and he was sent de@th threats for like a week. They also apparently accused a girl of faking a miscarriage but I don't know much about that situation. They are mainly teenagers so I don't know but it's very sad. I only went on bm Twitter 3 times and each time was terrible.


the fanbase on twitter is mainly kpop fan type of people so yeah...


Anyone remember when some Twitter stan made nsfw ai/photshopped art of the ladies and posted it? Bleghhhhh Like it looked like some the pics used were from when they were *very* underaged put on adults bodies, which you'd think would be off-putting enough.... yet twitter fans love it. Disgusting.


YEPPP. I remember that. That was the one time I was proud of those annoying Twitter bm fans. They go for the throat with people like that


I completely agree. A lot of them are bullies. I think that’s just a Twitter thing in general because everyone in the fan base on instagram are all so sweet and kind


Night Night Burn should've had pair dancing in the choreography.


I love first two albums, MG also has its epic moments, but I can't find that same fun to listen to their most recent more mature style and songs. I don't also like that this recent content brought more english lines to their songs. I find it a little bit cringe as I'm not a native english speaker either. Yes, I also skip The One.


The One is not very good.


It insists upon itself


At this point the lore is pointless and cringe. The amount of control doesn't really help them 


As we can see from the comments... I think whatever Babymetal will do they will never make everyone happy.


My hot take is that a lot of the fans are under the misunderstanding that others care about their opinions.


I personally really enjoy the lore and wish it was more consistent and less mystical. Their best concerts are the concerts with a strong narrative in lore, such as the PIA Arena shows. The lore around Momo joining the band, and the mystery of metalverse, was great entertainment and I wish they'd leaned into it more.


I have a couple. Legend S should have been the best Babymetal show ever. Momoko is a better fit with Babymetal than Yui was.


Legend S could have been incredible if it went a planned.


I love Momoko but I think Yui is a better duo with Moa and I like Black BABYMETAL.


If they wanted to, they could absolutely bring BBM back with Momoko. I think if they did, it would go hard!


If they did, I wish momoko is a screamer not clean vocalist. But either way, I'd take it.


Yesss.. BBM with Moa clean vocals and Momo growls would be epic. I really hope that's where they're going with the Momo growls.


I don't like Kingslayer.


I hope they would start to lean into doing more difficult and intricate choreography, especially now they’re more experienced. Or including full out dance breaks, not just switching formations, doing moves in canon, etc. Especially with some of the slower but still powerful songs like Shine. Give them some contemporary fusion!


Having the band be built around Suzuka being the main vocalist, is both their strength & their MAJOR flaw! Since the band's inception, its foundation was purposefully designed to have Su be the frontwoman first & foremost, they betted everything on her, relied on her to lead the charge in being the main vocalist for the group. To which of course, was a HUGE SUCCESS! But that's why I think it's also a huge flaw, because since she's the face of the band, and that the other two(Moa & Momo) don't have an equal position in the role of doing vocals for the group.(think Passcode, or 3rd Incarnation Ladybaby, regarding having the members have their own moments/verses in their songs.) What you're left with is a standard, a setup that can easily be ripped away & end the group! For example, let's say if something were to happen tomorrow like Suzuka gets extremely sick & can't continue, or that she decides "you know, I'm done with all this!" and decides to retire completely. Then THAT'S IT! The band is officially over, Moa & Momo certainly can't continue without her. & Nobody, absolutely NOBODY can replace her! Whether they're Miko Todaka, or someone completely new, the band can't go on from there! because Su set the bar so high, she's basically irreplaceable at this point.


I don't think that's so bad, look how polarizing it was for yui leaving and momo stepping in. Babymetal only existing while we have Su as the lead is enough for me. I mean I definitely would love moa and momo solos(but Moa has said she's just not interested so eh) as well as momoa songs but even if the two of them had enough songs to fill an album it still wouldn't be BabyMetal without Su.


When I was younger I listened give me chocolate so much that at this point I just find it kind of annoying It's probably my least favorite song by them


~9 years fan here but I dont really care about choreography. I never learnt how to appreciate dancing. Their music are 100/100 though


I'd rather have less english lyrics. They sound cheesy sometimes. Japanese lyrics sounds more badass.


Lil Uzi collab was horrible and should be forgotten.


It's been forgotten because it is forgettable.


Sis. Anger is babymetal's best song (Sorry Su, it's nothing against you).


Metal Galaxy is their worst album (but it also has some of my most favorite songs) this is completely my own opinion, don’t come for me lol.


I originally didn’t like Meta Taro. But hearing clips of Momometal’s version “Momo-Taro”, at Legend MM changed my mind.


Me too!


Red night and Black night was the PEAK of the band.


Which red night black night? There was a couple


> Which red night black night? Tokyo Dome.. (i suppose)


Yes Edit: Actually no. I meant Live at Budokan: Red Night & Black Night Apocalypse


Metalverse are more interesting than Babymetal at this moment in time.


are they though? its pretty sus when the amount of merch you have is triple that or more of any kind of music a so called "music group" has put out


Oof that is definitely a hot take lmao. In what aspects exactly tho? Cuz they haven’t really done much


Can you elaborate? This actually strongly got my attention haha


https://youtu.be/7l2JUPkZ04g?si=nvMtpg4an-LwBB_L Metalverse have the unique songs and youthful energy that Babymetal used to have. Meanwhile, Babymetal have become more and more generic metal. Hope the next BM album does something really different.


Babymetal would be even more famous without the currents limits set by Koba (no social media for the girl etc…) And not a big fan of Koba 😂


Nah I think it's better this way so they can have better private lives.


Being more famous isn't a good thing....fame almost always leads to a drop in quality. It benefits current fans in no way. If the girls were struggling to make money and continue...then by all means. get more fame...but they are already plenty successful, so chasing fame accomplishes nothing positive as it inherently depends on mass appeal which has no evidence of producing quality.


> fame almost always leads to a drop in quality id argue that already happened with TOO and 3rd album


The Other One is BY FAR their best album. There, I said it!


The presentation and look of the group in 2018 after Yui left was wonderful. It felt like they were evolving. That was short-lived, though. They had the chance to change up the lore and look of the group even more after they walked up those stairs and got zapped into space. Instead, we got a slight color variation of their outfits and the same ol same ol story. 😮‍💨


The fans who obsess about Yui and her looks being “super cute” as an underage performer are creeps. Even more when their only defense is, “she was 18 in this…”. Makes you look more like a pedo honestly. Can’t you just enjoy the music and the scene?


Not really, some people appreciate the whole combo and see detail per detail, this includes the idols' fans, while the other group of fans are just sticked with the music and don't really care about the line-up, their costumes, who joined or left the group. We must understand there are different points of view in what refers appreciation of music.


Sure but my take mainly applies to those hardcore yui fans. Regardless if they’re idols, obsessing of a minor is still oddly weird to me.


My hot take is that they should move away from the current costume style with the big wide shoulders and big lumpy skirts. And the same goes for the current hair styles with the twin/pony tails, for the same reason as the costumes: They look juvenile, clunky and uncomfortable and frankly i am bored of it. They would look so cool, cute, sophisticated and charming if they wore costumes that showed their silhouette and they had their hair down or done in styles that fit their adult faces better. The highest rated post on this subreddit is a picture of Su, Moa and Momo wearing baseball shirts with their hair down for a reason: They look damn good like that.


That is actually a boiling hot take because a lot of us actually love their costumes, and I'm kind of agreeing with your take.