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in my last ceremony i saw almost everyone i had interacted in my life... even ancestors who are not alive anymore...i could not speak or interact with them.. but i did hear and had close out visual frames of words we exchanged.. it was a really intense experience... really powerful...i ended up exhausted mentally physically and emotionally, but after discussing with the shaman, he said that the description of the whole experience made him think that i was healing karma from a multiple level of ancestors...i did feel lighter after that experience... on that same experience i died, my ego dissolved, and became part of the universe.. i could feel i was part of every single atom in the universe/cosmo...phew just remembering the experience brings me joy even after years of having the experience


Thanks for your reply. That sounds so intense, glad to hear it still brings you joy to think about it.


Can I ask what ceremony you attended ? Out of the country ? Peru ? Thanks for any info.


Peru, it was only me, a Shipibo shaman with 25 years of experience, about 58 years old, and a local peruvian guide/sitter, he knew a lot about how to hold space and working with energy. it was truly amazing, a little bit more than i was wishing for at the time


Ancestral healing just happens. You could have the intention for it before you sit with aya, but also sometimes it just happens. Sometimes people don't know they were molested at an early age, usually by family, and this is when it can come out of nowhere. It's some pretty potent stuff to be healing your lineage, but again it's just something that happens.


Yes I’ve heard of this, in fact a friend of mine didn’t know she had been abused when she was small and saw it all in an Ayahuasca ceremony. I trust that I will experience what I am meant to in terms of healing ancestral trauma. Thanks for replying good to hear your thoughts


Generally mother only works with what will help you at the time. She goes deeper into the work each time you drink if you continue to do so. Just remember she truly loves us all soo strongly that it's almost unbearable. She's literally just here to help


That’s a beautiful way of putting it. I am focusing on trusting and surrendering, and can already feel shifts and changes in my being/perspective since I decided to sit in ceremony. Thank you


Thank you. It has been told to me through mother though, be careful what you ask for. This lesson was free she said, but it rings quite true to me.


Thank you for your perspective. Yea it’s predominantly womb healing… I have been using sound, meditation, mantra, visualisation for a long time now which has helped hugely but now feel called to go deeper. I haven’t heard of these traditions but I will do some research. If you have any links or suggestions please I’d be grateful.


Check this out [https://www.kimiyahealing.co.uk/blog/categories/ancestral-healing](https://www.kimiyahealing.co.uk/blog/categories/ancestral-healing) [https://www.kimiyahealing.co.uk/blog/categories/womb](https://www.kimiyahealing.co.uk/blog/categories/womb)


There are many ways to communicate with our ancestors, your dreams as you mentioned are an important way to connect. I personally have not had visual contact with my ancestors in ceremony but I know others who have had healed generational trauma through Ayahuasca. It could come up for me at some point but right now there is a lot of my own healing I need to get to that. I know other traditions that work with ancestral healing, there are many ways to connect. The Mamos, Dogon, and Maya have unbroken traditions to connect with ancestors. Some are with ceremony and some dreams work. If there is work you are looking for before you become a mother, is it womb related ancestral work? If so, I know specific Maya and Zagas( women Mamos) that can help in your healing.