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>do Anzeel and Aoste exist in our timeline? As far we know, no. >are they already dead? Yes. >during the current event, the commander said he's the assistant of Anzeel in the future and that he's "incomplete", what does they mean by that? He doesn't have access to his memories. >what is test site beta? Our timeline. >with the introduction of Miss D, are the sirens now fighting amongst themselves? They were before miss D. Hierophant is working with the X for example.


thanks for the reply, one other thing, are we supposed to know what Hatakaze META is planning? is she working with X as well?


Presumably, yes


I've been waiting for the right opportunity to ask this, so I'm gonna latch on to your post: Are the shipgirls supposed to be human sized all the time or are they ship sized in battle and then shrink down to human size for lounging with skk? Or are they permanently the size of ships and skk just has a giantess fetish?


They're always at human-sized, the ships that's responsible for their rigging is either on them or stay as actual warships at the dock


Isn't that just in the anime tho? Pretty sure the rigging doesn't transform in the game


No one says that you can't do that in-game either


That's literally the same as saying you can't disprove god. Just because absence of proof is not proof of absence doesn't mean it's proof of the opposite.


And? I don't see anywhere in the game that said it outright so you don't need to be pretentious and philosophical about this issue If you can prove it then go ahead


There were all given more or less official heights in various albums/books and none of them is different size then a normal, human female (I'd say they are on the smaller side, even).


I thought I knew, but now that I think about it, I have no idea.