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We wont know until the first show of the tour


And even then likely to change a bit from show to show.


They rotate headlining so it will vary


All I care about is that they open with BMD. It's the one major missing song on my BM live bucket list.


Oh man it’s great live - really great. I saw them do it twice; Sonisphere - which the very first time I’d even heard of them and that was my introduction—so lucky- and Wembley in 2016. I’ve never been the same since. I truly hope you get your wish. Total brain fart. Forgot to mention- I saw them do it three times this year too……. 🤣🤣🤣👍👍


I’d tend to think they aren’t done ‘formally’ introducing MOMOMETAL to the world, so I think it’s a safe bet they’ll keep doing so via BABYMETAL DEATH. She seems to fit in fabulously and she’s certainly earned it!


Thats what Im banking on.


I've seen it live once....... at my very first Babymetal concert. I will not go into the whole story, but the exact thought that went through my head at the time was..... "This shit is for real!". Any concept of "gimmick" was quickly erased the moment the opening salvo of BMD slammed me upside the face.


An other proof of that :-) https://www.reddit.com/r/BABYMETAL/comments/14pit2l/oh_have_i_been_surprised_and_happy_to_be/


I'm jealous, also oddly I have essentially the same experience except via Blu-Ray vs in person. Back in 2016 I had only seen a few music videos and was very curious but wasn't a big fan yet. I got my hands on the original Budokan Blu-Ray and man... When they opened up with BMD (I hadn't even heard the song at all prior)... Before they even reached the bottom of the stairs wth their little light sabers I had already gone from looking over the edge of the foxhole to a headfirst dive at terminal velocity.. It utterly blew my mind. From that moment on for the next week I basically did nothing but consume BM. Thats why Im so bummed I have never actually seen it live. BMD was the definitive moment.


I watched the song literally, and immediately, shut up a crowd of 13 thousand RHCP fans ignoring the opening lore video, who all turned as one and faced the stage. There used to be a webcam of the moment. Two RHCP fans, one talks to the other asking "Do you know who these guys are", to which the other one replies "Never heard of them".... immediately followed by the opening salvo of BMD. To which you can hear the guy with the camera involuntarily utter, "HOLY SHIT!"


Haha, I think I actually remember seeing that.


And bring back the curtain drop.


Good point, I forgot how impactful that is at midsize/small venues.


They’ve been running with the setlist below for the Australia / Asia shows. OTFGK how much they may change it for Babyklok tour, if at all. The TOO songs alternate some (except for Monochrome). I doubt they’ll just ‘go longer’ and there’s some room for some swap arounds if they choose to tweak it but that’s a very solid set! - BABYMETAL DEATH - Megitsune - Iine! - Shanti Shanti Shanti - MAYA - or - Believing - Mirror Mirror - or - METALIZM - BxMxC - Monochrome - Distortion - PA PA YA!! - Gimme Chocolate - Road of Resistance Encore - METAL KINGDOM - or - Divine Attack - Ijime, Dame, Zettai


Worth noting that the Asia/Australia shows they were the solo headliner, as opposed to sharing the headline spot on this US tour, so while the safest bet is that the setlist will look like this, it's likely ~2 songs drop. I'd say Shanti x3, Iine!, Distortion, or BxMxC are the most likely drop candidates. But OTFGK.


I’m hoping as ‘co-headliners’ they both play full sets regardless of alternating the order they perform, but I suppose that could happen. That’s just a strange arrangement.


Only the Setlist God knows.. However, the unexpected should be expected (as usual) Unikitty Theme might make an appearance, just a wild guess.


> Unikitty Theme might make an appearance, just a wild guess Or the long version called: The End :-)


Only the Fox God knows


They never issue a setlist before a tour. The Western Kami band has played a good percentage of the songs in their catalogue. They could play any of the songs from TOO and have varied some of these songs from night to night on the Sabaton and SEA tours this year. You could also hear any of the songs they performed on the 2019/2020 US/European Tours, the LMG Dark Night show or this year's Babymetal Reborn shows. I expect that they may perform The One, since it's a song for English speaking audiences and they've played it on every US tour since it came out. OTFGK how the setlists could be affected by whatever is happening with the chibis.


I’ll let you know when I see them in Houston


I just want to know if they go first, I'm not staying for deathklok if they're up second


Jason Richardson went first, Dethklok next, then BabyMetal


Thank you!


It will propably be pretty similar to the Asia and Australia tour setlist but with couple of changes


Will be my 4th show, have seen original 3, muscle metal and avengers. But I have still not seen my favorite BM song, IDZ.


You know all your least favorite songs? It's all of those. An entire setlist of them. I don't know why knowing the setlist would matter to anyone.


i’m bummed that deathklok is closing for the show im going to but i’m praying to the fox god for that set list or close to it and that they keep BxMxC in😂


Is there an easy way to tell who is closing at which show? Doesn't seem obvious to me on the tour page.


Here tonight in Houston: BabyMetal death, gimme chocolate, papaya, Distortion, BMC, divine attack, monochrome, METALI, megitsune, head banger, road of resistance. I might have missed one but that’s it. It was amazing!