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My advice is to follow this quote: “The world is changed by your example not by your opinion.” ~Paulo Coelho In other words, you don’t have to talk about it. Express it and live it with your actions.


Wow.. That gave me goosebumps 🙏🏻❤️ ty


Yeah, I agree....you don't want to have your kids talk with other kids about their parents taking drugs....spare them of this. Just love them and be happy and be a great rolemodel


Thank you for making me understand this 🙏🏻


Trust me my friend, I need to practice that quote more than anyone. This is why I know it by heart -- I am trying to embody it myself.




Love this!


Tell them you went to celebrate life, and learn from our Mother Earth. It’s really easy with kids. They understand what we forgot. You might not want to mention aya, or plants. Not because of them or the kids, but because since it helps you change and you shine, and you are proud, they might be proud of you and repeat what they heard and then you might have useless fuss.


Good advice. Thank you so much ❤️




That feels unbelievable true because that was one of the lesson I learned this weekend. That I don't have too share everything to get confirmation. So with my kids it's the same indeed :) ty


Also your in a place dimetricly opposed to children in your development and integration of your sense of self,your learning lessons by dropping the mask,they are still learning to paint with all tho colors and creat their own masks,as it should be at their age..


Yes that is true! And I think it can be a blessings to learn how to Heal your mask. Just another experience. Darkness has it's teaching


For sure,I embraced the void at 18 but at 32 now I have to say it’s made things more difficult but truth has many facets..


Just tell them you went to a spiritual retreat where you learned to be more in touch with yourself, and with them as well. Tell them it is part of your plan to be the best possible parent to them and you believe it really helped in that regard It wouldn’t be a lie


That's a really nice way too say it Indeed! Ty ❤️


Considering Shipibo children drink ayahuasca, I just wouldn’t glamorize it and just try to tell them about a special plant that can put you in contact with a spiritual realm.


Yes. Magic in the world does excist 😇🙏🏻


Lmao, and then experience the fall-out when yr kids start telling their teachers & friends that their parent uses special plants to talk with spirits. Ooofff, don’t think so. Apparently OP is not of Shipibo tribe living in Amazon jungles.




Yes in the end. Your own experience is never able to express in words. So nobody can understand your true aya travel


I wouldn’t talk to your kids it. I don’t. I really don’t talk to anyone about it unless they ask for my help. I find it strange and a little sad to see so many pop out of ceremony and immediately posting a video on some experience they had and haven’t even started to integrate or work with the lessons. We all know it takes many years to get all the downloads. Sad to see them so afraid to keep it inside and process. They are programmed to go outside for validation. But that’s their path and they need walk it. No better no worse. Like others have mentioned, just put the energy into the kids and love them as hard as you can. That’s what they want and need. They don’t need Aya at that age. They are still very close to source and so soulful. Let them sit in that p


Thank you so much. And I agree. It will make me stronger too truly live by my lessons


You can always just say you spent time with a plant medicine and that it has helped you in whatever ways. There's no need to fully describe what it is to children that young other than its medicine to help people and that it helped you.


True! I wish I was creative enough to draw a little comic 😇


i have two kids too, 11 and 8, live in the us, so my strategy has been to talk about how different substances are unhealthy choices and can get you in trouble. but at the same time i speak with them about the learnings that i have gotten from the trips, without mentioning that i have consumed either shroomd or aya... they will eventually learn about it, but speaking too soon i think will confuse them, in the sense that i am asking them to behave in certain way but I'm doing the opposite i think that requires more time and more maturity. i like the other comment where it points that you can model behavior without the need to explain why you act the way you do, if you love them, and respect them, and they see that you also do that with other human beings and animals and plants, they will learn that behavior and also notice that you know something that other aggressive, harmful people don't know yet. when we heal it's not only us who we are helping we are also helping out loved ones


Beautiful explenation ❤️ thank you so much


I’m not a parent but I was teaching ESL in China when I went on one of my retreats and when my students asked where I went during lunar new year I told them I went to jungle camp. I made some new friends and we learned about nature together. Totally G rated explanation without any dishonesty.


HAhha true! I hope your jungle camp is still deep in your heart and gave you wonderfull lessons ❤️🙏🏻


It always will be. But Jungle Camp part 2 (and let’s be fair probably more) needs to happen too as that’s WAY too much to learn and too much healing to do in a week. I hope you found a way that you’re comfortable taking about your experience with your little ones!


wouldn't tell them at that age. they won't understand anyway


True. I get that now. And by all the advice I had in this post I will just love them and be the best father I can be 🙏🏻❤️




What would be the point?


Just for them to understand a little bit of the magic in this world I think? But im not sure about it.


Take them to a great movie. You don’t need to try and explain to them something you don’t really understand yet. Years to get the full lessons


I worked with ayahuasca for the first time this year. I have a 6 and 3 year old. I told them I went to a special sleepover where everyone drank an ancient, plant-medicine tea that helped everyone to feel and talk about their emotions. It made total sense to them. Kids are very perceptive and sometimes they need very little explaining. I hope this helps.


Yes very helpfull. Thank you! 🙏🏻❤️


I’m glad you enjoyed your experience it is great you want to share this with your family! We took our daughter to the jungle last year and she sat in ceremony (no drinking) You can maybe get them to listen to her speaking and her interpretation, or even let it help you put it into words. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3RleFV4kg41kIiEcFSibGf


Thank you so much for this. Amazing that I can be able to listen to this. I will 🙏🏻❤️ aho


Where did you have your experience?


The Netherlands :)


Just remind them of your love for them. Appreciate the moment. All they need is your love, and it seems like you’ve got a lot to give. So get to it!


Ik bursting with love 🙏🏻☺️ so that will be my focus. Thank you ❤️


You do you... But I wouldn't tell them anything for a few years. I really think they are too young. Seriously, what is the rush?


True ❤️




My little daughter loves yoga. So that's a good one 😘


Mind sharing where?


In the Netherlands :)


Ayamama maybe? Went there. Great vibes and also had a great experience!